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Questions for embassy interview

## Visa application requirements

1) National Visa Application Form (D) duly filled (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) and signed

2) Valid passport + 2 pictures (3*4 with white background) with copy

3) Round-trip flight booking

4) Original or Replacement of University Entrance Exam or High school diploma in some Cases
(translated to Italian) for bachelor degree programs

-Original degree and transcript for master’s degree programs (also translated to Italian)

5) Declaration of value issued by the Embassy of Italy where the SSLE has been issued.

Otherwise can also be valid an Attestation of Comparability of the value of the SSLE by CIMEA
Association certificates

6) Certificate attesting to the passing of academic suitability tests, in the case required (i.e Tolc exams)
for admission to the University of the respective countries of origin

7) Certificate issued by the competent University attesting the exams passed, as well as for each subject,
the detailed programs for the title of the aforementioned qualifications. Post-secondary studies (exams
and credits) already completed can be certified by the Diploma Supplement, if applicable

8) The summary of the pre-enrollment application as validated by the university


9) Economic means of subsistence for the intended stay. These means are quantified in the amount of €
550 per month for each month of the academic year 2023 2024, equal to € 7.150,45 per year (which is the
minimum required)

*For the evaluation of the Economic means of subsistence the following supporting documents must be
submitted along with the above mentioned forms:

-Passport/ID documents

-Bank statement (at least from the last 3 months)

-Residence permits (in case of foreign citizens)

-business license in case the sponsors are the parents (Not mandatory)

-car booklet ownership (Not Mandatory)

10) Linguistic knowledge:

For courses in Italian the Linguistic knowledge must be Level B2;

For courses in English the Linguistic knowledge

Must be certified with IELTS or TOEFL certificates.

Also medium of instruction from NEAEA or University is accepted.

10) A suitable accommodation in the national Italian territory (Hotel booking or declaration of
Hospitality for the invitation form or letter of proof of University Dormitory residence)
11) Adequate international insurance coverage (30.000, 00€ coverage min) , for medical treatment and
hospitalization (1 YEAR OF SCHENGEN TRAVEL INSURANCE) starting from the intended day of

12) Nonrefundable Visa fee of 50€ or ~~3000 ETB

# My visa Interview experience

Name: Lopiso Feleke

Univ: University of Genoa


I entered to the visa room. Submitted my documents.

VO: What is your name?

Me: I told my name

VO: where are you going and why are you going?

Me: I am going to University of Genoa in Italy to study Masters degree in Internet and Multimedia
Engineering program

VO: What did you study for your bachelor?

Me: I studied my bachelor's degree in Electronics and communication Engineering at Adama Science and
Technology University

VO: what's electronics engineering?

Me: I told him

VO: what is your plan after graduation?

Me: I would like to expose myself to international recognized telecom companies like Huawei, Telecom
Italia, and the like. Moreover, additional telecom Companies like safaricom have joined the Ethiopian
telecom industry. I want to develop myself for the challenges waiting ahead

VO: Come next Wednesday

Me: Thank you.

From University of Genoa

Got interviewed by Stella and senait

Masters in engineering technology for strategy and security

V.O: Good morning

Me: Good morning

V.O: How old are you?

Me: I'm 23

V.O: Are you applying for masters?

Me: Yes ma'am

V.O: good, what is ur course and ur university?

Me: Told

V.O: i think it's related with your bachelors, are you the only one at genoa?

Me: hmm i don't know may be

V.O: Why do you choose the university?

Me: Because It's the only university in Italy that gives this course (i said the only by mistake)

V.O: No! Not the only university but it’s the first

Me: oh yeah, my bad and since It's the first university that started this course I would have the
opportunity to engage with professors and researchers who are pioneers in their respective fields and also
It would allow me to benefit from the expertise and experience of the best professors in the field

V.O: Okay, What’s your future plan?

Me: Told her in detail, i mentioned my work experience and that i have participated on a national
Entrepreneurship competition

V.O: (checked my document) Oh nice, but be specific about the position and institution that you want to

Me: i want to be Technology strategist at Ethiopian science and technology ministry

V.O: who is ur sponsor?

Me: Told

V.O: okay see you next week

Me: thank you, have a good day

ena be confident and friendly , dress well , smile Good luck people

## University of Cession and Southern Lazio

Possible interview questions for cassino bachelor

1. What’s your name?

# Hello, My name is....

2. Why are you here today?

# I’m here to apply for an Italian student visa

3. Why Italy?

# Italy has been a hub for art, science, and higher education for hundreds of years. Boasts a high-quality
education system. Honestly, Italy is a perfect combination of great tuition fees, living costs, and amazing
student experiences, seeing how knowledge and scholars are celebrated there.

Plus my grandmother was in Italy before and she always told me how the people, the country was

4. How do you know that Italian unis provide better education?

# Because most Italian universities are old and experienced. They always work to improve their quality of

5. Which university?

# Cassino and Southern lazio University

6. Why cassino?rather than better unis in Rome

# . Because the university has a large and diverse international students in which it makes me able to
share thoughts, culture, and new business ideas

Plus, the university has a strong focus on research and has established several research centers and
institutes. It also has a number of international partnerships with universities around the world. UNICAS
is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students.

7. What feild?

# I plan to study Bachelor's in economics and business

8. Why economics and business?

# . I wanted to study economics and business to help my country, which is struggling with Scarce foreign
exchange reserves and high inflation. And to help new emerging young entrepreneurs through their

9. Who's your sponsor?

# My uncle in law ,,, or my aunt's husband, whose italian working under European commission is my

10. Future plan?

# My future plan is to help my country using my field of study. As we see, Ethiopia is struggling a lot
with Scarce foreign exchange reserves and high inflation. And also to help young Ethiopian
entrepreneurs through their business.

11. Your education background?

# . I earned a diploma from my high school with a good result. I got a really good result on the university
entrance exam. I was a rank student during my high school years. I was a member of the ict and human
rights club, and i really like helping other students. Besides the formal education, i took some online

12. Tell me about the world economic status? .

# The world economic status is facing big problems because of the war between Russia and Ukraine and
also the tension between USA and Russia. Due to those reasons, high inflation is occurring in the whole

13. How do you see PM abiy now he's changing all the public facilities into private how that help
Ethiopian economy or does it have negative effect?

# I'm not sure but In my opinion it is good for people because privatizing public facilities leads to
competition of the companies. In which the people will get a better supply and choose whatever suits its

14. Where is your sponsor?

# my sponsor is currently in guinea for some work

15. When did you take national exam?

# . I took the national exam on November 2021

16. So didn't you study here the field, why Italy?

# I chose italy because their is a better quality in education and better learning environment in which I'll
get a chance to exchange ideas with other international students.

17. Your short term and long term plan?

# . My short term plan is that to work on my self , my education and my physical

18. What were you doing during the gap year?

# During the gap year I was taking some online courses like programming and graphics design. And also I
started a small business with my friends in my hometown. The business was a food delivery (named
gebeta delivery), which was not common in dire dawa and we were the first to start the business . I had
some experience how really business goes.

19. So which institution do you wanna work?

# . I do wanna work in governmental organization in which it lets me make my own fingerprints in

changing current economy of my country .

20. What do you think about the current economic situation of Ethiopia?

# Ethiopia is struggling a lot with Scarce foreign exchange reserves and high inflation. This is due to
internal conflicts first in Tigray and now in Amhara region although the international effect remains

21.summary silak email lay mn yelal?

# . It says diplome full registration complete- your diplome wallet has been created

22. Rome seteders manew mikebeleh?

# My aunt will welcome me and help me to go to cassino.

23. 1st year courses?

# Some First year courses are general mathematics, political economy, business economics, private law
and additional course with the choice of the student

24. Who's your professor?

# Professor Marcelo

25. Annual tuition fee?

# . It is a total of 1556€

26. What is economics?

# Economics is a social science subject that deals with how people interact with each other given the
resources they have. It deals with consumption, production, and distribution decisions and the choices that
come with these decisions.

1.1, University of Cession and Southern Lazio

Program: MSc in Telecommunication Engineering

Interview Outcome: Approved & Visa collected

Visa Attempt Number: 1

Interview Date: 2023-10-06

Interview Time: 11:10

Interview City: Addis Ababa

Interview Country: Ethiopia

Interviewer: Emanuel

Education Profile

Grad Level: BSc

Grad Major: Electrical major in Communication

GPA: 3.**

Grad University: AAiT

Interview Details

VO: Good morning Mr. ***? Pass me ur documents

Me: Good morning, Mr. (passed documents and passport)

VO: Are u from *** Zone ( after he review my passport and birth palce found there)

Me: Yeah

VO: Which university?

Me: University of Cassino and Southern Lazio( when i was answering Patricia metach kejerba ena
techekachekech ke esu gar be rasachew guday ene degmo zim bye mayet enesun then hedech, then he
typed sth on computer zim bilo koye letinsh gize)

VO: Why telecommunications and ur future plan, be fast

Me: Because, my bsc was in electrical engineering with major in communication engineering. When i
was at undergrad school i took courses from cisco networking academy to advance my knowledge with in
networking sector.

My future plan is i want to work at ethio telecom. I also want to be a leader at AAiT and i want to be a
leader of Ethiopia. i am telling this because when i was at undergrad school i was president of a club and
i have facilitated different trainings for students of our staff. ( then what ahunm Patricia metach behuala
bekul ena digami chikichik esu gar ene yetewesene memeles endejemerku new yemetachiw ena min
endalkut erasu alsemagnim esua gin eyayechign neber yesemachiw yemechershawn our staff mitilewan
kal bicha semach aftita ayechign ene degmo eskichersu zim alkuachew, be amaregna be engsh be italian
chikichik, beka eka tsafilign minamn silkua lay then hedech)

VO: then he printed the appointment date and said we have to stop here. keza minm alalegn even next
week na erasu alalegnm aza eyaregechiw neber Patricia

VO: Bye, have a good day!

Me: Thank you. Have good day!

NB: main thing Confidence Confidence Confidence and ur sound kef adirgu sitaweru.
And then metseley metsely.

Egzaibaher yirdachihu lemitgebu.

1.2, Sep 20, 2023

Status: Issued

Stella & Senait,

Me: Hello, Good Morning officers *I was smiling*

*Both Stella and Senait greeted me*

Senait: Why are you here today

Me: I'm here to apply for my student visa

Stella: How old are you

Me: I'm 20

Stella: she took a note and said okay okay... Then she said "why digital Economics and Business"

Me: I'm really interested in this program

Stella interrupted and asked why (but she was smiling from the beginning... It wasn't harsh)

*I continued...

It perfectly aligns with my interest and potential. There a lot of things I can do once I graduate by this

Stella: what things for example?

Me: I can be digital strategiest, financial analyst, business analyst (she were taking note as I speak)

Senait: "digital strategiest"? Seems a beautiful word right? What's that?

Me: Okay but before I explain about digital strategiest I will have to explain digital economics and

(Both said okay okay go ahead)

Well, digital Economics and Business is a field that combines principle of economics and applications of
digitals in business world. It emphasis how social media and internet can impact the economy and uses
this knowledge to make informed business decisions... So the role of digital strategiest is to plan this out.
They plan how the digital economy will move forward.

*Both were nodding... I had the impression that they're convinced...*

Stell: And do you think that this course is helpful in Ethiopia

Me: Yes, officer. It's quite helpful... Our Economy has to be digitalized... Interrupted

Stella: you think that the current system has to be improved and digitalized?

Me: Yes, officer. It has to be digitalized in order to promote our resource and improve our GDP. We need
digital skill to communicate with the outside world...

*Both were nodding*

Stella: In which sector would you like to work?

Me: Agro Economics (just a one word answer)

*Stella looks very impressed. She discussed with Senait in their language and they were both nodding
while talking to each other*

Stella: Great great. What specifically would you like to do?

Me: I want to produce agricultural products then manufacture and then export

She said okay okay...

Then she asked about my parent’s occupation... I told her that...

Stella: who's your sponsor?

Me: He's my uncle he lives in Norway

Then she glanced at the bank statement and asked me whether it's in euro or their currency... It was in
their currency.... Stella then asked how much it has in euro, I told her 7200 euro....

Stella: this amount is really low... He has family, kids she said (But she told me in a very friendly

Simply they discussed with Senait in their language

At the end

Senait: Can you add another sponsor for next week? Can you provide additional sponsorship document

Me: Yes, of course I can

She wrote "Additional document" on the paper that she passed me

That's how it ended

1. 3, Visa interview experience

Date - sep 20


From unv of cassino and southern lazio

Status - approved

First when I just get in stella wasn't there and senait was trying me to be confident, atfra just talk like u're
talking to friends mnamn

Then stella comes

V.O: Good morning

Me: Good morning officer

V.O: what's ur name

Me: told

V.O: How old are u

Me: I recently turned to ** and I celebrated my birthday just before 2 days

V.O: oww nice Happy birthday let's start

Where did u finish high school and when?

Me: told

V.O: what did u do during 2 gap yr?

Me:told abt researching abt the unversity and the field, taking some online courses that is directly related
to the field....

V.O: why this field?

Me : told

V.O: why doesn’t u study the field here

Me: told

V.O: future plan?

Me: told abt returning and working on the public sector

V.O: give me one sector u are going to apply

Me: finance minster

V.O: what if they reject u?

Me: I will try to other public sectors

V.O: what if all the public sectors reject u do u have 2nd plan?

Me: I might be an entrepreneur and gives job opp for our relatives....

V.O: who is ur sponsor

Me: told

V.O: what is his work and also where do he lives?

Me: told

V.O: how did he went there?

Me: diversity visa

V:O: his annual income?

Me: told

V.O: why don't u study this course in US

Me: told abt the eurpean quality of education...

V.O: so why don't u choose other European countries like France

Me: told

V.O: thankss see you next week

That's all I remembered, it takes almost 15 min

Then when I pay the money senayit gives me sign like " u did it"

Try to be confident asap

Good luck with your interview! You have got all the qualities needed to impress the interviewer. Show
them your true potential and success will follow.

3.4, University: University of Cassino

Major: Masters in civil and Environmental engineering

Interviewer: Emmanuel

Status: Approved ✅

VO:Good Morning

Me: Good Morning

VO: I can see that you are planning to study civil and Environmental Engineering so, why do you choose
to study civil and environmental engineering? and tell me abt your background?

Me: I started by talking abt my background and I told him abt my high school, abt my bachelor
degree( which was civil Engineering) and my current job...and then I told him abt my reasons for
choosing my masters course.

VO:what is your plan after graduation ?

Me: first I want to get my Masters in civil and Environmental Engineering with a very good grade like my
bachelor degree ( he was happy with my answer ...)...and I want to come back to my country and ( biye
liketil sil are pls temariwoch don't exagerate ur answer bizu sew exagerate yaregal alegn ena pls tell me
every little detail where you want to be after u graduated alegn) I told him where I want to work
when I come back and in which sector to work in detail...( he shows ....👍 )

VO: You could have choose any better university ...why cassino?

Me: btw I also got accepted at Sapienza University....

VO: ok then you better change ur University after you go there alegnina sile Sapienza big mehonun ena
arif endehone advice aderegegn).

Me: okay I will do that thanks.

VO: bye see you

Me: bye...thank you ...have a good day.


1. Pray and believe in your self.

2. Be confident and eye contact.

3. Don't forget the 3000 birr and your photo.

4. Prepare your documents well!!( yehulunum original document copy atirisu).

Thank You!

Good Luck!

Please share your interview experience for your friends it is really helpful.
2. Visa Experience from university of Messina
University:Messina university

Major:data analysis



Her:Good afternoon,what is ur name

Me:Good afternoon,told my name

Her:give me ur documents

Me: i gave her my documents

Her:what is data analysis

Me:told her

Her:why did u choose this field

Me:told her

Her:why do u choose messina university

Me:told her

Her:where is messina university located

Me:told her,then she was delighted she said i am from sicily and suddenly she told me to visit this this
this place when u arrive there and they laugh with emanuel

Me: i was very happy and i said thank u for the information i will visit it

Her:finally what is ur future plan after ur studies

Me:told her

NB: eye contact and confidence is must

Allah yerdachu hulachunm

3. College: Polytecnic University delle MARCHE

Interview Outcome: Approved & Visa collected

Visa Attempt Number: 1

Interview Date: 2023-08-16

Interview Time: 09:30

Interview City: Addis Ababa

Interview Country: Ethiopia

Exam Profile
Exam Type: SAT

Exam Score: 1330

English Test Type: IELTS

English Test Score: 6.5

Education Profile

Grad Level: High school

Grad Major: Natural Science

Entrance Result: 6**

Highschool Country: Ethiopia

Interview Details

VO: Hello, Good morning. Pass me your passport and other documents?

Me: Good morning, Officer. Here you go (passed documents and passport)

VO: Which university?

Me: Polytecnic University delle MARCHE

VO: Why this university?

Me: It has most accreditation and the university has a large and diverse international students in which it
makes me able to share thoughts, and new business ideas and also the university has a strong focus on
research, and bla bla bla.....

He wasn't even listening and started asking me a third question

VO: Who is your sponsor?

Me: My uncle and I told about his current job and place he lives.

VO: Why digital economics and business?

Me: I wanted to study digital economics and business to help my country since building a digital
economy in developing countries will improve the quality of life of the population, improve the socio-
economic and

environmental sustainability for the country. Moreover, it can create effective business models that meet
the challenges of our time.

VO: Bye, have a good day!

Me: Thank you. I appreciate it!

3.1, University: Marche University

Major: digital economics and business

Interviewer: Patricia

Status: approved
Her: Hey what's ur name. How you doing?

Me: hey. Told my name. I'm fine thanks and u

Her: I'm fine pass me ur documents

Me: I passed the documents

Her: ughhhh why is everyone from this uni. And why is everyone with this major. Are u all gonna be
economist? What's ur reason for choosing this course?

Me: It is because its an interesting field. And since my childhood I have been passionated about
technologies and now I wanna widen scope my scope not only on these techs but also there implication
on economy. So I found it to be a good blend for my interest.

Her: okay so what's ur plan then

Me: I wanna come back and apply my skills here... she paused me and said make it specific which sector
u wanna improve?

Me: agriculture and educational sector.

Her: why?

Me: because agriculture is the base for Ethiopia economy so by digitalizing the agri system we can
inhance the economy of Ethiopia and we can increase digital literacy and make it more accessible..

Her: I like Ethiopia's weather it's moderate. But I have seen that there is low import and export process.
Ethiopias economy is very low. Why is that? And what would be ur contribution for that?

Me: because agriculture is the base for Ethiopia economy so by digitalizing the agri system we can
inhance the economy of Ethiopia and we can increase digital literacy and make it more accessible..

Her: I like Ethiopia's weather it's moderate. But I have seen that there is low import and export process.
Ethiopias economy is very low. Why is that? And what would be ur contribution for that?

Me:yeah ur right there are alot reasons for that. No techonology advancement, illiteracy, no supporting
institutions for farmers, miyaderaje and guide miyareg yelem also also almost all famers are subsistance
level (for their own food nw miyameretut)and alot more... we have all the resources gn we don't utilise it
well. We don't manage it well. That's why I wanna come back and work on this.

Her: yeah ur right. Thank you! come back next week at 8😊 have a nice day.

Me: thank you. Bye.

Be confident. And make eye contact while answering and know about ur course. Fetari kenanete gar

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