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MJM-021: Reporting Techniques

Assignment 02

(Due Date: Please check the website for the latest update on due date)

Assignment Code: MJM-021/ Jan.24/ July24

Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%
Note: Answer all the questions. All questions carry equal marks = 20 each
Attempt each question in about 500 words

1. How is the digital transformation affecting traditional businesses in India? Write a feature
article that explores the challenges and innovations experienced by these businesses as
they navigate the shift to digital. Include case studies or interviews to provide a human
angle to the story. (500 words)

2. Examine the concept of climate justice and its relevance in the Indian context. Write an
article that discusses how climate change disproportionately affects different
communities within India, and analyze the efforts being made towards achieving climate
justice. Include case studies and expert opinions to illustrate the challenges and potential
solutions. (500 words)

3. Develop a news story that highlights a current issue or development in the field of mental
health. How does your story convey the significance of this issue to the general public,
and what are the broader implications for society? (500 words)

4. On the basis of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various methods and
tools of journalistic research to write an explainer on a religious issue that has been
recently in the news. (500 words)

5. Craft a comment piece on the evolving landscape of the Indian entertainment industry,
focusing on the rise of web series and digital streaming platforms. Discuss the cultural
and economic implications of this change, including its impact on storytelling,
representation, and viewer habits. (500 words)
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MJM-021: Reporting Techniques

Assignment Code: MJM-021/ Jan.24/ July24
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

1. How is the digital transformation affecting traditional businesses in India? Write

a feature article that explores the challenges and innovations experienced by these
businesses as they navigate the shift to digital. Include case studies or interviews to

50 NT
provide a human angle to the story. (500 words)

The digital transformation in India has been a double-edged sword for traditional
80 E
businesses. On one hand, it presents unparalleled opportunities for growth and
26 NM
innovation; on the other, it poses significant challenges that require adaptation and
sometimes, complete overhaul of existing business models. This feature article delves
into how traditional businesses in India are navigating the shift to digital, exploring
91 IG

both the challenges they face and the innovative strategies they are employing to
thrive in the new digital era.
98 S

Challenges Faced by Traditional Businesses:

1. Technological Upgradation: One of the primary challenges is the need for


technological upgradation. Many traditional businesses, especially small and


medium enterprises (SMEs), have operated with minimal digital intervention

for decades. Transitioning to a digital-first approach necessitates significant

investment in technology and training.


2. Changing Consumer Behavior: The digital era has also altered consumer
behavior and expectations. Customers now expect a seamless online
experience, quick delivery, and extensive product ranges, which can be a tall
order for businesses rooted in brick-and-mortar models.

3. Increased Competition: Digital platforms have lowered entry barriers, leading

to increased competition. Traditional businesses now compete not just with
local competitors, but also with national and international players.

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Innovations and Adaptations:

Despite these challenges, many traditional businesses in India are finding innovative
ways to integrate digital technology into their operations.

Case Study 1: The Transformation of Local Kirana Stores

One remarkable example is the transformation of local 'kirana' stores. These small,
family-owned grocery stores are a staple in Indian neighborhoods. Faced with
competition from e-commerce giants, many kirana stores have now partnered with
digital platforms like JioMart and Dunzo. These partnerships allow them to offer

online ordering and home delivery services, thus expanding their customer base. An
interview with Mr. Rajesh, a kirana store owner in Mumbai, reveals this shift:

"Partnering with JioMart has allowed me to reach more customers and increased my
sales by 30%," he says.

50 NT
Case Study 2: Handloom and Craft Sector
80 E
Another sector that has seen significant digital transformation is the handloom and
26 NM
crafts industry. Artisans and weavers, traditionally reliant on middlemen, are now
selling directly to consumers through platforms like Etsy and Amazon. Ms. Anita, a
handloom saree weaver from Varanasi, shares, "Through Amazon, I am able to sell
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my sarees across India and even internationally, which was unimaginable before."
This direct-to-consumer model has not only increased their earnings but also helped
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in preserving traditional crafts.


Future Outlook:

Looking ahead, the digital transformation of traditional businesses in India is


expected to accelerate. The integration of advanced technologies like AI and

blockchain presents new opportunities for innovation. However, there is also a need

for supportive policies and initiatives, especially for small businesses, to navigate this

transition successfully.

In conclusion, the digital transformation in India is reshaping the landscape for

traditional businesses. While it poses challenges, it also opens up avenues for
innovation and growth. The success stories of local kirana stores and artisans are
testament to the resilience and adaptability of Indian businesses. As they continue to
navigate the digital shift, these traditional businesses are not just surviving; they are
setting new benchmarks in the digital economy.

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2. Examine the concept of climate justice and its relevance in the Indian context.
Write an article that discusses how climate change disproportionately affects
different communities within India, and analyze the efforts being made towards
achieving climate justice. Include case studies and expert opinions to illustrate the
challenges and potential solutions.

Climate justice is a term that has gained significant traction in recent years, especially
in the context of developing countries like India. It refers to the ethical and political
notion that addresses the inequitable burdens of climate change on various

communities, particularly those who are least responsible for the emissions driving
global warming. In India, a country characterized by vast socio-economic disparities,

the concept of climate justice is not just relevant but critical in shaping policies and
actions against climate change.

50 NT
Disproportionate Impact on Communities:
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In India, the impacts of climate change are not felt uniformly. Vulnerable
26 NM
communities, including farmers, fishermen, and those living in low-lying coastal areas
and flood plains, are disproportionately affected. For instance, erratic monsoons and
extreme weather events like droughts and floods have a more devastating impact on
91 IG

small-scale farmers who rely on rain-fed agriculture. These farmers often lack the
resources to adapt to changing climatic conditions, leading to crop failures,
98 S

indebtedness, and even forced migration.


Case Study: The Sundarbans Region


A poignant example is the Sundarbans region, home to the world's largest mangrove

forest and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This region, shared between India and
Bangladesh, is facing the brunt of rising sea levels and increased cyclonic activity. The

predominantly poor communities living here are losing their homes and livelihoods

to sea erosion and salinization. Interviews with local residents, like Mina, a
fisherwoman, highlight the dire situation: "Each year, the water takes a bit more of
our land, and with it, our hope for the future," she says.

Efforts Towards Climate Justice:

In addressing climate justice, India faces the dual challenge of alleviating poverty and
reducing its carbon footprint. The government, along with various NGOs and
international bodies, is working on several fronts.

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1. Policy Initiatives: The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and its
eight missions underline India's strategy to tackle climate change issues. This
includes promoting sustainable agriculture, expanding forest cover, and
enhancing energy efficiency.

2. Renewable Energy Transition: India is making significant strides in

transitioning to renewable energy sources. Solar energy, in particular, has seen
rapid growth, with initiatives like the International Solar Alliance showcasing
India's commitment to sustainable energy.

3. Community-Based Adaptation: Empowering local communities to adapt to

climate change is another crucial approach. Projects like the Odisha’s Disaster

Risk Reduction program have been successful in involving communities in
preparing for and responding to natural disasters.

50 NT
Expert Opinions:

80 E
Experts, however, warn that more targeted efforts are needed. Dr. Rajan, a climate
scientist, suggests, "Policies need to be more inclusive, taking into account the
26 NM
specific vulnerabilities of different communities." There is also a call for developed
nations to acknowledge their historical responsibility and support developing
91 IG

countries like India in their climate action efforts.

Challenges and Potential Solutions:

98 S

One of the major challenges in achieving climate justice is the lack of resources and
infrastructure. There is a need for increased funding, technology transfer, and

capacity building, especially for vulnerable communities. Additionally, there should

be a focus on education and awareness to ensure that all levels of society understand

and support the need for climate action.


In conclusion, climate justice in the Indian context is a complex issue that requires a

multifaceted approach. While the challenges are significant, the efforts being made in
policy, renewable energy, and community adaptation are steps in the right direction.
Achieving climate justice will require sustained effort, international cooperation, and
a commitment to equitable and inclusive solutions.

3. Develop a news story that highlights a current issue or development in the field
of mental health. How does your story convey the significance of this issue to the
general public, and what are the broader implications for society? (500 words)

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Title: "Breaking the Silence: India's Growing Mental Health Crisis Amidst COVID-19"

In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, a silent crisis is unfolding across India – a
dramatic rise in mental health issues. This news story delves into the depths of this
escalating problem, unraveling its complexities and highlighting its profound
implications for society.

The Unseen Epidemic:

As the pandemic gripped the nation, it brought with it not just a health crisis but also

an unprecedented mental health challenge. Lockdowns, job losses, social isolation,
and the anxiety of contracting the virus have contributed to a significant increase in

stress, anxiety, and depression among the Indian population.

50 NT
Data Speaks:

A recent study by the Indian Psychiatry Society reports a 20% increase in mental
80 E
illness cases since the pandemic began, with depression and anxiety disorders being
26 NM
the most common. Dr. Anjali Chhabria, a Mumbai-based psychiatrist, states, “The
pandemic has been a tipping point for mental health in India. We are witnessing a
surge in first-time patients seeking help for mental health issues.”
91 IG

Youth at Risk:
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One of the most affected groups is the youth. Universities and schools have been

shut, and students are grappling with uncertainties about their future. A survey
conducted by a leading youth mental health NGO found that nearly 40% of students

reported feelings of anxiety and depression.


Case Study - The Story of Rohan:


Rohan, a 22-year-old college student from Delhi, shares his struggle: “The constant

fear of the unknown, coupled with academic pressures and isolation, led me to a
dark place. I felt alone and helpless.” Rohan’s story is not unique; it echoes the
experiences of millions of young Indians.

Broader Implications for Society:

This mental health crisis poses significant challenges for Indian society. It impacts
productivity, increases healthcare costs, and strains an already overburdened
healthcare system. More alarmingly, it exacerbates social inequalities, as those from
lower socio-economic backgrounds have limited access to mental health care.

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Government and NGO Response:

In response, the government has launched mental health initiatives, including toll-
free helplines and online counseling services. NGOs are also playing a critical role in
bridging the gap, providing free or subsidized mental health services to those in

Expert Opinion:

Dr. Vikram Patel, a global mental health expert, emphasizes the need for a robust
response: “Mental health needs to be a key component of our healthcare response

to COVID-19. There is an urgent need to increase funding, integrate mental health
services into primary healthcare, and raise public awareness.”

Public Awareness and Stigma:

50 NT
Another significant challenge is the stigma surrounding mental illness in India. It
often prevents people from seeking help. Campaigns to raise awareness and
80 E
normalize conversations about mental health are therefore vital.
26 NM

The mental health crisis in India is a ticking time bomb that needs immediate and
91 IG

sustained intervention. As the country battles the COVID-19 pandemic, it is

98 S

imperative not to overlook the silent epidemic of mental health issues. This crisis is a
wake-up call for society to acknowledge, address, and prioritize mental health with

the urgency it deserves. The story of India’s battle with mental health issues amidst
the pandemic is not just a health story; it's a societal issue that affects us all.

4. On the basis of the unit ‘Research for Journalistic Writing’, use the various

methods and tools of journalistic research to write an explainer on a religious issue


that has been recently in the news. (500 words)


Title: "Explaining the Controversy: The Ayodhya Temple-Mosque Dispute"

The Ayodhya dispute, a focal point of religious and political tensions in India for
decades, has recently re-emerged in the news, following the Indian Supreme Court's
landmark judgment in November 2019. This explainer employs various journalistic
research methods to delve into the complexities of this issue, providing a
comprehensive understanding of its historical, religious, and political dimensions.


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The Ayodhya dispute centers around a piece of land in the city of Ayodhya, Uttar
Pradesh, claimed by both Hindus and Muslims. Hindus believe the land is the
birthplace of Lord Ram, a major deity in Hinduism, and want to build a temple there.
Muslims claim the same site for the Babri Masjid, a mosque that stood there until it
was demolished in 1992 by Hindu activists.

Historical Context:

To understand the roots of the dispute, it's essential to delve into its historical
context. The Babri Masjid was built in 1528 by Mir Baqi, a commander of Mughal
emperor Babur. However, Hindus have long contended that the mosque was built

after demolishing a temple that originally marked Lord Ram's birthplace. This

narrative has been a source of contention for centuries, with the land witnessing
several bouts of communal violence.

50 NT
Research Methods and Tools:

80 E
1. Archival Research: This method involves examining historical documents,
court records, and past news reports. For the Ayodhya dispute, archival
26 NM
research provides insights into the legal battles over the years and the
archaeological findings related to the site.
91 IG

2. Interviews and Surveys: Conversations with historians, religious leaders, and

locals offer diverse perspectives. Surveys can gauge public opinion on the
98 S

issue, providing a sense of the broader societal impact.


3. Data Analysis: Analyzing demographic data, legal documents, and government


policies helps in understanding the socio-political dynamics of the region.


The Supreme Court Judgement:


In November 2019, the Supreme Court of India delivered a unanimous verdict,


granting the disputed land for the construction of a Hindu temple and providing an
alternative site for the construction of a mosque. The judgment was based on
evidence from the Archaeological Survey of India and various historical documents.

Implications and Current Developments:

The Supreme Court's decision was a significant turning point. It was largely welcomed
by Hindu groups but received mixed reactions from the Muslim community. The
verdict also raised important questions about secularism and minority rights in India.

Expert Opinions:

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Experts have varied opinions. Some view the judgment as a pragmatic solution to a
long-standing dispute, while others see it as a setback to secular values. Dr. Mehta, a
constitutional law expert, opines, "The verdict tries to balance legal claims with
societal peace, but its long-term impact on India’s secular fabric remains to be seen."


The Ayodhya Temple-Mosque dispute is not just a religious issue; it is deeply

intertwined with India’s political history and socio-cultural fabric. Understanding this
dispute requires an examination of its historical roots, legal battles, and the diverse
perspectives of the involved communities. As India moves forward from the Supreme

Court's judgment, the Ayodhya case remains a significant chapter in the country’s

ongoing discourse on religion, secularism, and national identity. This explainer,
utilizing various journalistic research methods, aims to provide a nuanced

50 NT
understanding of one of the most complex and sensitive issues in India's
contemporary history.
80 E
5. Craft a comment piece on the evolving landscape of the Indian entertainment
26 NM
industry, focusing on the rise of web series and digital streaming platforms. Discuss
the cultural and economic implications of this change, including its impact on
storytelling, representation, and viewer habits. (500 words)
91 IG
98 S

Title: "The Digital Dawn: How Web Series and Streaming Platforms are Reshaping

Indian Entertainment"

The Indian entertainment landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, catalyzed by the


advent of web series and digital streaming platforms. This comment piece explores

the profound cultural and economic implications of this change, discussing how it is
altering storytelling, representation, and viewer habits.

The Rise of Web Series and Streaming Platforms:

Gone are the days when Indian viewers' choices were confined to cable TV and
cinema. The entry of streaming giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and homegrown
platforms like Hotstar and AltBalaji has revolutionized content consumption. Web
series, with their novel storytelling and diverse themes, have become immensely
popular, especially among the younger demographics.

Impact on Storytelling:

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The digital format has liberated storytellers from the constraints typically associated
with traditional media. Without the need to cater to mass appeal as in Bollywood or
the restrictions of television censorship, web series offer more nuanced, varied, and
realistic storytelling. Shows like "Sacred Games," "Mirzapur," and "Made in Heaven"
have explored themes previously considered too bold or controversial for
mainstream Indian screens.

Cultural Implications:

1. Diverse Representation: One of the most significant cultural impacts of this

digital revolution is the representation of diverse voices. Web series have

opened doors for stories from different regions, communities, and socio-

economic backgrounds, challenging the homogeneity often seen in Bollywood.

2. Breaking Stereotypes: Streaming platforms have also been instrumental in

50 NT
breaking stereotypes, be it in terms of gender, sexuality, or societal norms.
Shows like "Four More Shots Please!" and "Paatal Lok" have challenged
80 E
traditional narratives and portrayed characters with depth and complexity.
26 NM
Economic Implications:

1. New Revenue Models: The rise of web series and streaming platforms has
91 IG

introduced new revenue models in the entertainment industry. Subscription-

based models have provided a steady revenue stream, a shift from the box-
98 S

office-centric model of Bollywood.


2. Democratization of Content: The digital space is more democratic, allowing


independent filmmakers and new artists to showcase their work without the
need for big-budget productions. This has led to a surge in creative content,

fostering a more vibrant and competitive industry.


Impact on Viewer Habits:


The convenience and accessibility of digital platforms have significantly changed

viewer habits. Binge-watching has become a norm, and there's an increasing
preference for on-demand content over traditional TV schedules. This shift has led to
a decline in cable TV subscriptions and is challenging the conventional movie-going

Challenges and Future Outlook:

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Despite its many positives, the digital shift also presents challenges. The
overwhelming amount of content can lead to saturation, and maintaining quality
becomes a concern. Additionally, there is an ongoing debate around regulation and
censorship on these platforms.

Looking ahead, the digital landscape of the Indian entertainment industry is poised
for further growth. With investments pouring in and an increasing number of users
accessing the internet, the potential for innovative content is immense. This
evolution is not just reshaping the industry economically and culturally; it's redefining
the very way stories are told and consumed in India.

In conclusion, the rise of web series and digital streaming platforms marks a new era

in Indian entertainment. This digital dawn is bringing about profound changes in
storytelling, representation, and viewer habits, signaling a transformative period in

50 NT
the cultural and economic landscape of the Indian entertainment industry.

80 E
26 NM
91 IG
98 S

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