The Mermaids Dilemma - 06202024 - 225903

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The Mermaids Dilemma Insert 1 everyone has a dream but mine was to go to sea,adore nature,see people , listen to the waves of the sea . Listen to the wind and see what's the world has got for me . But always I'm indoors as if I'm an prisoner my mom doesn't allow me to go out especially to the sea she always ends up saying "| don't want to lose you these streets are dangerous and influential” | have to listen to her | have no choice . When | go to schoo! she accompanies me, my peers will makes fun of me because I'm old but still someone always accompany me when | go to school (high school). My big sister is always busy going out but I'm always locked | always see that as I'm being bullied over here . | adore books so much | always read book and finding what's life is since | don't know much. "Bianca" someone shouted i recognize Maes hee gee Sia ee pe ee Bi BR CNS ie ee Gi ee Te a god sents. “milli here you are | missed you so much thanks for coming and visit its so "Let's go inside and play some card" she was so happy. “That's a good idea my friend mom is inside go and greet her and we will go to my room "Okay" we went inside found mom seating watching TV with my big sister Emily. Millisa went to them,| went up stairs "Greetings anty and sister " said politely. “Greetings my child ,are you here to visit Bianca?” Bianca's mom asked, the most strict mom in the city. walls because her eyes were scary | was scared of my mom's eyes even Millisa was scared of my mom's eyes. “You can go and meet her she's up stairs" she continued watching TV. Millisa went up stairs found me fixing the mess that's was in my room, my room was so messy today | don't know why . "wow you're so in love mermaids ain't you?" she was so surprised by looking at the walls of my room where she only saw the picture of mermaids. “i so wish to see them’ | continued and i was done we sat down and played some card suddenly we were bored . You know how can indoors life can be boring especially when you love to see new people and new things everyday . "why don't we go to the store and come back" milli suggested. "that's a good idea but since mom won't agree why don't we go through the back door huh?" "Good idea | didn't know you can go against your mom's rules" she laughed we sneak out and went to the tuck shop this shop was near the sea, the sound of the sea was calling me but | managed to hold my self . We bought snacks and | froze. "Let's go Bianca before your mom notice we're not at home" she said but I didn't reply i was looking at the sea Bianca’ still | didn't respond "Bianca damnit why are quite?" She pushed me and hold me not to fall the feeling was confusing the feeling | felt while looking at the see i wanted so badly to go to the sea | looked at Milli with my beautiful brown eyes “Can we pls got to the sea, I've never went there before’ “what” she laughed "I'm telling the truth just once | wanna touch the water " " Okay let's go " she was surprised but | didn't care because she was my best friend. we went towards the sea it's sand was cold | wanted to roll over this sand | was so happy the waves sound made me wanna swim right away but | hold my self | behaved | looked deep into the ocean and screamed. "Homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecece” screaming out of happiness “Stop that you're making me nervous" she was too screaming because the sound of the waves were loud but nice noise thou. | went towards the sea not hesitating Milla holds my hand we both went to the sea the salty water touched my tours | screamed it's felt like | was burning.what was scaring the most the waves weren't normal anymore but it's felt like they didn't want me in the sea. since | felt like | was burning in this water | suddenly ran back Milla looked deep in my eyes oh tears "come you can do this " she was so calm. ee water touch my skin or | will die" “tell me more" "Milli | don't know whether I'm allergic to the sea or what but | remember when | was a kid my skinned burned when someone pour some pool water in my hand and after sometime it's was like a fish skin hand | didn't understand anything when | told my mom she told me that it's just nothing even thou | was suffering in pain "i closed my eyes even tears burned my face when | looked at my feet | didn't understand what | see they had a fish skin she opened her eyes wide " Bianca tell my what's is wrong with your body? " suddenly | fainted when | woke up | for everything | tried waking up but | had no energy was left. “Mom mom “ tired voice “don't shout at her like that she didn't do anything " “You keep quiet or | will slap you " she said shouting. "Leave from here Milli" she said "Forgive me anty” said politely she always apologize even if it's not her mistake , i again slept when | woke up my feet were Normal again also my face i kept asking my self questions about my life over and over again | woke up, shit forgot it's my birthday today | went downstairs mom and Emily had made all the preparations already you know how coloureds are small party just my family . “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to anit Manny hirthdayvtn wai; hanny hirthday along "mom and sister thank you so much " they hugged me | cutted the cake and we ate. "Today I'm going to make so much food spicy and tasty" she said smiling | guess she has forgiven me | nod while smiling . ever felt like someone is calling you ? | felt that and i went out side the house there was no one just the view of the sea when | was about to go inside the house | saw a shadow passing by it's my Milli . "you scared me you know " “Happy birthday to you my beautiful friend here is your present" "A book? Of mermaid wow interesting so heavy thou" | smiled "yes it's a book | got from a woman near that tree she was looking torward this house so | told her that I'm buying the book she agreed but what's funny | didn't even see her face it's was a strange " "| will see what is the book about in the night time " "Okay see you at school tomorrow bye" she left she didn't even bother going inside because my mom will again shout you know how is this mom of mine , | went inside the food was ready we ate celebrating my birthday my mom went to her room and came back “close your eyes Bianca’ i was confused . "Closed you can come " i opened my eyes slowly and slowly my gosh "Oh shit mom a smart phone?" asking repeatedly "Yes babe it's all yours "| smiled and smiled . "Thank you so much Mom | appreciate you" | hugged her mom was happy . | went up stairs after all the exhausting and surprising day | had it's was fun but also surprising my phone was still charged it's my first time to have a phone so | was happy as fuck , | took the book Milli gave me | was still confused by his words "| bought it from a strange" but | didn't stick to that much i took the book and opened it my birthmark was itchy so | opened the book while rubbing my birth- mark it's was in my neck near my hair from behind I've never paid full attention like wave and a tail of a fish on top of the wave | hope you can see what's I'm saying | always say I'm connected to the water but didn't know how and why. | took the book layed it in my bed opended it, the book the title said "a sad story of a queen mermaid” i just sense as if the story is emotional that's I'm gonna cry why reading the book , | began read- ing the book and there were picture of this beautiful mermaid who was haunted by people and took her baby her baby was missing the way she lived made me cry but what's surprising the tears didn't make burn me. | fell asleep while reading the book i had a dream very bad dream . A women was near the sea wearing black clothes calling at me | was scared | stand still and looked at her, her face was covered. | went towards her , | stood in front of her suddenly she grabbed my shoulders badly ,hurshly | screamed and er Bh Na hE a BRS i ES BR i tommorow it's school day | had to be early. My life in high school is hell. Insert 2 | woke up freshen up still thinking about that scary dream | had last night. | ate food and brushed my teeth told one of the security guard that I'm done he started the car | got in . This is the new bodyguard in the house so scary and fit . “Here is my friend pls carry her too" | said that nervously. the man didn't re- spond he didn't stop | was pissed of | wanted to slap him right away | kept quiet we got to school the car packed inside the school, today | saw a new car a black Mercedes Benz, | wanted to see which kid arrive with this car at school i hg Be a ae a a re I oe messy so while looking im fixing my hair my blonde hair brown eyes hairy legs and face . | admire my beauty every fuckin day | don't wanna lie. "Milli ,here you are sorry today | didn't pick you up this new driver is so rude he did that deliberately sorry friend" | apologise because | always picks her up in the morning and afternoon.It's okay Bianca you look beautiful today with your untied hair" she smiled at me , | smiled back more she made me feel special. "You too my baby you always look beautiful thank you for the compliment ,but look at the car over there" | pointed a finger. "Mercedes Benz, damn Bianc a is that you car?” she ask non- sense "nop wtf this is my car | don't now that ca r let's see who's in there "we waited and a kid wearing black clothes went out and her / his family, | didn't see prop- erly who's that kid .We made eye con- tact oh shit it's a boy but they've d ressed weird but this Women | felt like | know her . This bodyguard is busy following us around everywhere we go | was pissed off my cheeks were already pink i brushed them .We went toward this new family the bodyguard holds us. "No kids this way" he said We got nervous and went to the school we went to our classes the bodyguard was standing near the door this new kid knocked. “can! come in sir" “come in are you the new kid ?" "yes I'm I'm Trevor Maisen " "Okay Trevor take a sit " the guy sat down right in front of my des k it's weird it's felt like | know this man from somewhere,his voice and smell sounds and smells familiar but ignored the feeling the class ended | was damn exhausted | wanted to eat so bad. "Hey" he said that humble "Hi" i looked at him confused | got lost in his eyes | saw the waves of the seai saw something. "Trevor" MBit apann" an whale hawdan cnwin | £2414 LA "Bianca" we shook hands again | felt like my soul was connecting to his . "Do | know you "| asked “If you feel like that then you do know me" he took his bag left me speech less. “Let's go and eat " Milli said | nodded we went to the lunch room at school, we sat down and ate Milli was carrying salt while we were eating . | felt like snatching the salt and eat it, | was craving for this salt | began eating my food fast just to ignore what | was feeling. “Are you okay?’ Milli asked worried “Yes I'm don't worry" "So tell me is he gonna follow us everywhere we go?" She was talking softly "Yes he took mom's orders sorry we have to be followed by him everywhere we go" | continued eating trying not to stare at the salt | don't know where is this craving coming from. | don't know what's is hap- pening to me.A girl came to us giving us disrespecting looks, | stare . "so just because you're rich you want all of us to see” "| beg your pardon?" Os a) a eet | 2 es or en ea | stood up ,my hands were shak- ing as if | should slap this girl tight aways , coloureds al- ways thinks they are the best ex- cept me I'm always cool "sit down Bianca " Milli said “no let her be | want to see what is she go- ing to do " this girl said . "you girl go from here " the body- guard asked politely “no' the girl responded | lost my temper, | slapped the girl i hol d her with her clothes | don't know where | got this much power to lift a person up. Bal ten essere inal | eat esate erate acca ie recive aie a cane a ces ee showing maps of my finger | smiled. "| don't like bullies" | said that fix- ing my shirt properly at this school we wore unir- fom nave skirt and white t'shirt nav e hats and white socks the uni- form suit me | have to say. The girl was red in her cheecks | wanted to apol- ogise but no | didn't, the body- guard took us away from there, the be ll rang we went to our classes and after that we went to our home, what's so sur- prising is that Trevor was my new neigh- bors weird neighbors i got home told mom we went to greet them but whe n we came back my mom's mood changed she was scared and anx- ious . “Mom are you okay" "Yes just little nervous nothing much, and | don't know why" | didn't ask any questions feather | went t o my room found Emily "What are you doing here" "You know very well what mom wil | do if she sees you with this book huh ? So why do you have a book of mermaids?" "Uhm...m "I stare “Bianca I'm talking to you ?" "Okay | will burn the book ,now please get out" | took my phone got to bed listen- ing to some music and singing along Emil vant nicead aff and ant ot anf the ranm ! have to say it's interesting so i will con- tinue reading this part of the chapter is sad and scary. "The queen of mermaids Was pregnant but when she was about to give birth lots of people were haunting for her she gave birth but her child was stolen from her." | turned the over over there was a picture it's wasn't clear it's looks like my birthmark but | wasn't sure it's was the end of the book . I didn't even get the idea of this book it's was complicated but nice though | got disturbed by my phone it's rang unkown number | hesitated to answer but | answer. “hey Bianca’ the voice sounds familiar “hey uhmm" | didn't know what to say actually. " It's Trevor here | wanted to just check up on you" he said, such a nice voice thou it's so calm | could never get tired of hearing and listening to his voice . "Oh hi Trevor nice to talk to vou aaain is "| noticed you're my neighbor so that is really a good and exciting thing to see" "Why are talking like that" "You know | wanna know you better Bianca’ he said that clearing his throat. "shit" | whispered “okay | guess we will talk then no problem" “can we go to the sea tommorow?" "Uhm ..." "your mom doesn't allow you to go? but have you ever asked your self why?" "the streets are dangerous’ | said that fast "ls that's all? But you have a body guard infact bodyguards in your yard “ i kept quiet for sometime thinking about stor aw en UR, RNR Ac arma Ponce oC Ao asta gnNE oneoL EE dropped the phone, i looked at the sea through my window . And made me question myself ,but had no answers | went to sleep . These weird dreams visited me again this Women with black clothes calling me to the sea after that | saw my self entering the sea the women was now Inside the sea calling me in by her hands. | woke up sweating again | hate these dreams , | slept again. In the morning the sun rises, it's was ared sun since it's winter the sunrise is always beautiful it's reflection in the water made my skin also to be red oh how | love looking at the nature. | woke up went to the bathroom freshen up it's Saturday the most boring day in my life mom was off to work ,l woke up late to- day Emily was busy with her phone while watching TV | wasn't interested in the TV so | went back to my room hence | was thinking about that boy Trevor. He's a be ee ed ee OAD rt he ee te ks ket brown eyes he loved wearing black | saw that on the first place . my phone rang oh it's him do | have to answer? | answered. "Trevor" "you have a beautiful voice thou , so have you given my request a thought?" This guy just go straight to the point not going around the bushes “Yes uhm okay we can go " "Are you sure?"he asked "Yes I'm sure" | dropped the phone went down s tairs,my sister is busy with her phone ok. | went to the back doo r the cost is clear there is no body- guard over here ,l went to my room t o change the clothes | was wearing and | wore something nice a cargo black p ants and black top with my slippers. | tanh my nhans and / enask nit i tho saw Trevor coming towards me wearing black pants and black tshirt weird we like the same color . He's looking handsome | smiled at him. "Hey Bianca’ he said that looking at me upwards to downwards "hey Trevor, looking good hey" "You're looking good with my favorite color" he said."it's my favorite color too" "| know that, let's go to the sea is waiting for us Bianca’ "Okay let's go" we walked together,| had a anxious feeling thinking about mom what if she sees me in the streets ,but | continued we got to the sea. Oh how the sand comforte my legs and my soul ,the sound of the wind makes my hair fly through the air | looked at Trevor we looked at each other we smiled he holds my hand my heart melted, butterflies on my stomach sag a Bg a a eh i ge kl ea a “Uhm Trevor" “You cant let the water touch you right" how come he knows alot about me it's | asked my self "You must be wondering how | know so much about you right?" he looked deep into my eyes | couldn't stand the eye contact "yes you're scaring me" i said the looking down "{ will tell you later for now let's enjoy the beauty of the sea” "no tell know" | raised my voice he ignored me he went behind me took my hair side way "wow nice tattoo" he said "what's a unique birthmark it's beautiful" he brushed my birthmark my skin was itchy at that time we watched the sunset together while looking at the sea the waves were high | was scared but | have Trevor no worries the golden hour painted the sky with a yellow color, we looked at the sunset together after that the sun slanted down the sky was now pink .My Obsession. "Do you believe in mermaids?" Asked Trevor a suspicious voice as if he knows I'm obsessed “Yes | do believe in them | so wish to see one,how about you do you believe in mermaids?" “Yes | believe in them | believe they do exist" he rose from her feets"Let's go home now | don't want your mom to shout at you" | nodded and stood up we went back to our houses | again i a a mermaids | don't know why do | wish to know more about them . | saw alot that there is a queen and a king in the mermaids world under water | wanted to know more but Emily disturbed me . "Bianca Bianca look" "what's?" "| have a job interview tomorrow" she was so happy "Oh congratulations good luck" | danced with her all around my bedroom "| will see you in the morning Mom isn't yet back but | will see in the morning so you can choose a outfit for me "| nodded. Insert 3 [Trevor] After freshening up | went to my queen's bedroom. “Trevor son how did it's go" “It's her your daughter " the Queen stood up as I'm bowing down infront of her. "| saw her birthmark , the chosen one for the Mermaids kingdom . She will be the next queen her birthmark is like mine and yours your h..." suddenly the queen started crying looking through the window. "Years back they took my precious flower before | could even feed her ,this cruel world took my happiness they will pay for what thay did / ctill ramambher erraaminga made me want to take revenge | still remember them one by one they will pay for what's they did I'm not just a mermaid I'm the queen of Mermaids the supreme, ultimate Queen" The weather changed a heavy storm and wind started ." My queen calm down" the king said . "Dad | found her" | said “you did a great job it's been years now since the next queen of our kingdom was missing" he said. “I'm thankful that we found her why don't you call her here for dinner tommorow?" the Queen suggested. “No her mom doesn't allow her to go out to see the world she's like a prisoner "| said'I'm her mom | can decide what is not best for her" she got upset her hair was flying through the air the anger inside her was uncontrollable ."calm down my Queen come let's sit down" the kina said Thev eat down Trevor went to "Anty all | think about right now is that how will she come to know that she's a mermaid ,as you said she's now 18 years she has to know otherwise she can't transform it's will be too late if we wait ." | took the book of Mermaids" we are left with 20 days only so we have to move fast "| said. "You are only 21 years but you mind works like you're way too old, interesting’ dad said that while brushing my head. The Queen had black long hair ,her nails were painted with a black color . | guess her daughter took after her, her eyes we different from ordinary human beings actually all our eyes are different eyes they are blue but because I'm in the humans world | had put those fake eyes . My dad is the king of mermaids also he has a long hair like the others,| putted some fake hair on top of mine . Wea went to claan we left the gijeean dawn Bianca# | woke up very early today | went to mom's room to greet her since | slept without talking to her yesterday"Mom good morning how are you?" "hey Bianca are you good?" Mom asked "I'm cool mom please allow me to change my hair with black color the blonde one bores me, pls mom' | pleased her "No problem | will ask one of the drivers to drop you to the salon near our house "| nodded and hugged her | went to my room happy imagining how will| look with my long black hair . Mom woke up and Emily and | went out with the drive,we first went to Emily's interview place we drop her and we went to the salon damn I'm so happy today. We got there | greeted everyone took a sit , the girl dyed my hair . | got up damn | look haar tifill with muy naw Khlank hair tho our way | saw Trevor standing in front of the gate infront of my house. “driver please stop" | said that quickly . The driver stopped "Trevor" | stepped out of the car "Hey Bianca | just wanted to say hi that's all" "You're so weird ,hi then see you tomorrow at school " "You look beautiful with you new hair color, my lady" he said that his eye were filled with happiness and love while looking at me . "Uhm thank you | didn't think you would notice" "Kid come" the drive said he's so strict and always angry face. “I have to go see you tomorrow" | turned back went inside the yard , he's so different there is something about his eyes And eyelashes , | could stare all “Mom mom I'm back how do | look?" Said that turning around allowing my hair to fly "you look uhm amazing" mom said “thank you mom, will go upstairs to take a look at myself again" | left my mom with the drive went up stairs. The Drive# "they are following us boss " he said pouring whiskey on the glass . "what do you mean” Bianca's mom asked "this boy our new neighbor, it's him we need act fast or else" he drank his whiskey "| don't see what's you're talking about you're just overreacting that's all so please" Bianca's mom left the driver in the sitting room his driver went to his room outside room. "| need to find out more about this new family in the hood " she said that rubbing #Bianca meanwhile I'm just taking photos of my self ,| got a message on Instagram from an unknown follower. "The Queen of Mermaids" this unknown follower has just replied on my story on Instagram "Who are you ?" | asked "No one just your Destiny that's all" the follower blocked me || was like “wtf is going here" | called my friend Milli "Broo | just got the most weirdest text" "hi Bianca, it's said?" "The Queen of Mermaids" "Maybe it's someone who knows you're inlove and obsessed with the mermaids don't worry "But after that the follower blocked me, weird right?" "it's weird but it's nothing trust me friend " Milli said her words were like a blanket covering my cold feets we talked and talked bestfriends vibes, | dropped the phone I'm bored | went downstairs hearing the noise oh it's Emily she's back she got the job for sure . "Emily what's with the noise?" | asked smiling coming towards her "| got the job sis" she hugged me we hugged "Congratulations my child" mom said , she brought snacks we celebrated Emily's happiness . The sun slanted down on Bianca's back, i's a full moon night tonight after all | love looking at the moon. | went out sat infront of the house the others we asleep, | had this weird feeling as if someone or something is calling me | wanted to run so fast to just get there . Quickly | went inside the house went to my room sat down shaking "what's wrong with me?" | asked my self "no no no | have to sleep" | went inside my blanket, trying to ignore the feeling i had . | fell asleep. Bianca's mom (Harriet#) she woke up took her phone makes a call "Sir the address" she said . "Oh totally forgot | will send it right away" a deep and scary voice itis . Harriet woke up she dresses up all black black nants and black leather iacket took there more than five people were there her partners "My blood" Harriet said “ Harriet you came" Danny said the Master of this crew . "Yes boss | came" "So tell us how is your daughter or should | say fake daughter?" they laughed David asked her "She's doing good we need to move fast, soon she can shapeshift to her actually form." Harriet said Kate took a deep breath" your right after all we've stolen the most precious thing in the Mermaids kingdom " “Yes the Queen of Mermaids’ Pokie said. "So we can start moving by next week | will keep an watch on her these days " Harriet said A aa anaes Litas ait a i his car. All of the went back to their homes, Harriet got home and she slept. Bianca# the sun went up we woke up ready for Sunday always boring and quiet. | woke up freshened up | opened the windows at my room opened my phone watched the news "today a full moon day again’ i switched of the news. "Again it's full moon night " | was pissed off because | always feel weird when the moon is up. i went down stairs the breakfast was ready,mom was in a hurry didn't know where as my sis was preparing for work. It's a busy day today | have to say. "| will be back soon Bianca take care " mom said while wavering her hand was all gone didn't answer me. “I'm off to work take care " sister said , what's a boring day it is . | decided to go in the back yard and read book and listen to the sound of nature . #harriet today I'm meeting my crue to discuss this matter as we are running out of money, we need more jewelries to sell over broad. "Good day guys” she said "Goodday friend" Kate answered Harriet bestfriend who has always been there for her “good you're here on time "Danny said five chairs one table they sat down . “we are running out of money it's been 2 years now not getting any jewelries , our customers are complaining about these jewelries we are now selling" Pokie said . "So as I've some research the Queen and the King of the mermaids are here in the humans world" David said "| have an idea” Harriet said "I'm sure they are following me , so why don't we kidnapp the whole family and threaten them to show us the most precious things and for them to bring the jewelries,shells and not forgetting the treasurer." Harriet said "Good idea Mrs Harriet" Danny said "But how" Kate asked way don't worry" Pokie said “We have a big order actually two cus- tomers who wants these jewelries and we are out of stock we can only Manage one stock" David gave the information “How much will they pay" Harriet asked “10 million from China and 12 million from Angola (Luanda)" David said "lastly he said that he could double his 12 million and we can be rich as hell boss" he smiled over and over again "We need to supply the 10 million order as soon as possible , and we can give the last buyer after we found this treasurer” Danny said. they were disturbed byy the phone, Danny's phone rang it's an unknown number "hello Danny the phone" “| heard that you sell jewelries, | want el me ee mim thee em eee ake Nahe. eee voice said "You've come on the right place , just give me time | will get back to you" Danny dropped the phone "so far our business is running smoothly , do you all know the 'Gem stone’ the most precious stone ?" He asked " where can we get that's kinda stone" "Under water " "How" Kate was confused Harriet's face was unreadable. " Look here “he showed the map of the sea under the sea " look over there " he pointed "but boss we can't go that's far, you know that" "| think we can" Harriet said "We can get some professional swimmers” Danny suggested "So for know you Pokie and Kate please make sure you and the chine order exchange, and then after that you David and Harriet get me some professional swimmers | need that gem stone | just didn't Know that it's has this much work , under the sea there are lots of precious things . We were smart when we decide to open this business even though it's dangerous" he said " the meeting is over" "Oh one last thing Pokie my man please try to find goons, that will get this job of kidnapping done as quickly as possible . Know you can all go home " "Sir" they said to Danny they stood up shook hands and went separate ways. it's was so later afternoon Harriet went home. "Bianca " she called out" yes Mom" came running. "I'm back" "Obay mam I'm alen tirad lat'c aan tn She looked Bianca eyes "mh" Bianca went back to her room they didn't share that's kinda relationship with her mom. #Trevor it's hard for us since it's full moon night these days we always hide our skin to avoid shape shifting . "If the last full moon night arrive , Bianca will feel so much pain" The King said . "My king | feel sorry for her" the queen said "| think we should keep an eyes after her these days" Trevor said “we can't just tell her she needs to see this for herself , the water will tell her everything trust me" he continued “Again , they will pay for what they did | swear on our Mermaids kingdom" her eyes the intensity of her blue eyes made the weather to change . her mood changes the weather changes,when she cries it's rains,;when she's angry the wind become strong and when she's happy it's become normal . "We need to sleep my queen” they went to sleep. "My King what if these people are trying to take their revenge on us by taking our daughter" The Queen said "there's nothing like that" “but my king we both know we killed their partner" “but we were protecting our kingdom from them" “exactly , but we need to strike first" “we must be ready for war" "yes my king" they slept, waiting for anew day #Bianca as she still asleep ,she had a dream where the sea was calling for her as she went inside she saw the underwater ayarld tha marmaidA uhara hawinn she went feather she saw a shine, luxurious ,golden seat "Go sit there it's yours " said a strange man while he made Bianca wear the crown then some goon came in to steal a shiny stone where she had to use her powers to protect her kingdom , but as soon as she saw her mom entering there caring harmful object she went speechless .Suddenly she woke up breathing heavily “what was that about? Bianca asked her self , my obsession for mermaid has turned to my worse dreams" ph iek days passed by as Harriet and her crew were planning something big against mermaid , Bianca was running out of days only 3 days were left for her . Danny called a meeting , they came . “Guys now it's time" he said looking at everyone in the secret room "We have to selec Hise Ica (BAe A a er cE continued “Harriet is everything ready ?" Danny asked "Yes sir , we will wear these protective necklace , and these swimwear . here take these " The necklace was weird, it's hard small stone black and white others were shining stones and in the center infront it's hard a skull small skull. "wow i have to say, you're indeed impressive Harriet " Kate said while taking the necklace looking at it careful and admiring the beauty . They all wore these necklace , they went to Danny's car and they drove to the sea . the wind, the sound of waves, the cold air in the sea was giving goosebumps and anxious feeling to everyone "We go this" David said they got in the ship , such a luxurious ship they were in. They drove into the sea , with so much passion . The Waves were not anymore in a normal state there going higher and higher. Oe ithe lla oe Sad Pin oh Ae dies wit ea: fast this is the place the map says" #The Queen “we need to get to the sea now someone is trying to attack our kingdom, let go" her voice was ominous, it's made them feel frightened . They came running to her, as they holded hand of each other “We call upon the ancestors of the Mer- maids Kingdom we bow to you" As the queen said those words with so much passion , they we transferred to their Kingdom. The mermaids bowed down to the queen with their nervous , scared feeling "My queen someone is trying to attack our kingdom "a black and white tail mermaid with a long hair still young but a grown up now she was Rose. “Lknow Rose, but don't you worry call the others " She made a whistle with her mouth , every mermaid came running . Spilling over water , running through water as ghemssismern nhalimm thate taliae malin "Our Queen" "The King" they all bowed down "As you all now humans are our enemies , so they are trying to strike again . We need to work together and attack them all" The King said . As they were still talking , the queen started sensing danger "they are coming" she said in a whispering tone "Let's hide" She said shouting , all the mermaids went to hide behind huge stones. Danny was infront of them, they intrude in the Kingdom of mermaids as they couldn't breathe under water they were using oxygen mask . He made signs with his hands that meant "The costis clear’ . They all nodded , they swam towards the kingdom .The glomming, sliver stones and jewelries and diamonds caught Danny's eyes , he wanted to go as soon as he could near those shining things . Ac he ant clacer with hic taam the King to touch his arm, he screamed . The Mermaids & the Queen gasp in shock when they saw that a human can make a mermaid step back like that Danny smile through her face mask glass . The sky grin on his face made the king wonder what was he about to do . The whole Mermaids came to help the queen but they couldn't touch the humans , they tried and tried but failed .They went near the huges stones there that were glimmering , they took the diamonds the queen tried her best but failed. They took the silver Jewelries , finally the gem stone , shining stone the most powerful stone in the world Danny smiled a huge smile as he saw this stone lying down in the shells shining that caught his eyes . David took the Queen "aaaaaa" She screamed in pain as it was hard because these people were wearing those necklace "Let me go " She yelled as they drag her down like a thing , Kate and Harriet took the Queen as Danny was carrying all the good stuff . They went out leaving the Mermaids ,they were left speechless thinking about who will the protector when these 2 are kidnapped , the were all crying . Poor Trevor seeing her father at that state "They will pay" he said whispering to his self . While the crew left the place “Yuuuu'" Harriet said taking a deep breath after this huge plan The mermaids were still struggling in their fish form because they were out of the water, it's took time to shapeshift into a full human body "Easy peasy" Danny said "Look at them poor, weak, Mermaid " He continued going around and around. It's was 9 Pm know the Moon was up" | thought this would be hard hey , but now | see y'all weak just like us, it's was easy taking your daughter away from you, still it's easy to steal your precious things , And you expect us to call you both a protector ? shame” Danny kneeled down at, as the King amd Queen looked up reluctantly . Ominous voice , sending shivers down to their spines . "She will come " she fell fell unconscious . The King was know in the full human body they were both fainted , they departed where they were and went back . The sea was angry, the waves were making terrible sounds , the wind was uncontrollable . "Know we are rich as hell’ Pokie said "You know our customers will be very happy" Kate said "We just need that treasure " David said rubbing her hands roughly smiling giving evil smile "Don't worry. we will make them do that job as soon as they are awake " Danny said They took the 2 bodies went to their secret room, tied them up. All the boys were the one to keep an eye on the Mermaids . The moon was up, 11 PM Bianca was still out side she was not in the mood her mom came she didn't even ask where a window sitting depressed . As knock disturbed her "Are you okay my dear" Bianca didn't respond. She was looking at Her mom but not responding ;'we will talk in the morning " She said and slammed the boor behind her. Bianca slept and slept till the morning as she was about to wake up a dreams visited "We need your help Bianca , we need you " voices of unclear pictures came.As she woke up, breathing heavily , breathing fast . She frowned upon the walls in a bewilderment, as she was con- fused with the dream she had " Save ? save who?, they usually say dreams you have in the morning usually come true" she said whispering to herself . She woke up, she poked at her skin as the she saw something that never happened to her she her skin was turning into different color . Her skin was hot and painful couldn't bare the Pain she went straight to the bathroom, got in the shower while rubbing her skin . "Bianca" someone called for her name its was Harriet "where are you baby" she asked Bianca didn't respond because of the pain she felt , where she didn't even know how to scream how to ask for help “ Bianca" her voice was coming towards the bathroom. "Bianca " open her eyes wide , as she saw Bianca in that's state , her eyes were red and blue . Before she could even speak she fainted , her body became cold, shining color . Harriet was scared "It's happening, it's happening oh lord " but also happy as she took her phone and told Kate about this . She lifted up Bianca putted her into bed , pumping her chest “Bianca are you with me?" Bianca didn't respond , she did that repeatedly until Bianca slowly opened her eyes "mom" she murmured . "You need to get some rest Bianca , | will make food for you . Sleep my child " As she was slowly brushing Bianca's head, up on your sister, I will be back" She said "Okay mom" Emily replied while she nodded. In the Secret Room, David, Pokie and Danny were outside smoking . The Mermaids inside got up "My Queen " The King said ,saying shouting in a lower and soft voice ,,My Queen " He tried moving with his tied body in the chair but couldn't as soon as the made some noise with the chair the Queen moved it's hand "My King" she murmured “Wake up “ he said poking at the Queen. Danny , David and Pokie they buzzed in with the excitement as the King & Queen were awake know "well well well, the protectors of the Sea" Danny laughed “These two are too weak to protect those people "he said they laughed , the Queen got angry the weather changed" oh poor the couple "a tear escaped The Queen's eye , the the weather started raining a small rain" so tell us Queen, where is that treasure?" he asked with a the grave yard . Suddenly , the Queen's throat went dry . She felt like there was a big lamp in her throat , that made her to be quite "I'm talking you damnit "he said. They were disturb by the knock it's was Harriet and Kate "Close the door Kate" Danny said "Let's us go from here , you won't like the consequences. I'm warning you human, I'm warning you " She said with a thunderous voice that maked thunderstorms , the weather changes the Queen was angry "no one will come and save you" Pokie said "No one" he continued. "Tell me about this treasure , we don't want to do this in an opposite manner so please" Danny said , looking straight to the mermaid eyes . "Never | would rather die’ The King said "Are you testing me?" Danny asked , coming towards him, carrying that necklace that can protect them from mermaids and it's can hurt the mermaids The King tried to untie himself but failed whila Danny wacnaminn clacar and “pls don't hurt him, please " the Queen was begging "keep quiet you fool" Pokie said, as she slapped the Queen her face turned red. "How dare you" the King's blue eyes gazed at Pokie "how dare you, raise your voice at me?" Pokie asked while smiling . “Are you gonna tell me where is the treasure or what?" Danny said giving Baleful eyes that sent chills down her spine . "No I'm not " David placed the necklace on the mermaid skin the Queen screamed She was in pain she screamed and screamed, as the baleful storm clouds gathered , threatening a severe thunderstorms as the Queen was screaming . "This weather is unpredictable " Kate said "Stooooop' the King shouted “I will show you, | will show you " he was breathing heavily She gasped for an air after that painful moment “No.. no.. don't tell them’ she was sweating "under the water in our there" the Queen looked in his eyes confuse suddenly she said " you've made a very big mistake King " she fell unconscious . "My queen my queen " he said looking at her condition made him feel nervous . "don't worry she will be fine soon, we will be back as soon as we can "he smiled as she prodded Kate as they went outside . “we need to wait till night " Pokie said "Yes you're right" David replied “Cant wait" Harriet said they laughed their faces were glowing with happiness . The Sunset painted with hues of wonder and magic , a kaleidoscope of colors dancing across the horizon. A breathtaking serenade to the end of the day , Bianca was sitting on the bed trying to find answers about herself . As she was watching at the sunset it's colors were entrancingly beautiful , the sun went down the cloud even more beautiful "Gosh " she murmured " the sky is so nib wear Rg Mca le a aD a re a a full moon night tonight a big change, disaster was about to happened . She fell asleep early , Emily tried waking her up but she didn't . She woke up felt like someone was calling her "Bianca" she woke up her eyes turned blue "Bianca" She swivelled around her bed, she poked her head into the room to see if anyone was there but no one was in the room. She got up she didn't wore her shoes , she went towards the door not in her senses . Bianca’ the voice was even louder that before , she went to the main door. Emily was asleep , Harriet has just left to go to her crew . Bianca stood in front of the door, she looked into the ocean the ocean was calling her .The water was glimmering which was reflected to her eyes, blue eyes . She ran towards the ocean on her way a man who was in the street, drinking came to her saying things . "heyyy youuuu" he said smiling coming to her "vou look hearrtifi hahe " he torched

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