0-HOUSTON The Evaluation of Brine Prospects Houston, Godfrey

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©2011 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 106, pp. 1225–1239

The Evaluation of Brine Prospects and the Requirement for

Modifications to Filing Standards
1 Stuart Lodge, 273 Wells Road, Malvern, WR14 4HH, United Kingdom
2 British Geological Survey, Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, OX10 8BB, United Kingdom
3 Ehren-González Ltda., Pedro Pablo Rubens 2969, La Serena, Chile
4 11940 Adorno Place, San Diego, California 92128
5 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

The recent increase in demand for lithium has led to the development of new brine prospects, particularly
in the Central Andes. The brines are hosted in closed basin aquifers of two types: mature, halite dominant, and
immature, clastic dominant. The estimate of elemental resources in these salars depends on a detailed knowl-
edge of aquifer geometry, porosity, and brine grade. The geometry of the aquifers can be evaluated by classi-
cal geophysical and drilling techniques, but because the resource is a fluid, with the attendant problems of in-
aquifer mixing and reorganization, existing codes for filing resource and reserve estimates need modification.
Total porosity is relatively straightforward to measure, but effective porosity and specific yield, which are re-
quired to estimate the resource, are more difficult. Recovery factors are low compared with most metallifer-
ous and industrial mineral deposits due to reliance on pumping of the brine from wells for extraction. These
and related issues lead us to believe that modifications to the existing standards for reporting mineral resources
and reserves are required for these prospects.

Introduction Continental Brine Occurrence

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN the car industry have led to a Worldwide
boom in lithium exploration and development for the new
generation of batteries that will power the cars of tomorrow. Brines have been exploited on a relatively small scale at Sil-
In particular, one of the cheapest sources of lithium is the ver Peak, Nevada, and Bristol and Searles Lakes, California,
brines that contain the metal in solution. Such brines also for many years for a variety of aqueous species. However, the
contain other elements of commercial interest, most notably largest tonnages of Li and K are located in the Andes of Chile,
potassium and boron (Ericksen and Salas, 1989). As a result, Argentina, and Bolivia, and in western China and Tibet. The
there has been a plethora of new exploration projects focused latter group, however, has complex chemistry, and the eco-
on the brines hosted in the aquifers of the intermontane nomic recovery of the contained Li and associated elements
basins of the Central Andes. is proving difficult. This is not the case in South America,
Most of the exploration is being carried out by junior min- where three operations (Soquimich and Chemetall in the
ing companies with experience in metalliferous deposits that Salar de Atacama, FMC in Hombre Muerto) are responsible
are attempting to comply with existing European, Canadian, for a very large percentage of the current world lithium sup-
or Australian stock market commission standards for report- ply. These sources, together with more recent discoveries, are
ing mineral resources and reserves. However, there is a fun- expected to meet much of the massive demand for the elec-
damental problem for the companies attempting to comply trification of motor vehicles (Evans, 2008, 2010).
with the existing standards: these standards apply to solid Basin and host aquifer formation in the
phase mineral resources, not to fluids. Because the resource Altiplano-Puna of the Central Andes
is in a fluid state, it has the propensity to move, mix, and re-
arrange itself relatively rapidly during the course of a project The Altiplano-Puna is the second largest high-altitude
lifetime. This is unlike any other type of mineral resource, plateau in the world and is the location of numerous brine
and hence a different approach to its investigation and evalu- bodies containing elevated concentrations of Li among sev-
ation is required. There are no standard methodologies for eral other species of economic interest (Table 1). The Andes
evaluating water resources, inasmuch as such resources are of western South America are the result of subduction
rarely considered a commercial commodity. Hence, there is a processes as the Nazca plate descends beneath the South
requirement for new or modified filing standards. American plate (Oncken et al., 2006) (Fig. 1). The central vol-
Here, we review the requirements for brine resource and canic zone, between 14° and 28°S, is the location of an ex-
reserve evaluation, drawing on several examples from our ex- tensive Neogene ignimbrite province (de Silva, 1989) that is
perience in the Central Andes. underlain by one of the largest magma bodies in existence,
known as the Altiplano-Puna magma body (Zandt et al., 2003;
de Silva et al., 2006). In the Central Andes, salt pans, known
† Corresponding author: e-mail, houston.jft@gmail.com locally as salares, form in closed topographic depressions (en-
Submitted: January 11, 2011
0361-0128/11/3988/1225-15 1225 Accepted: May 30, 2011

TABLE 1. Selected Salar Types and Brine Chemistry in the Altiplano-Puna Region

Salar Area Elevation MAP Salar type Brine type Cl Li K B

(km2) (masl) (mm) (typical values in g/l)

Uyuni 10,000 3,653 150 Immature Na-Cl-SO4 190 0.42 8.7 0.24
Atacama 2,900 2,300 25 Mature Na-Cl-Ca/SO4 210 2.55 27.4 0.82
Olaroz-Cauchari 550 3,900 130 Immature Na-Cl-SO4 180 0.71 5.9 1.09
Salinas Grande 2,500 3,400 180 Immature Na-Cl-Ca/SO4 190 0.78 9.8 0.23
Rincon 280 3,740 63 Largely mature Na-Cl-SO4 195 0.40 7.5 0.33
Arizaro 1,600 3,500 50 Immature Na-Cl-SO4 190 0.08 4.0 0.12
Pocitos 435 3,660 60 Immature Na-Cl-SO4 170 0.09 4.8 1.32
Antofalla 540 3,580 - ?Immature Na-Cl-SO4 166 0.32 4.7 10.80
Hombre Muerto W 350 3,750 77 Mature Na-Cl-SO4 195 0.68 6.3 2.06
Hombre Muerto E 280 3,750 77 Immature Na-Cl-SO4 140 0.78 8.9 0.62
Maricunga 90 3,760 35 Mixed Na-Cl-Ca/SO4 204 1.05 8.9 0.79

Abbreviations: MAP = mean annual precipitation, masl = meters above sea level

dorheic basins). Salars occur at all elevations from 1,000 to offsetting basins against impermeable bedrock (Salfity, 1985;
more than 4,000 m above sea level (Fig. 2). They generally Marrett et al., 1994; Reijs and McClay, 2003). Volcanism also
represent the end product of a basin infill process that starts plays a significant role, both in basin infill (e.g., tuffs and ign-
with the erosion of the surrounding relief, initially depositing imbrites) and in basin closure (e.g., volcanic necks and lava
colluvial talus and fan gravels, grading upward into sheet flows).
sands, and playa silts and clays as the basin fills. There are The latitude of the Central Andes and its position under the
many variants to this model, and the tectonic and sedimentary subtropical high-pressure belt for at least the last 55 m.y.
processes that led to the formation of such basins have been (Hartley et al., 2005) has influenced both the type of sedi-
widely addressed in the literature both generally (Hardie et mentary infill and its architecture within the basins. Basin clo-
al., 1978; Reading, 1996; Warren, 1999; Einsele, 2000) and sure is thought to have occurred frequently at about 14 Ma
specifically with regard to the Altiplano-Puna (Ericksen and (Vandevoort et al., 1995), although the majority of evaporitic
Salas, 1989; Alonso et al., 1991; Chong et al., 1999; Bobst et deposits appear to be less than 8 m.y. old (Alonso et al., 1991).
al., 2001; Lowenstein et al., 2003; Risacher et al., 2003; Recent evidence suggests that the Andes reached their cur-
Vinante and Alonso, 2006). rent elevation about 6 m.y. ago (Ghosh et al., 2006), and since
Structure controls the compartmentalization of many An- that time the climate has been dominated by hyperarid con-
dean basins. North-south–aligned thrust faults, grabens, and ditions (Hartley and Chong, 2001), allowing ample opportu-
half grabens frequently create accommodation space, while nity for evaporation of the influent water. However, during
transverse strike-slip faulting may assist with basin closure, the same period there have also been excursions into wetter
conditions (Fritz et al., 2004; Placzek et al., 2006; Rech et al.,
2010), potentially allowing salt recycling. During the course
100 km of the aquifer formation, influent groundwater and surface

18 S

water have not always had the opportunity to escape from the


basin, leading to the formation of temporary lakes or wet-
E Cordill


n R

lands. Because the influent waters contained dissolved solutes


as well as transported sediment load, evaporation resulted in

20 S

the precipitation of salts, leading to the deposition of a wide

Peru-Chile Trench

APMB range of evaporite deposits. Depending on the paleohydro-

Longitudinal Valley

22 S logical history of the basin, the deposition of evaporites may
have taken place on more than one occasion, generating re-
peat sequences. There is a typical precipitation sequence
Santa Barbar

24oS starting with carbonate (typically calcite) as the first mineral


precipitated, through sulfate (typically gypsum), to chloride

(halite). Of course, natural salars rarely conform to this ideal.
Coastal C

Puna 26oS Asymmetry, gradational and changing boundary positions due

to climate change, tectonism, and sediment supply are normal.
Pam rras

Salar types

Fig. 2

We recognize two types of host aquifers in the Altiplano-

72oW 70oW 68oW 66oW 64oW
Puna: mature halite salars and immature clastic salars (Fig. 3).
A classification of salar types in the Altiplano-Puna is pro-
FIG. 1. Location map of the Altiplano-Puna and the principal physio- vided in Table 1.
graphic features, including the Altiplano-Puna magma body of de Silva et al.,
2006 (dashed white line). Volcanoes and calderas of the western cordillera Immature salars may be characterized by their greater
are shown as solid black triangles and open circles, respectively. moisture regimes (higher precipitation, lower evaporation),

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1226



Olaroz - Grande
Atacama Rincon




FIG. 2. Digital elevation model (SRTM-90) of the Central Andes, showing the location of the Altiplano-Puna magma body
(dashed line) of de Silva et al., 2006, and the location of selected lithium-rich salars in closed-basin depressions.

and hence tend to be more frequent at higher elevations and Mature salars have a lower moisture flux, and thus tend to
toward the wetter northern and eastern parts of the region. be more common in the lower and drier parts of the region.
They are characterized by an alternating sequence of fine- They are characterized by a relatively uniform and thick se-
grained sediments and evaporitic beds of halite and/or ulex- quence of halite deposited under varying subaqueous to sub-
ite, representing the waxing and waning of sediment supply aerial conditions (Bobst et al., 2001). Nevertheless, ancient
under a variable tectonic and climatic history. The contained floods leading to widespread silty clay deposits and volcanic
brines often barely reach halite saturation, suggesting that the fallout have led to thin intercalated beds that can be recog-
climate during their formation was not severely hyperarid. nized in cores and geophysical logs. Such layers of varying
The frequent occurrence of a thin surface halite crust in these permeability may lead to the formation of alternating aquifers
salars may not be a good climate indicator because they are and aquicludes that pinch out around the margins of the nu-
probably ephemeral and may get recycled during burial. The cleus. Fresh groundwater in the higher-permeability layers
alternation of drier and wetter climates may lead to inertial may be transmitted from outside the salar margins to the
disequilibrium between evaporation rates and the brine con- edge of the nucleus where, once unconfined, it flows to the
centration, since an increase (decrease) in evaporation rate surface as a result of the pressure differential with the nucleus
will take a considerable time to cause the whole brine body to brine. The pressure differential is composed of two elements:
increase (decrease) in concentration. The brines are normally the imposed head and the density difference. Fresher waters
fully saturated with respect to gypsum, leading to the wide- flowing to the surface dissolve halite in their ascent and lead
spread occurrence of gypsum (typically as selenite) through- to the formation of pipes and salt dolines at the surface, es-
out the sequence. Past dry climate intervals are evidenced by pecially in the marginal zones (Fig. 3). The contained brines
buried halite beds, suggesting that decreased precipitation in- are invariably halite saturated throughout the brine body, al-
flow and/or increased evaporation may have lead to brines though the presence of multiple brine types, especially in the
saturated in halite. The presence of intercalated or underly- larger salars, points to the hydrochemical variation of the con-
ing beds of different permeability sometimes allows the trans- tributing source waters.
mission of fresher waters from outside the salar margins The distinction between salar types is maintained even
through to the center, where there is a tendency for the den- within the same basin, as at Hombre Muerto, where a mature
sity differential with the nucleus brine to augment upward sub-basin exists to the west as a result of moderately evolved
flow of the brine, providing that the confining bed has suffi- brines decanting from the immature eastern sub-basin over a
cient permeability to allow such leakage. subsurface bedrock barrier. Both types of salar may contain

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1227






high K Halite
Sands, silts, muds &
organic oozes
low K Palustrine clays with sulphates HYDROLOGY
Mudflat clays with carbonates Evaporation
Sandflat sands SALAR SURF ACE Surface water
Braidplain sands & FEATURES flow
fluvial channels Groundwater
high K Talus Re-solution crust flow
Pre-salar deposits Polygons Transition from
Bedrock or alluvial fan Mature pinnacles to brine

FIG. 3. Block models of mature and immature salars showing the distribution of facies and main hydrological components.
In the mature model, extension and recession of the marginal facies as a result of tectonism and climate variation lead to the
possibility of dilute waters being transferred into the nucleus. In the immature model, while the marginal conditions have
been simplified for clarity, the transmission of dilute waters into the nucleus is also possible. K refers to the hydraulic con-
ductivity of the different units.

commercially valuable brine resources, and while it might be pores contained within a unit volume of aquifer material. Ex-
anticipated that mature salars contain more concentrated so- cept in well-sorted sands, some of the pores are isolated from
lutions, this is not always the case. Elements such as Li, K, each other, and only the pores that are in mutual contact may
and B may reach very high levels in immature salars (Table 1), be drained. This interconnected porosity is known as the ef-
and, of course, clastic deposits possess considerably higher fective porosity (Pe). Assuming that the Pe is totally saturated,
porosities than halite. only part may be drained under gravity during the pumping
The pattern and distribution of crustal types may allow the process. This part of the porosity is known as the specific
identification of salar type in the field and on satellite im- yield, or sometimes the drainable porosity (Sy). A portion of
agery. Both types display the same range of features, from the fluid in the pores is retained as a result of adsorption and
high- reflectance re-solution crust, through salt polygons, to capillary forces and is known as specific retention (Sr). These
low-reflectance pinnacle halite, representing a progression parameters are related thus:
from younger (<1 yr) to older (>10 yr) formation. However,
immature salars tend to have a much larger proportion of Pt > Pe Pe = Sy + Sr > Sr.
Sy <
their surface represented by re-solution crust and relatively
small areas of pinnacle halite. The relationship between Sy and Sr depends largely on
lithology (Fig. 4). In fine-grained sediments Sy << Sr, whereas
Porosity and permeability in coarser-grained sediments Sy >> Sr. The determination of
There is considerable misunderstanding of the terminology these pore parameters is probably the most challenging as-
related to porosity. Total porosity (Pt) relates to the volume of pect of brine resource estimation.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1228


Specific yield (%)

0 25 50
gravel sand silt clay

50 Y
SIT 50

Porosity (%)

Depth (m)
30 TA
TO 100

10 C
LD 150
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Mean grain diameter (mm) 200

FIG. 4. Porosity relations for sedimentary basins and salars. A) shows how grain size affects the different components of
porosity. Values are typical for largely unconsolidated sediments under lithostatic (normal) pressure and within the upper 30
m of the crust. B) shows how porosity changes with depth for sands and halite. Although halite is generally considered to
have almost no porosity below 30 m as a result of compaction and crystal overgrowth, open, brine-filled fissures have been
observed at depths of 100 m or more in several Andean salars.

The permeability of mature halite salars is very different The Hardie-Eugster model interprets the chemical evolution
from that of immature clastic salars. Mature halite salars tend in terms of a series of divides that leads to at least six alterna-
to be rather more homogeneous and isotropic, and the per- tive evolutionary pathways, although only two are common in
meability is controlled by matrix porosity and, in some zones, the Altiplano-Puna. The exact concentration and density at
by fissures. Unpublished data (Houston, 1987–1996) from the saturation is dependent on the dissolved species, although
Salar de Atacama and Hombre Muerto indicate that fissures empirical guidelines can be provided. The first mineral to
are most common at depths between 5 and 25 m in halite, precipitate is calcite (Fig. 6A), typically at concentrations of
and, in these zones, permeability may reach extremely high about 30 g/l total dissolved solids (approximate density equiv-
values (up to 105 m/d), whereas matrix values in the upper alent 1.03 g/cm3). This is usually followed by gypsum (Fig.
30 m are normally in the 10 to 100 m/d range. Below 30 m, 6B), typically at concentrations of about 200 g/l (approximate
the permeability of halite decreases significantly as a result of density equivalent 1.15 g/cm3), or, in alkaline conditions, by
cementation and crystal overgrowth (Casas and Lowenstsein, magnesium-rich smectite (Badaut and Risacher, 1983). Halite
1989). On the contrary, clastic sediments tend to be inhomo- saturation begins only at total dissolved solid concentrations
geneous and anisotropic, permeability being highly depen- of about 280 g/l (approximate density equivalent 1.22 g/cm3),
dent on lithology. Fissures are largely absent, so permeabil- and an Na-Cl divide is rarely seen at concentrations of less
ity may range anywhere between 10–2 and 102 m/d and than 320 g/l. Once halite saturation is reached and starts to
declines only slightly with depth (over the likely depth range precipitate, other species may concentrate further in the
for extraction). residual brine, leading, for example, to high concentrations of
Li (Fig. 6C).
Brine chemistry The most common brine types in the Altiplano-Puna, based
The chemistry of the brines is generally thought to result on data in Risacher et al. (2003) for northern Chile, Rettig et al.
from the weathering of surrounding rocks by the infiltration (1980) and Risacher and Fritz (1991) for Bolivia, and Igarzábal
and passage of precipitation through them, leading to the for- (1984) and unpublished data (Houston et al., 2009–2011) for
mation of dilute inflow waters that subsequently concentrate northwestern Argentina, are Na-Cl-SO4 and Na-Cl-Ca. The
by evaporation. The brines hosted in salar aquifers show a economically important elements Li, K, and B are normally
typical increase in concentration from their margins to the found to covary with Na and Cl, but there are some notable
nucleus. Highest concentration gradients occur where evapo- deviations. As noted above, Li concentrations are much higher
ration is fiercest (Fig. 5), frequently reaching a plateau in the than expected in some salars. At Cl concentrations above
nucleus, where evaporation rates are minimal as a result of about 160 g/l, the Cl/Li ratio is typically >300. However, in the
the reduced saturation vapor pressure gradient over brines, southern part of the Salar de Atacama, the Cl/Li ratio is as low
coupled with the impermeable salt crust where present. as 30, and in the Salar de Uyuni, close to the mouth of the rel-
Concentration by evaporation leads to the development of atively dilute influent Rio Grande, and again close to fresh-
chemical divides (Hardie and Eugster, 1970), which create dif- water inflows at Hombre Muerto, it is ca. 140. The reasons
fering end points depending on the original ionic ratios, espe- for these very high lithium concentrations, especially where
cially for the Ca-SO4 system. The initial ion ratios in the influ- they are so close to dilute inflows, are currently unknown.
ent waters depend on the passage of the water over and The source of the salts, and particularly the economic com-
through the basin rocks, and if several catchments drain to the ponents such as Li, K, and B, is the subject of debate. The dis-
same salar, multiple brine types within the aquifer may result. tribution of Li-K-B–bearing brines in salar host aquifers

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1229



A B 10 km
68.5oW 1.268oW

density (g/cm )
1.0 delta
1.123oS 0


al zon
Marginal 1.22
carbonate nucleus

-sulfate 0 100 200 300 400

zones total dissolved solids (g/ l)

de la

R San Pedro1


1.20 fan

Chloride 1.23
nucleus C o
67 W
10 km
SO4 rich 23.5oS o
brines 25.25 S

Li-K rich
Western 1.10
1 Los Patos
1.2 delta

20 km
25.5 S

FIG. 5. Satellite imagery of the Salars de Atacama (A), Olaroz (B), and Hombre Muerto (C) showing their main surface
zones and mean brine density contours for the upper 30 to 40 m of the host aquifer. Inset plot shows relationship between
total dissolved solids concentration and density for the Salar de Olaroz.

appears to be coincident with the Altiplano-Puna magma high temperatures. Because chlorite forms in these systems,
body (Fig. 2), and it has been suggested (Ide and Kunasz, Mg is sequestered, and Li stays in solution (Badaut and
1989) that this is their ultimate origin, but the precise mech- Risacher, 1983).
anism remains speculative. Numerous hypotheses have been
advanced. Based on their bulk chemistry, it appears that re- Brine hydrology and water balance
cycling of earlier deposits/salars seems to be a common factor The brine solution in all South American Altiplano salars
in many salars (Risacher and Fritz, 1991; Orti and Alonso, has been formed over many years (104–105 yr) in endorheic
2000; Risacher et al., 2003), and this is supported by mass bal- basins. Precipitation within the catchments drains toward the
ance and accumulation rates analyzed in the Salar de Atacama center of the basin either as surface water or groundwater
(pers. commun., Godfrey and Houston, 2010). Mixing with that contains dilute solutions of commercially interesting ele-
pre-existing subsurface brines has also been suggested ments. Around the margins of the salar, the drainage water is
(Risacher et al., 2003), but neither of these hypotheses point either close to the surface or in the form of open water la-
to an ultimate source for the anomalous values of Li and other goons. Extremely high rates of evaporation prevail in this
minor elements. Weathering of Neogene volcanic rocks has marginal zone (Fig. 7). Evaporation of the relatively fresh in-
been suggested by Rettig et al. (1980), Orti and Alonso fluent water causes concentration of the entrained dilute dis-
(2000), and Kay et al. (2010), but simple weathering of glass solved salts. Very small volumes of concentrated fluid then
from these volcanic rocks does not account for the very high enter the salar nucleus and replace very small amounts of
Li/Mg ratios (often >0.2) that characterize many of the Cen- brine evaporated from the surface of the salar. Halite crusts
tral Andean brines. Alternatively, weathering of Palaeozoic are impermeable when they are more than a few months old
basement has been suggested by Ortis and Alonso (2000) and (Kampf et al., 2005), and, within the nucleus of the salar, the
Kasemann et al. (2004). Hydrothermal activity is another can- depth to brine is controlled by limited evaporation, the ex-
didate mechanism (Orti and Alonso, 2000; Gibert et al., 2009; tinction depth for which is universally between 0.5 and 1.0 m
Lowenstein and Risacher, 2009), especially because the sim- (Houston, 2006).
plest way to produce brine with relatively low Mg concentra- Although the brine is generally considered to be static or
tions relative to Li is to extract both elements from rocks at “fossil,” the system is actually in dynamic equilibrium, with a

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100,000 The water balance of these salars is given by the following

A equation:
Calcite precipitation
10,000 Ca increases in brine P + ISW + IGW – EM – EN = ∆S,
carbonate decreases
2Ca + 2 Mg (mmol/ l)

Hardie-Eugster path II where P is precipitation over the salar, ISW are surface water
1,000 inputs, IGW are groundwater inputs, EM is the marginal evap-
oration, EN is the nucleus evaporation, and ∆S is the change
100 in storage within the nucleus (manifested by increasing or de-
creasing brine levels).
By ignoring evaporation, because it does not remove salts
10 from the system, the water balance can be converted to a
mass balance thus:
1 P ⭈ C1 + ISW ⭈ C2 + IGW ⭈ C3 = ∆M ⭈ (1 – Pt),
0.1 1 10 100 1,000
Alkalinity (meq/ l)
where C represents the concentration of the respective fluid,
1,000 ∆M is the mass change in precipitated material, and Pt is the
B Gypsum precipitation total porosity of the precipitated material.
SO 4 increases in brine The transition from fresher waters to brine around the salar
100 Ca decreases margin creates an interface in the subsurface that is governed
Hardie-Eugster path VI by both layer permeability and the Ghyben-Hertzberg law
Ca (mmol/ l)

(Badon-Ghyben, 1888; Herzberg, 1901). The latter states that

10 within a homogeneous and isotropic medium, the depth to
the interface is a function of the fresh-water head and the
ratio of the fresh water to brine fluid density. This inevitably
1 leads to the expansion of the brine body at depth.
Brine Body Response to Extraction
0.1 Immediately when pumping (extraction) starts, redistribu-
0.1 1 10 100 1,000
tion of the resource begins because the fluid is being dynam-
SO4 (mmol/ l)
ically stressed. Pumping induces a cone of depression in the
1,000 phreatic (water table) surface around the well field. The size
Halite saturation and shape of the cone of depression depend on the physical
Cl stabilizes properties (permeability and storage) of the aquifer, as well as
100 Li increases the pumping rate and duration. Thus, the cone of depression
Li (mmol/ l)

expands outward (and downward) over time until a new dy-

10 namic equilibrium becomes established, which may take
many years before stabilizing.
1 The controlling factor for extraction rates is the permeabil-
ity of the aquifer, with higher (lower) values being more (less)
C conducive to higher (lower) yields. Thus, in mature halite
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 salars, the high permeability and relatively low Sy result in a
Cl (mmol/ l) flat cone that rapidly extends laterally (Fig. 8A). Immature
salars with relatively low permeability and higher Sy result in
FIG. 6. Brine chemistry from the Salar de Olaroz showing its evolution
with increasing evaporation and concentration. Plots A, B, and C show the a steep cone that tends to deepen faster than it extends (Fig.
chemical divides for calcite, gypsum, and halite, respectively. 8B). Almost inevitably, the cone will extend to the boundaries
of the aquifer after a period of time, and the result depends
on the nature of the boundary. If it is permeable, off-salar flu-
slow turnover controlled by evaporation. The dynamic aspect ids will flow inward (Fig. 8A, solid line). On the other hand, if
of these salars is also attested by the presence of dissolution the boundary is impermeable (Fig. 8A, B, dashed lines), the
pipes within their nuclei, combined with halite-saturated cone will increase its downward rate of propagation.
brine bearing no indication of evaporation, based on the sta- In the event that dilute off-salar fluids are drawn into the
ble isotopes of O and H (Fritz et al., 1978). Furthermore, cone of depression, barren brine and/or “fresh” water may
within the brine body a density-driven convection cell some- eventually migrate to the wells. This is exacerbated if the in-
times develops. Evaporation at the phreatic surface increases flow is of a lower density because the two fluids will tend to be
the brine density, causing it to sink through the aquifer. This immiscible, with the inflow floating over the resource brine.
sinking manifests in reduced heads with depth in the center Ultimately, the inflow may pool in the cone of depression,
of the salar. Correlative increasing heads with depth toward creating problems with the extraction of the reserve brine.
the edge of the brine body indicate return flow of brine to the A related extraction problem that occurs in both mature
surface. and immature salars is the ingress of fresh water at depth as a

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San Pedro
C de Atacama

Depth to saturation (m)

1 fresh/brackish
(1.0-1.1 g/cm )

2 3
(1.24 g/cm )



la S

al z
0 1 2 3

Mean annual evaporation (m)

a de


further evaporation leads to brine

concentration and consequent

reduction in evaporation
Depth to saturation (m)

max evaporation
in marginal zones
1 and lagoons

fresh water entering system

from aquifers comes close to surface
increasing evaporation
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
20 km
Density (g/cm3 )

FIG. 7. Evaporation relations for the salars (modified from Houston, 2006). A) shows the typical increase in evaporation
as the water table comes close to the surface—note the difference in evaporation rates between dilute waters and brine. B)
shows the influence of water table depth and brine for the marginal zones of salars. C) shows a satellite image (bands 5, 4, 7
as RGB) of the Salar de Atacama, processed to reveal the main evaporating zone around the eastern margin.

result of higher-permeability layers or beds (for example, thin higher-permeability bed as a result of an overlying confining
sand and gravel beds) extending into the salar (Fig. 3). The layer. Where the confining layer feathers out, the fresh water
fresh water in these beds is usually sourced from recharge is released and will rise as a result of its head and density dif-
outside the limits of the salar and transferred through the ferential with the surrounding fluid. In halite, this upward
flow of fresh water may lead to the formation of solution pipes
that reach the surface. The importance of this mechanism can
Distance from wellfield centre to aquifer boundary (km)
be seen in Figure 9, where the concentrated in situ brine has
10 5 0 5 10 the potential to be somewhat diluted during pumping as a re-
sult of mixing with the fresh water that enters the well from
1 A thin sand horizons.
For a given set of hydrogeological conditions and pump-
K=200 m/d, Sy=0.05
ing rates, a larger and more nearly circular salar will be bet-
(note scale difference)

ter able to support long-term extraction than a smaller or
depth (m)

0 elongate shape. In addition to aquifer size and shape, stor-

age exerts control over the scale of the recoverable reserve.
10 B The ratio of extraction volume to storage volume will help
to determine the life of a project. This is particularly im-
20 IMMATURE AQUIFER portant since it is not widely appreciated that a rule of
K=2 m/d, Sy=0.1 thumb for the recovery factor of brine from an aquifer is
only about one-third.
Requirements for a Brine Evaluation
50 An in situ brine resource evaluation should consist of three
FIG. 8. Drawdowns around three wells, each pumping at 20 l/s for 25 essential elements: the volume of the host aquifer, the Sy of
years and spaced 1 km apart in a 100-m deep aquifer, showing the differences the host aquifer, and the concentration (grade) of the ele-
that occur due to aquifer properties and extent. The solid lines represent the ments of interest in the brine. The product of the geometry
cone of depression that occurs in a horizontally infinite aquifer (i.e., extends
beyond the bounds of the plots). The dashed line represents the cone of de-
and Sy determines the volume of the brine resource. The el-
pression that occurs in an aquifer with impermeable boundaries at 10 km emental resource is determined as the product of the brine
(i.e., the edges of the plots). volume and the grade of the element in the brine.

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dens TABLE 2. Suggested Drill Spacing in Kilometers for Different Salar Types
GR - API N-Pt % g/cm
conc mg/l and Levels of Resource Definition
0 100 200 50 100 1.1 1.2 1.3 1000 100000 Salar type Inferred Indicated Measured
Mature 10 7 3–4
Immature 7–10 5 2.5

Ca SO 4 Notes: An inferred resource is estimated on the basis of geological evi-

20 dence and limited sampling without being verified; an indicated resource is
based on sufficient quantity and grade data to allow the technical and eco-
nomic parameters to be estimated to support mine planning and evaluation
depth m

of the economic viability of the deposit—the estimate assumes sufficiently

detailed and reliable exploration and testing data so that geological and grade
continuity may be reasonably assumed; a measured resource is based on suf-
ficient data to confirm grade continuity with a high degree of confidence

conditions and should be reviewed based on exploratory data.
High core recoveries are essential in environments where
rapid vertical changes in lithology may control both porosity
60 and brine variations. Geological logging of the cores needs
careful control to avoid subjective description bias in these
simplified lithology sand silt & clay halite environments. Once the drill holes are at full depth, geophys-
ical logging will assist with hydrostratigraphic analysis. In this
FIG. 9. Data from a well in the Salar de Olaroz showing gamma log (GR), regard, the most useful tool is usually natural gamma, since
neutron porosity log (N-Pt) overlain with on-site lab determinations of Pt the response of electric logs is generally masked by the ex-
(gray dots), simplified lithological log, density, and Ca-SO4 concentrations.
Two zones of relatively dilute water, associated with thin higher porosity beds tremely low resistivity of the brine.
within a silty clay unit, occur at 36- and 48- to 51-m depth. Such thin dilute Core sampling for the laboratory determination of porosity
zones have the potential to lower grade during recovery. must be undertaken on undisturbed samples. These may be
difficult to obtain in unconsolidated formations using conven-
tional methods; split spoons or Shelby tubes pushed ahead of
Host aquifer definition the drill face may be necessary. On-site laboratory determina-
Aquifer area and thickness, as well as boundary conditions tion of Pt and Pe is not difficult using gravimetric methods, pro-
(e.g., faulted, gradational), are necessary to establish the lim- vided initial moisture loss is prevented after core extraction
its of the reservoir and the possible interactions between the and subsequently controlled to a stable weight in the labora-
contained brine and surrounding groundwater. Within the tory. It is essential not to dry the cores at too high a tempera-
nucleus of the salar, the lithological variations of the aquifer ture, or gypsum will convert to anhydrite, and organic matter
and its hydrostratigraphy will control both brine storage and may incinerate, creating erroneous measurements. Further-
transmission. Initial studies often use geophysical techniques more, due account must be taken of the salts precipitated
such as gravity or seismic methods, but inevitably drilling will during the drying process as a result of brine evaporation.
be needed for a resource estimate. Drilling mature halite In a recent study, samples from Lexan core barrels (9.4-cm
salars is considerably easier than drilling immature clastic diam) were compared with samples from split spoon cores (3.4-
salars, where underconsolidated formations are difficult to cm diam), both obtained by sonic drilling. The resulting Pt de-
drill and may require special equipment, such as sonic or terminations (Fig. 10A) show wide scatter despite good corre-
triple-tube diamond rigs. lation (r = 0.65; p < 0.001). This scatter is partly a result of the
Drill sites within claim areas should be on a grid spacing to depth difference between the Lexan and split spoon cores (0.3
facilitate subsequent analysis. The size of the grid will depend m) in a thin-bedded sequence with rapid alternations of lithol-
on the type of aquifer (salar) and on the level of confidence ogy. The veracity of these measurements can be seen when
required. Table 2 provides some guidelines that have been compared with the neutron porosity log (N-Pt) in Figure 9.
used in several investigations by the authors. The spacing may The determination of Pe, Sy, and Sr presents special prob-
seem coarse when compared with that commonly used in in- lems, and there are no standards for this. Two methods are in
dustrial mineral exploration, but it is unlikely that horizontal common use for the laboratory determination of Pe: liquid
changes in brine chemistry will be more rapid. In addition to resaturation and helium injection. The former usually re-
defining the horizontal variations in the properties of the quires the initial drying of the sample and subsequent resat-
claim areas, the vertical sampling interval for porosity and uration using formation brine or an inert liquid such as iso-
brine chemistry is critical. Samples for both porosity and propyl alcohol, although fully saturated samples can be
brine chemistry should be taken at the same depths in order tested and then dried. The latter involves the injection of he-
to ensure compatibility during resource calculation. In some lium into the sample under controlled conditions. Pe is then
cases, a vertical sample interval of 0.5 m has been chosen, but calculated using Archimedes’ principle and Boyle’s law, re-
with increased experience it would appear that 1.5 m is ac- spectively. The results (Fig. 10B) suggest that the liquid re-
ceptable for a measured resource, expanding to 5 m for an in- saturation method may underestimate Pe in fine-grained sed-
ferred resource, although this depends on hydrogeological iments as a result of the extended drying times required. For

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1233


Effective porosity by liquid resaturation( Pe )

1 1
Split spoon total porosity( Pt ) A 20%
0.8 0.8

20% y = 0.9x - 0.05

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Lexan total porosity ( Pt ) Effective porosity by He injection( Pe )

1 1
Specific yield ( Sy ) for Pe >0.18
Effective porosity ( Pe )

0.8 0.8 -1.65

y = 0.8x Sy = 0.014Pe -

for Pe <0.18
0.6 0.6
Sy = Pe

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Total porosity ( Pt ) Effective porosity ( Pe )

FIG. 10. Porosity data from five wells drilled using sonic techniques in the Salar de Olaroz. A) Comparison of Lexan and
split spoon undisturbed samples separated by 0.3-m depth interval and analyzed by gravimetric methods. B) Comparison of
effective porosity determined by liquid resaturation and helium injection on same samples. C) Comparison of total (split
spoon) and effective (He injection) porosity on samples separated by 0.15-m depth interval. D) Effective porosity and spe-
cific yield on same samples. Gray lines are the 1:1 relationship, dashed line in A indicates percent variability, and black lines
in B-D are best fit regressions.

Sy, centrifuge techniques are used, but for reliable and re- aquifer directly, the determination is made within the dewa-
peatable results it is essential to control rotation speed to in- tered cone of depression (Walton, 1970; Bear, 1972). This is
duce a moisture tension of ca. 1⁄3 atmospheric (the point at contrary to the source of the fluid being pumped at the same
which gravitational flow effectively ceases in medium-grained moment, which originates from the saturated zone below the
sediments) and a temperature of 4°C (Johnson et al, 1963; cone of depression, hence precluding the use of pumping
Lawrence, 1977). Independent checks on porosity may be tests as a means of establishing the in situ resource.
made using resin-impregnated cores, thin sectioned and Neutron and density (gamma-gamma) logs provide a means
point counted under a microscope. Petrological inspection of converting the point measurements determined in the lab-
also allows the extent of grain disturbance and salt overgrowth oratory to a continuous porosity profile, although it must be
to be estimated. Where such tests have been performed on remembered that such logs determine Pt even after calibra-
sonic cores that have been immediately sealed on arriving at tion for the varying rock types, so that algorithms for the con-
the surface, it can be shown that very little or no precipitation version of Pt to Pe and Sy are required. Examples of such
occurs within the core, only on its outside surface during lab- algorithms are shown in Figure 10C and D for Pe and Sy, re-
oratory testing, and this can be readily corrected. spectively. Consequently, it is essential to provide a clear set
In some cases, pumping tests have been used to determine of protocols with appropriate QA/QC procedures when re-
Sy for the resource assessment. But it is essential to understand porting porosity determinations for resource and reserve cal-
that, while pumping tests on wells determine the Sy of the culations if their validity is to be assessed.

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The permeability of the formations will be needed to assess change during transit to the analytical laboratory. Brine
well yields and flow regimes under both natural and pumped analysis in the laboratory is not addressed here, but it is
conditions in order to estimate a recoverable reserve. An im- noted that such analysis is not as straightforward as that of di-
portant consideration is that data will be required from out- lute waters, as several commercial laboratories have demon-
side the claims blocks since fluid movement is no respecter of strated, and a set of documented QA/QC procedures is es-
claim boundaries. Permeability within the aquifer may be es- sential to establish the validity of the results. In addition to
tablished using pumping tests or laboratory determinations sampling within the claim boundaries, samples outside these
on core, although the former is likely to be better able to pre- boundaries are required to investigate the grade and quality
dict flows at field scale. Strictly speaking, permeability (k) is a of fluids that may potentially be drawn into the reserve dur-
function only of the matrix, with dimensions L2, whereas flow ing extraction.
through the aquifer is also controlled by the fluid density and
viscosity and should be properly termed hydraulic conductiv- Putting it all together—in situ resources
ity (K) with units of length per time. This becomes important For a resource estimate, the aquifer geometry will be de-
during simulation modeling of recoverable reserves, when fined by the area of the claims or that of the brine body,
changes in density become a factor. whichever is the smaller, coupled with the depth determined
from drilling results. Although this is required for valuation
Brine body definition purposes, it should be recognized that this is only a conve-
The geometry of the brine body within the aquifer requires nience, since once extraction starts, resources may well be
definition. The boundaries will be controlled by the transition pulled in from outside this area. Where two properties are ad-
zone to fresh water, which will conform to Ghyben-Herzberg jacent, this could lead to competitive extraction techniques,
principles. Time-domain electromagnetic or audio-magneto- requiring some form of mutually acceptable compromise or
telluric studies provide a means of establishing the approxi- arbitration.
mate limits of the brine body, taking into account the uncer- It has been common practice in the past—for example, at
tainties introduced as a result of the lack of a unique solution the mature salars of Atacama and Hombre Muerto—to use Pe
(Archie’s Law: Archie, 1950). to define the resource and to base the reserve evaluation on
Brine sampling needs to be undertaken to conform to the Sy. In mature salars, Pe is only slightly greater than Sy, so that
porosity sampling plan for the eventual resource estimate. the reserve base is only slightly less than the resource. The
Samples may be taken as point samples or as zone samples term “reserve base,” when applied to a fluid, is used to dif-
using packer arrangements to isolate a section of the well. ferentiate the potentially extractable volume from the actually
The latter becomes impossible in unstable formations, where extractable reserve, which depends on the ability of the hy-
point sampling is the only option. Obtaining in situ point sam- draulic parameters to allow extraction by pumping (see
ples may prove as challenging as or even more so than the below). Now that immature salars are being developed, how-
porosity analysis. How can it be proved that the sample comes ever, the use of Pe to determine the resource would lead to a
from the formation at a specific depth and has not mixed with significant difference between the reserve base and the re-
drilling fluid or overlying brines leaking around the drill rods source, potentially by as much as an order of magnitude dif-
or casing? Drilling dry using reverse circulation or sonic tech- ference. Thus, we suggest that Sy be used to determine both
niques is an obvious prerequisite but may prove impractica- the resource and the reserve in all salar types. This dilemma
ble at depths greater than ca. 100 m, because the rods may clearly compels the qualified person (QP) reporting the re-
get stuck. The use of a tracer in the drilling fluid and well source to ensure that sufficient detail and explanation be pro-
water prior to sampling may assist in determining whether the vided so that the result is not misleading.
sample is depth-specific or contaminated with over- (or Numerous modeling packages are available for resource
under-) lying brines. A wellpoint pushed ahead into the for- estimation, but it is always necessary to consider how the
mation will help, but during insertion, the wellpoint will most data is prepared for these to work properly. Firstly, the
likely fill with the mixed well fluid, requiring either evacua- model cell density should approximate that of the drill holes;
tion of the entire column above the wellpoint or low-flow increasing the cell density does not increase the precision of
pumping from within the wellpoint. If adequate core samples the estimate, as some recently published work supposes.
are available, the extraction of fluid from the matrix, after re- Secondly, the ideal method for calculating resource ton-
moving the potentially contaminated skin of the core, and nages will be based on the derivative at each data point, so
centrifuging may provide sufficient uncontaminated in situ that,
sample for analysis (Fig. 11A, B). Experiments recently con-
Gz,x,y = Syz,x,y ⭈ Cz,x,y ⭈ bz,x,y,
ducted at the Salar de Olaroz in holes drilled without any
fluid additives in unconsolidated clastic sediments have
where Gz,x,y is the unit volume tonnage, Syz,x,y the specific
shown that, where the casing closely follows the drill bit, sam-
yield, Cz,x,y the elemental concentration, and bz,x,y the unit
ples bailed from within the casing are representative of in situ
thickness (note that “unit” as used here is not a geological
brines (Fig. 11B). Obtaining representative in situ brine sam-
unit—it is the cell unit). The superscript z refers to depth, and
ples may thus not be so much of a problem as might be an-
x and y are horizontal coordinates. Because b and z values
ticipated, but it is always necessary to check and to be able to
should ideally be equivalent across the claim area, the re-
demonstrate that the samples are uncontaminated.
source can be considered as a 3-D matrix of j unit cells:
Certain parameters should be determined at the wellhead:
temperature, density, and pH as a minimum, since they may Resource= Σ z,x,y
=1 G

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A 1200

1000 +10%

Well fluid Li mg/ l





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Pore fluid Li mg/l

Well, casing and rods at 10-m depth
Li mg/l pumped vol L
500 1000 1500 0 50 100 150 200
0 400

10 Well, casing and rods at 10m


Well, casing and rods at 38-m depth

Li mg/ l
Depth m

1000 Well, casing and rods at 38m

Pumped samples from push-ahead wellpoint Initial pumped sample from push-ahead wellpoint
Depth samples from inside casing Pumped samples vs. volume pumped over time
Depth samples from inside rods from push-ahead wellpoint

FIG. 11. Validation of brine sample representativeness from wells in the Salar de Olaroz. A) Lithium concentrations for
pumped wellpoint samples versus pore fluid extraction from core sample at the same depth. B) Pumped samples were taken
every 1.5 m during drilling from a push-ahead wellpoint attached to the end of the drill rods and inserted inside the casing,
which follows the drill bit closely. Such samples were assumed to be representative of the in situ aquifer fluid. When the cas-
ing and rods were at a 10- and 38-m depth, a series of samples were taken inside the casing and inside the drill rods. These
samples confirm that they can only originate from in situ aquifer fluid at 10 and 38 m. C) While the casing and rods were at
10- and 38-m depth, low-flow pumping samples were collected over time from the wellpoint. The concentrations remain sta-
ble over time, providing further proof that fluid from the wellpoints in any specific depth sample can only be in situ fluid
from the same depth. These data confirm the precise origin of the sample and indicate no contamination from over- (or
under-) lying brines.

It is tempting to average parameters for each well or litho- and flow tend to be near horizontal, such zoning should not
logic unit and sum the n well results across the claim area, but induce significant errors. Spatial analysis will then be carried
this results in the following: out layer by layer. Since the vertical sampling interval may be
on the order of 1 m, the maximum number of layers might
Resource = Σ well
n k
= 1 ({[Σ z,x,y = 1 Sy
]/k} ⭈ rapidly approach or exceed 100, equal to the number of sam-
{[Σ z,x,y = 1 Cz,x,y]/k} ⭈ Σ z,x,y
k k
=1 b
z,x,y ,
) ples in the vertical direction. However, this is probably un-
wieldy, and we suggest that 10-m layer thicknesses are a rea-
where k is the number of depth samples. This will result in a sonable compromise, although site-specific conditions must
mathematically different estimate and is not the best use of always be taken into consideration. This layer thickness
the data. proved to give useful results in the cases of the mature salars
However, in immature salars, it is likely that samples for of Atacama and Hombre Muerto, but the more variable im-
different parameter evaluation (Sy, permeability, brine chem- mature salars appear to require thinner layers to give the
istry) may be separated by vertical distance up to several most useful results. The use of layer resource estimates is also
centimeters and, in cases where bed thicknesses are thin rela- beneficial when considering reserves, since over time there
tive to the vertical sample interval, may result in parameters at will be a tendency to exploit increasingly deeper layers as the
a specific depth interval being representative of different rock cone of depression from the pumping well field expands.
types. Thus, it may be necessary to group the cells into a se- Algorithms available for estimation of cell or layer tonnages
ries of layers. Because in thin-bedded environments lithology are numerous and well documented in the literature (e.g.,

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Cressie, 1993), so that no review is necessary here. However, how grade may change over time and are in widespread use,
it is perhaps worth mentioning that Kriging has attracted especially for contaminant studies, but as far as we are aware
widespread use and approval for hydrogeological studies no examples exist where solute movement has been linked to
(e.g., de Marsily, 1986; Kitanidis, 1997). aquifer matrix dissolution, as might well be the case where di-
lute waters enter halite aquifers. Reactive solute transport is
Putting it all together—extractable reserve an area that needs further research. In addition to flow
The potentially extractable volume of brine (reserve base) caused by head differential, variations in brine density may
is defined by the Sy of the aquifer, or the proportion drainable also cause flow. Such variations are also problematic inas-
under gravity. As discussed above, coarser-grained sediments much as for small differentials (<0.01 g/cm3), two fluids are
and halite present Sy only slightly less than Pe due to minor miscible, whereas at greater differential, they are not. Thus,
amounts of Sr. However, for fine-grained sediments, Pe di- while hydraulic conductivity values determined from pump-
verges significantly from Sy (Fig. 4) as a result of considerable ing tests in the field and input into the model take care of
Sr. Thus, for the purpose of comparing resources and reserve small variations, large variations in density require two-phase
base across different types of salar, it is recommended that flow to be simulated. A similar situation occurs in coastal
both the resource and the reserve base be calculated using Sy. aquifers, where sea-water intrusion is explicitly modeled
Only a relatively small proportion of the reserve base is ex- based on Ghyben-Herzberg principles, but the geometry of
tractable by pumping. Under any circumstances, it is only this, which often simulates a fresh-water lens sitting in an
possible to pump out a fraction of the fluid from an aquifer oceanic island (Bear, 1972), is different from that of a brine
because the cone of depression around a well or well field can body in a halite aquifer surrounded by fresh water. The latter
never lower the water level throughout the aquifer to its base. is rarely modeled, to our knowledge only in the mature salars
A rule of thumb for the recovery factor (the volume that can of Atacama and Hombre Muerto, although even here no
be pumped out) of an infinite aquifer is one-third of the re- comparison with a single-phase model was ever attempted.
serve base. In the mature salar example shown in Figure 8A, Finally, it should be clear from the preceding discussions
assuming a circular aquifer of radius 10 km, with an imper- that as a result of fluid reorganization, mixing, and inflows, a
meable boundary, it would require 60 wells, spaced at 1.3 km, reserve estimate is not a static figure, even assuming that it
each pumping at 20 l/s for 25 years, to extract 33 percent of could be calculated with precision. As extraction continues,
the resource. For the immature salar in Figure 8B, the com- the reserve will change, over and above (or below) the
parable number of wells would be almost 250, spaced at ca. amount extracted. Thus, while it is obviously necessary to
600 m. Once well inefficiency, drawdown limitations, possible have a prediction for the tonnage over time, we question
barren inflows, and economics are entered into the equation, whether the use of a single reserve figure is the best way to
extraction of more than 33 percent is only possible under ex- approach the issue. Water resource engineers are accustomed
ceptional circumstances. to dealing with unstable dynamics, and we consider that re-
Many salar boundaries are permeable, and extraction causes serve updates over time may also be a requirement for brine
inflow to replace the volumes removed. Thus, the brine body development.
does not exist in isolation from its surroundings, so a broad
understanding of the catchment characteristics is required in Modifying Standards
order to establish how the brine reservoir has become estab- The existing codes for mineral resource and reserve report-
lished, how it is maintained, and how it will react to future ing (JORC, 2004; NI 43-101, 2005; PERC, 2008) have all
changes as a result of pumping. A monitoring program to been prepared for solid phase minerals and, while they are
measure hydrometeorological parameters, surface water and broadly applicable to brine resources and reserves, do not
groundwater flows, levels, and fluid concentrations is re- deal with them specifically. It can be seen from the foregoing
quired to establish baseline conditions against which future review that there are several important differences that arise
changes can be compared. A conceptual model of the catch- when considering a fluid prospect.
ment hydrology is the first step. Quantification of the model The most important differences relate to the fluid nature of
parameters in space and time will allow a water balance to be the prospect:
For the reserve analysis, it will be essential to build a digi- 1. Host aquifer property control—the resource is con-
tal flow simulation model using one of several codes available trolled by aquifer porosity, and the reserve by permeability;
on the market. Modeling variable density flow is a highly spe- 2. Brine body uniformity—because it is fluid, the brine
cialized subject, at the limit of current knowledge, and re- body is much more likely to have been homogenized during
quires the services of experts in this field who are not neces- formation, and at most a few brine types may occur relating
sarily familiar with resource studies, so that the integration of to different source (catchment) areas;
disciplines becomes paramount. Clearly, a well-tested and 3. Fluid mixing—despite homogenization, dilute inflows
documented code is to be preferred. The advantages and dis- can penetrate deeply into the aquifer and mix with the in situ
advantages of the various models are discussed, for example, brine to cause grade variation during production;
in Spitz and Moreno (1996) and Simmons et al. (2010), and 4. Influence from outside the claim area—during extrac-
references therein, and are not considered in depth here. Two tion, depending on the ratio of pumped to stored volume, ex-
important points do need to be considered, however: the re- traction may rearrange the brine body, necessitating investi-
quirements to simulate both (reactive) solute transport and gation beyond the claim boundaries to assess the water
changes in brine density. The former are necessary to establish balance and fluid properties throughout the catchment; and

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5. Changes that occur over time with pumping—conse- extractable grade variation as a result of in-aquifer mixing
quent upon fluid mixing and reorganization, there is no single with barren brine or fresh water.
resource or reserve value. Consequently, we believe that the current requirements for
disclosure and reporting of fluid mineral prospects need revi-
As a result, the guidelines and requirements for reporting sion. It is essential, as we have shown, to be very clear which
in the codes may in part be inappropriate. The “Contents of porosity parameter has been measured, and we recommend
the Technical Report” for NI 43-101, in particular, require that the historical practice of using effective porosity to esti-
modification. For example, “Item 10, Deposit Types” does mate the resource and specific yield as the base for the re-
not translate well to brine prospects; brine is not a “deposit,” serve evaluation be discontinued, and instead specific yield
and while the host aquifer may be characterized as mature or be used for both the resource and the reserve. We also be-
immature, within these broad categories aquifers form in an lieve that chapters headed “Host Aquifer” and “Brine Body”
almost infinite variety of volcanosedimentary deposits and should replace those entitled “Deposit Types” and “Mineral-
structural settings. Thus, we would prefer that this chapter be ization,” respectively, and that a chapter on extraction consid-
headed “Host Aquifer” and contain all the investigations and erations should be added to both resource and reserve filing
interpretations relating to host aquifer geology, structure, and requirements for brines.
physical properties. “Item 11, Mineralization” also does not
translate well, implying as it does a fixed and time-invariant Acknowledgments
orebody. We would prefer that this chapter be headed “Brine The concepts developed are largely based on the authors’
Body” and contain information on grade, the existing geome- experience at most of the salars listed in Table 1, although ex-
try of the brine, and its relation to surrounding hydrogeology. amples in the text are restricted as a result of confidentiality
We also suggest that a new chapter is required in NI 43-101 issues. The corresponding author is indebted to Richard
to evaluate the water balance and to investigate (or predict) Seville of Orocobre Ltd for many thoughtful discussions that
potential changes to the resource during extraction. We sug- helped to crystallize some of the ideas contained herein, as
gest that this chapter be called “Extraction Considerations.” well as for permission to publish data from the Salar de
Some consideration of the water balance and potential grade Olaroz. In addition, the authors are grateful to Patrick High-
reorganization during extraction should be included in a re- smith and Iain Scarr of Lithium One for permission to pub-
source statement. At the reserve level, this stage necessarily lish data relating to their properties at Hombre Muerto.
requires the formulation, calibration, and running of a fluid
flow digital simulation model to predict grades during project Addendum
lifetimes. As previously discussed, this does not apply to a While this paper was in press, the Ontario Securities Com-
mineral reserve as defined by the current codes, since a solid mission issued Staff Notice 43-704, “Mineral Brine Projects
phase mineral deposit will not change within project lifetimes. and National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for
Given the different requirements for brine prospect evalu- Mineral Projects,” dated July 27, 2011. This document pro-
ation, it becomes even more important to establish and docu- vides guidance on reporting standards for brine prospects and
ment protocols for data acquisition and analysis. Such proto- addresses many of the issues raised in this paper.
cols should be included within the technical report to enable
third parties to understand what was done and to ensure that REFERENCES
any due diligence be properly informed. Alonso, R.N., Jordan, T.E., Tebbutt, K.T., and Vandervoort, D.S., 1991, Giant
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