MJM 023 e 2024

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MJM-023: Broadcast & Online Journalism

Assignment 04

(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)

Assignment Code: MJM-023/ Jan.24/ July24

Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%
Note: Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks = 20 each
Attempt each question in about 500 words

1. Write a script for a radio segment that highlights a local cultural event or festival. Your
script should be engaging and informative, capturing the essence of the event through
vivid descriptions and interviews with organizers or participants. (500 words)

2. Write a TV anchor package of 90 seconds on a current environmental issue, such as air

pollution, deforestation, or conservation efforts. (500 words)

3. Compare and analyze the presentation techniques of two popular TV news anchors.
Focus on aspects such as vocal delivery, body language, engagement with the camera,
and their approach to delivering news stories. How do their styles impact viewer
reception and the overall effectiveness of the news broadcast? (500 words)

4. Conduct an in-depth analysis of two online-only news websites. Examine their layout,
content organization, use of multimedia, and interactive features. How do these elements
contribute to user experience and the effectiveness of news dissemination? (500 words)

5. How has social media transformed the process of news gathering and distribution?
Examine the effects of social media on journalistic integrity, speed of news
dissemination, and the relationship between news organizations and their audiences.
(500 words)
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MJM-023: Broadcast & Online Journalism

Assignment Code: MJM-023/ Jan.24/ July24
Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to a number of the Questions given within the Assignments. These
Sample Answers/Solutions are prepared by Private Teacher/Tutors/Authors for the assistance and guidance of the scholar to urge a thought of how he/she
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

1. Write a script for a radio segment that highlights a local cultural event or festival.
Your script should be engaging and informative, capturing the essence of the event

through vivid descriptions and interviews with organizers or participants. (500

50 NT


26 NM
HOST: Welcome, dear listeners, to a special radio segment that promises to transport
you to the heart of our vibrant community. Today, we are diving into a cultural
extravaganza that's not just a festival; it's an immersive experience that celebrates
91 IG

our rich heritage and diversity. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to be captivated by
98 S

the magic of the "Durga Puja Festival" right here in the heart of Delhi!


HOST: As we step into the heart of Delhi, we are greeted by an electrifying


atmosphere. Colorful banners flutter in the breeze, and the streets are alive with the

sound of laughter and music. It's clear that something extraordinary is happening



HOST: (Excited) To unravel the secrets behind this spectacular event, I'm joined by
*Organizer Name+, one of the brilliant minds behind the "Durga Puja Festival" in
Delhi. Thank you for being with us today!

ORGANIZER: (Enthusiastic) Thank you for having me! It's a pleasure to share our
festival with your listeners.

HOST: (Curious) So, *Organizer Name+, tell us about the inspiration behind this festival
in the bustling city of Delhi.

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ORGANIZER: (Passionate) Well, the "Durga Puja Festival" in Delhi is a celebration of

our cultural diversity. We wanted to create an event where people from all walks of
life in the heart of the city could come together to appreciate our heritage, music,
dance, and cuisine. It's a true reflection of Delhi's vibrant soul.


HOST: And what a reflection it is! The festival boasts an eclectic mix of traditional and
contemporary performances. We've got dancers swaying to the rhythms of folk
music, and musicians creating melodies that resonate with the heart of Delhi.


HOST: (Intrigued) Joining us now is *Artist Name+, a talented performer who's gracing
the festival with their artistry. Tell us, *Artist Name+, what does this festival mean to

50 NT
you in the bustling metropolis of Delhi?

ARTIST: (Passionate) This festival is a stage where I can connect with my roots even in
80 E
the heart of a bustling city. It's a reminder of the beauty in our traditions and the
26 NM
power of our stories. Performing here is like sharing a piece of my soul with the
91 IG


98 S

HOST: (Amused) Laughter is certainly a universal language, and you can hear it
echoing through the festival grounds. Families are sharing moments of joy, kids are

enjoying carnival rides, and friends are exploring the mouthwatering array of local
delicacies right here in Delhi.



HOST: (Hungry) Speaking of food, we're here with *Food Vendor Name+, whose stall is
a culinary haven even in the heart of bustling Delhi. What delicious treats can

festival-goers savor at your stall?

FOOD VENDOR: (Excited) We've got it all, from spicy street food to sweet delights.
You can't miss our "Chole Bhature," a Delhi favorite! It's the perfect blend of flavors
that embodies Delhi's culinary heritage.


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HOST: (Appreciative) It's incredible how this festival is a feast for the senses right here
in the heart of Delhi. From the tantalizing aromas to the mesmerizing performances,
it's a true celebration of our local culture.


HOST: (Inquisitive) And now, let's hear from a local resident, *Local Resident Name+.
What does the "Durga Puja Festival" in Delhi mean to you and our bustling

LOCAL RESIDENT: (Reflective) This festival is a reminder of the beauty in our city's

traditions, even amidst the hustle and bustle. It brings us all together, no matter our
backgrounds, in the heart of Delhi. It's a chance to learn, to appreciate, and to make

cherished memories with our fellow Delhiites.

50 NT

HOST: (Emotional) And there you have it, dear listeners. The "Durga Puja Festival" in
80 E
the heart of Delhi is not just an event; it's a tapestry of our culture, woven with
26 NM
threads of music, dance, food, and shared experiences. It's a reminder that Delhi's
soul is as vibrant as the colors that surround us.
91 IG


98 S

HOST: (Excited) So, mark your calendars and join us at the "Durga Puja Festival" right
here in the heart of Delhi, where you'll be swept away by the magic of our city's

heritage. Until next time, this is *Your Name+, signing off with a heart full of cultural



2. Write a TV anchor package of 90 seconds on a current environmental issue, such

as air pollution, deforestation, or conservation efforts. (500 words)


ANCHOR: Good evening, I'm *Your Name+, and welcome to *TV Channel Name+. Our
planet is at a crossroads, and tonight, we bring you a critical issue that affects each
and every one of us. Air pollution, a global crisis that's choking our cities and
endangering our health.


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ANCHOR: (Serious) Just take a look at these startling images from around the world.
Smoke-filled skies, smog-covered skylines, and children wearing masks just to
breathe. Air pollution is a silent killer, and it's time we face the harsh reality.


ANCHOR: (Concerned) The statistics are alarming. According to the World Health
Organization, 9 out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of pollutants.
Each year, air pollution is responsible for 7 million premature deaths globally. It's not
just about numbers; it's about lives cut short and families devastated.


ANCHOR: (Inquisitive) To shed light on this pressing issue, we're joined by *Expert
Name+, a renowned environmental expert. *Expert Name+, can you help us

50 NT
understand the gravity of this situation?

EXPERT: (Knowledgeable) Absolutely. Air pollution is a complex problem with severe

80 E
consequences. It not only affects our respiratory health but also contributes to
26 NM
climate change. The sources range from industrial emissions to vehicular pollution,
and even household activities. We need urgent action.
91 IG


98 S

ANCHOR: (Empathetic) And the impact is not limited to distant places. Right here in
our city, families are suffering. Children with asthma, elderly citizens with breathing

difficulties, and the vulnerable among us facing the brunt of this crisis.



ANCHOR: (Hopeful) But it's not all gloom and doom. Communities and organizations

are stepping up. Conservation efforts are on the rise, with initiatives to reduce
emissions, promote public transportation, and increase green spaces in our cities.


ANCHOR: (Inspired) Joining us is *Activist Name+, a tireless environmental activist.

*Activist Name+, what can our viewers do to make a difference?

ACTIVIST: (Passionate) There's so much we can do! Support clean energy, reduce
waste, plant trees, and advocate for stronger environmental regulations. Every small
step counts. Together, we can change the trajectory of this crisis.


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ANCHOR: (Urgent) There you have it, viewers. Air pollution is a crisis that demands
our immediate attention. It's a threat to our health, our planet, and future
generations. Let's take action today, for cleaner air and a better tomorrow.


ANCHOR: (Determined) Join us in the fight against air pollution. Together, we can
clear the skies, breathe freely, and leave a legacy of a cleaner planet. This is *Your
Name+, signing off.


3. Compare and analyze the presentation techniques of two popular TV news

anchors. Focus on aspects such as vocal delivery, body language, engagement with
the camera, and their approach to delivering news stories. How do their styles

50 NT
impact viewer reception and the overall effectiveness of the news broadcast? (500
80 E
26 NM
Arnab Goswami:

Vocal Delivery:
91 IG

 Arnab Goswami is known for his powerful and assertive vocal delivery. He
98 S

often speaks with a high level of intensity and volume.


 His vocal style is characterized by a commanding tone, which is aimed at

capturing the viewer's attention.

 He frequently uses rhetorical questions and interruptive techniques to


challenge guests or make a point.


Body Language:

 Arnab Goswami's body language is dynamic and energetic. He is often seen

leaning forward, gesturing emphatically, and making direct eye contact with
the camera.

 His gestures and expressions are often used to convey a sense of urgency and

 He maintains a strong, assertive posture throughout his shows.

Engagement with the Camera:

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 Arnab Goswami maintains a strong connection with the camera and the
audience. He frequently addresses the viewers directly.

 His intense eye contact and direct communication style make viewers feel
involved in the discussion.

 He often uses phrases like "nation wants to know" to emphasize the

importance of the news.

Approach to Delivering News Stories:

 Arnab Goswami's approach to delivering news stories is confrontational and

opinionated. He often takes a clear stand on issues.

 He prioritizes debates and discussions, with a focus on heated arguments

50 NT
between panelists.

 His approach is known for being polarizing, with a strong emphasis on

sensationalism. 80 E
26 NM
Impact on Viewer Reception:

 Arnab Goswami's presentation style tends to polarize viewers. Some

91 IG

appreciate his assertive approach and find it engaging, while others criticize it
for being overly aggressive.
98 S


His intense style can generate high viewership and discussions on social
media, but it can also be perceived as sensationalistic.

 The effectiveness of his news broadcast depends on viewer preferences, with

some valuing his directness and others seeking a more measured approach.

Ravish Kumar:

Vocal Delivery:

 Ravish Kumar has a calm and measured vocal delivery. He speaks in a soft and
soothing tone, which contrasts with the high intensity of some other anchors.

 His style is characterized by a thoughtful and reflective approach to news


 He emphasizes clarity and articulation in his speech.

Body Language:

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 Ravish Kumar's body language is composed and controlled. He maintains a

relatively relaxed posture.

 He is known for his facial expressions, which often convey empathy and
concern, especially when covering sensitive topics.

 His gestures are used to emphasize points, but they are not as dynamic as
some other anchors.

Engagement with the Camera:

 Ravish Kumar engages with the camera in a sincere and empathetic manner.

He often looks directly into the camera to establish a personal connection with


50 NT
His approach is less confrontational and more focused on conveying
information and analysis.

 80 E
He encourages viewers to think critically about issues.
26 NM
Approach to Delivering News Stories:

 Ravish Kumar's approach to delivering news stories is characterized by in-

91 IG

depth analysis and investigative journalism.

98 S

 He often covers issues affecting ordinary citizens and marginalized



 His style is known for its emphasis on social issues and advocacy for

responsible journalism.

Impact on Viewer Reception:


 Ravish Kumar's presentation style is appreciated by viewers who value in-


depth analysis, empathy, and a calm demeanor.

 His approach is seen as a breath of fresh air in the world of sensationalized


 While his viewership may not reach the same levels as more confrontational
anchors, he has a dedicated following that values his style.

In conclusion, Arnab Goswami and Ravish Kumar represent contrasting presentation

techniques in Indian TV news. Goswami's style is intense, confrontational, and often
polarizing, while Ravish Kumar's style is calm, empathetic, and focused on in-depth

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analysis. Viewer reception to their styles varies, with some valuing intensity and
directness, while others appreciate a more measured and empathetic approach. The
effectiveness of their news broadcasts depends on the preferences of the audience
they cater to.

4. Conduct an in-depth analysis of two online-only news websites. Examine their

layout, content organization, use of multimedia, and interactive features. How do
these elements contribute to user experience and the effectiveness of news
dissemination? (500 words)

The New York Times (NYT):

Layout and Design:

 The New York Times website follows a clean and organized layout. The

50 NT
homepage features a grid-style design with sections for top news, opinion
pieces, and multimedia content.

80 E
Content is presented in a visually appealing manner, with high-quality images
26 NM
accompanying articles.

 The navigation menu is user-friendly, allowing easy access to various sections,

91 IG

including Politics, Business, Arts, and more.

98 S

Content Organization:

 The New York Times organizes content by relevance and importance. Breaking
news and top stories are prominently displayed at the top of the homepage.

 Articles are categorized into sections, making it easy for users to find specific

topics of interest.

 A dedicated "Sections" tab provides a comprehensive list of all available topics,


enhancing user navigation.

Use of Multimedia:

 The NYT incorporates multimedia effectively, with videos, images, and

interactive graphics accompanying articles.

 High-quality photographs and infographics enhance storytelling and provide

additional context.

 Videos and interactive elements add depth to news stories and engage users.

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Interactive Features:

 The New York Times offers interactive features such as polls, quizzes, and
interactive maps to engage users.

 Users can comment on articles and participate in discussions, fostering a sense

of community.

 The "My Account" feature allows subscribers to customize their news feed and
receive personalized recommendations.

User Experience and News Dissemination:

 The layout and organization of content contribute to a positive user

experience by providing easy access to relevant news.

50 NT
 Multimedia elements enhance the storytelling experience, making news
articles more engaging.

80 E
Interactive features encourage user participation and promote a sense of
26 NM

 The New York Times effectively disseminates news by delivering

91 IG

comprehensive coverage, allowing users to explore various perspectives, and

enabling customization to cater to individual preferences.
98 S

BuzzFeed News:

Layout and Design:


 BuzzFeed News features a modern and visually appealing layout with a focus

on images and headlines.


 The homepage is dynamic, with a mix of news, feature stories, and trending


 A trending sidebar displays popular articles and topics, encouraging user


Content Organization:

 BuzzFeed News categorizes content into sections such as News, Politics, Tech,
and LGBTQ+. However, content is less structured compared to traditional news

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 The website emphasizes feature stories, listicles, and quizzes, alongside

traditional news articles.

Use of Multimedia:

 BuzzFeed News heavily relies on multimedia content, particularly images, GIFs,

and embedded social media posts.

 Videos and GIFs are often used for humor and entertainment value, even in
serious news coverage.

Interactive Features:

 BuzzFeed News is known for its interactive quizzes and listicles, which engage

users in a playful manner.

50 NT
 Users can comment on articles, but the platform prioritizes social sharing and
user-generated content.
80 E
User Experience and News Dissemination:
26 NM
 BuzzFeed News offers a unique user experience by blending news with
entertainment and lifestyle content.
91 IG

 While multimedia and interactive elements make articles engaging, they may
98 S

sometimes overshadow the seriousness of the news.


 The platform disseminates news effectively to a younger, digitally-savvy

audience, but its approach may not suit traditional news consumers seeking

in-depth reporting.


 The New York Times prioritizes traditional news reporting with a focus on

depth and breadth of coverage, catering to a wide audience seeking reliable


 BuzzFeed News takes a more casual and interactive approach, targeting a

younger demographic interested in news presented in an entertaining and
shareable format.

 Both websites effectively use multimedia and interactive features to engage

users, but their content and tone differ significantly.

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 The user experience on The New York Times is structured and authoritative,
while BuzzFeed News offers a more relaxed and social experience.

In conclusion, The New York Times and BuzzFeed News have distinct approaches to
online news dissemination. The NYT emphasizes traditional journalism with a
comprehensive and structured layout, while BuzzFeed News combines news with
entertainment and interactivity. Both approaches contribute to effective news
dissemination, but they cater to different audiences with varying preferences for
news consumption.

5. How has social media transformed the process of news gathering and

distribution? Examine the effects of social media on journalistic integrity, speed of

news dissemination, and the relationship between news organizations and their
audiences. (500 words)

50 NT
Social media has profoundly transformed the process of news gathering and
80 E
distribution, ushering in significant changes in journalistic integrity, the speed of news
26 NM
dissemination, and the relationship between news organizations and their audiences.

Effects on Journalistic Integrity:

91 IG

1. Citizen Journalism and User-Generated Content: Social media platforms have

empowered ordinary citizens to become sources of news. Videos, images, and
98 S

firsthand accounts shared by users on platforms like Twitter and Facebook can

provide valuable insights into breaking news. However, this also poses
challenges in verifying the authenticity and accuracy of user-generated


2. Clickbait and Sensationalism: To compete for attention in the fast-paced


world of social media, news organizations may resort to clickbait headlines


and sensationalized content. This can compromise journalistic integrity by

prioritizing engagement over accuracy.

3. Echo Chambers and Confirmation Bias: Social media algorithms often show
users content that aligns with their existing beliefs and preferences. This can
create echo chambers where individuals are exposed to limited perspectives,
potentially reinforcing biases and hindering a balanced understanding of

Speed of News Dissemination:

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1. Real-Time Reporting: Social media enables news organizations to report and

update stories in real-time. Twitter, in particular, has become a platform for
live updates during major events, breaking news, and crises, providing
audiences with immediate access to information.

2. Viral Trends: News can quickly go viral on social media, spreading at

unprecedented speeds. While this can help disseminate important information
rapidly, it also increases the risk of false or misleading information going viral,
leading to misinformation.

Relationship Between News Organizations and Audiences:

1. Direct Engagement: Social media allows news organizations to directly engage

with their audiences through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages.
This fosters a sense of community and interactivity, making audiences feel

50 NT
more connected to news outlets.

80 E
2. Audience Feedback and Participation: Audiences can provide feedback and
participate in discussions on social media platforms. This feedback loop can
26 NM
influence news coverage and help news organizations understand audience
preferences and concerns.
91 IG

3. Challenges to Traditional Gatekeeping: Social media challenges the traditional

gatekeeping role of news organizations. Citizen journalists and social media
98 S

influencers can influence the news agenda, and stories can gain prominence

based on viral trends rather than editorial decisions.


social media has brought both opportunities and challenges to the field of
journalism. While it has accelerated the speed of news dissemination and provided

direct engagement between news organizations and their audiences, it has also

raised concerns about journalistic integrity, the spread of misinformation, and the

potential for echo chambers. Journalists and news organizations must navigate this
evolving landscape carefully to maintain trust and credibility while harnessing the
benefits of social media for news gathering and distribution.

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