School Safety Calendar1

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School Safety Calendar

Shayla Williams

Grand Canyon University


June 2024
Safety Drill Frequency Procedure
- Start on Time: Ensure that meetings commence promptly at the scheduled time.
- Prepare in Advance: Review the agenda and any pre-reading materials beforehand to
contribute meaningfully.
- Stay on Topic: Adhere to the agenda and avoid diverting into unrelated discussions.
- Respect Speaking Turns: Allow everyone to speak without interruptions and listen actively.
- Occurs during beginning
- Be Concise: Share thoughts clearly and concisely to keep the meeting efficient.
of the year trainings.
- Use Technology Wisely: Mute microphones when not speaking and ensure cameras are on if
- Occurs during weekly
Teacher Training required.
faculty/staff meetings.
- Practice Inclusivity: Encourage participation from all attendees, valuing diverse perspectives.
3:00 – 4:30
- Stay Present: Avoid multitasking; focus on the meeting and its objectives.
- Occurs as needed
- Action Items: Clearly define next steps and assign responsibilities before concluding. Sign
documents to verify attendance and participation in the training.
- Follow-Up: Send meeting minutes and ensure follow-up on action items.

- Occurs 24-36 hours prior - Administrative team sends email to faculty and staff.
to scheduled safety drill. - Faculty and staff respond to “Read It” link, acknowledging that they have review the
Drill information in the weekly communication document.
Communication - Occurs in written
correspondence through
weekly Cougar SMORES
Fire Drill - Occurs once each - Preparation
month, on the last in- o Ensure all students and staff are familiar with the fire drill procedures.
school Wednesday of o Display fire evacuation maps in each classroom and common area.
each month. o Conduct regular fire drill practice sessions.
- Alarm Activation
o When the fire alarm sounds, stop all activities immediately.
o Teachers should quickly but calmly instruct students to line up.
o Grab the class attendance sheet and any emergency supplies.
- Evacuation
o Lead students to the nearest designated fire exit.
o Ensure students walk quietly in a single file line.
o Do not use elevators, use stairs if necessary.
o Close doors behind you as you leave to prevent the spread of fire.
- Assembly Point
o Proceed to the pre-determined assembly area outside the building.
o Conduct a headcount to ensure all students are accounted for.
o Report any missing students to the designated safety officer.
- Safety Protocols
o Remain at the assembly point until given the all-clear by authorities.
o Do not re-enter the building until it is declared safe.
o Teachers should keep students calm and occupied while waiting.
- Review
o After the drill, review the process with students and staff.
o Discuss any issues or improvements needed for future drills.
o Update procedures and maps as necessary based on feedback.

School - Occurs once per 1. Preparation and Communication:

Lockdown / semester. Active shooter Before conducting the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill, school administrators should
Active Shooter drills are conducted inform parents and guardians about the purpose of the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill
district wide, on the and the procedures that will be followed. This communication can be done through
same date, at the same newsletters, emails, or meetings. Teachers should be briefed on the importance of the School
time. The district will Lockdown / Active Shooter drill and trained on the specific actions they need to take. It's also
determine the drill dates important to ensure that staff members are aware of their roles and responsibilities during
and inform school the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill.
administrators exactly 30
days prior to the date of 2. Conducting the Drill:
the drill. On the day of the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill, an announcement should be made
to signal the start of the drill. This could be done using a specific code or phrase that has been
pre-determined and communicated to everyone involved. Teachers should immediately
implement lockdown procedures, which includes locking classroom doors, turning off lights,
and moving students to a designated safe area away from windows and doors. Students
should be instructed to remain quiet and follow their teacher's instructions carefully.

3. Post-Drill Debrief and Support:

After the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill is complete, an announcement should be
made to signal that it is safe to resume normal activities. Teachers should take a few
moments to discuss the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill with their students,
addressing any questions or concerns they may have. It's important to reassure students that
the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill is a precautionary measure and to remind them of
the importance of following safety procedures. School counselors should be available to
provide support to any student or staff member who may feel anxious or distressed because
of the School Lockdown / Active Shooter drill.

By following these procedures, schools can ensure that School Lockdown / Active Shooter drills
are conducted in a manner that prioritizes the safety and well-being of students and staff while
preparing them for emergency situations.
Monthly Fire Drills

Monthly fire drills are scheduled once each month, between 8:00 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Faculty
members and students must use their assigned emergency exit door, which may vary based on
different times and evolving classroom/schedule settings. Evacuation details for specific dates
and times:

o Tuesday, August 20th at 9:40 am: Evacuation during Session I block.

o Thursday, September 26th at 12:15 pm: Evacuation during 4th-5th-grade lunch.
o Monday, October 21st at 1:00 pm: Evacuation during Session III
o Wednesday, November 20th at 7:40 am: Unique evacuation during morning
transition and start of morning classes. Fourth grade will be in transition to
related arts.
o Friday, December 13th at 12:10 pm: Evacuation during lunch and related arts.
o Thursday, January 23rd at 11:15 am: Evacuation during 1st-2nd grade lunch.
o Friday, February 14th at 8:30 am: Evacuation during breakfast time.
o Monday, March 17th at 1:45 pm: Evacuation during the end of Primary naptime.
o Thursday, April 29th at 2:15 pm: Evacuation during the 3rd grade and 1st grade
transition period. Fifth grade will be at recess.
o Wednesday, May 7th at 9:30 am: Evacuation during Session III block.

Quarterly Lockdown Drills

Quarterly lockdown drills are scheduled for every third Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

On Tuesday, September 10th at 9:00 am, there will be an active shooter drill simulation.
During the drill, an unidentified man will enter the school building, claiming to be armed. The
Principal and Assistant Principals will simulate walking through the hallways by shaking door
handles and knocking aggressively on doors and windows.
On Monday December 2nd at 1:22 p.m. there will be simulation involving the reporting
of an armed robbery where the suspect is in the campus area and has not yet been
apprehended. The suspect has been reported as armed and dangerous and was seen by
witnesses and police in the school zone.

On Wednesday, February 19th, at 12:45 pm, a safety simulation reports an unidentified

man walking in and around the exterior of the school building.

On Wednesday, May 4th at 10:45 am, during a simulation, a student notifies authorities that
another student has entered the building with a weapon.

One Full School Evacuation

A complete school evacuation is scheduled for April 1st at 10:48 a.m. The school
administrator will send a message to all parents announcing the emergency evacuation. The
message will include the designated locations for students during the evacuation:

 Students in grades 1-3 will gather one block east of the school.
 Students in grades 4-5 will assemble one block west of the school.

All students will be relocated to the Refuge Center or the Fire Station, situated half a mile
southwest of the school. They will be grouped by grade level, and parents will be informed after
the headcount is done. Students will be supervised by teachers, office staff, and
paraprofessionals until school transportation arrives to take them home.

Training for Teachers

Before the start of the school year, teachers will participate in professional development
sessions covering school procedures and safety protocols. All teachers will engage in training
sessions focusing on student and staff evacuation plans and various safety drill procedures. All
teachers are required to pass a safety quiz and protocol through the district professional
development portal. On teacher training days, early dismissal for all students will be
implemented. Safety drill and teacher training reminders will be shared through monthly
faculty newsletters and weekly memos. They will be provided with classroom lockdown kits, fire
drill backpacks, and manuals.

Revisiting/Debriefing After Each Drill

The leadership team will meet to review and assess the drills that were carried out. This
debriefing session will coincide with the teacher training session, leading to an early dismissal
for all students. The focus will be on recognizing achievements, pinpointing areas for
enhancement, and addressing any need for extra assistance. The discussions will encompass all
aspects of the drill, deciding on what should stay the same and what requires modification.

After the assessment, the leadership team will gather the data and share a report with
the faculty and staff. During their weekly team meeting, teachers will examine the data and
feedback and make any adjustments required.

Rationale – Collaboration, Vision/Mission, Moral/Legal Considerations

The collaboration process, aimed at creating and executing safety plans and drills,
upheld the school's mission and vision statements. The primary goal was to establish a secure
school environment, as safety drills are obligatory by law for all schools. Debrief sessions were
conducted on days when students left school early to minimize disruption to the learning

Collaboration occurred between me and my leadership team while formulating the

safety plan. The safety calendar was devised to outline the dates and times for safety drills
scheduled throughout the year. The objective was to ensure that both faculty members and
students partake in various safety drills. To achieve this, drills were scheduled at different
times, in diverse scenarios, and at various locations to provide everyone with ample experience
on safety procedures and how to respond during emergencies. My leadership team guided me
on the positioning of each grade level within the building at specific times of the day and also
identified teachers who would not have students present during the drills, assigning them to
provide support in other areas (Desravines & Fenton, 2016).

The development of our safety calendar was in alignment with the school's mission and
vision, and in adherence to state regulations regarding policies and procedures. The drills were
strategically planned to simulate diverse scenarios, times, and periods throughout the year.
However, the calendar was not shared with the faculty to ensure authentic data and
assessment. Several logistical, legal, and ethical considerations were addressed during the
implementation of the evacuation plan. Legal concerns were raised in an off-campus student
scenario, logistical challenges emerged concerning student transfer arrangements, and ethical
dilemmas were deliberated on regarding informing parents’ post-evacuation (Desravines &
Fenton, 2016).

Students and faculty members are morally and legally obligated to practice safety drills
due to the potential risks they face. Annual practice of various safety drills is a legal
requirement for all schools, emphasizing the importance of preparedness for emergencies that
could arise in urban and suburban settings. Educational leaders must prioritize the academic
and physical well-being of their students. Implementing thorough safety plans enables both
faculty and students to feel more confident in handling emergencies and threats effectively.

Desravines, J., Aquino, J., & Fenton, B. (2016). Breakthrough Principals: A Step-by-Step

Guide to Building Stronger Schools (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.

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