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They provide us with oxygen to breathe

the lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies
(called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out (called expiration, or
exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration, Oxygen
helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy. Humans get the oxygen
they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. Oxygen gives our
cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive
Do you know why we call our planet Mother Earth? Earth nourishes us like a mother
with many natural resources. These resources are used for the sustenance and welfare
of humanity. Earth is considered a home for many life forms, and to sustain life on
Earth, we need some resources that we derive from nature. These resources are called
natural resources. Humans use these resources in their day-to-day life.
Some of the essential resources like air, water, and food are the basic needs of humans.
In this article, students shall learn more about natural resources, the ways to conserve
natural resources, types of natural resources, and more.

The land is used for cultivation and growing food products.

a notion which broadly includes climate, topography, vegetation, soils and other
natural resources – is the basis for agriculture, and the interaction between these
components is vital for determining the productivity and sustainability of agro-
ecosystems. Especially in the face of climate change and variability, selecting the
right land uses for given biophysical and socio-economic conditions is essential for
minimizing land degradation, rehabilitating degraded land, ensuring the
sustainable use of land resources, and maximizing resilience. Cropland is land used
for the cultivation of crops, both temporary (annuals) and permanent (perennials),
and may include areas periodically left fallow or used as temporary pasture.
Permanent meadows and pastures are land used for livestock grazing. They include
both managed and natural pastures, as well as a range of land cover types used for
rangelands, such as grassy and woody savannahs. Land conversion from natural
ecosystems to agriculture has historically been the largest cause of greenhouse gas
emissions), linked to loss of biomass and carbon in biomass above and below
ground. Today, land conversion to agriculture continues to be a major driver of
biodiversity loss and land degradation. Efficient land use and land management
plans and strategies are needed to maximize crop productivity while minimizing the
potential environmental impact due to excessive loss of habitats and overuse of
natural resources such as soils and water
Sunlight gives us solar energy, an important alternative energy source
A major advantage to using solar energy is that it is a renewable resource. We will have
a steady, limitless supply of sunlight for another 5 billion years. In one hour, the Earth's
atmosphere receives enough sunlight to power the electricity needs of every human
being on Earth for a year. Solar energy is clean. No greenhouse gas emissions are
released into the atmosphere when you use solar panels to create electricity. And
because the sun provides more energy than we'll ever need, electricity from solar power
is a very important energy source in the move to clean energy production.The sun
provides more than enough energy to meet the whole world’s energy needs, and unlike
fossil fuels, it won’t run out anytime soon. As a renewable energy source, the only
limitation of solar power is our ability to turn it into electricity in an efficient and cost-
effective way, After solar panels have been installed, operational costs are quite low
compared to other forms of power generation. Fuel isn’t required, and this means that
solar power can create large amounts of electricity without the uncertainty and expense
of securing a fuel supply.

Oil and natural gas give us fuel used in many industries and vehicles
We use petroleum products to propel vehicles, to heat buildings, and to produce
electricity. In the industrial sector, the petrochemical industry uses petroleum as a raw
material (a feedstock) to make products such as plastics, polyurethane, solvents, and
hundreds of other intermediate and end-user goods, It provides warmth for cooking and
heating, and it fuels power stations that provide electricity to homes and businesses. It
also fuels many industrial processes that produce materials and goods ranging from
glass to clothing, and it is an important ingredient in products such as paints and
plastics. The industrial sector uses natural gas as a fuel for process heating, in
combined heat and power systems, as a raw material (feedstock) to produce chemicals,
fertilizer, and hydrogen, and as lease and plant fuel, The energy produced by burning
fuel has many applications, such as powering vehicles, ships, and airplanes as well as
providing electricity for homes and buildings. Some common types of fuels are petro
fuel, gas oil, diesel fuel, fuel oils, aviation fuel, jet fuel, and marine fuels , Natural gas is
the cleanest burning fossil fuel. It offers various environmental advantages over the
other energy sources. Using natural gas improves air quality (by reducing smog),
reduces of GHGs and decreases the possibility of acid rains.
Minerals are used as fuel and steel-like coal, iron ore .
Steel is made from iron ore, a compound of iron, oxygen and other minerals that occurs
in nature. Energy minerals include coal, oil, natural gas and uranium, A mineral is a
natural substance with distinctive chemical and physical properties, composition, and
atomic structure. The definition of an economic mineral is broader, and includes
minerals, metals, rocks and hydrocarbons (solid and liquid) that are extracted from the
earth by mining, quarrying and pumping. Economic minerals are used in a wide range of
applications related to construction, manufacturing, agriculture and energy supply.
Economic minerals include:
• Energy minerals used to produce electricity, fuel for transportation, heating for
homes and offices and in the manufacture of plastics. Energy minerals include
coal, oil, natural gas and uranium.
• Metals such as iron (as steel) is used in cars or for frames of buildings, copper is
used in electrical wiring, lithium in rechargeable batteries, and aluminium in
aircraft and to make drink cans. Precious metals are used in jewellery and mobile
• Construction minerals including sand and gravel, brick clay and crushed rock
aggregates used to manufacture concrete, bricks and pipes and in building
houses and roads.
• Industrial minerals, otherwise known as non–metallic minerals, used in a range of
industrial applications including the manufacture of chemicals, glass, fertilisers
and fillers in pharmaceuticals, plastics and paper. Industrial minerals include salt,
clays, graphite, limestone, silica sand, phosphate rock, talc and mica.

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