BP Debate Topics - What Are They & How To Prepare

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BP Debate Topics -
What are they &
how to prepare?
Post by Coach Andy

The BP Debate Format, also known as British

Parliamentary Debate Format, is known for its
wide range of topics. BP Debate Topics can
range from simple social or economic issues, to
complicated philosophical and ethical questions.
In this article we are going to take a look at some
common BP Debate Topics, and how you can
prepare for BP debates on any topic.

BP Debate Topics fall into a number of different

categories. The most common type of BP
Debate Topics are policy motions, in other
words a debate where the teams are proposing
or opposing a certain policy. Another very
common category of BP Debate Topics are
value motions, where the teams are discussing
whether a certain thing is good or bad, or does
more harm than good. Finally, another very
common class of BP debate topics are Supports,
Opposes and Regrets motions, where the teams
argue about whether a certain thing is
something that should be supported or
opposed. It’s important that teams provide clear
definitions in these topics so that everyone
understands what they are supporting or

BP Debate topics also cover a very wide range of

subject areas. The most common BP topics
concern common debate subjects such as
economics, education, social issues and
equality. More complex BP debate topics
involve international relations, religion or issues
of medical and scientific ethics. At the most
complicated end of the BP debate topics scale
come philosophical topics or hypothetical
motions, which ask the debaters to consider
what the world would be like if certain key
elements were completely different, and argue
or refute the impacts of those difference.

For these reasons, BP debate topics are harder

to predict and prepare for than some other
formats of debate, such as World Schools
Debate where motions may be announced in
advance, or Public Forum debate where teams
have weeks or even months to prepare the
topics. In BP debate format, topics are scattered
across a competition so that preparing to debate
these topics is much more complicated. Still,
there are a couple of easy ways to be more
prepared for whatever BP debate topics may
come up.

First of all, read the news, or at least skim the

headlines. There are many BP debate
tournaments every month, and they are always
looking for new topics to use in their debates. As
such, many BP debate topics are taken from
current events. Reading the news will help you
to be prepared for some, though not all, of the
BP debate topics that will come up in a

Second, try to research some standard BP

debate topics that come up repeatedly in
classes and competitions. Even if that particular
debate topic doesn’t come up again, being
prepared for other BP debate topics on similar
themes will allow you to have a good
background and context in the topic that comes
up in your round.

So there you have a brief guide to BP debate

topics. Remember, these topics are very varied
and there is no point in trying to prepare for all of
them. Instead, find some common BP debate
topics that have come up in the past and use
them to work on your debate skills and
understand of the context, so that you will be
more prepared for any BP debate topics that
may come up in the future. Good luck!

Check out our BP competitions for upcoming

debate opportunities.

Compete at LL

Tags: Debate, bp debate

Post by Coach Andy

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