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Sonic Robo Blast 2 for Android

Logfile: /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/logs/log-2024-03-09_21-30-22.txt

Setting up SRB2...

Sonic Robo Blast 2

Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Sonic Team Junior

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the 'LICENSE.txt' file for details.

Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are trademarks of SEGA.

We do not claim ownership of SEGA's intellectual property used
in this program.

Looking for WADs in: Shared storage: /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2App-
specific storage: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 3604MB - Free: 952MB
W_UnpackMultipleFiles(): Unpacking IWAD and main PWADs.
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/srb2.pk3 (12647
Loading SOC from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/srb2.pk3|
Loading SOC from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/srb2.pk3|
Added file zones.pk3 (141 lumps)
Loading SOC from zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_EMBM.txt
Loading SOC from zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_HEAD.txt
Loading SOC from zones.pk3|SOC/SOC_SECR.txt
Loading SOC from zones.pk3|SOC/Tutorial.txt
Added file /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/player.dta (1869
Loading SOC from /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/player.dta|
Added file /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.stjr.srb2/files/patch.pk3 (18
Added file android.pk3 (255 lumps)
Loading SOC from android.pk3|SOC/Titlescreen.soc
Added file music.dta (181 lumps)
CPU Info: 486: 0, 586: 0, MMX: 0, 3DNow: 0, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 0
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/config.cfg
Default resolution: 1280 x 800
Windowed resolution: 640 x 400
Default bit depth: 16 bits
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.pk3 added 5396 frames in 385 sprites
patch.pk3 added 3 frames in 2 sprites
S_InitSfxChannels(): Setting up sound channels.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2.13 (Jan 8 2024 22:58:36 03956fa9 android-port) SDL Android
�NOTICE:� Game must be restarted to play Record Attack.
Added file /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-V1.2.pk3 (493
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
Pardon me while I initialize the Lua scripting interface...
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
MobjType MT_SHOCKPOUND allocated.
Sprite SPR_SRSH allocated.
State S_SHOCKP1 allocated.
State S_SHOCKP2 allocated.
State S_SHOCKP3 allocated.
State S_SHOCKP4 allocated.
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
State S_STTAURA allocated.
MobjType MT_STTVOLT allocated.
MobjType MT_STTVOLTAURA allocated.
MobjType MT_STTAUTOVOLT allocated.
MobjType MT_STTTRAIL allocated.
MobjType MT_STTRINGRANGE allocated.
MobjType MT_SPARKEFF allocated.
MobjType MT_SPARKHURT allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx1 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx2 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx3 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx4 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx5 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx6 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx7 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx8 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfx9 allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxa allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxb allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxc allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxd allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxe allocated.
Sound sfx_susfxf allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SURGE_1 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SURGE_2 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SURGE_3 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SURGE_4 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SURGE_5 allocated.
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SSURGE_1 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SSURGE_2 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SSURGE_3 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SSURGE_4 allocated.
Skincolor SKINCOLOR_SUPER_SSURGE_5 allocated.
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
Added command "surgequakes"
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
Loading Lua script from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-
Loading SOC from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-V1.2.pk3|
Loading SOC from /storage/emulated/0/Sonic Robo Blast 2/addons/CL_Surge-V1.2.pk3|
CL_Surge-V1.2.pk3 added 241 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'surge'
No maps added
Starting Server....
Speeding off to level...

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