UESE (Math Cc13) 1

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(CC 13)

Full Marks 75

Pass Marks : 30

Candidates are required to give their answers in

their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answerfrom both the Groups as directed.

Group A

1. Answerthe following questions 1x10 10
(a) Define Null Lines.

(b) Define Poinsot's Central Axis.

(c) Define common catenary.

(d) Define unstable equilibrium.
(e) Define virtual work.

( Define angular momentum.

AC 1/3 (Turn over)

(g) Define central force

(h) Define Apse and Apsidal distance.

() State Newton's Law of Gravitation.
State D' Alembert's Principal.

2. (a) Prove that the virtual work done by a force is

equal to the sum of the virtual works done by
its components. 3
(b) Prove analytically that when the central
acceleration varies as some integral power
of the distance, there are at the most two
apsidal distances. 2

Group B
Answer any four questions of the following:
3 (a) State and prove that principle of virtual work
for any system of forces in one plane. 8

(b) Auniform chain of length lis suspended from

two points A, B in the same horizontal line. If
the tension at A is twice that at the lowest
point, show that the span AB is


AC 1/3 (2) Contd

(a) Explain how the stability of equilibrium of a
body can be determined from the knowledge
of its work function. 8
(b) Find the null point ofthe planex+ y+Z=0 for

theforce system (X, Y, Z;L, M, N). 7

5 (a) Discuss the conditions of equilibrium of a

rigid body which has two points A and B, fixed
so that the body can turn about the fixed
axis AB. 8

(b) Show that any system of forces acting on a

rigid body can be reduced to a single force
together with a couple whose axis is along
the direction of the force. 7

(a) A particle moves in a path so that its

acceleration is always directed to a fixed

point and is equal to show that

its path is conic section and distinguish
between the three cases that arise. 8

b) Aparticle describes the curve r"cos ne =a"

under a force P to the pole. Find the force P

AC 1/3 (3) (Turn over)

7. (a) A particle moves in a plane with an

acceleration which is always directed to a

the plane, obtain the

fixed point 0 in
differential equation of its path. 8

(b) Ifa planet were suddenly stopped in its orbit,

supposed circular, show that it world fall into

the sun in a time which is times the

period of the planet's revolution. 7

8. (a) Find the greatest height and its time when a

particle is projected with velocity u making

CWith the horizontal. 8

an ang le

(b) Ifh, h' be the greatest heights and t, t be the

times of flight respectively in the two paths of
a projectile for a given range R, prove that

R-4/hh gtt. 7

AC 1/3 (1,500) (4) UESE Math

(CC 13)

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