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Website Development - Personal Log


I have done planning and initial idea

Website Development - Personal Log

Friday 08/09 After a tem meeting Liam created website template:

Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log

I used canva to make a site map:

Website Development - Personal Log

Monday 11/09 After the team meeting we decided the conceptual page layouts on Jam Boards

The template of the concept

Arranged the content after the team discussion
Got the text from Roma through Google Docs(
fzFtJsP6aQc5Cr2OmW9qybAbLpJw/edit?usp=sharing ) :
Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log

I tested all the links makig sure we have the right content.

Meena provided content

Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log

The uploader in Wix

The media manager in wix

We got videos from YouTube.
Links were found by the whole team and placed on Jam Board:

These were checked through by Me and the following were decided on:
Website Development - Personal Log
Website Development - Personal Log

Paste URL in here:

Website Development - Personal Log

Video appears like this on Wix

Tuesday 12/09 The group searched for support links on the mind map:
Website Development - Personal Log

These were chosen as the online links

I searched for in person support groups and phone numbers.
They were found online and hyperlinked to the relevant websites.
Website Development - Personal Log

Google search

Copied URL
Website Development - Personal Log

Hyperlinked Text and Buttons as they appear on Wix

As a team we sorted through screen size issues.
Liam been editing in 67% and had not accounted for the change in screen size:

The team shared screen and communicated how the site looked on each of their computers while I adjusted until it was
Website Development - Personal Log

Roma Created an Avatar and sent it over Email

I saved it to My computer then put it on the Menu Bar:

I have done testing and come out whit good results, and tested in different browsers
Website Development - Personal Log

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