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Enterprise test (16/4) - Unit 4 (T 1)

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1) State two methods used to identify risks in an enterprise.


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2) State two legal obligations when marketing and selling food products such as






3) Explain one method that could be used to reduce the risks in an Enterprise.

Method ..............................................................................................................................












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Enterprise test (16/4) - Unit 4 (T 1)

Student name:

4) In PEST analysis, technological factors primarily focus on:

A) Changes in population demographics

B) Legal and regulatory factors

C) Advances in innovation and automation

D) Social media trends

5) In SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses are:

A) External factors

B) Internal factors

C) Market opportunities

D) Environmental factors

6) Economic factors in a PEST analysis include:

A) Population growth rate

B) Technological advancements

C) Exchange rates

D) Cultural norms

7) An opportunity in a SWOT analysis typically refers to:

A) External factors that could harm the business

B) Internal factors that enhance the company's performance

C) External factors that the company can leverage for growth

D) Internal factors that could hinder the company's growth

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