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Committee: United Nations Security Council

Topic: The Cross Strait Relations: The Need for regional Stability In The China-
Taiwan Dispute

Signatories: Türkiye, China, Morocco, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Afghanistan, China,

Azerbaijan, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar,
Russia, Spain, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe, Morocco,

The UN Security Council,

Affirming the definition of One China principle as set out in UN as In 1971, the UN General
Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognized the PRC as the sole legitimate
representative of China to the United Nations and it also expelled representatives of the
Republic of China (ROC) the government that had ruled China from 1912 to 1949 and which is
now based in Taiwan,
Approving the resolutions passed by United Nations to stabilize the South Asia Region which
include resolution 67 (1949), Resolution 82 (1950), Resolution 2758 (1971), Resolution 845
(1993), Resolution 60/1 (2005), Resolution 71/1 (2016),
Recognizes China as the Legitimate governing body of Taiwan,
Noting further China is the only nation that can represent the Taiwan’s population in
international bodies such as the United Nations and their several Sub-Committees,
Condemns the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and its funding provided to a terrorist organization
“Wagner Group” to conduct mass killings in Ukraine,
1. Calls for the following demands of China to be accepted by the United Nations:
a. In which China and the renegade province of Taiwan to accept the 2 certain

i. China's preference for bilateral negotiations direct consultations and with

other claimant countries in the South China Sea dispute;
ii. The peaceful resolution of conflict between Taiwan and China;
2. Approves “CBM” framework as an effective solution towards maintaining stability in the
region; Confidence in establishing a hot line between the two sides and the exchange of military
b. Building trust between both countries by diplomatic efforts of UN and trying to persuade
c. Maintaining trust between both sides for long term so that the region can stay peaceful for
2. Affirms the “CARE” framework as a practical solution to non-stability in the region caused by
difference in political views of China and Taiwan:
a. Constructing the relations between China and Taiwan with the help of a neutral Country
like Ukraine who is suffering from same problems;
b. Activating the Chain between China and Taiwan through talks and meetings held by the
Countries of Neutral block;
c. Regarding the interests of China and Taiwan, Ukraine will mediate the talks and try to get
into the better understanding of both the views;
d. Engaging in building joint initiatives of China and Taiwan after they agree to engage in
plans and peaceful talks hosted by some neutral country having no interest in both;

3. Supports the "Two-State Dialogue" approach to reduce tensions and promote stability in the

a. Facilitating official talks between China and Taiwan representatives with the goal of
establishing a peaceful coexistence;

b. Encouraging the international community to mediate and provide diplomatic assistance in

bridging the gap between the two sides;

c. Sustaining ongoing dialogue and negotiations to ensure a lasting peaceful resolution;

4. URGES the “multilateral talks” between China and Taiwan for making sure the region
a. The talks will be taken in the capital of a neutral state such as Rabat, the capital of Kingdom of
Morocco, so that a neutral state can mediate the talks between the two regions;
b. The talks shall be overlooked by a coalition consisting of representatives from USA and
6. Considers the “SE” framework presented by Ukraine for promoting stability in South Asia:
a. Stable economy of both China and Taiwan should be promoted through the betterment of trade
relations with other countries such as the United States of America and Ukraine;
i. The semiconductor economy of Taiwan should be further developed so that Taiwan can
maintain its own personal economy;
ii. Taiwanese provincial autonomy to be exercised through further utilization of trade allowances
by the People’s Republic of China;
5. Believes in the USA framework (underlying security and accountability) through the
following means:
a. UN inspection Commission to be sent into South China which would include representation of
all ASEAN countries too which would cater to:
I. The dispute of overlapping EEZ’s and distribution of resources by determining the rightful
ii. Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission;
b. Revision of international conventions and Implementation of them such as UNCLOS and
DOC to be ensured by countries that are violating them;
6. Supports Taiwanese Provincial autonomy to be given by Chinese Government under the
following conditions;
a. USA to be allowed to trade with Taiwan:
b. No demilitarisation is to take place within Taiwan until complete stability is ensured;
7. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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