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Written Assignment Unit 2

University of the People

AHIST 1401-01 Art History

Instructor: Caitlan Smith

April 19, 2023

The Parthenon and The Pantheon

The Parthenon is a structure in ancient Athens directed by an Athenian stateman named

Pericles and experts agree that it was primarily used as a treasury (What is the purpose of the

Parthenon? n.d.) The Pantheon on the other hand, crafted by the Romans is one of the most

famous architectures in the ancient world with several scholars saying that it was used as a

temple and a dwelling place of God (Ranogajec, 2015). It is also considered as the eight wonder

of the ancient world with tourists travelling to see from all over the world. Both are great

architectures showing intricate work and the artistry of the past.

Talking about the physical structure of both architectures, the Parthenon has two interior

rooms, one larger and one smaller while the Pantheon is one huge interior of a temple. In my

own personal interpretation, the style that was used in Parthenon shows the power and wise of

Athens. It was built to not just serve as a temple, but I would say that it’s one of the first

multipurpose hall made in the ancient days that allows it to be used for different functions. Most

experts says that it was used as a treasury showing the rich culture of Athens. The Parthenon also

has a rectangular floor plan with multiple entrances. On the other hand, the style that was used

for Pantheon is more religious showing how religious or faithful the people of Rome are. It was

more circular and spacious due to the high ceilings. The way the Pantheon looks like is that it

functions as a house of worship or for religious gathering. Each architecture was artistically

made but to sum it up, the Parthenon is more relative to the government and its functions and the

Pantheon is more relative to its people and their culture and beliefs.

To conclude this essay, both architecture shows identity. The identity of Athens and

Rome. It also shows culture and marks history between the two cities. There’s a lot to learn from

ancient art especially on architectures as these are the places where historical events took place.

Given the opportunity, I would like to have a personal visit on these historical sites to fully

understand and appreciate the art of it. More than the books, ancient art like sculptures, paintings

and architectures like the Parthenon and Pantheon teaches us and makes us know both ancient

Athens and Rome on a deeper level.

Word Count: 410


 Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). What is the purpose of the Parthenon?

Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from



 Ranogajec, D. P. A. (2015, December 11). The pantheon (rome). The Pantheon (Rome).

Retrieved April 19, 2023, from


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