EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Answer Sheet-1

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For: NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Anees Latif

NEBOSH learner 00840824
Learning Partner name Vivid institute of occupational safety and health

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Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

Task 1: Environmental aspects

Question 1
Environmental aspects related to an organization’s activities, products and services can
different depending on the industry and specific services and practices of the
organization.Usually, these aspects can be categorized into many key areas,such as;
Resource Consumption:
The amount and type of energy used in operational activities,including
electricity,gas, and other renewable sources.And the volume of water used in
processes,cleaning and other activities.Like in scenario the organization is receiving
mains electricity from a national supplier for all kind of heating and other purposes and it
receives mains water from the regional water company for valeting workshop ,welfare
facilities,and kitchen purposes.
Emissions and Pollution:
An organization can release a significant amount of pollutants such as greenhouse
gases and other harmful substances into the atmosphere through it’s activities and
products. It can also contaminate water sources by releasing effluents and contaminants
into water bodies from industrial processes,wastewater treatment plants and many other
activities.The impact of chemicals, heavy metals,and other pollutants on land and soil
quality.From scenario emissions from delivery and fuel pump services,from kitchen and
valeting workshop services and use of lubricants and oils create environmental aspects.
Waste Management:
Waste generation,waste handling and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous
waste.And a strive to reuse products and components and reduce waste by recycling
materials.Scenario according to scenario the generation of kitchen and recycle waste
Product Life cycle :
Sources of raw materials manufacturing processes and product use and End of life all
create impacts on environment in their phases.According to scenario the use of vehicles
Diesel, oils ,lubricants and maintenance equipment,cleaning equipment all comes from
natural and man made sources and end of these equipment and products create
environmental impacts.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impact:
Changes in land use and structure like construction,mining, agriculture, and other
activities may harm wildlife and destruct habitat of organisms.
Supply Chain and Logistics:
Transportation of goods and packaging of materials produced waste and increase
recyclability.use of fuel and emissions from vehicles all have impacts.
Community and Social Impact:
Impact of emissions,waste and other activities on local communities health and well
being.And efforts to engage with stakeholders and communicate environmental policies
and practices.according to scenario the MD of organization has set a target to get
environmental management certificate in one year action pose great efforts and changing
in organization to achieve the target.
Compliance and Regulation:
Adherence to environmental laws and implementation of systems like ISO 14001 to
systematically manage environment aspects arising from organization’s activities,
products and services.

Task 2: Protection of water sources

Question 2 (a)
There is a long list of activities that could cause pollutants to enter the aquifer.There is a
large above-ground diesel tank with a dedicated delivery pump .Any spills or leaks
during refueling can seep through the ground and reach the aquifer.Although there is an
effluent license to discharge waste water to the public sewer,but any leaks or improper

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

management of waste water could lead to contamination of aquifer.The use of fluids
such as oils and lubricants can lead to contamination of aquifer’s water, if spills or
improper disposal of these substances occurred.Fluids and chemicals stored in steel
drums may enter into aquifer in the case of any accidental spill and improper handling by
seeping into ground.The diesel forklift truck which is used for offloading drums could
contribute to diesel spills during operations and any general spills or leaks from
vehicles , machinery ,or storage areas can result in pollutants entering drain water, which
may lead to the aquifer if not securely contained.

Question 2 (b)
The organization can take several practical measures to minimize pollutants entering
into aquifer. These practical measure include:
1. Use of environmentally friendly chemicals in industrial and agricultural processes to
reduce risk of contamination.
2. Ensure that industrial and agricultural waste is properly managed and disposed of by
implementing proper waste disposal systems.
3. Regular inspection and maintain septic systems to avoid leaks and overflows of
chemicals and polluted water that can seep into the groundwater.In Scenario the
organization has a drainage system that collects run-off surface water from site and lead
to a main drain away from the site which insures the prevention of pollutants being
entering the aquifer located under the site.
4. Develop artificial and restored wetlands to attempt naturally filter and clean water
before it reaches the aquifer.
5. By establish buffer zones with vegetation around water bodies and aquifers to filter
out pollutants before they can enter the system.
6. Regular water quality testing to monitor pollutants and take corrective actions
quickly.In Scenario the company which provides water to organization has a test
borehole for water sampling 100 meters downstream of the site.This insure that if any
contamination reported by water company, the organization would be aware of leakages
or spills and could be take actions in time.
7. Providing training for employees on best practices for handling and disposal of
hazardous materials.
8. Install protective liners and covers to prevent hazardous materials leaching into the
9. Advocate for and comply with local, state and federal regulations aimed at protecting
groundwater from contamination.In Scenario The organization has an effluent Licence
from regional water company that allow wash water of valeting workshop to be
discharged to the public sewer.Which is a example of compliance with local regulations.

Question 2 (c)
If the site was the source of the pollution indicated by the test results , the organization
could take take the following actions:
1. Arrange a thorough investigation of the site to identify potential sources of the material
include in the downstream aquifer .According to Scenario if the company find material in
the downstream water testing aquifer, the organization should take investigation of entire
work places and storage and discharge facilities including drainage of surface wash
water, steel drums of chemicals, storage tanker of fuel and parking area to avoid seep
through concrete and leakages from other machinery equipment.
2. Gather soil and groundwater samples from different parts of organization and around
the site to map the contamination bundle and find out spots .
3. Test borehole upstream of the site to compare concentration s. In the case of finding
concentration of material lower upstream,it suggest the site may be the source.For
example in point of view of scenario a major aquifer is passes directly under the site.by
taking a sample of this aquifer water under testing the organizations can indicate that
whether the sour of material is from organization or elsewhere.

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

4. Conduct a hydro geological assessment to understand groundwater flow patterns,and
determine the direction of contaminant migration.
5. Apply chemical fingerprinting isotopic analysis to match the contaminants in the
borehole to source of the material at the site.
6. Use computer models to stimulate the movements of contaminants from the site to the
downstream borehole.
7. Examine historical data and previous environmental reports for any clue of previous
spills or events.
8. Engage with regulatory agencies, local communities and environmental experts to
collect information and hire an independent environmental consultant for assessment and
verify finding.

Task 3: Reduction of emissions to air

Question 3 (a)
The organization has made some initial steps for reducing its carbon footprint through
efficient use of vehicle and by exploring alternative and low-emission communing options
for employees .The step like use of efficient Diesel engines indicate that the
organization has prioritized purchasing vehicles with higher efficiency and lower
emissions . All vehicles have diesel engines with best emissions rating at the time of
purchasing.The organization has a good bus service for it’s workers to travel ,reducing
number of cars .Moreover, the secure bike shelter move employees to cycle to
work,which has zero emissions impact.By maintaining a modern fleet of vehicles and
ensuring regular maintenance in the workshop helps vehicles to run efficiently and
minimize use of fuel and respectively reduce emissions.

Question 3 (b)
The organization could implement some additional controls to further reduce carbon
dioxide emissions, such as:
1. Generation of renewable Energy ,by generating renewable energy on site can be
reduce reliance on fossil fuels for energy needs.According to Scenario the MD has
recognized to generate and store electricity on site using a combination of solar and wind
power, which has a potential opportunity to reduce impacts on environment.
2. By improving energy efficiency within the office and workshop buildings through
installing LED lighting, energy efficient appliances and by better insulation can reduce
further emissions.
3. Gradually replace the diesel engine vehicle fleet with electric vehicles.this include both
hire vans and delivery large vehicles.
4. By implementing water recycling systems the organization may reduce energy demand
for main water treatment.According to Scenario the MD of organization has identified
that the organization can minimize the amount of water supplied to the site by reusing
Grey water for some other activities, which is an clear attempt toward this system.
5. By investing in reforestation or other renewable energy projects can compensate for
the emissions of greenhouse gases.
6. Provide Eco-driving training for all drivers to promote fuel-efficient driving habits.
7. By promoting waste reduction and recycling programs can implement more
comprehensive recycling and encouraging the use of reusable containers and
materials.According to scenario, the organization is currently focusing on the waste
minimization to enhance environmental management practice in place, this may help
them a lot.
8. Adopt sustainable procurement policies to prioritize purchasing goods and services
with lower carbon footprints, such as products and materials with recycled content.

Task 4: Alternative sources of energy and increasing energy efficiency

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

Question 4 (a)
This proposal would outline the plan for installing solar panels and wind turbines by
producing renewable energy on site and this will highlight the objectives of project like
Energy independence , cost savings , reduce carbon emissions and enhance the
organization’s reputation as a environmentally responsible and sustainable business.
This would include the information of site assessment such as location of regional town
for renewable energy installations,climate information like average sunlight hours and
wind speed and space availability for installing solar panels and wind turbines.wind
turbines and solar panel technical specifications like type of model and material, capacity
and area requirements.Initial capital cost for solar panels (e.g. $ 1000 per kW) and wind
turbines ( e.g.$ 2000 per kW), installation costs and cost of batteries for energy storage
( e.g. $500 per kWh) and this must be include operational costs and financing
options.This would include information about environmental impact such as carbon
emissions reductions , biodiversity considerations and resource use for system.
The proposal will implementation plan, Risk assessment and monitoring and reporting of
regular activities associated with the project.

Question 4 (b)
The organization can increase energy efficiency , by taking practical steps such as:
1. Replace all traditional light bulbs and old appliances with LED lights and Energy Star
rated models to reduce electricity consumption in office buildings. Install motion sensors
and daylight sensors to control lighting in common areas and improve insulation in
walls,roofs and floors to reduce heating and cooling needs.
2. Use energy efficient tools and machinery , ensure regular maintenance of equipment
and implement policies to minimize idling time for workshop equipment and vehicles.
3. Train drivers to promote fuel efficient driving practices, optimize route to reduce
unnecessary travel and ensure proper maintenance of vehicles to increase fuel
4. Use renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines for electricity
generation and use batteries to store energy.
5. Enhance recycling programs of waste , implement systems to recycle used water and
install low-flow faucets, toilets and showers to reduce water consumption.
6. Implement incentive programs and promote energy awareness campaigns for
7. Conduct regular energy audits and implement an energy management program to
control energy usage and identify areas of improvement.

Task 5: Determining environmental objectives and targets

Question 5 (a)
The organization should establish environmental objectives at relevant functions and
levels , considering the organization’s significant environmental aspects and associated
compliance obligations and considering its risks and opportunities .Assessing aspects
and impacts is crucial for determining suitable environmental objectives because it helps
organizations identify area where they can make the most significant environmental
Identification of Aspects:
Environmental aspects are” elements of organization’s activities, products ,and services
that can interact with the environment” ( ref; ISO 14001)
Identifying these aspects include examining various processes and operations to
determine how they might affect the environment .
Evaluation of Impacts:
Any” change to the environment , whether adverse and beneficial , wholly or partially
resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects”( ref;ISO 14001)
After identify environmental aspects, the next step is to evaluate impacts .

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

On the basis of significant aspects and impacts organization can set specific ,measurable
achievable , relevant time bound environmental objectives.

Question 5 (b) (i)

An organization can rely on various sources of internal information, to set suitable
measurable targets for environmental objectives include:
1. Operational data of organization can provide specific information on current processes,
technologies and operations that help organization to identify area for improvements and
set targets based on existing capabilities and limitations . According to Scenario the
operational data of modern office building ,maintenance work shop , valeting workshop ,
vehicle wash facility and transportation services can help to set environmental targets for
2. Baseline data of the organization’s environmental performance can provides a
starting point for setting targets.According to scenario the past ten years data on energy
consumption, waste generation, water usage and emissions reports can help in setting
realistic targets for organization.
3. Resource availability:
In reference to scenario understanding the availability of financial, human like
drivers,security guards,technician , office workers and other staff members and technical
resources are essential for setting targets.
4. Current compliance status:
According to scenario the organization has a wash water discharging license and it has
met all of its legal and moral obligations , this could help organization to establish
effective Environmental management system under ISO 14001 .
5. Employees skills and expertise ,previous improvements efforts , internal audits and
assessments,stake holders feedback and production and operational schedules all these
internal sources are crucial to setting environmental target for organizations.

Question 5 (b) (ii)

The external information that could help organizations to set suitable targets are:
1. industry Benchmark:
By understanding the standard performance metrics in industry helps in in setting realistic
and competitive targets.
Scenario; by comparing energy use , water consumption, and waste generation with
industry standards help in setting measurable targets.
2. Competitor analysis:
This will can provide insights into achievable goals and help in identify improvement area.
3. Technological advancements:
Keep aware yourself with technological advancement that could help your industry.
Scenario; consider the new develop sources of renewable energy on site and the use of
more efficient vehicles.
4. Market trends:
Stay updated with the latest trends and shifts to set targets with future market demands .
5. Supplier and partner performance:
Assess the performance of supply chain and partners.This will help you to identify
impacts of your services on industry.
Scenario: Assessing the environmental performance of suppliers for maintenance
material and promoting market options for less polluting vehicles.
6. Regulatory requirements : be aware yourself of any regulatory standards that can
affect your targets.Scenario ; ensuring that organization’s operations do not negatively
impact the aquifer under site and comply with local water discharge regulations.

Task 6: Minimise use of water

Question 6

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

The organization could implement the some control measures to minimize the amount of
water supplied by the regional company, these implementation include :
Water recycling and Reuse:
Install water recycling system for wash and used water of industries various activities
and facilities services to reuse water for washing , toilet flushing , and in irrigation
purposes.To support Scenario there is automatic vehicle wash facility by introducing
recycling system into facility can be significantly reduce fresh water from main source. By
reusing grey water from kitchen sinks , showers and washing machines for toilet flushing
and irrigation purposes can mitigate impact on main water.
Rain water Harvesting System :
Installation of rainwater collection tanks and improvements in gutters and downspout can
collect rain water from rooftops and other surfaces in storage tanks for later use in
washing, flushing and irrigation of lands.
Scenario ; rainwater from office roofs , workshop’s roofs and from parking area can be
collect and use in later for many purposes.
Leak Detection and Repair:
Conduct regular inspection and install sub-meters for different areas to monitor water
usage and repair leakage quickly of plumbing.
Alternative water Sources ;
Use alternative water sources to minimize usage of main water sources
Scenario: the organization can also use water from aquifer under site for non-potable
purposes like in washing facility and for shower.
Employee awareness and Training:
Educate employees about the importance of water saving and conduct training sessions
on efficient water use practices and the proper operation of water saving equipment and
Smart Irrigation system:
Installation of smart irrigation systems that use sensors to determine when and how
much water is needed to prevent over watering.Implementing these measures could
help the organization to reduce its dependence on regional water and help in achieving
sustainability goals.

Task 7: Control of waste

Question 7
The waste hierarchy is a set of priorities for the efficient use of resources and it is a
framework that prioritizes waste management practices to minimize environmental
impact and can be instrumental in helping the organization achieve the objective of zero
waste to landfill. There are some key steps in the structure of waste hierarchy such as;
Prevent and Reduce:
The highest priority , avoiding and reducing the generation of waste.An organization can
prevent and reduce waste by implementing digital solutions in offices to reduce paper
usage. Ensure the proper maintenance of vehicles to extend the lifespan of parts and
equipment of vehicles.Establish valeting workshop to minimize packaging waste by
cleaning products. The organization should take steps to minimize packaging waste by
collaborating with suppliers such as bulk purchasing can reduce the amount of
packaging waste. Implement water and energy saving technologies to reduce
consumption and conclusively reduce waste associated with them .
According to scenario ; the organization has a modern office building which means the
organization reduce paper waste as used digital and electronic equipment instead of
paper .The organization has maintenance workshop which insure the extended lifespan
of parts and equipment of vehicles.apart of maintenance workshop the organization has
an valeting workshop to clean products.additionally the organization received chemicals
and oils in 205 liter steel drums and used large tanker for fuel storage which mitigate the
production of packaging waste.
Re-use :
Where avoiding and reducing waste is not possible , the next step most preferred option

Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

is to re use the materials without further processing avoiding the costs of energy and
other resources required for recycling.According to scenario the organization can
minimize the amount of water supplied to the site by reusing Grey water for some site
Recycling :
Ensure proper segregation of waste by providing separate bins for paper, plastics ,
metals , and organic waste to make easy for recycling waste. Recycle materials from old
vehicles when sold or scrapped . collect and recycle used oils and lubricants through a
certified recycling services.
Recovery ;
Send non-recycle able waste to waste-to-energy facilities for electricity production and
implement composting for organic waste to produce fertilizers.
Finally , the waste hierarchy recognizes that some waste , such as hazardous chemicals
or asbestos , cannot be safely recycled and direct treatment or disposal is the most
appropriate options.
By follow systematically the waste hierarchy , the organization can move towards
achieving zero waste to landfill targets.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and sources Course notes from learning partner and local network
of information you used source for finding costs associated with solar panel and
in your examination wind turbines installment.

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All guidance documents can be found on
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Answer sheet EMC1-0011-ENG-OBE-V1 Jun24 © NEBOSH 2024

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