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Original Article

Scalp Arteriovenous Malformation (Cirsoid Aneurysm) in Adolescence: Report of 2

Cases and Review of the Literature
Daphne Li1,3, Daniel M. Heiferman1,3, Brian D. Rothstein1, Hasan R. Syed1,4, Ali Shaibani2, Tadanori Tomita1

- BACKGROUND: Scalp arteriovenous malformations, also to occur after trauma, infection, and inflammation.1,2 The exact
known as cirsoid aneurysms, are rare lesions that are incidence is unknown, but they have been documented to
congenital, traumatic, or postinfectious in nature. These lesions account for 8.1% of all AVMs.3 In a more recent series by Visser
may be found incidentally or owing to signs and symptoms that et al.,4 4.7% of the vascular anomalies managed by their
institution were extracranial AVMs. Scalp AVMs are anomalous
they produce, such as an enlarging pulsatile mass, headache,
connections between superficial scalp arteries and veins, often
tinnitus, or bleeding. These lesions often constitute high-flow
fed by superficial temporal arteries (STAs) and/or occipital
arterial blood from the superficial temporal or occipital arteries arteries, but any scalp vessel may be involved.4-6 Patients usually
with venous outflow into extracranial venous structures. present with a pulsatile, enlarging mass and may have associated
- METHODS: We describe diagnosis and management of 2 headaches, tinnitus, or bleeding.
These lesions are often first detected on physical examination,
cases of congenital scalp arteriovenous malformations in
and the diagnosis is confirmed via computed tomography angi-
adolescent patients. One case had more typical vascular
ography or diagnostic cerebral angiography. These high-flow
supply and outflow, whereas the other case demonstrated lesions may evolve slowly or have periods of rapid progression
more uncommon arterial blood supply from extracranial but have not been known to resolve spontaneously. Thus, inter-
ophthalmic arteries as well as a component of transosseous vention is commonly recommended. Treatment options include
venous drainage into the intracranial superior sagittal sinus endovascular embolization, percutaneous injection of sclerosing
via emissary veins. agents, and surgical resection.7-12 We report 2 cases of congenital
scalp AVMs in pediatric patients that were successfully treated
- RESULTS: Treatment of these lesions usually consists of with endovascular transvenous embolization with coils and Onyx
endovascular embolization followed by surgical resection. (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) and subsequent sur-
- CONCLUSIONS: Both scalp AVMs described were gical resection. The first of these cases demonstrates the presence
of intracranial venous drainage without concomitant intracranial
successfully excised after transvenous embolization.
vascular abnormalities, which to our knowledge has not been
Consideration of risks of intracranial venous drainage must
previously reported in a cirsoid aneurysm. The second case rep-
be taken into account when evaluating AVM anatomy. resents a typical cirsoid aneurysm in presentation, anatomy, and


S calp arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), also known as

cirsoid aneurysms, are rare lesions that are predominantly
thought to be congenital, but they have also been reported
The review was approved by the Institutional Review Board at
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago (IRB

Key words To whom correspondence should be addressed: Daphne Li, M.D.

- Cirsoid aneurysm [E-mail:]
- Scalp arteriovenous malformation 3
Current affiliation: Department of Neurological Surgery, Loyola University Medical Center,
- Transosseous venous outflow Maywood, Illinois, USA.
Current affiliation: Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia School of
Abbreviations and Acronyms Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
AVM: Arteriovenous malformation
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2018).
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging
STA: Superficial temporal artery
Journal homepage:
From the 1Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery and 2Department of Radiology, Ann & Robert H. Available online:
Lurie Children’s Hospital, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, 1878-8750/$ - see front matter ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Illinois, USA

WORLD NEUROSURGERY -: e1-e5, - 2018 e1


Figure 1. (AeH) Digital subtraction angiography. Digital subtraction drainage into the superior sagittal sinus (G). (I and J) Magnetic resonance
angiography of right external carotid artery injection lateral (A and C) and imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain T1 sagittal image
anteroposterior (E and G) views in late arterial phase and venous phase, without contrast (I) and T1 axial image with contrast (J). (K and L) Plain
respectively, and left external carotid artery injection lateral (B) and radiography. Native anteroposterior (K) and lateral (L) x-ray images after
anteroposterior (F) views in late arterial phase. Right (D) and left (H) internal lesion embolization.
carotid artery injection lateral views. There is evidence of transosseous

CASE REPORTS to have a high-flow scalp AVM with arterial supply from bilateral
STAs and collateral branches of distal ophthalmic arteries,
Case 1 including the supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries. The lesion
History. A 14-year-old, right-handed boy was referred to the had a focal nidus with drainage into 2 main scalp venous tribu-
neurosurgical clinic of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital taries to the external jugular veins. There was also transosseous
of Chicago for evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) emissary venous drainage into the superior sagittal sinus.
findings obtained for work-up of a prominent, pulsatile forehead
vessel. The patient was otherwise asymptomatic at presentation.
Treatment. The patient underwent transfemoral endovascular
Per his parents, the prominent forehead vessel was first noticed 2
transvenous embolization of the AVM using detachable coils and
years prior and had not been present at birth. The patient was
Onyx, which reduced the vascularity of the lesion by 90%. The
otherwise in good health without neurologic abnormalities and
patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken for surgical
reported no history of trauma or febrile illness. The patient had no
resection of the lesion the following day. At surgery, a zigzag scalp
family history of vascular malformations.
incision was made posterior to the nidus, which measured 5 cm.
The scalp was elevated to expose the AVM within the galea
Imaging. MRI demonstrated a 4  2 cm focal vascular malfor- aponeurosis. Two distinct transosseous outflow tracts were noted
mation with associated dilated vessels including the left STA. On parasagittally, coagulated, cut, and waxed thoroughly. Residual,
diagnostic cerebral angiography (Figure 1), the patient was noted small feeding arteries were coagulated and ligated. Affected galea



Figure 2. (AeG) Digital subtraction angiography. Digital subtraction (E) and lateral (F) views. (IeL) Plain radiography and digital subtraction
angiography of right occipital artery injection anteroposterior (A and G) and angiography. Native anteroposterior (I) and lateral (J) x-ray images and
lateral (B and H) views in arterial and venous phases, respectively, and right digital subtraction angiography of left occipital artery injection
superficial temporal artery injection anteroposterior (C) and lateral (D) anteroposterior (K) and lateral (L) views after lesion embolization.
views in arterial phase. Left external carotid artery injection anteroposterior

was excised. Histologic examination was consistent with AVM Follow-Up. Pathology showed AVM with postembolization
with postembolization changes. changes. The postoperative course for this patient was also un-
complicated. The patient was most recently seen for a 6-month
Follow-Up. Pathology showed AVM with postembolization postoperative follow-up visit and had no symptoms of pain,
changes. The postoperative course of the patient was uncompli- redness, or swelling. Physical examination showed no evidence of
cated. At the 12-month follow-up examination, there was no evi- recurrent AVM and a well-healed incision.
dence of residual or recurrent AVM, and the patient was doing
well with a completely healed surgical wound.
Case 2 AVMs are abnormal fistulous connections between feeding
History. A 14-year-old, right-handed girl was referred to the arteries and draining veins without an intervening capillary bed.
neurosurgical clinic of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Located in the scalp, these rare entities are also known as cirsoid
Chicago for evaluation of MRI findings performed for work-up of a aneurysms, plexiform angiomas, scalp arteriovenous fistulas, and
mass on the left parieto-occipital scalp that was first noted at age 9 arteriovenous aneurysms. These were first described by Brecht in
years and had since increased in size. Occasionally, the lesion 1833 and derive their colloquial name, cirsoid aneurysm, from
became red and warm and was noted to be intermittently pulsatile. their resemblance to venous varix.
The patient’s past medical history was significant for cyclic vomiting
and migraines. There was no known history of infection or trauma. Pathophysiology
Imaging. MRI demonstrated large flow voids in the scalp There is no clear consensus in the literature on the etiology of
concerning for a vascular lesion. Diagnostic angiography revealed these lesions, either congenital or traumatic. Congenital AVMs are
a high-flow left parietal scalp AVM with supply from both occipital thought to be the more predominant etiology, especially in pedi-
arteries and both STAs and convergence into a single nidus, from atric patients. Generally, congenital AVMs are thought to arise
which there was ramification into multiple scalp veins and the left from failure of regression or apoptosis of primitive embryonic
external jugular vein (Figure 2). plexus. These remain through embryologic development as
nonfunctional shunts and are thought to later canalize to form
Treatment. The patient underwent transfemoral endovascular small arteriovenous connections that eventually start a cycle of
transvenous embolization of the parietal scalp AVM. Detachable dilation, causing local ischemia and recruitment of vascular col-
coils and Onyx were used to achieve 90% flow reduction of lesion. laterals.12 Trauma results in a fistulous connection secondary to
The patient then underwent resection 2 days later. At surgery, a mechanical damage to apposing arterial and venous walls,
curvilinear incision was made in the scalp over the nidus. Doppler which eventually enlarges into a shunt owing to the high-flow
was used intraoperatively to detect any residual arterial feeders. arterial blood flowing into a low-pressure venous system.13 This
The AVM was superficial to the galea, and the scalp was elevated trauma can involve penetrating trauma, history of prior surgical
to expose the AVM for excision. Histologic examination was interventions, or mild, blunt trauma.14 In addition, a few scalp
consistent with AVM with postembolization changes. AVMs are thought to be due to infection or, rarely, familial.13

WORLD NEUROSURGERY -: e1-e5, - 2018 e3


intracranial vascular malformations has not been previously

Table 1. Schobinger Classification of Arteriovenous reported in the literature.19,20
Stage Features Management
Scalp AVMs can be classified per the Schobinger classification for
I (quiescence) Cutaneous blush/warmth peripheral AVMs (Table 1). Generally, treatment is indicated for
II (expansion) Bruit, audible pulsations, and expanding lesion lesions that are symptomatic or causing tinnitus or headache or
that are Schobinger grade II or higher. Often, owing to the
III (destruction) Pain, ulceration, bleeding, and infection
superficial nature of these AVMs, even lower grade lesions are
IV (decompensation) Cardiac failure treated for cosmetic reasons. Treatment of these lesions, other
than for cosmesis, is to prevent sequelae of continued shunting of
a high-pressure arterial system into the low-pressure venous
Subsequent growth of these AVMs may be attributed to system. Over time, lesions can progress to high Schobinger grades,
increased concentrations of circulating hormones during puberty resulting in recurrent hemorrhage, scalp necrosis, cardiac failure,
resulting in an increased production of vascular endothelial seizures, mental retardation, and intracranial ischemia.1,21-23 In
growth factor leading to neovascularization.11,15-17 One retrospec- addition to clinical features, morphology of the AVM should be
tive study demonstrated a 2-fold increased risk in rapid progres- considered in making decisions for treatment. For example,
sion of scalp AVMs, regardless of gender, during puberty.17 In evaluation for intracranial venous drainage should occur, given the
both of our patients, there was a history of an enlarging lesion theoretical risk of venous hypertension and potential for cortical
over the last couple of years, with the patient finally presenting venous reflux, similar to in dural arteriovenous fistulas.
for evaluation at age 14. Without any notable history of trauma, Subsequent management of scalp AVMs includes transarterial
we believe our cases to be examples of congenital AVMs. or transvenous embolization, percutaneous intranidal injection of
sclerosing agents, and surgical resection. Management of an AVM
Diagnosis with embolization may be associated with risks of embolization of
Diagnosis of these vascular malformations begins with computed nontarget arteries, local inflammation, and soft tissue tattooing. It
tomography angiography or diagnostic cerebral angiography, usu- is also associated with a higher rate of recurrence compared with
ally after a patient has noted a persistent or progressively enlarging surgical excision.11,24 However, embolization alone, whether
scalp mass that may be associated with pain, a loud bruit, head- endovascular or percutaneous, can still effectively manage small
aches, or bleeding. Vascular imaging may also aid in differentiating AVMs with few feeding arteries.9 It may also be the intervention of
scalp AVMs from other extracranial vascular pathology, such as choice when considering extremely large or diffuse aneurysms in
scalp hemangiomas or sinus pericranii. In contrast to a scalp AVM, patients whose comorbidities would preclude them as surgical
sinus pericranii is strictly a venous anomaly in which there is direct candidates.
communication between intracranial and extracranial venous Surgical excision, with the goal of gross total resection of the
systems. Scalp AVMs often receive their arterial supply from the STA nidus, is the most commonly employed method for definitive
or occipital arteries before draining into extracranial venous struc- management of scalp AVMs.7,8,11,12,25,26 The nidus is often local-
tures. Similar to AVMs in other locations, the nidus may have ized in the galeal aponeurosis. Resection is aimed at removing the
associated aneurysms. Vascular studies help to aid in guiding affected galea from the subcutaneous tissue and the pericranium,
intervention and management approaches for delineating AVM which are not involved directly. Dilated arteries and veins of the
feeders and venous outflow. AVM may extend into the subcutaneous tissue, which can be
Of interest and novelty to the literature, our first case had surgically separated without causing scalp ischemic necrosis.
atypical arterial supply and unique venous drainage. In addition to Preoperative embolization, performed within 24e48 hours of
bilateral STA feeders, there were distal extracranial branches of the surgical resection, may be employed to reduce intraoperative
bilateral ophthalmic arteries, the supratrochlear and supraorbital blood loss and decrease the risk of recurrence.25
arteries, that contribute to the anterior portion of the nidus.
Branches of the ophthalmic artery from the internal carotid artery CONCLUSIONS
(supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries) normally contribute Scalp AVMs are rare lesions that are typically due to anomalous
blood supply to the scalp; thus, although rare, it is not unexpected connections between superficial STA or occipital arteries and
to note ophthalmic supply to a cirsoid aneurysm.18 Additionally, venous outflow into extracranial veins. We report a scalp AVM
there is evidence of transosseous channels that drain from the with venous outflow that had a transosseous component into the
nidus into the superior sagittal sinus likely through emissary superior sagittal sinus without associated intracranial vascular
veins. If the lesion had not been effectively treated, we speculate abnormalities. As with entirely extracranial lesions, scalp AVMs
that with arterialized veins draining into the intracranial venous with limited transosseous venous outflow into intracranial sinuses
circulation, a potential existed for the development of venous may be successfully managed with preoperative embolization and
hypertension and subsequent elevated intracranial pressure or surgical excision. Preoperative vascular imaging is crucial in
cortical venous reflux. To our knowledge, intracranial venous demonstrating AVM morphology and guiding management
drainage from a cirsoid aneurysm without concomitant decisions.



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