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Benchmark - Adverse Situations

Shayla Williams

Grand Canyon University

EAD-536 Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

June 2024

Management and Operational Systems

Prompt decision-making is crucial to ensure the students' safety, especially with the

rising temperatures. The maintenance team should be notified to update administrators on

cooler status promptly. Both the maintenance staff and administrators should be aware of the

student count in each classroom within the main campus building. In schools that have multiple

buildings on their campuses, identifying the building with a faulty air conditioner, checking for

other malfunctioning units, and confirming which buildings have functional air conditioning are

essential steps.

Assessing Heat Concerns for Student and Staff Safety:

 Evaluating the safety of students and staff in relation to heat poses challenges.

 Schools vary in available resources, such as air conditioning during warmer months.

 The critical decision revolves around whether it is safe for students to remain in school

that day or if sending them home is necessary due to the lack of a conducive learning


 According to PSEL Standard 5A, schools must establish a safe, supportive, and healthy

environment that addresses academic, social, emotional, and physical student needs

(NPBEA, 2015).

 It is important and necessary to create a physically safe environment that also promotes

optimal learning conditions.

Deciding whether to proceed with classes for the day is a significant choice that requires

careful consideration of several factors. Key points to assess:


 Evaluate available resources to address the situation effectively.

 Assess the feasibility of repairing the air conditioning system, assign the task, and set a


 Determine the number of fans in the building to ensure proper air circulation for


 Provide extra water bottles for those in need.

 Ensure compliance with regulations when deciding to continue classes or send students


The administration must address the issue of the malfunctioning air conditioner with their

staff to effectively organize them. It is crucial to emphasize how this directly impacts student

safety. In such a critical situation, staff members should strive to remain positive to uphold a

healthy school environment. By contributing positively to the school culture, they learn the

importance of communication. To ensure all staff are informed, an email or text blast can be

sent detailing the current situation, the plan in place, and how it will be resolved.

Human, Fiscal, and Technological Resources

The stakeholders involved in this situation are:

 Teachers

 Staff members

 Students

 Maintenance crew/department

 Families/parents of all students present during the crisis.


To gather information about the classroom environment without interrupting ongoing

instruction, a form will be distributed. An email containing the form will be sent alongside an

announcement, urging teachers to promptly check their emails. The survey will inquire about

room temperature, the availability of cooling resources such as fans, and feedback on students'

well-being. Specifically, the feedback will address symptoms like dizziness, dehydration,

breathing difficulties, lack of focus, glazed eyes, nausea, headaches, irritability, and the

presence of perspiration odors in stuffy rooms caused by active adolescent sweat glands. The

primary goal of this data collection is to obtain a thorough assessment to facilitate well-

informed decision-making.

To arrange for students to go home, we should send staff instructions on assisting students

in gathering their belongings and having them wait in their current classroom until their bus or

parent arrives. Automated phone calls and emails should be sent to the primary contacts of

students to inform them about the students' departure. In cases where students need to stay

longer, they will be provided with fans and water. Maintaining distance between students will

help regulate the temperature and prevent them from waiting outside for buses and parental


To ensure students remain in the building, we need an actionable plan to reduce

temperatures for their comfort. An announcement regarding the extreme temperatures and

the significance of staying hydrated is essential for student awareness. At this point, distributing

water bottles to those in need becomes necessary. Teachers should continuously remind

students to stay hydrated for the remaining hours of the school day.

Legally, it is necessary for the administrator to prioritize the safety of all students, with a

particular emphasis on protecting both staff and students from overheating and potential heat-

related illnesses. In PSEL standard 2c, the primary focus is on promoting the academic success

and well-being of every student (NPBEA, 2015). Failure to prevent instances of overheating or

heat strokes could render the school district legally liable. The district may be obligated to cover

any medical costs associated with student overheating incidents. The district's policy

emphasizes the creation of a secure and nurturing environment for all students, focusing on the

significance of maintaining a physically safe setting for students. Hence, prompt action is

imperative to address the risk of student overheating.

Safety and Welfare of Students and Staff

Several states do not have specific regulations regarding maximum temperatures for

school districts. While districts have the authority to establish such limits, many currently do

not enforce them (Walker, 2018). There have been instances where schools continue regular

classes despite high classroom temperatures, adversely affecting students' learning. Most

schools do not require the installation of air conditioning units, opting instead for fans and

other available cooling measures.

Our school must undertake all essential measures to address elevated temperatures.

These actions include implementing physical barriers, utilizing window coverings for shade,

incorporating additional water breaks for students, and providing amenities such as misters or

ice where possible (Managing Extreme Heat Recommendations for Schools Guidance, 2021). In

the event of early school closure due to extreme heat, the district's involvement is vital for

effectively communicating information to families and communities.

Collaboration with Faculty and Community

When contemplating the closure of schools due to escalating temperatures, it is

imperative to engage the district in the decision-making process. By having teachers complete a

concise form to articulate their perspectives on the prevailing conditions, valuable insights can

be gathered. This data can then inform discussions with district-level personnel to arrive at the

most appropriate decision for the welfare of our students and staff.

The results of this decision are far-reaching, impacting students, staff, administration,

district officials, families, and the broader community. Staff members bear the responsibility of

ensuring student safety while upholding the standard of delivering quality education. Students

are expected to navigate challenges and persist in their educational pursuits regardless of the

circumstances. Families may need to make arrangements for their children to leave school

during the day, which can present logistical challenges. As such, it is crucial to have a

contingency plan in place for students not utilizing bus services, potentially requiring extended

wait times for parental pick-up.

Solution and Rationale

Solutions to address this case study:

1. Relocate students from the building with a malfunctioning air conditioner to classrooms

or other buildings with functioning ones.


o Concern: This solution may not ensure that all affected students can continue

their lessons without disruptions or prevent a potential crowd forming.

o due to the large number of affected students, this solution may not be feasible.

2. Form a liaise between administration and school district maintenance department to check for

portable air conditioners that can be placed in the affected classrooms. Make use of the

resources at hand to lower the temperature in classrooms. This can be done by placing fans in all

rooms, supplying students with water bottles, offering ice packs, and including extra breaks

throughout the remaining hours.

o Concern: Availability may be limited.

3. Aim to prioritize the well-being of our students by evacuating the entire school to

ensure student safety, and/or closing the school early and transitioning to remote

learning until the temperatures decrease.

o Concerns: This solution focuses on utilizing available resources to cool down the

classrooms, including placing fans in all rooms, providing water bottles to

students, offering ice packs, and incorporating additional breaks during the

remaining hours. Students experiencing any signs of heat exhaustion can

promptly access the school nurse. Parents will also have the choice to pick up

their child early if they wish.

Ultimately, the best course of action is to move all affected students to alternative

classrooms or buildings with operational air conditioning, aligning with the school's mission and

vision. Once the decision is made, administrators should inform staff to facilitate the relocation

process and ensure students stay hydrated. Communication with parents through mass

messages, call, or otherwise is a lawful and ethical obligation in this moment in order to

reassure parents and guardians of their child(ren)'s safety and the ongoing instructional


Front office staff should be equipped to address parental concerns promptly and

effectively. These actions prioritize student and staff safety, alleviate worries, and maintain

effective instruction during the air conditioning issue.

To address any communication concerns surrounding this problem and the plan of

action the school has decided to take, first, staff should be emailed immediately after

identifying concerns during hallway inspections. Next, a discussion with the district about

potentially shutting down the school should occur after gathering data and consulting with the

administration. Staff should be informed about the decision before anyone else to allow them

time to prepare. Following this, parents should be notified via email and phone calls about the

evacuation process. Teachers will assist in releasing students from classrooms as buses and

parents arrive. Finally, once everyone has vacated the building, a follow-up email and

newsletter will be sent to inform all parties that remote learning will be implemented until the

issue is resolved.


Department of Public Health and Environment Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2022, from


Frenette, L. (2022). Classroom heat: Take action and tell us your classroom heat story. NYSUT.

Retrieved from

Managing Extreme Heat Recommendations for Schools Guidance Document: Pilot Version

(2021). Arizona. Department of Health Services, Office of Environmental Health, Climate

and Health Program

National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Reston, VA: Author

Walker, T. (2018). The heat is on: Educators, students forced to deal with sweltering classrooms.

NEA. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from


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