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Criar atividade dinâmica em inglês sobre comida e gramatica de presente simples

para adultos - ChatGPT

Dynamic Activity: "Cooking Conversation" – Practicing Simple Present Tense


To practice the Simple Present tense through discussions about food, cooking habits, and preferences.


 Recipe cards (with simple recipes written in English)

 Ingredient flashcards
 Whiteboard and markers
 Handout with grammar rules for Simple Present tense
 Dice

Activity Steps:

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

Discussion Starter: Begin with a brief discussion about food and cooking. Ask questions like:

 What is your favorite dish?

 Do you cook often? What do you usually make?
 What ingredients do you always have at home?

Encourage students to answer using the Simple Present tense.

Grammar Review (10 minutes):

Explain Simple Present Tense: Review the rules and uses of the Simple Present tense. Provide examples on the

Positive: I eat, You cook, He/She eats, We/They cook

Negative: I don’t eat, You don’t cook, He/She doesn’t eat, We/They don’t cook

Question: Do you eat? Does he/she cook?

Hand out a simple grammar rule sheet for reference.

Recipe Card Activity (20 minutes):

Pair Work: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a recipe card.

Discussion: Each pair discusses the recipe, focusing on what ingredients they need, the steps to prepare the dish, and
who does what in the recipe using the Simple Present tense.

Example: "We need tomatoes. First, you chop the onions. Then, he adds the garlic."

Report Back: Each pair shares their recipe and cooking process with the class.

Ingredient Flashcard Game (20 minutes):

Group Work: Divide the class into small groups (3-4 students per group). Give each group a set of ingredient

Dice Rolling: Each group takes turns rolling the dice. The number rolled corresponds to a specific task on a task

1: Name a dish that includes the ingredient on the flashcard.

2: Create a sentence about the ingredient using the Simple Present tense (positive).

3: Create a sentence about the ingredient using the Simple Present tense (negative).

4: Ask a question about the ingredient using the Simple Present tense.

5: Explain how to use the ingredient in a recipe.

6: Free choice – any of the above.

Competition: The group earns points for each correct sentence or question. The group with the most points at the end
wins a small prize (e.g., a snack or a kitchen tool).

Role-Play (20 minutes):

Scenario Assignment: Assign each group a different cooking scenario (e.g., making breakfast, preparing a salad,
baking a cake).

Role-Play Preparation: Each group prepares a short role-play involving their scenario. They should use the Simple
Present tense to describe what they do, what they need, and how they prepare the food.

Presentation: Groups perform their role-plays for the class.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes):

Review and Reflect: Discuss what the students learned about using the Simple Present tense. Ask them to share any
new vocabulary or grammar insights they gained.

Feedback: Provide feedback on common errors and highlight good usage of the Simple Present tense.

Criar brincadeira usando vocabulário de comida e gramatica de present simple -

Activity: "Food and Simple Present Bingo"


To practice the Simple Present tense and food vocabulary through a fun and interactive bingo game.


 Bingo cards with food vocabulary

 A list of sentences using the Simple Present tense related to food
 Markers or chips to cover the bingo cards
 Prizes for the winners


Create Bingo Cards: Make bingo cards with a 5x5 grid. Each square should contain a different food item (e.g., apple,
bread, cheese, chicken, rice).

Sentence List: Prepare a list of sentences in the Simple Present tense that include the food vocabulary. Make sure
each food item on the bingo cards is included in at least one sentence.

Example Sentences:

"I eat an apple every morning."

"She cooks rice for dinner."

"They drink orange juice with breakfast."

"He likes cheese on his sandwich."

Activity Steps:

Introduction (10 minutes):

Explain the rules of Bingo and how the game will incorporate food vocabulary and the Simple Present tense.

Review the Simple Present tense and food vocabulary with the students.

Hand out a bingo card and markers/chips to each student.

Playing Bingo (30 minutes):

Call Out Sentences: Randomly select and read a sentence from your prepared list.
Mark the Cards: Students listen to the sentence and mark the corresponding food item on their bingo card.

For example, if the sentence is "She cooks rice for dinner," students with "rice" on their bingo card will mark that

Winning the Game: The first student to mark five squares in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) shouts
"Bingo!" and wins that round.

Verification: Verify the winner’s bingo card by asking them to read the sentences that match the marked squares.

Discussion and Reflection (10 minutes):

Discuss the sentences used in the game to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary.

Ask students to create their own sentences using the food vocabulary and the Simple Present tense.

For example: "I eat bananas for breakfast," "My brother drinks milk every day."

Wrap-Up and Prizes (10 minutes):

Congratulate the winners and award small prizes (e.g., snacks, stickers, or stationery).

Review key vocabulary and grammar points from the activity.

Encourage students to share what they learned and enjoyed about the game.

Follow-Up Activity:

Ask students to write a short paragraph about their eating habits using the Simple Present tense. They should include
at least five different food items from the bingo game.

This bingo game provides a fun and interactive way for students to practice food vocabulary and the Simple Present
tense, reinforcing their language skills through play.

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