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Write your course learning

Learning objectives are statements that describe what learners should be able
to do after completing your course. They help you convert your target
audience’s needs into goals that you can use to structure your course.

1 Make a list of the concepts your learners need

to know to be proficient in your course topic. Learning objectives should be
List at least four concepts. demonstrable, meaning a learner
Tip: Reference the work you did to identify your ideal
learners here to make sure you’re addressing their needs,
can show that they’ve achieved a
challenges, problems, or motivations. learning objective through action.
Concepts They should also be measurable,
Example: Learning a new skill requires practice meaning you can tell whether a
learner has achieved a learning
objective through assessment.

2 For each concept you listed, what level of knowledge do you want your learners to have about that con-
cept? In other words, what should they be able to do with each concept?
Tip: Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to help you determine the level of knowledge you want learners to have for each concept.

Concepts Level of Knowledge

Example: Learning a new skill requires Create
3 Find a verb that indicates the level of knowledge you chose for each concept and reflects what learners
can do to demonstrate that they have obtained that knowledge.
Tip: Use this list to help you find verbs that describe each level of knowledge. You may decide to use verbs that are not on this list.

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Define Classify Execute Differentiate Appraise Design

Duplicate Describe Implement Organize Argue Assemble
List Discuss Solve Relate Defend Construct
Memorize Explain Use Compare Judge Conjecture
Repeat Identify Demonstrate Contrast Select Develop
State Locate Interpret Distinguish Support Formulate
Recognize Operate Examine Value Author
Report Schedule Experiment Critique Investigate
Select Sketch Question Weigh
Translate Test

Concepts Level of Knowledge Verb

Example: Learning a new skill requires practice Create Design

4 Finally, write your learning objectives by adding information to indicate why or how learners will demon-
strate that skill or concept.
Tip: Aim for at least four learning objectives to start. The total number of learning objectives you need depends on how much you
want to cover in your course.

Learning Objectives
Example: Design practice activities to include in your Udemy course that provide students opportunities for hands-on practice.

Write Your Course Learning Objectives on Udemy 2

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