Sourav Kumar Sinha - Comprehensive Project Report - Roll No. 050 - 65

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Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no relation between website content quality and search engine ranking.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a positive correlation between website content quality and search
engine ranking.

How satisfied are you with the overall performance of your website in terms of search engine
rankings and organic traffic?
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 59.502 4 14.875 33.253 .000

Within Groups 42.498 95 .447
Total 102.000 99

The Sum of Squares (SS) between groups, which represents the variability in satisfaction levels
across different levels of website content quality, is calculated as 59.502. This indicates the degree
of variance in satisfaction scores attributed to differences in website content quality.

The degrees of freedom (df) between groups is 4, representing the number of levels or groups of
website content quality being compared. The Mean Square (MS) between groups, calculated by
dividing the SS between groups by the df between groups, is 14.875. This value provides insight
into the average variance in satisfaction scores across different levels of website content quality.

The F statistic, calculated by dividing the MS between groups by the MS within groups, is 33.253.
This statistic assesses the ratio of variance between groups to variance within groups, providing a
measure of the extent to which the satisfaction scores vary due to differences in website content

The significance level (Sig.) associated with the F statistic is reported as .000, indicating that the
observed variation in satisfaction scores across different levels of website content quality is
unlikely to occur by random chance alone. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0), which states that
there is no relation between website content quality and search engine ranking satisfaction, is


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