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SOLVE THE MYSTERY OF THE D830. ae Dol MYC U elOROg Jew yTtII08 Dr INTRODUCTION Welcome to The Beast of Bitterfell, a fully re-written 5th edition adventure. This Ee eeacinasrtytiting soutien nin RHepetea che ceisra amet entes This adventure would work well for parties between levels 4 and 6. What begins as a classic monster hunt will end up as a murder investigation, as your ayers uncover the dark secret behind The east of Bitterfell. RUNNING THE ADVENTURE When I ran this game for my own players, it took them two sessions to complete the full story — a total of about seven hours. In our first session they covered Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, hunting down The Beast. During the second they finished Chapter 3, uncovering a murderous conspiracy and gaining a new animal companion. Maps aNp STATS I've included multiple maps throughout this PDF, for both practical and decorative purposes. Their use isn't essential though; you could create your own maps, or use theater of the mind if your prefer. I’ve also included stat blocks, but remember that you can change those eon onthe levels and numbers of your players. Stay safe, traveler. [ Locations While this adventure takes place in the town of Bitterfell, you can change the name and easily fold it into your own game setting Locations There are three main locations that we'll be focusing on. © Bitterfell © Kinwood Forest © The Boneland Barrens Of course, these names are not essential to the plot in any way, so you might wish to alter them to fit your world and setting. Brrrerrect The town of Bitterfell is a small but fairly rosperous settlement, accessible by road. it sits on the edge of Kinwood Forest, beyond which lies a desolate moorland, The Boneland Barrens. Bittesfell sea bustling hub for merchanra irises aria ieee ida Vatlemy Rane remesepete eter ar otra eecneesnd Menta tection ocieer While the town is overseen by a regional goveqpor they will not feature in this story. der is kept by the Bitterfell watchmaster. Kinwoop Forest The northern edge of Bitterfell is bounded by Kinwood Forest, a dense woodland that separates the town from the moor beyond. TREN ertitoaily ta toueh the forest Bat few travel it these days. Travelers who stick to the road can pass through Kinwood Forest in less than a day. If they leave Bitterfell in the morning, they should be on The Boneland Barrens by dusk. ‘Tue Bonetanp Barrens These grim moorlands are wild and almost uninhabited, except for a few hardened shepherds and the mansion of an old noble family, The Quales. ‘The mansion is about a mile beyond the edge of Kinwood Forest. The current resident, Lord Sylus Quale, lives alone. Be AND MERCHANTS Listed below are a selection of businesses that can be found operating in the town. As indicated on the map, there are others, but the stores below can all play a role in the adventure. ‘Tue Brrrersrew Tavern The social heart of the town, The Bitterbrew Tavern can act as a base for the adventurers while they're in town. The tavern is owned by Kell Fayn, a middle-aged human. Prnepyre Potions Dally Pinepyre, an elderly half-elf, runs a smal] but prosperous potion store. A limited number of potions will be on sale, including several Potions of Healing. ‘Tux’s Emportum At the town's general store, your players can urchase all the essentials, and hear the latest gossip from Tuk, a talkative gnome. Along with the tavern, this is another good place for social encounters. Firestone Force Bly Stonefoot, a young dwarven woman, is the town's smith. She is a recent arrival in Bitterfell, and will be happy to provide the outsider's perspective to your players. Brrrerrett Booxs tra bed ciara atts (OAINIARER con elderly tr. This isa great opportunity 0 eerie alever lore ane seri be died ‘Tue WarcHHouse While not a business, the Watchhouse is a key part of the town. This building houses the watchmaster's office, along with the town morgue, run by Jorvan, an older male half-ore. Travever’s TEMPLE Insmaller towns, I include a Traveler's Temple on or near the town square. This is a buildin; Paieallj adie tenderers ee tn be worshiped, with multiple shrines under one roof. This feels more realistic for a small town, and allows you to thread different religious practices into the story. | Cuapter 1: New In Town ‘The story begins on the edges of Bitterfel, as dusk begins to fall. ‘The characters might pass through Bitterfell ig cHITee Lilet eate Ug eomre othe location. Alternatively, they may have heard dark rumors of The Beast of Bitterfell and decided to investigate. j Folkin neighboring towns speak of The Beast, a huge black cat which has been terrorizing the area for several months. It has already claimed numerous victims. ARRIVAL As the characters approach the outskirts of Bitterfell, they have one or more encounters to set the tone for what's to come. Broop on THE ROAD In the gathering darkness, you see something lying on the road ahead. An ominous shape, limbs twisted in an unnatural pose, sprawls, ina pool of thickening blood. It's the body of The Beast's latest victim; a traveling minstrel who was on his way to The Bitterbrew Tavern. ‘A medicine or nature check confirms that they were killed by a vicious bite wound. (Gariealg ey sles oe a are ade bludgeoning damage, as if froma heavy spiked cudgel. Investigating the ground around the body may reveal that the killer was some kind of catlike creature with six legs, although the trail will qui Tue Dispcacer Beast ‘Whether the players realize it or not, they are dealing with a displacer beast. This panther-like creature has six legs and long tentacles that carry spiked club-like appendages: iia aad htin Kicarod Bike whe the characters will probably encounter it later. There is a darker mystery intertwined with the attacks, but that won't come to light ‘Tue Druw’s Corrace As you pass a small roadside cottage, you notice three villagers standing by the garden gate. They seem to be shouting threats at a young woman onthe doorstep. The trio are drank, and are accusing her of being in league with The Beast. The woman isa druid, Kali Willoward. She has lived in the area for several years, but is now viewed with suspicion by some locals, who think her druidic work is in some way related to the monster attacks. If the characters step up and confront the drunk locals, they quickly leave, muttering under their breath. Kali thanks the characters and gives them any information she can to assist them. If uestioned, she tells the characters about the town of Bitterfell and the recent Beast attacks (six victims so far). She also mentions that Perrin Gray, the watchmaster, was the most recent victim. His body was found yesterday. Lorp Sytus Quate The mastermind behind Perrin's death is Lord Sylus Quale, a local aristocract. Perrin was investigating the mysterious death of Quale's wife, so the old man (who murdered Lady Quale a year earlier, after finding out that she planned to leave) decided to kill Perrin. fe used the recent Beast attacks as cover for another murder. After secretly buying a panther, Sylus lured the watchmaster to a meeting an set the animal on him. Lord Quale actually bought a Ring of Animal Friendship from the druid a few days ago to help control the panther, although this fact probably won't come up during the players’ first meeting with Kali The key information Kali gives give the characters now is that the watchmaster, Perrin Gray, was the most recent victim of The Beast. When she describes the event, read: “Poor Perrin; he must have gone out fora walk before bed, and wandered too close to Kinwood Forest. Dally Pinepyre from the apothecary found the body this morning. His throat was ripped wide oper EnTerinG BitTerFecy By the time the characters reach the main body of the town, most shops are closed and the streets are quiet. The Bitterbrew Tavern is still open, with dinner and rooms available, but folk are understandably uneasy after the recent attacks. Tue Brrrersrew Tavern On Bitterfell's town square, the characters find The Bitterbrew Tavern. This buildin, j consists of three levels, with a large central common room on the bottom floor. Under normal circumstances, this large inn would be a warm and welcoming place. As fear of The Beast spreads, however, the mood begins to sour. ‘THE COMMON ROOM If the characters enter the tavern, read: ‘As you enter, you find yourself in a spacious common room, lit by a crackling fire. A few patrons look at you, narrowing their eyes over the rims of their tankards. Before their dark ances can put you off, the innkeeper emerges fom behind the mahogany bar and hurries greetyou. Kell Fayn, the innkeeper, is a middle-aged human with a thick red beard and a be that strains his apron. He happily prov: ae the characters with rooms, fea and ale Times are tough in Bitterfell. Kell is warm and eager to please, as The Beast is driving away business and any new customers are welcome. Over food and drink, the characters can ask Kell for information about the locals. He gives them a rundown of the townsfolk, and the recent deaths. If asked about The Beast, he'll mention that one of his regulars witnessed the attack on the watchmaster, although the witness is unreliable, to say the least. When Kell talks about the witness, read: “Old Jak got a look at The Beast! Says he saw it leap from the trees and tear Perrin’s throat out Jak told met was a huge black cat, one of those panthers from the mountains. Mind you; he'sa drinker, our Jak, and he'd had a few tankards in here before he stumbled home.” A. ROOM FOR THE NIGHT After hearing the local gossip and talking to Kell, the characters head to their rooms. As the characters fall asleep, read: ‘The wind rises, and the old tavern creaks and roans around you. You can hear the rain irumming on the glass and the trees shaking in the darkness beyond. As you drift off to sleep, youwonderif = somewhere out there, among the shadows — the Beast is prowling. | | | Cahir 2: Monster Hunt The characters awake on their first day in Bitterfell. They're probably in the tavern, if they decided to take rooms there, or are camped nearby if they chose to stay outside the town. By this point, the players should have two key pieces of information © The Beast recently killed the watchmaster, Perrin Gray. Old Jak, a local man with a drinking habit, witnessed the attack. © The Beast appears to be some kind of big black cat, possibly with six legs. The ee may also know that a nobleman called Sylus Quale lives to the north. The day begins with investigations and an encounter with the new watchmaster. j THE NEW WATCHMASTER ‘As you come downstairs, you see a dwarven ‘woman standing by the bar, talking with Kell. She’s wearing the uniform of the town watch. The innkeeper points towards you as. youd eter the room arid te newcomer Caths around. This is the newly appointed watchmaster, Fyr Delving. j She has arrived to find out more about the newcomers and (if you used the Druid’s Cottage incident) to corroborate Kali's testimony. The druid has put in a complaint about the locals who threatened her. actually played a role in the Perrin's Fyrishard-working and good at her job, but 8 death. ‘Tue accomPLice Sylus pressured Fyr Delving into sending a note to lure Perrin Grey to a night-time meeting, where he was murdered. Fyr's mother is ill, and she has been unable to afford expensive potions she needs. Lord Sylus ave Fyr a large sum of money on the condition that she wrote a note, inviting Perrin to a late night rendezvous. 'yris afraid to speak up, however, since she’s now an accomplice to the murder, and doesn’t want her mother to be left without anyone to care for her. Fyr wants to know more about last night's incident with the druid (if you only ran the Blood on the Road encounter, she asks about the minstrels death instead). If the characters mention that they are a into the recent deaths, indlading! the old watchmaster's, Fyr becomes visibly uneasy, and leaves soon afterwards. A pay IN BrrTerFELe Provided the characters don’t immediately go into Kinwood Forest to look for The east, some time can be spent in Bitterfell. There are shops to visit, and clues to find. VISITING STORES While visiting the stores and merchants of the town, they hear more information about the area and the recent deaths. Tuk, the owner of the general store, will be able to gossip about everyone in town. He knows about Fyr Delving’s mother and is happy to discuss the situation. If asked for information about Lord Quale, Tuk tells the characters about Sylus Quale’s wife, Lady Amalia Quale. She died last year ina hunting accident (Tuk doesn't know the details of the incident itself). If the characters visit Pinepyre Potions, Dally Pinepyre happily answers questions Sie deeh eh eametenec arc Laveen eecGpee tear eral eraecree for Fyr Delving’s mother. Fyr may even stop by to pick up the potions. INVESTIGATIONS While exploring Bitterfell, the characters can investigate two key clues; the witness, and Perrin Gray's body. ‘THE wItNEss es the elderly gnome who saw Perrin's death, can be found drinking at the tavern throughout the day. When questioned, he describes seeing the old watchmaster standing near the edge of the forest. He was waiting below a specific lightning blasted oak tree, as if waiting for someone. A huge panther then leapt from the forest, mauled him to death, and fled back into the trees. When asked about the possibility of it being a Searce monster, Old Jak insists that the creature he saw was just a regular panther with four legs. ‘THE MORGUE All the most recent Beast victims are kept in the town’s mote a small stone building next to the watchmaster’s office. Fyris not in her office when the characters arrive, but the morgue attendant, Jorvan, can be easily persuaded or bribed to allow them in. With a relatively low medicine check, the characters notice something strange about the bodies. Looking at the corpses, you can see they all have very similar wounds: large bite marks, coupled with spiked bludgeoning damage. Fic tekece acy you notice that he only suffered from a bite to the throat. As you look closer, it occurs to you that his wound looks a little smaller than the bite marks on the other bodies. Although the characters don’t know it yet, this is because the others were all Killed | by a six-legged displacer beast, while Perrin was murdered by Sylus Quale’s trained panther. [ Hountine Tue Beast Eventually, the characters can plunge into Kinwood Forest, to hunt for The Beast. By this time they may suspect that they're against a displacer beast, although Old Jak's testimony might have planted some doubts. PICKING UP THE TRAIL Once in the forest, the characters can run a series of skill checks (DC 14) to see how and where they find the monster. Let the characters decide how they want to go about the process. Will they roll survival checks to try and find tracks? Will they use their knowledge of nature to guess where a displacer beast would hide? Allow them to select the approach that is Seatac ees (alien tONe mes Sica) and Investigation will almost certainly be the checks they choose). FINDING THE MONSTER Once they've made three skill checks, and have justified and explained why they're using those specific skills, they find the paw prints of a six-legged creature. These tracks will lead to a cave in the heart of the forest. If they fail the majority of the checks, tell them that the day passes without success and the light is beginning to fade. On the journey back to town, they'll be attacked. Whether they take the monster in its lair Pedal ec ret icra Pace town, the huge displacer beast will be very hostile. The stat block below is mostly the same as a standard displacer beast, with some small alterations, including a new bite attack. Tue Beast oF BIrTERFELL Large monstrosity, lawful ev! Armor Class , Hit Points 85 (1d Speed Skills Senses Languages Challenge Avoidance. Ifthe displacer beast is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw ‘and only half damage if it fails. Displacement. The displacer beast projects a magical ilusion that makes it appear to be standing near its actual location, ‘causing attack rolls against itto have disadvantage. I its hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn This trait is also disrupted while the displacer beast is incapacitated or has a speed of 0 Acti Multiattack, The displacer beast makes three attacks, one with its bite and two with its tentacles. Tentacle. Melee Weopon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Mit:7 (146 + 4) bludgeoning damage Bite. Melee Weopon Attack: +5 to hit, reach ft, one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. scat Tue Beast If the characters find the cave, they'll have two main strategies. They can either set up some kind of trap outside, or head straight in. If they enter the cave, read: The stench of rotting meat hits you as you move into the darkness. You can hear water dripping against stone, echoing through the shadowed cavern. Somewhere in the cave, out of sight, a deep, guttural growl begins to rise The cave floor is scattered with bones and debris. As the characters creep forward, the ground slopes down into the darkness, The displacer beast is waiting at the back of the lair. If the party takes the narrower path at the rock formation near the pool, they are forced into single file. The displacer beast can attack at any time, using the darkness of the cave, along with its unique Displacement feature, to its advantage ‘Tue Beast IN COMBAT The Beast is a powerful predator, with a keen sense of territorial ownership. In combat, it will always attack whoever it perceives to be the biggest threat; usually the player dealing the most damage. It's a cunning hunter, however, and if it hears the characters coming, it will lie in wait in the darkness of its cave, ambushing them if they enter the shadowy interior. If The Beast emerged from the cave at the start of the battle, it may retreat into the safety of its lair once it falls below half its HP. SETTING A TRAP If the characters decide to set a trap for The Beast, they may be able to lure it out into the open, To do this, they'll need some kind of bait, ideally a piece of fresh meat. If they place the meat near the entrance to the cave, whoever sets the trap must succeed ona stealth check (DC 13) to avoid alerting The Beast. If the characters then hide and wait, they must all succeed a stealth check, contested against The Beast's perception check as it emerges to examine the meat. Provided everyone succeeds, The Beast will automatically go last in the combat turn order. If one or more characters fail, they lose the element of surprise and The Beast may not emerge from the cave. If it does, it will know it's a trap and will roll initiative as normal Loot anp CAVE ITEMS ; The cave contains a variety of items that the characters can loot during and after combat. Being able to open boxes during a battle to find new weapons and potions will adda fun twist to along combat encounter. Banpir Loot The cave was once used by local bandits to stash stolen loot. There are three chests in the cave, one of which is in the pool. The underwater chest contains the bandits’ Id; choose an appropriate amount for the characters; I'd suggest 80 gold pieces. The other two chests can contain additional items to help your players in the fight. For example, if you know your players are low on healing potions, you can include one in the first box they encounter. Szarcuinc Corpses The Beast killed numerous travelers and merchants on the road, carrying off their corpses to the cave before they could be added to the official victim count. Investigating their remains will yield gold, silver, and low level weapons. Again, you can pick items and gold that feels right for the current level of the characters. "THE SEEDS OF A STORY This is also a great place to work in some future story hooks; some of the corpses may have been carrying letters and journals. These papers can reference names, interesting locations, and other things to follow up on later One of the victims could even be a courier; if his bag of mail is still close by, the potential for setting up new points of interest for your players is unlimited. ‘TRopuigs FROM Tue Beast Fyr Delving will happily pay outa reward (100 gold pieces) for The Beast's removal, provided the characters show her a trophy to prove that it's dead. Characters can also harvest organs, skin, and tentacles from the monster's body. An apothecary ora bucher might pay well for these rare items. AFTERMATH Having slain The Beast of Bitterfell, the characters return to town. Watchmaster Fyr will reward them for their efforts, as long as they provide proof of their deeds. At this point, the characters may be happy to move on, having dealt with the monster. Alternatively, they may still have suspicions about Perrin’s death, and the unanswered questions that it raises. | ApDING COMBAT Aswritten, the remainder of this adventure won't feature a lot of combat. Instead, it's going to be driven by roleplay, as players put together clues, question suspects, and close in on the true vi However, they will have to travel through Kinwood Forest to complete the game, so if you're concerned about a lack of action, this is the perfect place to include a small combat encounter, This dgesn't have o be something thats connected with the main plot; for example, foi he abundant (hebibe oo who used The Beast's cave as a storage space). Cuapter 3: Toe Rear Mean After returning to Bitterfell and claiming a reward, the characters begin the next act of their adventure. Unanswerep Questions Once they've claimed a reward from Fyr, the characters encounter Old Jak again. Hearing about the dis; zpacee beast, or seeing its body if they brought it back, Jak insists that this is not the panther he saw kill Perrin. Aote From E.D. If the characters aren't picking up on the clues, Old Jak provides more overt hints. He tells the characters that he went back to the scene of Perrin's death, and found a crumpled note on the ground. Treads: Meet me by the blasted oak, two hours after sunset. [can't speak about it openly now, but there's something you need to see. Yours, FD. This is a very obvious clue, pointing towards Fyr Delving's involvement in Perrin's death. Alternatively, the characters could find the note at any time if they search the area near or around the oak tree where Perrin died. If they're already on the right track, you may not need to use the note, but it's always an option if they're struggling to pick up the scent. Fyr’s Conression When confronted, Fyr's guilty conscience pushes her to speak. Cea intimidated (with a relatively low DC 11) into revealing the truth The reclusive nobleman, Lord Sylus Quale, gave her money for her mother's treatment, in return for her writing the note. She doesn't know why he asked her to do it, but suspects it has something to do with an investigation Perrin was conducting. He'd been working late and spending time on The Boneland Barrens, near the Quale estate. | | | Bes THE DOTS Tue Bonganp Barrens By this point, the characters have at least three pieces of essential information. Key Facts The following facts drive the conclusion of the investigation. © Perrin was not killed by the displacer beast. (© Sylus Quale lured him to a fake meeting, where he was attacked by a large panther. © Perrin may have been investigating Sylus Quale fora crime. In the course of their investigations, the characters may also find out from Kali the druid that she sold a magic Ring of Animal Friendship to Sylus Quale just a few days before Perrin was killed. j This isn't essential, though; it just adds an extra layer to the backstory of the murder. PERRIN’S CASE NOTES Overcome by guilt and eager to help, Fyr lets the RHanictemSk over Perrin's case notes. Here they find details on the Sylus Quale investigation. Perrin suspected that Sylus killed his wife, Amalia Cate, covering up the act as a hunting accident. No one suspected anything at the time, but Perrin later reviewed the case and noticed some contradictory details in Sylus Quale's statement. This prompted him to reopen the case, and he began building a case against the lord. In the last month, Perrin went back to the scene of Amalia's death, and found more flaws in Quale's original testimony. HEADING NORTH The only thing left to do is to confront the rate derdts Wis Quale; Thechatacters travel north through The Kinwood, and arrive on The Boneland Barrens. If the characters want to bring Fyr with them to help with an arrest, they can, but that is eee dependent on the party and how they feel about Fyr. As you emerge from the forest, a windswept moorland opens up before you. The old road winds away across the grim expanse, leading you on towards the huge mansion that looms in the distance. The building looks old and uncared for, buta single light glimmers in one of its many windows. The characters approach the house. The overgrown grounds are still and silent. There is an old, abandoned stable to one side of the mansion. If the characters look inside the stable, they'll find a large metal cage. It's empty, and the door is open. However they choose to enter the main house, the characters find a gruesome scene inside. PoxrIc JUSTICE When your characters arrive, they find that Sylus Quale is dead. His body is sprawled in the main hall of the mansion in a pool of blood. Just like Perrin, his throat has been ripped out. Ae pent en te ara eslny our eega shape sprawled out on the floor. The figure o| ene feety ear emeorrerie aes c fas kee aractten easier ee ee eer pee cetera ta eta The panther has finally rebelled and killed Sylus Quale, after he accidentally left the cage unlocked. When the characters investigate the body, they find that Quale is wearing his Ring of Animal Friendship. However, if they take the ring, they may notice that it only had three aut all of which have now been expended. Extra DETAILS The characters can explore the mansion. In Sylus Quale's study, they find a bill of sale from the exotic animal trader who sold the panther a week earlier. This is the final piece of the puzzle, and the characters now understand the full story. | | | A Bioopier Enp ‘THE sHowDown If you feel your players would prefertoend — When the characters confront Sylus and the the adventure with some more combat, you thugs, the villains will realize that their plot can run this encounter instead. has been discovered. BALE Dee Sylus orders the thugs to kill the characters, In this alternative scenario, the panther is telling them that they'll be held responsible kept in its cage in the stables, anddoes not _for Perrin's murder as well. kill Sylus Quale until later. Spurred on by his words, the three animal Instead, Quale will be found in the main handlers attack. hall of the mansion, talking with three grim-faced thugs; two humans and a half- ore. Comsat F In combat, the thugs begin by targeting the These thugs work as animal handlers, sent _Jargest, most physically threatening member by the exotic animal merchant to transport of the party. and guard the panther. If one or more characters starts to use spells ‘TYING UP LOosE ENDS effectively against them, the thugs will focus on them instead. When the characters arrive, Sylus will be in talks with the three thugs. If they approach _]f the characters can convince them that only with stealth, they might overhear thelord —_ Sylus will be arrested for the murder, they saying: may lay down their arms and leave. ; ‘Idon't care how you do it, just get rid of the Alternatively, they will fight to the death, * damn thing. I can't afford to keep feedingit, | while Sylus runs to the stable to unleash the and if word gets out that it's herell be in panther, which will then kill him, leading to - real trouble, Take it back to your boss, or cut aH ee 7 pe itcoarivallticmen tare’ the original Poetic Justice scenario. SyLus QUALE Tuuc dr mea atu hanno yea pt Armor las 15 (orearpate) a, meranefeota © J wrenscana speed 30, @® speed30 STR DEK CON INT wis CHA STR DEX CON INT Wis CHA 11 (40) -12(41) 19.40) 1241)— 1442) 16 (+3) 15(+2) 11 (40) 14 (42) 10(+0) 1040) 11 (+0) Siam Deception agro, Persiaon #5 a aia eeomoanere tencet plas OAT toc ey Coe eae © | emcee oreeninetay commen) — @) thanenge 8 (2599) caters (10090) Pack Tactics. The thug has advantage on an attack roll against 2 Actions creature if atleast one ofthe thug’s allies is within 5 ft. of the ereature and the aly isn't incapactates Aapler, Mele Weapon Atack #30 hit, each Sf, one target AES erg ase Oxcrions REACTIONS Muttiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks. —__ttace.etee weapon stack +t it, rach sf, one creature Parry. The noble adds 2to its AC against one melee attack tha |, Hi’ § (146 +2) bludgeoning damage + ac Todos abe mtcethe tet SDS apy reson anges Meapon tdk-210 og 1040 My isting melee wespon Satargee nies (at) parang damage WRaPPING UP THE GAME The mystery is solved, and the game is now almost over. AN ANIMAL COMPANION The panther is still in the mansion, and the characters can track it down. They find it in the attic, and it won't attack right away. This gives them a chance to try and befriend iE chevayant toile tHey offer the panther | food (anything from their rations will work) and succeed an animal handling check (DC 12) the panther will be merous Gut docile. When the characters leave the mansion, the anther follows them. Once their business in Bitterfell is wrapped up and they're back Erith caditue tikes cliemeter ais companion for the party. | A TOWN AT PEACE When the characters return to Bitterfell, the town seems notably different, now that the news of The Beast’s killing has spread. The streets are busy, and there's a warm, celebratory mood in the air. The Bitterbrew Tavern is busy again. If the characters drop in on Kell, he thanks them for lifting the cloud of fear that hung over the area. The characters may linger a while to shop, drink with the locals, and resolve any other business they have in town. When they finally leave Bitterfell, read: ‘As you turn away from the town, you can see the road winding away into the trees. You can hear laughter and music drifting on the wind as the door of the tavern opens for amoment. The town of Bitterfell rests easier now; the shadow of The Beast is lifting The characters are back on the road, with new adventures ahead and, hopefully, an animal companion waiting for them once they leave the bustle of the town. Conctusion This PDF lays out an overview of how the story could play out, but so much of the game will be defined by the choices and actions of your own players Hopefully the broad story beats will be the same one way or another, with players receiving the key clues and information they need along the way. For more inspiration, check out 'The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle; the plotand atmosphere of that book were major inspirations for this adventure.

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