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“Guys I've discovered a very impressive and interesting app" Sara said Sara came up with a idea to speak with ghost online.Sara discovered the app that you have to download to speak with ghosts in video calls. The squad agreed. They were living in a 2 room 3 boys and 2 girls . Sara opened up her laptop and went straight in that app while she was opening its said ‘enter at your own risk’ Sara didn't pay attention to that she called her Friends . “ Danny,Maya, John and you to Friday you guys come and see what | found" she was calling out to them. “what's Sara you always have something new every day every night " Maya said she was Sara's best friend "no come guys it's a surprise" Sara said "it's better be something serious Sara“ Danny the elder one tall , handsome who always make jokes around . They came and sat down Sara stood up and switched off the lights of the room it's was part of the rules in this computer , “why are turning off the lights you know very well I'm scared of darkness" Maya said " it's just a matter of 10 minutes Maya". Sara opened a video call , “whoeeee " screaming "who the hell is this" Friday asked . "Hi I'm the Doll " the Doll said, this doll was is the computer Video call “actually I'm a ghost but | know you won't believe me , | used this Doll to cover that I'm just a spirit wondering around ." the Doll said while smiling. “your voice is scary "John said he was even shaking . “you will get use to it, you guys I love you you all look beautiful | don't wanna lie" The Doll said "Thanks lil one "Sara said "No I'm not little I'm way to old " the behavior change the Doll rose it's voice ."Sorry it's was a mistake , but tell me why is it written ‘enter at you own risk’ ?" Sara asked "to scare others don't worry you're brave Sara" the Doll said . Big eyes wearing a delela this Doll is looking scary as if the Death of these people has just arrived , blond hair small and messy . "Wait you know my name?" Sara asked "I know you all Sara ,John,Friday ,Maya " the screen switched off " what's happened" John asked "Maybe it's the network we will see tommorow let's go to sleep". They went to sleep Maya couldn't stop thinking about that Doll it's was scary and Maya was scared of horror movies and the darkness . The sun went up ,they woke up. got ready for school Maya was still asleep . "Maya wake up we are late " Danny said "Mmmh just five minutes Danny" Maya answered. “Shit we are damn late" Sara woke up fast and she went the the kitchen while Friday went to the bathroom "Uhmmmmmm Guys , guysssss guysssss” he shouted “ what's man" Danny came running . “Look" the mirror had a paper a small note on it's covered with blood it's said “Death is coming for you" “wtf is this Friday " Danny asked while taking the note tearing it apart "who the hell putted this here?" Danny asked he was scared and upset . “| don't know all | know is that I'm scared right now, maybe it's just a peace of paper let's freshen up and we don't need to show this paper to the girls ,so out so that | can freshen up" Friday was the most chilled person ever . Denny went out , Friday freshened up Maya woke up finally they all got ready took their bags and went to school . When they got to school it's was still early they went to their different classes . Sara this beautiful white lady always wants to sea new things every day she couldn't wait till at night so that they can speak to the ghost the Doll . She opened her Book there was a small note in page where miss told them to open Sara took the note surprised and little scared it's said " death is waiting for you Sara you can't ascape now" unknown. Ending with a smiling face that was drawn by someone with blood , someone anonymous . “who the hell putted this on my book , it's must be John i will deal with him later " she took the note and kept it in her bag . The bell rang Sara and the other met out side the school they always wait for each other " hey you Friday why the hell did you put that note in my bag huh?" Shouting " which letter are you talking about Sara?" Asking calmly. “oh so now you're making me a fool?" Sara was pissed off . “Sara which note are talking about?" Maya asked.Sara took the letter in her bag "this letter" “death is waiting for you Sara ,you can't ascape now. Why would Friday scare you with this kinda Letter?" Maya asked " Guys stop this | didn't do this I swear" Friday said " we have something to tell you guys me and Friday" Danny said "what's is that Friday and Danny " John asked . “Today | and Friday saw this letter in the mirror but it's didn't have Sara's name this is getting serious . "Saraaaaa” Maya pulled Sara back to the side of the street "Do you want to die now? Huh?" Maya was shouting . "| didn't notice sorry guys, Friday I'm sorry thou " her legs were shaking , Friday nodded . "Guys let's go back home " John suggest" to discuss this matter They went back to the house and they sat down John went to the kitchen to fetch water , he came back and he sat down. "this is just nothing you guys stop worrying about small things " Sara said that while drinking the water to calm herself down. “L agree with Sara "Danny said “so guys let's just have fun for the moment that's all" Maya took a deep breath " if you say so guys" "Friday why are you quiet?" John asked "I'm just thinking that's all" The sun, set it's slanted down the town of Salem slept ,the stars are bright . The cold air making everyone to drink tea and be in bed ,since the computer was in the bedroom where Sara slept and the others . It's automatically opened it's self "Hallo there" a deep and scary voice ,they recognize the voice . "Doll?" Friday said "Yes Friday it's me on the Screen but normalize calling me Kay" “But | didn't request a Video call today why ..." Sara was asking and Kay interrupted . "oh forgot to tell you beautiful Sara once you download this app there are lot of consequences , lot's of them" the Doll said while playing with the knife in it's hands . “uhmm what kind of consequences are those" Maya's voice was shaking “byeeee" the Doll said “wait , Doll wait | mean Kay wai.. " Sara said that shouting . The screen went blank the Doll has disconnected the call. “what was that about?" Friday asked chilled tone. “Sara we warned you about these strange app didn't we? Huh?" Danny wanted to grab Sara's clothes so bad he was upset . “you better fix this mess" John said frowning at Sara,he was scared but not showing his reaction to others . "Guys guys this is not Sara's fault for God's sake stop blaming each other" Maya was covering for her Best Friend. Danny looked at Maya"You better don't interfere pls" "Guys I'm sorry but | think it's just a threat nothing much " said Sara trying to ignore the words of The Doll in her head."it's better be Sara better be" they went to sleep Sara was up thinking about this random Doll "it's must be someone trying to scare me that's all" she said that whispering in under her blanket "it's just nothing they are over reacting that's all" she fell asleep she had a dream dreaming of this Doll caring a knife trying to kill her Sara screamed , her screaming happened in the dream and in the reality . “mmmh mmh mbh Sara what's up dude?" John woke up went near her she was breathing heavily and fast "you're even sweating what's wrong" "Lhad a dream , a scary dream it's felt real " Sara said ,she drank water and took a deep breath . "Lord" she said. "sorry Sara go back to sleep now it's late" "Okay" she nodded ,went to sleep again . Sara wasn't that scared , they woke up in the morning it's Saturday they had no plans for the day . "Morning guys" Friday said that while drinking water it's his habit every morning he drinks water. "Hi guys " Maya responed stretching herself wide. "Is Sara still asleep" John asked "Yes she had a bad dream yesterday thou" Friday answered "Oh let's go and prepare breakfast for ourselves" they left Sara in the bedroom and went to the kitchen preparing food . Maya opened the fridge went to the kitchen preparing food . Maya opened the fridge “ahhhhhhhhhh" she screamed closing the fridge as quickly as she can. “wtf Maya" Friday went towards her "The....the...thee.... fridge" Maya was shaking alot her voice had earthquakes her eyes were filled with tears . Friday opened the fridge "oh shiiiiit" stepping back , it's was a head of a human,the fridge was filled with Blood . “We need to change this place" Sara suggest coming from the bedroom. “what's going on Friday" Danny asked his heart pace was fast, stealing his breathe. Sara took Maya to the bedroom they started packing their clothes no one was asking questions. Sara took her computer and crushed it burning it to ashes.John finished up first he went downstairs towards the door as the others were following him. “Where do you think you're going "a random voice said “who's that?" Maya asked “Don't you remember me? Your death’ they head the footsteps, they were coming near and near when they looked around it's the Doll small and short . "Hallo there Guys Kay is here , your Death” he smiled a little giving threatening smiles "what are you .. what is ." Sara frozed “Calm down ,Sara "Kay the Doll said "This is not happening" Danny said closing his eyes rubbing them as he thought he was dreaming. “I told you Sara enter at your own risk , you didn't listen thou . Now you will face the consequences Sara you and your friends"Kay the Doll laughed coming near ,they stepped back slowly and slowly . Their backs suddenly collided with the sitting room wall. “You can't ran away from me" the Doll went toward them “Ruuuuuun’ Sara said they all ran in front of the door , screaming all the way Sara tried starting the car but it's didnt . Kay The Doll was standing in front of the door looking at Sara "Start the damn car Sara " Friday said that shouting with a shaking voice. “Sara hurry up " Danny said “Shut the damn up Danny I'm trying here " her eyes we filled with tears Finally the car started she reversed the car the Dall laughed a lot , the car turned back as they went towards the freeway lots of traffic in the street. "Sara" she kept quiet "Sara" Denny called "Sara were talking to you , damnit" he shouted “What's is happening Sara answer us" “Look | don't know what is happening , so pls shut up ” John was sitting there Frozen "I know a place where we can go to" Maya said "Where?" “At Sentamelon street 22" “That is near the river of Tanaka" Friday said "Yes" Sara drove , she went there to that place. They were all quiet thinking about the morning incident was it a dream or reality? they were confused . Sara took out her cigarette and smoked , and smoked "share" Danny said "here" Sara gave the cigarette to Danny they both smoked. “is this a dream or what" John asked worried and sad “John calm down" they didn't answer him. There is this house they arrived went inside switched on the lights of the room ,and sat down. "when is this prank gonna end?" Sara was talking to herself "you think this is a prank?" Maya asked "I don't know Maya all i know is that I'm scared " Maya hugged Sara . “Everything is gonna be okay" Maya said that hugging tight Sara "| think we need something to eat" Friday said , he went to the kitchen to prepare food for others . "No guys we need to talk about this , Sara who's this Doll tell us?" Danny asked going upside down and Left Right "I don't know okay Danny, | don't know!!" she cried. “No we need to meet that Doll" John suggested "Are you crazy or what John" shouting "Yes guy's John is talking the truth we need to confront that Doll" Friday said he putted the food on the table "No Friday we are not confronting that Doll no !" Sara said "so you got a better idea?" Danny asked "No but..." "No buts Sara , You're the one who putted us in this mess so pls for God's sake!” Danny said , he was shouting his face was already pink . "| need to go to the bathroom " Sara stood up Maya directed her , she went to the bathroom the house was so quiet upstairs . She entered did her business and went out on her way back to the sitting room, she heard a door sound as if someone is opening the Door slowly and slowly . She turned back following the sound she was hearing , she got there the door was automatically opening it's self slowly , slowly. She went towards opening the Door slowly and slowly . She turned back following the sound she was hearing , she got there the door was automatically opening it's self slowly , slowly. She went towards the room sneaky she touched the door pushed it's , there was nothing she entered looked around she went towards the window looked at the door . “Aahhhhhhhhh" she screamed she saw the Doll outside the gate waving it's hand for her . “Sara what's going on" John said, they all came running " the Doll" Sara said she was shaking , scared and crying. "Where is the Doll" Maya asked " there there is ... Th.. , wait it's was right here Where is it ? " Looking all around the back yard view. "| think you're just overthinking Sara , calm down babe" Friday said , he brushed Sara's shoulders "No guys | saw that Doll wavering it's hand on me! wasn't dreaming, | swear* Sara said. No one responded , Danny was standing in the wall , frozen . "| think you need to rest Sara" Maya said Maya took Sara to their bedroom , since it's the best idea to share a room ,Sara slept. everyone was scared thinking about this Doll but they all wondered "how can a small Doll speak?" the questions were ringing in their heads. As they all went to sleep without any interruption , Friday was still up chillin listening to some music as | told you earlier Friday is the most chilled person ever . It's was 22:00pm they were all asleep expect Friday , he head some noise coming from the passage . He holded his breath "qwa...... qwaaa’ this thing was walking slowly and slowly , Friday rose up from his bed went towards the door . “who's there? Hallo? Anyone there " whispering through the door , no one responded the lights were off in the whole house. He opened the door went near the wall to turn on the lights , when he turned back as the lights were on the Doll Kaylene was sitting in the chair playing with it's knife “hallo there Friday" Kay the Doll said,giving scary smile "you better end this prank of yours before | do something stupid" shaking voice , he couldn't stand on his feets. "i can end it's but on one condition Friday do you agree? | will leave you alone also your friends" Kay the Doll said "what's condition is that?" Looking deep into Kay's eyes "you see this chair I'm sitting on? look up then" the Doll stood up went towards Friday . Friday never got scared easily , but today he was scared to death. "no no no why are coming near me? i will not kill myself never are you are crazy" said that stepping back. "call me Kay Friday " Kay's voice was so deep " let's go to this room " Kay said it's was Kate and Maya's room ithey went in the room. "Here take this " the dagger a big dagger "why are keeping the distance between me and you? Come on Friday come near me I'm not gonna hurt you " the Doll said “what _ what _ uh what.. will I do .-.w.w.w.ith this.. knife" Friday asked , the Doll jumped sat near the window as he wanted to watch Friday properly. “chill Nothing much, just go towards Maya and stabb this on her both eyes and stomach " the orders were given by the Doll “what__ what nooooo hell no that's a fuckin shit you're telling me right now " he shouted ata whispering tone going left and right brushing roughly his both hands. “you wanna die or what?" Kay opened his both eyes very wide , that’s made Friday to be more scared. He went towards Maya carrying the knife , he tried convincing his self to kill his friend but he couldn't . "You can do it Friday" “Noooooo" he went back “your time is up" the Doll again jumped toward him snatched the knife , pushed Friday out and they went to the passage. "No wait pls don't kill me" begging and crying "Hang yourself then , you failed to do that one task I've given you ." the Doll laughed a very scary laughter "hahahah" stretching it's head all around . “what's are you waiting for Fri?" Kay asked "Pls I'm begging you Kay" he kneeled down , pleasing him “Do it's damnit " the Doll went towards him squeezed his neck "| said do it" the voice went deeper than it's was “or | kill your friends" he smiled. Friday was left with no choice but to do it he climbed up the chair ,holded the rope. "Kay please" those were his last words , he putted his head around the rope and the Doll pushed aways the chair . Friday was losing his breath the pain he felt was not shareable he was quite while suffering , till his spirit went out , his body became cold . Kay took the knife stabbed Friday both eyes even his stomach stomach and wrote a little note" “you can never run away from death" the Doll pasted the note in Friday's back part of his body. And it's disappeared Scene 2 As Maya woke rushing to the bathroom , she opened the door of their bedroom as she was about to come out" Maya what's time is it?" Sara asked , " maybe 8 o'clock" she answered "okay" took the blankets covered her face. Maya took three step forward ‘out "“Saraaaaaaaaaaaa’™ she screamed calling out Sara's name the whole crew woke up they found Maya sitting on the floor crying “ wtf Maya ..who's who.." as he saw Friday hanging over the rope her words froze couldn't proceed speaking feather. Sara covered her face with his hands and covered her face while she was taking care of Maya " ahhhhhhh" Maya screamed letting her fear and anger out . A moment of sadness and condolences to the crew . John was frozen didn't know how to move or to speak "yo can't leave us like this Friday" Maya shouting out “wake up Friday" she was holding Friday's feet . “Let's it be Maya she gone now" Sara said "No he's gone Sara "Maya answered "wait what is that" John asked his eyes were red filled with tears. " A note it's a note Danny " Sara said "let's take this body so we can read the note" John said Danny nodded they untied Friday's body , putted it down Danny took the note their hands were filled with blood. "Read it" John said " it's says “you can never run away from death" guys yho" Danny said taking a deep breath. “We need to be strong guys" Sara said “How Sara? How this Doll will haunt us one by one till we settle down , we can't ascape there's no way to ascape " Danny said "We need to confront him, I'm sure there's a way out of this " “You're right" John said "It's better if you agree"Danny said "know let make the preparation for Friday's funeral" said Sara “We can just burn him and throw the ashes to the sea" Maya suggested "You're right" Sara answered Danny and John took the body Maya and Sara were cleaning the blood on the floor , it's kinda hard for Maya she was all scared. They finished went near the Sea and they collected woods to burn Friday "I'm sorry Friday it's had to be like this , | didn't know downloading this app would cause such problems . | really wish to have a time machine and fix thing pls fly high and be the guardian angel for us protect us from evil . Friday Rest in peace nigga" Sara said her words we meaningless to Danny , Maya was crying alot as John was standing there realising that they will all die . Danny lighted up the woods and Fridays body burned , they took the ashes went near the Sea and putted them on the sea. They drove back to their new house an old man stopped the car he was wearing a old short and a t-shirt walking with his feet he was more like a bagge so they stopped “You're all surrounded by a black cloud" “Who the the hell are you ?" John asked "You can't ascape" the old man continued he spoke in a low , ominous tone sending shivers down to their spines. “Sara drive "Danny ordered "| said drive" shouting. Sara drove , they left the old man standing pointing at the car still talking. "Guys I'm scared " Maya said " breath Maya everything will be okay" John said . They got home , home is no longer home without Friday . Sara took a computer in the lab room here in this house , turned it on "okay guys we are doing this" she downloaded the App again and requested a video call Kay answered "Oh well hallo friends by the way sorry about Friday "Kay smiled “the nerve" whispering "you need to end this Kay" Sara said "That's not easy Sara“ “what do you mean" Danny asked “because i will have to challenge you guys with everything | want if you fail , you get a miserable Death" the voice became deeper even more . “what's kind of challenges?" Maya asked "Only I know Maya" he said “What's do we do" John asked" let's accept the challenges “ Danny said " oky Danny " Sara said but they were ain't sure about this. “We agreee" John said The call disconnected left them wondering around "Just like that" Danny said " take some snacks let's eat guys "John said . They ate after a very long day they had today "guys what's do you think the challenges would be?" Maya asked while eating "maybe go to the streets naked" Danny answer . They laughed at least today something makes them laugh "we need to take this thing serious'Sara said, John frowned at him clearly unhappy with the way she talks "can't you just let us be Happy at once? or you're just acquainted with this Doll huh?" John said shouting "no | didn't mean it like that John please | don't know nothing about this Doll" Sara said “Guys please let's us not fight but work together as a team" Maya said John was pissed off he went to sleep left the others down stairs "Let's got to sleep guys , we had a long and a exhausting day today" Maya said Everyone went to their rooms .Sara went with a heavy heart to bed, overthinking alot. She was struggling to sleep thinking about everything she saw ever since she downloaded that game , everything she went through ever since she downloaded that App . Regret on her heart wish she didn't download that App no she just can't run away from death but finally she fell asleep . As the sun rises everyone was. up for a new day , wondering what new surprises will they get today. Everyone was thinking of eating so they went down stairs to eat something , Maya prepared breakfast and she served them all ." Smells nice Maya" John said "| didn't know you could cook such delicious food" Danny had already tasted the food as Maya was still serving “You need to Eat Sara" John said , Sara didn't respond . “Sara” John called her out again "Saraaa” he yelled "oh_sor.. ab..t that " she was then back to her senses because of John Thunderous voice that caused her to have a Cold blood. “Are you okay?" Danny asked " yes I'm fine nothing much" she said . They ate their breakfast and went outside to enjoy the nature since they lived near the forest with a big river, they took some card to play they sat down out side the house and started playing cards. As they were playing a letter was on Sara's card "guys guys" she said , they looked at her "what is it?" Danny asked "It's a letter it's says “Come near the hall of Solo city , now before | do something stupid" Sara was reading the letter loud. “It's the Doll we need to move as quickly as we can" John said “okay guys let's go now" Sara said. As soon as they received the letter ,they went to the car quickly started the car and drove . They arrived in that hall they went off the car opened the door of the old hall , no one was there “hallllo" Sara yelled “is anyone here" she said “It's must be a trapp" Maya said whispering “Let's go back home " John said , they turned back went towards the door they tried opening the door but it's wasn't opening “what the hell is going with this door" harshly trying to open it but it's didn't “Well hallo there my friends"the resonant voice and menacing , making the crew scared the voice was vibrating through the air. "It's him"Danny whispered "Where do you think you're going huh? " He asked they didn't respond they kept quiet while turning around . Lots of dangerous things were in here that could kill a person. "y'all Look at me now " Kay said with a ominous voice They looked at the doll "are ready? Let's see who is going to start first to face their Fears . Mini Mini Bo dai dai" the finger pointed at Maya " yes you Maya come forward " the doll said Maya stood up frozen didn't listen to the orders "| said come here you girl "Kay said with a Gravely voice threatening Maya's breathe. Maya took one step and stared at Sara, she then went towards the Doll . The Doll just did something with her fingers Maya disappeared , there was a screen when you look up it's opened up the Doll laughed . Maya was now in an unknown place infront of the door to open up on "hallo am.i? " She shouted not knowing where she is "Maya Maya Maya" her friends where calling out to her but she didn't hear . Kay took out a phone in his pocket it's was connected where Maya was at"Mayaaaaaa” he said that in a calmy way, his voice was threatening made Maya frightened "where am |" Maya asked “Somewhere faaaar " the doll said . Maya saw a speaker on the wall "pls gets me out of here" she said that yelling in the speaker. "Let's her go Kay" John said but Kay didn't listen. “Maya open that door for me please” Kay said his voice made Maya's knees weak . "No I'm not opening that door" her voice was shaking not finishing every line she says ,she was even crying her face had maps of black color because of her mascara . "L said open that's fuckin door Maya " Kay's voice was deep and ominous as if it's coming from beyond the grave , Kay turned of the light where Maya wasin. Maya screamed "okay okay pls turn on the lights i..i..i..will open the damn door" she said crying , yelling. Kay turned on the light "Do it damnit" Maya went towards the door putted her hand on the handle opening it's slowly and slowly it's was dark inside didn't see what was inside the room "Get in if you don't | will do something about your friend Sara“ Kay said "Please don't do anything to her" as she said those words she went inside that dark rom.Maya was scared of Darkness and horror movies imagine doing it for real? Scary right. She closed the door when she got inside,Danny ,John, Sara were standing there watching Maya's moves they were all scared . "If you don't face your fear of Darkness you will Die Maya so stop panicking" Kay said “ok.y...ok..y" Maya said . "Now look around the room"Kay said,she heard as if someone is in the room with her as she felt like someone is coming near her she screamed "pls don't kill me" Maya was begging for her life . As Maya was in the dark room her friends could only hear her foot steps and sounds of her breathing heavily . Kay was laughing all the Way , the room was dark she couldn't do anything" | hope Maya pass the test’ Danny said Maya was standing didn't now where to go until she heard something touching her feets she screamed . Kay laughed harder “only 1 chance left he said , Maya took two steps moving from where she was a torch fell right in front of her" pick it up" Kay said so Maya did just that she looked around the room it's was empty had just a table and a white shirt covering something on top of it "Go Maya I wanna see what's there" . Maya's hand and knees were shaking as she went towards that table , she hesitated to see what's in there but she had no choice but to open up . She grabbed the shirt moved it's slowly and slowly till she found the courage to snatch it's fast ,she opened her eyes wide and her mouth. “Oh my gosh it's Friday " Sara said , as Maya's face was unreadable she screamed the touch fell down wiping her own tears as she sat down. Shaking voice , the body of Friday made her speech less as if a big lamp is on her throat as it's had no eyes" Oops looked like I scared you , guess what you didn't face you fears no chances are left" he said playing with his knife. "No please don't do anything to her pls" John said "Keeps | quite you fool" Kay said "Say the last good bye to your friend Maya " he said that laughing. They were pleasing Kay the Doll but he didn't care , the light of the room where Maya was in, the lights switched on . The room was empty again as she started smiling thinking it's all over she saw the stool and the rope "Go hang yourself there Maya" he insisted “no I'm no way killing my self" she said , as she was refusing the floor started having thorns as she screamed the doll again said "go hang you fuckin self there or | kill you my self" a very deep voice that making Maya scared and threatened . Maya's feets had blood as she was walking through the thorns , she was screaming in pain unfortunately no one was able to save her .As the was walking through the thorns she got to the chair , tried climbing in the chair she stood up in pain and said "Sara | love you " she took the rope and putted her head in and she jumped in the side way . "Noooo000 Maya " Sara Yelled crying looking at her friend dying , Maya was under lots of pain she was given a miserable death she could scream or cry out load, She suffered till her spirit was out she died. “Oh poor Maya " Kay said "now you Danny it's your turn" Kay gave Danny a scary smile and looks . All of them were scared even crying , “you got this Danny" John said , Danny went towards the Doll again Kay did something with his fingers that made Danny disappear from where he was and he was at an unknown place "where am I" no one responded , Danny was ata place full of old things with dust "You have to find the Key to open up that door" Kay said “you have 30 Seconds , you can start now" he laughed Danny didn't even know where to start he looked around the room left right and center he could find the key "10 Sec Left" the doll said “Danny you got this" John said Danny couldn't find the key , “Oooops your time is over over Danny" Kay said "No please give me one more chance" Danny said Kay didn't answer to that question " look up" Kay said "here is the car for that door ,since you've fail one task it's all over about you " his voice was giving threat to everyone "Good by Danny" Kay waved his hands "No noooo" Danny yelled Again the doll did something with his fingers, Danny saw a big dish of stainless steel which was boiling oil . "You can't do this to me"Danny said "Danny , Danny” John yelled while he saw her friend in the end of his road. "Go kill yourself Danny ,or | kill you "Kay said making Danny lose his senses Danny refused to go but unfortunately the Doll has it's way it took it's rope hang Danny and went towards the Dish the steam coming from the dish was already making Danny scream. "Pls no stop" Danny screaming for help Kay pressed the button on her phone , Danny fell inside the dish that was full of oil it's burned his body living her skeleton Bones. "I'm so sorry Danny" Sara shouted " Oops sorry about your friend | didn't mean to " the Doll said "But now we have to continue with the game" he explained "John come here my boy" "No please I'm begging you Kay" Sara said while holding John not to go ,but John had no choice but to go "good boy John" Kay said Again it's the thing with his fingers , John was transferred to room with a fence with thorns . "If you fail to do this thing for me that fence will cut your body into smaller peaces" Kay said. John has already lost hope " Now undress your self" Kay ordered , John opened his eyes wide still confused ." Okay fine I'm doing it" John took of John undressed him self slowly and slowly ,he was left with his underwear he stopped. "hurry up John" Kay said John took of his underwear and left him self naked "Jeez Kay wtf" Sara said covering her face. The Doll laughed while sitting on it's chair playing with the knife "now open the behind door for me" Kay said John did just that he saw a girl outside the door wearing a Lingerie holding it's pu*sy rubbing it's slowly . "Know John fuck that girl up till she screams if she doesnt moan out loud and scream you will die "Kay said giving scary voice John didn't talk anything as he was already on, he pulled the girl towards him and he closed the door. John kissed the girl hungry for kiss He grabbed the waist of the girl going down to it's butt , he kissed the girl going down to it's neck the girl started moaning as she was starting to feel John. John slowly undressed this girl jhe kissed her badly as he was fingering her asf "mmmh mmh' the girl stopped kissing started moaning. He pushed her fingers even harder as he was still undressing this girl , he squeezed her breast as he was kissing them.John wanted to make sure he passes the test, they were now both naked John made the girl to turn around the girl went down on it's knees as John was holding it's wait and ass , the girl was busy making it's wet as she was fingering herself , John putted his buddy in making it's faster and faster . enjoying at the same time Sara didn't watch all of this nonsense she was just listening to the moans. Anyways the girl continued sucking it's up and she turned around ,head down ,up on her knees and ass up (dog style) John tried all his best but the girl didn't moan she was just like "Mm mm mm". "| need that girl screaming"Kay said John increased his pace the girl was opening her mouth and closing it's not giving the sounds. "10 seconds left"Kay said John was even sweating now trying all his best but he couldn't "Times up John , looks like your little d'ck of yours doesn't work on girls huh" Kay said "You can go now my dear” Kay said the girl stood up went outside "I should've given this to Danny he seems to have a big d*ck huh" Kay continued "Goooood by Jo.." as he was about to finish his line the fence trapp went straight to John with a huge pase , John's body was left into peaces the blood was all over the wall as his head was laying down in the floor . Sara was all over the house shaking going upside down rubbing her both Hands harshly. "ohh Sara all your friends are gone now " "| hate youuuu" she screamed , her hair was so messy "Oh poor Sara now it's your turn to die babe” he said "| just have to kill you myself not waisting my time hey" he continued He jumped from his chair where he was A small and a short doll with green eyes coming near her she was screaming all over the hall but no one was able to hear and save her, as the Doll was getting closer and closer it's jumped into Sara's face stabbed her both eyes as Sara was still screaming her blood was all over her face and clothes she could see she screamed touching her face "Nooooo' she yelled and the doll stabbed her on the stomach , Sara fell down , blood on her mouth as she was coughing . "Bye Maya" he said , while he took the knife and licks Sara's blood " ahh tasty" he said . He jumped off to her dead body laughing all the way as he went out of the hall. "MY NEXT VICTIM IS.......YOU , YOUR SCREAMS WILL BE THE MUSIC IN MY EARS AND NO ONE CAN ESCAPE MY TOY Box. YOUR FATE IS SEALED , JUST LIKE THEIRS!!" Kays's last words By Luthando Cele<3

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