Parker Et Al 2023 Chatgpt For Automated Writing Evaluation in Scholarly Writing Instruction

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Educational Innovations

ChatGPT for Automated Writing Evaluation in Scholarly

Writing Instruction
Jessica L. Parker, EdD; Kimberly Becker, PhD; and Catherine Carroca, DHS, MSN, RN

development (Kumar, 2023), and immediate feedback (van Dis

ABSTRACT et al., 2023).
Background: Effective strategies for developing schol- One promising area in nursing education is using GAI tools
arly writing skills in postsecondary nursing students are such as ChatGPT for automated writing evaluation (AWE) in
needed. Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools, such writing instruction. AI applications have been used in higher
as ChatGPT, for automated writing evaluation (AWE) hold education for assessment, evaluation, and automated feedback
promise for mitigating challenges associated with scholarly (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019) and to support students’ academ-
writing instruction in nursing education. This article explores ic writing development (Calvo et al., 2011). Student-centered
the suitability of ChatGPT for AWE in writing instruction. feedback with AWE has been found to help language learners
Method: ChatGPT feedback on 42 nursing student texts improve the accuracy of their writing and save instructors time
from the Michigan Corpus of Upper-Level Student Papers (Bailey & Lee, 2020). Further, chatbots have been shown to
was assessed. Assessment criteria were derived from recent grade similarly to human instructors on short writing assign-
AWE research. Results: ChatGPT demonstrated utility as an ments (Ndukwe et al., 2019). Therefore, this article explores
AWE tool. Its scoring performance demonstrated stricter the suitability of ChatGPT for AWE in writing instruction for
grading than human raters, related feedback to macro-level postsecondary nursing students.
writing features, and supported multiple submissions and
learner autonomy. Conclusion: Despite concerns surround- Background
ing GAI in academia, educators can accelerate the feedback Scholarship for nursing practice is a competency domain
process without increasing their workload, and students recognized by the American Association of Colleges of Nurs-
can receive individualized feedback by incorporating AWE ing (AACN, 2021) in The Essentials: Core Competencies for
provided by ChatGPT into the writing process. [J Nurs Educ. Professional Nursing Education (The Essentials). The Essen-
2023;62(12):721-727.] tials guides curricular development and learner achievement
expectations. Competencies included in the Scholarship for

Nursing Practice domain emphasize students’ ability to de-
enerative artificial intelligence (GAI) in education recent- scribe, articulate, examine, and integrate. Thus, written as-
ly has sparked widespread interest. In contrast to other signments should be designed to assess these crucial qualifiers
types of artificial intelligence (AI) used in education that (Lim et al., 2023).
rely on machine learning algorithms or rule-based systems (e.g., However, nursing students at all postsecondary education
Grammarly), GAI produces content learned from its training on levels struggle in meeting such expectations; moreover, they
a large dataset. ChatGPT, a large language model developed by face difficulties with organization, grammar, flow, sentence
OpenAI, is one example of GAI and has been touted to have the structure, and critical analysis (DeCoux Hampton & Chafetz,
potential to transform health care education, research, and prac- 2021; Cone & Van Dover, 2012; McMillan & Raines, 2011).
tice (Sallam, 2023). Specific applications of ChatGPT in health Strategies such as peer review, self-assessment, and frequent
care education include personalized learning experiences in nurs- feedback have been shown to improve postsecondary nurs-
ing education (O’Connor & ChatGPT, 2023), academic writing ing students’ writing proficiency (Bickes & Schim, 2010;
Hampton, 2019; Kilmer et al., 2023; Tornwall & McDaniel,
Jessica L. Parker, EdD, MS, RDH, is a Lecturer, Massachusetts College of 2022). However, providing thorough and frequent feedback is
Pharmacy and Health Sciences, School of Healthcare Business. Kimberly time-consuming, posing challenges for instructors and students
Becker, PhD, is a Lecturer, English Department, Iowa State University. (Bjerkvik & Hilli, 2019; Micsinszki & Yeung, 2021; Zhan et
Catherine Carroca, DHS, MSN, RN, is an Associate Professor, Department of al., 2023).
Nursing, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. One possible way to mitigate the challenges associated with
Address correspondence to Jessica L. Parker, EdD, MS, RDH, School of student writing and faculty feedback is using GAI tools, such
Healthcare Business, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sci- as ChatGPT, for AWE. AWE systems originally focused on
ences, 179 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115; email: Jessica.parker@ analyzing local- or micro-level characteristics, such as gram- mar, mechanics, lexis, and discourse (Attali & Burstein, 2006;
Disclosure: The authors have disclosed no potential conflicts of inter- Deane, 2013; Deane & Quinlan, 2010). However, as AWE
est, financial or otherwise. systems have become more sophisticated, their foci increas-
Received: May 29, 2023; Accepted: July 3, 2023 ingly have shifted to global- or macro-level features, such as
doi:10.3928/01484834-20231006-02 organization, communicative goals, and genre characteristics.

Journal of Nursing Education • Vol. 62, No. 12, 2023 721

Further, AWE systems have
been shown to be valid and
Input Prompt Sequence and Rubric Criteria
reliable based on studies
examining the rate of agree-
Construct Criteria Prompt and Description ment between human- and
machine-rated texts (At-
Complexity Thesis/ This input prompt includes a grading rubric with grading criteria and
tali & Burstein, 2006; Lee
purpose a range of scores for a paper written by a nursing student. Review
the paper in the next input prompt and evaluate the paper for the
et al., 2008, 2010; Shermis
thesis/purpose. Provide a score and explain the assigned score, and & Hamner, 2013; Wang &
also include suggestions for improvement with at least one specific Brown, 2007).
example from the paper if a score of 0 to 2 is achieved. Several AWE systems cre-
0 – Thesis is not provided or does not have a discernable central
ated in the past decade have
argument attempted to approach au-
tomation for genre-specific
1 – Thesis identifies a demonstrable central argument, although not
features of academic writing.
clearly stated
The first of these is the Re-
2 – Thesis statement clearly identifies a demonstrable central search Writing Tutor in the
argument United States (Cotos et al.,
3 – Clearly and eloquently identifies a demonstrable and nuanced 2015), which provides feed-
central argument; guides the reader smoothly and logically into the back on the various sections
body of the paper (i.e., introduction, methods,
Evidence Now, evaluate the same paper for evidence according to the results, discussion, and con-
provided criteria. Provide a score and explain the assigned score, and clusion) in academic journal
also include suggestions for improvement with at least one specific article manuscripts. A similar
example from the text if a score of 0 to 2 is achieved. Australian AWE, AcaWriter
0 – Little to no evidence is used throughout the paper (Knight et al., 2020), also in-
1 – Evidence is used to support the central argument, but the cludes genre-based feedback.
evidence is not clearly articulated AWE systems focusing on the
complexities of genre have the
2 – Evidence used to support the central argument is appropriate,
although not particularly rich or detailed; the connection between
potential to provide nursing
argument and evidence is clearly articulated student writers suggestions
without the involvement of
3 – Evidence used to support the central argument is rich, detailed,
human mentors, yet many—
and well chosen
like the two mentioned here—
Fluency Organization Now, evaluate the same paper for organization according to the are not publicly available.
provided criteria. Provide a score and explain the assigned score, and Besides rule- and genre-
also include suggestions for improvement with at least one specific
based tools for AWE, AI re-
example from the text if a score of 0 to 2 is achieved.
cently has become an avail-
0 – Organization of the paper is not logical or discernable able method for feedback. As
1 – Organization of the paper can only be discerned with effort; AI has accelerated dramatical-
only some parts of the paper are effectively integrated; in several ly in recent years, the devel-
paragraphs, there is no distinct or coherent point; topic sentences opment of programs such as
are missing or unclear in some paragraphs; in some paragraphs, the Grammarly, ProWritingAid,
parts do not connect logically and Writefull has optimized
2 – Organization of the paper is logical and apparent, but transitions the identification and correc-
between paragraphs are not consistently smooth; every paragraph tion of micro-level issues.
makes one distinct and coherent point, and for the most part, the Nevertheless, as technology
sentences of each paragraph connect logically and effectively; in all advances, so does its ability
but a few cases, the point of the paragraph is expressed in a clear to improve a variety of writ-
topic sentence ing criteria, such as cohesion,
3 – Organization of the paper is logical and quickly apparent; coherence, and argumenta-
connections among paragraphs are clearly articulated and tive quality. Likewise, AWE
transitions between paragraphs are smooth; every paragraph can improve the process (as
makes one distinct and coherent point, expressed in a clear topic opposed to only the product)
sentence; the parts of each paragraph connect logically, and internal of writing (Adams & Chuah,
2023; Strobl et al., 2019). The
transitions are smooth

availability of free, generative

pretrained transformers, such

722 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

as ChatGPT, has put these
capabilities at the forefront of
Input Prompt Sequence and Rubric Criteria
AWE development. Although
ChatGPT’s applications have Writing
been explored in the context Construct Criteria Prompt and Description
of health care practice (Patel
et al., 2023; Rao et al., 2023), Clarity Now, evaluate the same paper for clarity according to the provided
criteria; provide a score and explain the assigned score; and also
its potential for facilitating include suggestions for improvement with at least one specific
writing development has yet example from the text if a score of 0 to 2 is achieved.
to be fully realized.
0 – Throughout the paper, the wording is imprecise or ambiguous;
Method the sentence structure is consistently confusing

To explore the suitability 1 – Wording is often imprecise or ambiguous; the sentence structure
of GAI for AWE, we utilized is often confusing
exemplary nursing student 2 – The paper is, for the most part, precisely worded and
papers from the Michigan unambiguous; the sentence structure is mostly clear
Corpus of Upper-Level Stu- 3 – Throughout the paper, the wording is precise and unambiguous;
dent Papers (MICUSP), a the sentence structure is consistently clear and lucid
broad source of success- Accuracy Mechanics Now, evaluate the same paper for writing mechanics according to
ful, multidisciplinary stu- the provided criteria; provide a score and explain the assigned score;
dent writing (O’Donnell and also include suggestions for improvement with at least one
& Römer, 2012; Römer & specific example from the text if a score of 0 to 2 is achieved.
O’Donnell, 2011). A total of 0 – The paper contains numerous spelling and grammatical errors,
42 texts were downloaded including incomplete and run-on sentences
from MICUSP, of which 18
1 – The paper contains several spelling and grammatical errors; there
were written by undergradu- are some incomplete or run-on sentences
ate nursing students and 24
by first- through third-year 2 – The paper contains minor spelling or grammatical errors; there
graduate nursing students. are minimal incomplete or run-on sentences
Each text was entered sepa- 3 – The paper contains no spelling errors, grammatical errors, or
rately into ChatGPT-3 fol- run-on sentences
lowing an input prompt that
included a rubric with con-
structs of language proficien- assigning a score of 0 to 2 and also provided guidance on
cy intended to represent aspects of complexity, accuracy, and how to improve the writing (Figure 1). ChatGPT responses
fluency (CAF), which have been commonly used as criteria for then were assessed based on its ability to provide feedback
assessing writing development (Ellis & Ellis, 2008; Housen & on macro-level features in writing. In this respect, ChatGPT
Kuiken, 2009). The six criteria and their association with CAF consistently identified and addressed broader aspects of the
are outlined in Table 1, which presents the input prompt and ru- writing rather than examining only surface-level grammar
bric criteria with a 4-point scale, ranging from 0 = unacceptable or sentence structure (Figure 2). ChatGPT also consistently
to 3 = meets or exceeds criteria. A paper with a score of 3 for provided specific suggestions for improvement using ex-
each criterion was considered an “A” paper. The following cerpts from the text. Notably, ChatGPT feedback contained
three criteria from recent AWE research (Zhai & Xiaomei, human-like commentary.
2021) were applied to explore its potential for AWE to ap- Finally, the ability of ChatGPT to support multiple submis-
proximate human raters (Shermis, 2014); relate to macro- sions and learner autonomy was assessed. When a score of 2
level features (e.g., organization and development [Burstein was assigned, users could ask clarifying questions for more
et al., 2013]); and support multiple submissions and learner detailed explanations. Further, users could implement the
autonomy (Wang et al., 2013). feedback and enter revised text or ask ChatGPT to explain
its score and provide additional feedback (Figure 3). In all
Results cases, ChatGPT provided suggestions for improvement and
After collecting ChatGPT feedback for the 42 papers, the answered clarifying questions. Table 2 presents excerpts
criteria mentioned above were applied to assess its forma- from the feedback aligned with best-practice criteria from
tive feedback potential. ChatGPT feedback was compared the literature.
first to the benchmark score of 3 (grade A) assigned by a
human rater. Overall, ChatGPT assigned a score of 3 to one Discussion
graduate nursing paper and a score of 2 (grade B) to all The assessment of ChatGPT’s feedback on undergradu-
other papers, indicating stricter grading. As the prompt in- ate- and graduate-level nursing texts demonstrated its po-
put requested, ChatGPT provided a detailed explanation for tential utility as a tool for AWE in writing instruction. The

Journal of Nursing Education • Vol. 62, No. 12, 2023 723

Figure 2. ChatGPT’s feedback on macro-level features in writing.

From the perspective of CAF, complexity should always

Figure 1. ChatGPT’s explanation for a score of 0 to 2. be prioritized because finalizing macro-level issues in a
text is the most efficient way to edit and revise. If a writer
only makes changes that contribute to fluency or accura-
cy, as is likely with widely used programs such as Gram-
marly, the improvements may not be substantial enough
to achieve competency. Grammarly and other rule-based
AWEs can provide fluency and accuracy feedback, but only
the most advanced, proprietary AWEs have, up to now, been
able to provide complexity feedback. This is why GAI is
It would be amiss not to acknowledge the ethical and
privacy concerns surrounding the use of GAI in education.
Concerns range from students using the technology to cheat
on examinations (Thorp, 2023) to plagiarized content in
journals (Zielinski et al., 2023). After a conversation with
ChatGPT, Gunter Eysenbaugh, the founder and editor of the
Journal of Medical Internet Research Medical Education,
expressed significant concern about ChatGPT’s tendency
to hallucinate—or produce a confident response that is not
justified by its training data (Eysenbach, 2023). However,
ChatGPT now includes a new “data control” feature that al-
lows users to exclude sensitive or private information that
should not be processed or shared, reducing the risk of pri-
vacy violations.
To date, GAI tools such as ChatGPT have yet to be ex-
plored for AWE purposes. By incorporating AWE provided
by ChatGPT into writing curricula, instructors can acceler-
ate the feedback process without increasing their workload,
and students can receive immediate feedback at any time
Figure 3. ChatGPT’s response when asked, “Can you explain this score?” (Liao, 2016). However, the successful implementation of
any technological system depends on an improved under-
standing of the user acceptance processes (Davis, 1989). In
results of this exploratory assessment are not surprising, their 2023 op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Duckworth and
as AI writing tools have been used in various educational Ungar stressed the necessity for educators to adapt by inte-
contexts for assessment and feedback (Nazari et al., 2021). grating ChatGPT into their curricula. .
However, the capabilities of GAI tools, such as ChatGPT,
extend beyond existing rule-based AI writing tools and Limitations
serve as conversational agents that can handle multi-turn The primary limitation of this exploratory test of ChatGPT
dialogue, maintaining context throughout the conversation. for AWE is that its use or acceptance with stakeholders, such

724 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated

as students or faculty, was
not investigated and the
AWE Assessment Criteria and Feedback Examples: Complexity
rate of agreement between
ChatGPT and human rat- Level-Specific Feedback Examplesa
ers also was not calculated.
Although ChatGPT’s scor- AWE Feedback Criteria 2 3
ing performance did not Approximates human raters “The purpose statement is “The paper is well-formatted with no
align with a human rater, (Shermis, 2014) clearly stated in the abstract and significant spelling or grammatical
it is important to remem- introduction, and it gives the errors, and quotes are properly
ber that a lack of alignment reader a reasonably good sense of attributed and cited.”
does not necessarily imply the nature of the analysis that will
follow.…I would score the paper
inadequate feedback. Fac- a two for thesis/purpose because
ulty, who may have become while the central argument is clearly
expert academic writers stated, it could be more nuanced and
through years of experience, specific.”
often have little training in Relates to macro-level “...provide a more detailed and “The paper has a clearly and
writing instruction (Mad- features (e.g., organization, eloquent thesis statement that… eloquently stated thesis that
son, 2021) and may struggle development) (Burstein et reveals the organizational structure identifies a demonstrable and
to provide constructive feed- al., 2013) of the paper and guides the reader nuanced central argument....The
back (Aguayo-Gonzalez et smoothly and logically into the body thesis is introduced in the opening
al., 2020; Mitchell, 2018); of the paper.” paragraph and is reinforced
hence, AI tools potentially throughout the paper with well-
could augment the role supported evidence and analysis. The
of faculty in the feedback author provides a clear sense of the
analysis that will follow and reveals
the organizational structure of the
paper. The thesis guides the reader
smoothly and logically into the body
ChatGPT is a new tech- of the paper.”
nology, and there is much to
Supports multiple “To improve the score to a 3, the “Improvement suggestion: N/A.”
learn about its applications submissions and learner author could…explicitly state the
in nursing education. When autonomy (Wang et al., research questions…and provide a Note: When student writers can
conducting the exploratory 2013) brief overview of the methods…” confirm the quality of their content,
assessment for this article, then they move on to improving
it immediately became ap- other areas of their texts.
parent that users must know Note. AWE = Automated Writing Evaluation; N/A = not applicable.
how to ask the right ques- a
Because Michigan Corpus of Upper-Level Student Papers provides examples of A-graded papers, it is unsurprising that the
tions to obtain the desired generative artificial intelligence did not assign any scores of 0 or 1 for the texts in the sample.

feedback. Prompt construc-

tion has received growing
attention within the literature, as generative AIs must be sup- GPT to provide feedback on nursing student texts demon-
plied with optimized prompts to produce appropriate content strates its capabilities for individualized writing feedback
(Nachson et al., 2023; Sanmarchi et al., 2023). Thus, it will and self-driven learning. With proper instruction, ChatGPT
be important to monitor emerging research on how to prompt can enhance students’ communication skills (Kumar, 2023).
ChatGPT correctly and educate faculty and students on how We plan to formally evaluate ChatGPT’s capabilities for writ-
to best use ChatGPT for AWE. ChatGPT also can provide ing instruction by embedding it within postsecondary nursing
individualized feedback quickly. Emerging research on Chat- curricula. Like any new technology, it also will be important
GPT’s capabilities has described its personalized interactions to understand ChatGPT’s acceptance among students and fac-
with users and deemed it to be a “powerful self-learning” tool ulty and ensure that faculty and students receive proper guid-
(Sallam, 2023). Thus, by using GAI tools such as ChatGPT ance and training to facilitate GAI-based learning.
for feedback, student learning can be self-driven and indi-
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