Geography Note

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Authority is the right to make decisions. It can also be said to be the right to do
something. It is also the power to give orders to people. Authority can be a
person or an organization having a political or administrative power and
A constituted authority is an authority recognized by the constituted of a
courtly. A constituted authority is the authority provided by the constituted of
the country. It is the right or legal power to make decisions, delegate power,
enforce decision and influence opinion.
1. Government/ political authority
2. Traditional or customary authority
3. Charismatic authority
4. Organizational authority
5. Religious authority

1. Government authority: this is the type of authority that makes and enforces
law in the county. This authority also ensures law and order in the society and
the county at large. This authority is provided for in the constituted members
of the senate, and house of representative, president, governors, chairman of
local government, counselors, ministers, chief judges and so on.
The people in position of government authority are either appointed or voted
into their respective offices. Government authority is also known as
democrative authority.
2. Traditional authority: the traditional authority is derived from long
established customs, habits and social structures. The power is pass from one
person to the other both mostly hereditary. It ensures law and order in the
traditional community or society. Traditional authority regulates the customs,
cultures and tradition. Example of this authority include – the Igwe among the
Igbos, the emirs among the Hausa/Fulani, Oba among the Yoruba, attah(igala),
Etsu(Nupe), ohinoyi (Ebira) and so on. They came into office through
inheritance or election. The traditional authority is recognized by the
constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.
3. Charismatic authority: this is the type of authority that people exercise
because they posses vivacious qualities, character and charisma (i.e. a charm of
attraction) which makes people to obey and respect them. It is the likeable
qualities that this people possesses that make people to surrender their will to
them in the believe that these individual can help them to achieve fulfillment
individual or collectively.
It is exercised by people with good personal qualities and character. For use to
be charismatic, we have to first of all develop ourselves by acquiring
knowledge, attitudes, and skill to enable use become good, patriotic and
(PBUH), Jesus Christ, mahatma gandi, nelson mande la, among others.
4. Organizational authority: this is the type of authority that ensures maintain
ace of law and order in an organization. They make laws and implement them
as representative of the organization concerned. It is established to protect the
interest of its members within a business, profession, career, political
association etc.
This authority concerned with the organized interests. Example include, civil
societies, labour unions, boys scout, red cross, political parties, trade unions,
pressure group and so on.
5. Religious authority: this is the type of authority responsible for spiritual need
of its followers. They maintain law and order by encouraging and teaching
morality to its members/followers. For a person to get religious authority, such
a person must demonstrate good knowledge of such a religious set. The
religious authority encourages forgiveness, brotherhood, unity and love for one
another. The leader is not usually opened as they are believing to be appointed
by god and opposing them is like opposing god himself.
Example are bishops, sheiks, imams, monks, ulama councls, traditional priest,
among others. The promote law and order set by the society as the
continuously encourage members to obey.


1. Promotion of national unity
2. It ensures existence of rule of law
3. It protects the interest of both the minority and majority
4. It makes laws and implement them
5. It helps to maintain law and order
6. It promotes peace
7. They represent the people at the local, state and federal government
8. They protect lives and propriety of the people
9. They provide social amenities
10. They safeguard the people beliefs culture and traditions
11. Meeting the spiritual and moral needs of the people
12. They promote justice
13. Ensure proper use of resources
14. Protect and safeguard the right of the people

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