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It looks like small colourful chalky pills

Anyone with a heart condition, blood pressure problems, epilepsy or asthma can
have a very dangerous reaction to the drug.
It is taken as pills or powder
It is known by MDMA, crystal, MD, Mandy, Molly
Effects: feel very happy, energised and alert, anxiety, fast heartbeat,
Long term negative on serotonin production, heart damage
Ecstasy affects the body's temperature control.
Linked to liver, kidney and heart problems, depression, memory loss
 Signs of overdose: Abnormal heart rate and rhythm.
 Body temperature dysregulation.
 Hyperthermia, which is overheating of the body, particularly if you’ve been
engaging in intense physical activity in hot settings, such as dance parties or
 Hyperthermia-related rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) and kidney injury.
 Seizures.

Class A drug: illegal to have or sell

Short term effects last 2-4 hours on average

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