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Table of Contents ‘An Absurd Separation: Aging in the Workplace: South Africa’s Apartheid Will You Still Need Me in Sizwe Bansi is Dead. eevee When I'm 642.20. 4a ‘Adam Livengood Leanna MeBride, David Schidborg& Ashley Stewart Poetic Strategies in Night Austria: and Black Elk Speans.rv.cscssev Country Analysis. ic Davis Sarah Frese Mending the Broken Ariel por José Enrique Rod6.... Spinning Wheel: Religion Matherine Fusnan and.a Woman's Place in Shadows on the ROCKeercresvnned0 — Attistic Recognition. Sretes Dicer A Note from the Editors. Progressive Passion... ‘Amand Roling, TOO Losing Baba... naa Bouchie The House of God: Worship in the Temple, Synagogue and Christian Church. Emly De Penning Pythagoras:The Mathematical, Cosmological, and Musical Philosophies. ze Cases Lab 4, Aldol Condensation Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone (DBA) Jana Staliman Smatipox: A Bioterrorism Threat?... ‘Amanda Wile Fair Value Accounting: Should We Risk the Switch?, Stephanie Utne This piece isa ortical essay analyzing an African iterary work for African Caribbean Literature taught by Dr ‘Michae! Harr ‘Separation treeds_ contempt Throughout history, hose who have ‘boon segrgated in one form or ‘nother have fo 8 tng 98 ‘ims ofa eral whip. Moug adeal crango in pute perception works ‘on, has lg aolsed Seog ‘on on the surface, inal ctaity, the score re stl se on those ‘who have experienced is matoe. One tthe oe demeaning forme of ‘segregation was the poy of ape het fer enforced bythe ang hie minor South ica Under this estan, te National Paryof te South Atcan government legated racial segregation and. soparated South Ata’ innabiants into racial ‘pouns, aloting pecs disparate ot fos The spa i © found ways to ee Rs iunar ly under the guia of comedy. The iby Slee Bans is Oead, oy Rel Fuga, mploty ote sucnacomic ‘ueatment of the gay of to tpi. Beneath te comedy, tis ame of sveet hate” msinains a bing ‘dsparagement ofthe South Aeon overment ding time of part el ts pls, ands manner of enforcing ews. ood of various laws at not only An Absurd Separation: South Africa’s Apartheid in Sizwe Bansi is Dead Adam Livengood slloned the ring white minor in South Aca to sogeeme, explo. tnd terrce the vast maionty of raed races, But alo to weate & homeland ejtem where bie ing n Sow Aca were enran hie and force to move to anoth fe county wihout ther conse. ‘he systom Was convlled down to the test cea, eating how ‘2d where Backs would Ine, werk, ‘and ie. The government denied bck Sout Atians of such oe tere serves, reparing them The system was controlled down to the tiniest detail, dictating how and where blacks would live, work, and die. {or tes inthe lobo clase. As 8 reminder of the apartheid South ia wa unde, cea ia forced ronaites to cary passbooks whee rer they veld Tose pasebcoks ontsines one's ently, tx pay ent, roars of where one could Ihe or we el 25min con- ton ofthe one. Ay ronnie found in a desirated white aca wes requ to show 2 passbook fon demand ar he or she would be forced 10 move back to 2 “eg” ite zone these passbocks ‘wer propery autotiod, the owner had he right to wor or vein whe aes. However, the lack of au aati of fate to produce the passbook on command ected in ‘rest and al May detainees were opt for monte at 9 Smo without ‘ial athe fares were gen 0 retin of thee whereabous. In ‘Stew Bans Dos, Fuga outines the detent way the passtook ‘tem afeted the es of ron- hike South Arcane ding spa hid. in one scone, Slzwe reveals ‘the way his passbook contol every epect of bs Me, he expla, refering ta hime in ied peso, “Stzwe wants to say have In New ‘gon and tia a Job passbook. sa, Not Report Back’ Swe warts to feos his wife ana cre, ass book sy, No. Endored out” (3), ‘Ae aparteid tgp 10 toe Wold of South Ac, the passbook stem forher prevented nonwhites fam ‘aking owners of thar own Ives. deny, When ono able 0 a ‘ingush onest 28 ne (ly 8 specal knowledge fs developed et stows fr fh nig each 3. ewever, hon one's ently ios. 2 tain of mes contusion Iso ted, end one sno Tenge abo 10 ‘oversaw he or he i Sieve Bans! Dead, Fugard reveals the ‘penvesion spartld creates where ‘2 man is equa to his passbook. ‘be ly Sizwe Baral itor betree" losing name mich he cot swt is ey) an stayin Po lenbetn, roving for is 7 and gaining more rhs. However, Ste’ formes are reversed when he and Ni fend, Bt, nove the dea boy of Rober Zwei ing inthe sect. Because Robert's werk permit stam grants him mere privieges, Bunty urges Sie t2 Eon ets wth Reber and to take sovantge of the stuaion by raking 9 batt ite for heel an is fam Not surprising, Swe Is seared toe hiram a We 98 anathema a he exam sfrld How do get used to Robert? ost” Fuga 3. , play, we seo the signcance of Siwe's identity str, 36 nis character i neat in the tet as anonymous "Man Inthe ass Tanavags, “sewer mans nation and “bani” meen bron, wise, oF large. Aste te oF tho pay pls, ‘the "goat ration Ie dead In hs sence, Fuga outines the roton ‘hat in ordar to fnaton within the content of something as vel as pare, fas of omy is ne table, Tug the ston Is ossy Unf, sree esng one's ents ke fosing pat ofthe sou, Siwe oes soutty of ing a6 the most Important deta. Tho surface ofthe ‘Stuaton appears comical (hati Swe 1s drunk aed having 2 of. flout tne deciding who he realy 1), but Fugaré is ebie to render an invectctism of oparthels ‘rough the caret of the events cozuingin te ply Esse the ion meaning cacars tho stato of South An folowing apart. What exact, wa conse South tica’s erty ater such acs? Posteponthaid South Afea, ater the ling of he nation's spit sn the tes of enty of many of 88 Insbtants, must fr 8 new iden ‘hyn orto sue, jst 8 Sie must o inthe pay. ‘Ae pereonalienty itereac witnsocopoticl sues. ashes artous plosopicl approche 's creates. Wathin the lstent ac: tion of e play's logue the sve of twenty Is examined between ‘wo convastng viewpoints: these of Stjes and of Bunt The bag ring Ses monologue Neng the opening of te ply, where he spear In hs photography studio. nd, while wating fora customer, revs hs oginings as worker ate Fora Factory in Prt ieabeth ‘Te mitre of past, presont. and ‘ues cruel aspect of he ay, 235 it crows together lose ends of fometion, mations, and imag fy win the characters" payches. Francis NgabotSmart traces the 008 of seca and poli Went in nis ati, “The Polis of Block dent: “Sie Ship" and Wars ‘Abert Drawing on Wole Soinka's Mh, Uterture and the Aftean Word, Ngsboh-Smart outinas ne tion of wanston In Soyinka’ cut ‘ura polities: "Tats oneshould ot Understand ‘rant’ in Hera sere, tr rather, the metapre Cal sense in wich Sova uses 1o dene te Biren ofthe ste “the maure of dost) ae becoming” ov te realm where pat peeset, and ture come together” (176). In the opening monoiogue, Stes offers an extended descton of how a rans sural is based on 8 sense of slrespect. Trading his ‘move fom hi demesning jab a8 fan essembly ine wo owning 8 profesional photography stu, ‘Sve determines oy Booms dAsconcotng, 35 the various roles ho adopts risa © queston about human ety. Bunty ontheother hand aleves thata man's nope of sun! omes wth ne abandonment tat soo Of seteespect or former tent hs Sewe renounce he of name and takes up the ew Karty of Robert Zuelinsma, he eatablshes the concept of tansfomation Ito new being new le. No system of marine, stander, oF betes is ‘be to detract hen the dre of Ieortyn hi charac. Once Swe concludes that isiderty no enger bologs to Raf, he begins fom new eas for suvival end see8 ‘the spent opportunity of chin, oraeysoitn tothe shells of partie Despite the teateal buoyan ofthe slay, there emerges the Impression of Inevitable imprison ment thin system of apentet 2s the characters pally realize thet ther conveluted fenties no longer belongto thom, an extent %0 sues. Whe Sizwes story Play out, evostvefeings ar cr ‘toda 9 esto thet ening esi onthe saiopttical stage, ‘eels nthe characters ent. {il dlrnmas. The meee fact thet ‘Siawe must "al hime node 10 Sta) alive remains at th corer of ‘the plas recive posopty. Eventual 140 sis ofan ex5- tential ein are maniested though the shuts of Ses and Buns In response tothe confining seem ‘ported, The toy of Sys Shows the side of he eon ati, to a lag extort scoping ofthe ‘uation of apael. Hs compte ‘ance with the terms ofthe syatrn show the "blng' lemma ofthis ‘eof the ecnls Rwort Keping fone’ iseriy the impleatons of fdherense maan the suender of Ssecuny in sible 6? Ae Ses ‘comes momentary united wth the ores of white oppression thst feck t Bing him, he starts hs own priate entree. As Both photog ‘apher and narator, Sys hopes to capture tne a rer, is] way, fon paper the deme ond hopes of Is] people that even the rn’s chien wil remember ‘man (Fugard 33) Consequenty, ‘Shes takos on various oes athe ay progresses. Tis playacing is sed as a strategy for sua snd rot only describes the imp sts thon Sys nds resi i, bt 50 tetends tothe ndvduolsin Piston and is county at lore: “This isa strongrcom for dreams. Tha roar fs? My people. The simple people, who you never mented inthe sory boots” (ugaed 12) Bunt represets the eter seo theca, the ide tat lols o surmount the ‘uation through felgned iden In orer to suri, Hi acc for ‘Ste to take up te ety ofthe dead Rebert Zvelnaima trates tha “having’ dlomma of ths so of the coins wor ging UP fone’ lent fora sense of erty {1 te impeators of renunciation imesn the sender of one's se"? “THovgh Slane may be able to feed his cleren with tho adoption ofa ‘new identity, he former ent, 2 he knew Ws completa fst. The of the aparbied seem, fs biter Ina clenched stvture such 2 apartheid, what becomes. of one's authentiey? Ht seems that ‘2n authentic vanstormetion or fry hope of revaltanary change inside a parca sstom ie next 1p posse othe ply, the ah ence sees Ses beat the stam by adhorng tos pices are Se Bars cicunvert the sia ‘in through Buns’ rng to adopt 1 ead man's enti. These two responses svagest that the system of aporneld Is iincble. Ts Is wre the existent aemma ofthe lay becomes evden. Extentisist ‘aor Abert Cars ofr smior enfctng stations hi eseay, The yt of Syptus. Camus deserbes the way that absurdly ihe file husnan search for purpoee In He ovoid of meaning) en sike a man ‘ryuhero-oven on the set cor tar, Within the contest ofthe my ‘Slyphus purishment bythe gos ‘constant push aroak vp a moun tain ony to watch Ra on nes, ‘ich he wil nave to rpeat ora of ‘ery. Smita, ote py, Bots rosinaly deserves tne absurycom- Pee bureaucati ystar that apart hot places South Aa in when he eine what Swe Tact do If bo bums ns passbook. Furthermore, 235 Stjes deszrbes the repettve Betites of the fotory aseembiy Tne the euctence is overcome with the alto fair tering foc fone can neve undestane of con In the bockéop of Port Cadet thet Soies pulls down in is stud, 8 gay. melanchoc row of highse bulangs implies the representation ofan cyn the word, hereby craw Ing te aucence even deper ito the station the characters for, In The Mj of Sisyphus, Camus tines the heroic absurdity of ‘Slyphus Ashe focuses on the file Job Sips must nace, Camus Intron tne pause tat Sips makes 98 he prepares to return to ‘Be botiom of the Mourn “AL enon of toes moments when he leaves tha heights and gadualy sinks toward the is ofthe gots, he is superor to hs tte. He Is stronger than is rook smth 16 wage, that fs because Rs hero 1s conscious” (493). Carus sees Steyphus a an absurd hopes Iyasoause is scant the oS hate of ath, and is passion for Me condemn shi meanness taske Sinphus, pausing to return to the earth below, reognzes the sngurdty of his torment and eta strug. As Fugard remain fan {ult Camus, who was one of he ental inspirations of his werk, he places the ancient her na vous {ele out of which no ext s posi. 1s Sle conquers, ho Is reduod to te Indi who simpy mane 9925 to endure. The tage, howeve, ‘ents torent picture. nthe on text of theater, ilepeting Stve’s cenrapmont in an inescapable ey tem 26 a aly sto verook tho Interaction of reciprocal catego and responses csatod between the factors and the audence, Tough ‘Swe can do nothing abouts tix ‘lon end may remain wepped in ‘he system forever, the euione ‘The audience isn't necessarily provided with any solutions to the challenges. that the characters face but is instead stimulated to explore the issues at hand through individual, projected conceptualizations of the world. is ble to beak the deosy ace ty fing lacy in inpressionim, and passion in inagey. Tho acto. ‘denen communiation in theater "Sable ton away, wanscend sae Ir Inesapabie barr: to 630- ‘on of many Back audiences who saw Ste Bona Dood during the ‘spar ea tests tos Beran, ‘ex Tough th eens nfenting the system may have been viewed 5 useless, thoy Saw no reason t (vo up. Tis is prealy what makes {hom absurd heroes in the eyes ot cam, te the narrate In Skwe Bans 5 Dead presents images of cle doors, Burt's candlsion tat there's no way out coaeolesey echoes thoughout te Scour of ‘the play. However, erpesingthe aud nce to this imagery allows ther to respond to and, utmatay, cadenge conain seo! stustone that Plague oor wor. Crested inthe ate ities, ester of te Resid fos fon the erpresion of peyenologeal reali trough mages of dramatic tencion mantstd In the sense Ieeenesa of the human conden ‘Tis type of theater doesnt sock te rotct despa bu lustotes the human endeavor to forthe realty the word ene es. As Marin Essin state in The Theatr oft ‘sur, "uty facing up to arly and desplr and the absence of Aiviney rovesed aromaties, amie fy and despatr can be overoame" (314). By using srppod ow co, “Theater ofthe suri formed rom the tines images ofthe stage, a wht occur en sage goes beyond the seta! lrgunge of the cher: er. Sina in Sve Bans! Dead, te acionce int recessariy bovis with any sluons to the ‘hallenges thatthe characters face bit instead stimulated to exlere the lsues ot hand through Id: ua, proectad conceptulaations of ‘the worl. Poyetologst and peso: per Noe! Chaban Manga Ha trates is neon of sudeoncous appr thou a soles in is essay, Mastangus Revere’ Sisyphus Is the absurd here. Pushing the rock ph fe pie Iga foc whae? 1 am not Cars, noe a the West. the Back Sips em socal ot metaphyseal Iie the soca wih contest orzo of ry fate fabout ‘Going down | come foe to face wth tn soia-my torrarors. me te oy logeat jump 1 know, Le srering suede Io fvour of somthing $0 panty peogmato- mutt... Vid 1 paricpte in ho reel of tho West Yet cary the burden of te questons they ried (28) From a socblogea!_ standpoint, Mangany?'s quote conerring he Diack Sisyphus deserbes te afer noe that ext botwoen races even ina phiesophical etn, As Camus! Sleyphus ertals all-of human. hy, Mangan expresses ow bis must enaure, not ony the human strugge of hopeless labor in pushing ‘the ook up il, Bute adional ‘soc aspect fy found in tele ‘aes oppression. Though histow has changed aute 8 8 over the ae thy years, and the audience leno longer ied by the bureaveracy of passbooks at the oppressive system of spate, theater continues to challenge the ay ndviduals perceive ter wor “Tous vitor over the opresions fe word may be utimatl ft, Raves a renewed gene fee, where ou absurd stra layed ‘ot on an elaborate set we must rake meaning ts Faced withthe 2parhois of our tno, we become ‘Seyphean heroes, le watng wh ‘Swe to get Ou eto takan, and standing over ou rock, Camus, Abert. The eh of ‘Slyphus and OterExsays. New ‘Yor: Knopt Publishing Grou, 1955, Eel Marta. Me Theatre of he ‘Absurd New Yr: Ahr Boks, 2961. ugar, Aho, John Kan, ‘ineton Nione, Satoments. New Yor: Tate Communiestons Grou, ne. 3086. Mangan N. Chaban. Mashangu’s Reverie and Other Ess Johannesburg Ravan, 1977 esbon Smart Fanci “The police of Blacker: ive Snip and Wien Avert” ural of Asan (utr Stes 12 (2990) 36786, This plece isa crtcal essay analyzing two readings from Dy. Mary Stark's American Ethnie Literature course. tnthofoowordto night. Cie esl art the tation nthe nage heencourteradase transcribed his ‘experience 05 sure during the Hota: whet nad mary things to 43, {6a not have the werds © ‘ay then” (i, Ma thoughts about the aouy of sooty doscrang Intensely persona pint memories ‘of Inuran trestnent and suing Suggeetertica nuances nthe work “here ate things not state aoc win the tet, tings that con ony ‘hima ator suggested Even the, ‘e nuance may ever fly each the reader, a8 Wise as, "Onl those who expecenced Auschwitz know what wae. Othe wl never kon” (i, Paris between the Holocaust land the atompted extermination of Nate Aaron eu nthe 10m ‘contr have been daw, ar hus, the nds of languages and sso thet ext Inthe acount of Blac [Bk Speaks are also imprint in oder to grasp 8 geste understand: Ingot te work One way which 1 oe! with nuance Wvough poate language and sates, party the repeton of wor, FnSBe6 ana pasts, Sometimes this repetion Can take the form of naptore,a cary device where a word of phrase Ie reested att begining of sue cessive stanzas or santonoes, The frat tow tnes of Mlnae Paes to gest ec: “wa ths. We rave ured al tho vig / Wie ts Poetic Strategies in Night and Black Elk Speaks Eric Davis We have bores al the vitages ana the poopie in thom / Write hs. We have adopts thei custo and thelemanner fase," Tne crate tent of tis matoreal doce Ie ‘te resonance creates, the way it ‘onary ares at acorn point fa mimics the power of a eat ang or chet. Tis ace sone that both NEM and Hock Ek Spans uso 36 frat testament to te poopie and the strupes they underwent ven more a0 than 612K Ee ‘Speaks, Night 5 a spect tests iment sera place ane pit in tine shout Wises rokgous upbringng, tnd his fers ume restionship to the communiy, but ts che designed 10 “bear waness* to NS time in concetaion campus (i In poem thot could hae very wel ‘ended the book, Wiesel eet upon ‘ahat mst not Be foepten about the eres ofthe Hoon Never al forge tat ign. te fat nig in 2 amp, that tured my He into ‘one long night seven Never sal forget hat Never sal forget the ‘whose bods | tans. formed ine smoke under 8 sens. Never shall 1 forget ‘tose lmesttatecnsumed Never shall 1 forget the nectumal sence tat ‘ened me fo al eteray Newer shat | forget tose moments that mie ered my God an my soul fan turned my dears to Never shalt forgot those tings, even were | ‘tnderied toe a Tong ‘28God Himsa Never (4) Thor i an urengy to te verses rouge about by he simple denur- ‘ston of nave” andthe anaphora fnfree ts even further ty makes ‘Wesel aeem bath fro sel core ‘vl, Wn there a desert. ness and paint the wie, there 5 tbo an assuredness and rene, reinforced by the consistonay ofthe Ingmesssae "the use of metaphor also crcl to unloeking futher mear- ing inthe ta, Tho slusion to me “one long ig seve times sealed” Invaes he spit of te seven seas Inthe Book of Revelation wich te tose n tion te ono the trod, From tis te reader sores Both tie despair ana wagody of Wise reity tat night in the camp. Fe becomes the primary ‘mba of torment, se Ae smoke becomes haunting fees of small chien consumed, mest nately tor Ws nthe death of he 0 “he vanishing of a beaut wel haved tle ons git wit golden ai ar 900 slo") is rok frond again a5 the consumer of he fay ana 35 the ymboc force veh turns his creams to ashes Twos he mentions sence in the couee of he poem = he allen shy nd the soca sienoe, Tose references ar important to nuance Decouse they suggest the sence of the word on the mater ofthe Holocaust dung the 990s and 30408, They rele the alton ‘and the sense of beng forsaken ‘hat Wiesel and NS people must have fot. Thre i # Seming eon ‘uadton Inthe sith snd seventh Paragreghe as God est murores fend then concerned to Ive fo" 8 Tongtume, pass orver. Nee the ron" imporart, becouse le Wiese Go could bee. t (oes net mese that nether Gos or the God could nat contin to eit. Thus, te death Is fewatve and rot ira. The reader can sense ‘hat something intangible a= well fs tangbie has been taken tom the Jewish pecpe = not on the ‘otis bu thelr ous eas nd belts, St there remains de ‘oe in the vole fia dostaraion of cory oer any enemy fc tl, sttng tly tat the merory of what hoppenes at Bkanau and throughout Europe dung this tie i never te forte, eis nthe ators poste of ‘lack Ek Speaks that the reader ses a gine of Black B's tl testament ors peopl. contrast to Wesel, not a state tpposton to God, bit one mde ‘eat to @ spiel power inthe hope of chien on evetsting ‘monument. However Is stags fnd fants pace very much the Wty tears running 0 eest Spit Great Sit, ‘ny Granattner - with un ting ters. 1 must say nom thet te wee has never ‘boomed, Api ot an, you 00 me here, and | have faten away ad done noting Here at the core ofthe wos, where you took me when Iwas young fad taught me: nore, od stand, and tee IS where, Grantater, my Geandioher gain, sd ayo the last time on tis earth | recall the get von you set me, may be that some rotofthe soe tree sl ves. Nowe then, that may laf and oom and fit wen sing ing tr. Hear me, no for rye, bit fr my poo Tam ol Hear me tat they ray one mote g> bsek Int the eared hoop sh ‘ind te god red ea, he Pildng tee! [a so row | am soning 2 feeble twice, 0 Six Powers ofthe rom, foe 1 may saver cal ‘erin. O make my people lol 273.74) ‘As itn Wie sion, the stuaton |e one facing the ond of te woes, hug Black Ek si chs nope land the posse vanscendence of ‘sft. The reptton is even more prosounces In tis prayer with tile images and phrases repeated tteoushou. Tha anaphora of “Hear me" wots slongaida the poetic apostrophes of 0 Grest Spit” and "0 Sx Powers ofthe Wi and “0 ‘make my people hel” to powde the contaled from amongst the wildness ana suggstieness of te metaphors fers people's way of He =the sacred veos, singing ics ‘cred hoops and fed roads they dopord upen ‘though ro resented in a post le form ke Wests vores, hte fan intrest ice to especialy ith the inversion oars nag” the fst clause, Tor sein @ espertenass to the vl, as the ‘portunity 1o awaken tho Great Spit in his people's aver may never happen egin in Black B'S fete. ‘Teco are otsions to vagedy and dsionnent wah the ee that never Boor ang the old man having “alan ay ang core noth ing” Ye there is lana hurt in the medine man's vee, whieh when combined wh the jubiant final request to the Great Saint to sista is people to the net soneraton, projects 3 sting and ‘sympsheti fal message The usage of thove pete st ees in both Night and Black Ek Speaks helps to overcome any nad fuackes the stots foo! ter word might bevay. Their power es in ot ony what they aryscay sugges. bot what ty emctonay Although... they may still fall short of the true experience and meaning, their words are ways of exploring it, attempting to understand and make sense of its complexities, defeats and triumphs. sncsprtaty presen. Wise ard ‘Blek Ek cat rt upon ter ma ‘ors and ropaions to evke the Uratatd = the seve faings and _gontertutheundersing ho tot tents thou, Wise sates in his foremora they may sti fal stort te tue experones and mesrng, thet words ao nays of expr, sitempingtundersard and make area of is complactes, oefests snd wumphs Retorences Back, Block Ek Speaks: 1932 ‘Ul: Unity of Neoraska Pres, 1979, Pane, Michal "Sun" Readngs {in Contemporary Poet. 1987 19 Apt 2008 Wil, Ee. Nghe New Yore Hi ‘ond Wang 2972, 1965. For ward by Francois Mauris, 2008, Mending the Broken | enceap. cle muses tat fuser bce a in _sheoT et nut Lincareaton, who founded the scous stim at escaping fama! even worse than dead as arecushe S p innin g Wheel: Ursuline convent in Quebec ‘over obligation nfevorof religous oooy- num 243), Pere Chan's degst shadowed the Ining—thereore — paton, ‘at these deesons and later chloe Religion and a Woman’s J GEN ccU cil fat atthe tons Se miata tances Place in Shadows on ithe an tet Tnkiicrencat ave Seemrcesteetsae the Rock Sa SNS Sommeemes LETS aaes Sitweniacaeen Soiree ect ‘fom nousekeepng, The htarcel that Caslemusteamtooceptand tes ol “Hae not wing fr tose Shelley DeWeerdt ‘Motner incarnation abandoned her understands parother awakening who would ‘ee the word and the This piece isa crltcal essay come much of her Intl fear of one of manage, home tending ‘wel yearcld son t ener a con as awoman. Jeannele Ber isker 8 company of me. He warts {0 contributing persuasive and envapmet nose vada! oles anc chi rearing favor of 9 Goset vent at og thityene: “A the ge of YowaF cast at sovenoensssum- instruct the inthe acv vite of original agument to studies, COWsInes Tres" 67) Thsalowed relationship wih Christ Yet this tiers se ewes Use garcia we ise sk ht, nd pes” Fertohave rconldered ber tanea tala model for Cela ks unataty coment st Tour-andthestoy, px. Death Comes for the Archshop (Warr 45). Therefore, Jeanne of Willa Cather. twas written on women's ordered work more cestoyed. Hidden under Cather’ ‘aps apocyphal, in many accounts wth Magdalena’s choice to refuse fe Ber's chietering was outwardly for Dr. Josh Dolezal’s Seminar rerqugny for te now! by the Gne romartiaed view of Cataicsm, of er He's that or son ran to marrage in favor ofa beter Ife in interpreted to represent @ steeg in American Literature. shag onthe Rock was st pod. Ye women of Cther's Qusbee fd ‘te convent doe behind which sho the coment: "Far bet, in toms and sudden refusal of tational evedin 1994. Inthe sare way, the 9 dark series of entapments that prayed, ening ot, ve mo back frpecatons, even to the dagist NMa'nsete the has been roves focus on women, patty force tm back to the wey san try mesher™ (Marea 3) la he nn of the men of thase around he. ‘mece at Montreal. The Caco All, alle Caer to por dads they Nod sought 10 escape, words, Mave Mreamaten cimes GO assured her that esse me vison of Sedation and fecloe hashada vektrom tay women’s domastle arty in a therefore caning Colt oon tt wae the dovt hinge who the abandonment of sesscrie that Jeanne echeves eongeh-tengtere oy Se tnd ee asad tanec Pemenakg 35 be “ea bern ah arson such responsibilities senna rego recente Epioany, when there was fac she seems to have decged ultimate h bony sd of pacts matters” and tat ' shorn breaking som ft ta 1 big snowstorm. That that this domestty was otto Be To. understand the way these Ged aeeres ner tate abandon. WOUIG help her fOllOW Seer experatns fr her ire fay she boke her siming sat aside, A was ‘ntl to the undemanges entapments into mento such responses woula Him more perfectly. as a woman and presenting those Whee and inthe nig two creation of the new Quebec socty —tradtonal women's roles oosur In ato er follow Him mre potecty seestiies to Coale Inthe wars: fangolscametohercollané ok which she wrote: "and real, Caters religous inferences, (Morin 4). In ths way, HOU msion thera. Sha represents, Imandeditor er. She cow naw soity begins with the salad necessary to see thet Cater shows ‘Soom tat motherhood was sharply ofthis rowel to emulate the Ving oth wth hor ard with ave, wor ‘hem. Blinker, Shadows cresingorethan nthe destruc. many of her Quebec worn a Separate with absolute devon in Mary, woman wthout the dainess e's serps Yo Use relgan to con te Rock ton of nda vlagse” (Woods Ing to each beyond complacent ‘te Quebec Catole fat, slowing ore oder women without deste, tee themselves afthe homemaking 425 scoepance of these expectations Tncomation to eacape Mose expec ness, or stain” (Faber With 6 As roles Cather once adbored 1 the vena Gourgoys However, his focus on women's In 2 woy fami to her eater now ‘ators ‘he Dest augner of Jacque le Though the ereaon of these hed not got 9 fold of Bat domestiay comes Owough nok st as. The stugies to vanscend nado to Marie carton, Ber witha cowry of fy thousand background stores around Cecle, ff In her childhood end Cele Air's work ip te home. mere homemaking and 19 fa 2 ‘ater brings inte sony of Sitar gd cus Jeane was wall en the Cator i showing Quebee a beau. ‘vertained nor with sts ‘Instead. Cathe: es Cathtcsm deeper purpose treugh ther work ‘Anne de Saintaese, whom Cocle waytovardsftngtadtionlxce:- ofulpotonal example of women Bnd penance, she would to st together © wide gloup of beoume a fara erate reference “ovedbeterthananycfteothers* talons wih a eague of gonlonen _stretring the boundaries of ted be a happy mother today. women around Codie toliminate in Cther's erste. They form atthe coment soo! she attended sling her hand, incxng Pore Yon expectations trough eign. Now she no beter than and laud her forie character's the suture for starting envap- Dorinermotersiness(Shagows Charon. However, sheinatetook These women that Coe idozes dead. Worse, Plea rfutio work. This sa continua: ments The very dea of 8 worran 49), As Coclewas orcad outoftis vows, doomingherfthers home to are reaching to find new enlahten Charon, Shadows on the ton of Cathers goaraly romance. rligous, ether & nun oF a sai, rego sehel in order to perform — become the tor of his hopes fr ment eutide of those expectations Fock Porvael of Caos n her later secures a chest that i nih ‘he nousenols dues her mother her fue 98 atonal wonan much tke her eater female pro- rows, pricy Dea Comes for ea vadtora homerating roles ‘woudloave behind hich wouldnot (Shadows 107), She shuns his ‘agonists. However, this reaching Fora woman whose eof was theAchoishop, Twodgh pairs! Therefore, twaugh 8 romans por ave boon posse nha reigous expectations for a fe of domes. 6 ufimatey fie. Desate thr pent shunning housework, cook- Cathal, Celis intvodvees to aya of female Cuolsm Cather sotingthisfemalerlemodeliakes tc dscomfon, istaas choosing to atampis © fad themseWes and Ing, and even ner feminine name, Jeanna le Ber and varie oF nuns fit cles fe with the Sores of fon particular sigiicnce. Cocle have coa'se food “handed to hey” thar purposes elcnere, deeper Wil Caters Shadows on the Rock and female sans that bacome the women who Rane abandoned ta remembers speiicly how Sister trough @ window In hee secuded frees maniulte the women and seams 10 be 8 for Journey fom protoypes for har awakaning xo a altenal expectations forties that ‘ne he ed hoppy ie in the space and soap under “her singe event Celle Bk to woltar- er ital fttudes towards red woman inher own ig. An ivest- goer to precude the homemaking ‘word por © Beaming» un, Bak covers (108309), Wy choosing the same hovsehols ‘tonal woman's les, fm Romines gon nto the nest these women sl of women “only afer the death of her young ‘lore Charon laments Jeanne expectations trough relgen loins tat tough the “estalsh- reveals that twourn thot mer For example, Cater intgyates histone and infrt Son had she teers choice wo became 9 ecvee Ae. John Murphy notes, the tment of cena, Ifelong reion- Sion in Catholics, they ae eseh- the ale of Marla incarnation eary Baceme a religious” (40). She i instead of wie and mathe as an whee of Wila Cather felon 1s shipwitn women” Catherhadover- Ing bond the Vedtlonal pect. Into her dasesion ofthe Quebec yet anther example of how joining actual less arf, claiming that ult on two conten stains, of which “one leads towoet and the ‘ter ay from heme ad a (uy 63). In Shadows on the Rock, this pi soome to be conse tent tug towards the heme ond tami asthe una in orance forthe woman inthe foam of ‘Bon, Ths is deeply eden in the the very woman who ad sous o ‘soporte hese from fom obliga tons trv her religous clot ing. However, Ann Romines sees 9 ennection between Murphy's co feng sans when se dans bat espte Jean's removal tom the (gous devotion ered wo underso ‘Tey [athe women tum tho backs on convertion! ‘sous! and domeste ie ot bath of them pole aston, and many OF the weang Jeanre'sembel dery-are quotessentany Ing Is ralsed to ste of ardent awareness that ocomes igi conscious ar (es Pach 3} bo realy, Jeanne fe Bos te ae 9 recto fs nt fle ony with med talons on Cris, but instead wh omeato uals for other pease toned. ‘She spends her days make ing embroidery 20 send “tom her stone chember to chsches ove the provinoe” (Shade 209), When she cannot embry, be instead reson to “(spianing] yam and et ting stones for ta poor” even ‘hen ha gers are far to cold Femaln Umber enough forte tasks (203). The snot ony ecoptatie, ese tough her sean. She Ingin suen women's work timate, anne fe Bers wert en's work” would reach the Helen (of rirsles, becoming £0 poroct that oven the angele ust ail aed asset her in har woman tasks, Te tale of Jeanne le Bes sir ing wheel mice sched vous ‘out Quebee a something ech and Imporant at everyone coud cing to a5 a base of We socey, The sony, 85 tld by Bikey, cays that fon one of Jeanne’s spinning days in winter, her spinning wes! Woe ronan. However, rather an allow inher woman's work to have pause to tha, God Hinge itenered week she ad previous shunned: ftom te anges, -be nig ater Epphany, when te ws the big snowstorm That day sho broke he spinnighee, and inthe night two anges came to her cl and mended & or ner. She sew them, (103) In addon. Skaggs claims that the hlatora! Jeanne le Bar which was further asst Inher work by the angols besides just the mend: ing of tar spinning whoet “Anges ako assed in er emboisery no doubt ye Motor ehoroau, tak ing great please in the socety of is angote cresture™ Skaggs 3). Following sucha ston, & would 20m to Cee tat God fs making omestity tantamount t reigous ovotion. In tis way, womens er not something thet can bo abandoned though ines In roll 98 previously show, ut neta someting thts inoreatin orep and even faites by the fngots temeaives. This undorour ‘ent of alt domestety eaturaly rans plus women ito these es Beyond simple domestic du, ‘mous, Jeanne le Bet ako exis tendencies frretuningtow moter ingle a8 wel, Whe ccoring to Pate Charron she hes abandoned al hope of beng 9 happy mother— most preably to his ehidron-she has stead adopted @ mater re forthe whol of Quebec. Ean her Ho, she prayed forthe opporunty to be theta ght she eau soe in the sneer ofthe church 22a her ore: be hata, she used to wep, "wl bo tht amp: tha shall bo my He (Shadows 106), For tat oe, Pee Charon mars that she took upon hare not ost, the concern of afar ut nceed te entie cy inher prayer vi in fot, Bishop Laval cls that Jeanne’ work alone 6 enous #0 ‘ave the enti of Quebec's pop: et be se By the prayers of st ‘evoted ge (142. Tn th wy, along, with Ror pat In Quobee'shigipuied mire ce, Joanne le Ber becomes Some ‘hing beyond ust the mother lee ‘haron had apactod—outa mother Just he same Funda cals his @ oep leony, 23 Jane's deden 1 eeparats here trom womenty Ing dering character for Quebec Ing chasen to Become the ‘salt ‘eles aay fom the conn, bocomes ts most pube Faure, 2 subject thot dtines te character ‘and nope ofa Canadians" (Funds 478), Furmermare, Jeanne cannot tee hereof to compete ner fe0rs coffe work, 98 she “depends on ‘ater fo fod, eles on rot 35 wer ob othe stems” while Lng the lamp metaphor to become someting tat erpetuaty buns at the conte’ of Quaber (Fenda 183, In the ing of religous order, she becomes @ “oboe object for Quebee even ate se has for Aire domestic He" nner are for (0d (hermits Parish 3), Yet white utinate awakening, the ie that ‘ot even ti pious hem could pajchelogeal escape har respon ‘Sills east doubt on the beauty (other tai Throug her chace 20 ‘escape to fnd God, she ceaces to become independent at al. Jeanne le Bar has not become a recuse {or Qudeo whe peroring meni ousenold taske-returing ert @ rie tonal woman though retigon Jeanne te Ger nat the only woman presented to Coste thats ‘qual Brought back lt comer ‘onal gander expectations tough ber volvement wih elon. The omestty trough ar win re fon. For example, the Ursuline ‘ad Hospsiore nuns that Cece revere ate desrbes as having 2 set place In the order of the ‘ese ttf compable to home We, 2s Murphy otines: No mater where they wor, In quebec or France, hese rune "were stil In thle accustomed place i the wrt of the mind and they ed the same wes thom. Adin tis cong of man went on just 38 at home, and the Stor Played thoie accustomed Partin. (Nurs 55) from nome and neath in fvor of Jolin cose with God instead fe domestic place caved out for fuarple, the Reverend Mother Ivechoreau and the Stee under hor care are nat prv-ayes peor ines of ccetlem ormedtaton, butinstced making aca fowers for poor curenes just 26 Jeanne ‘mae embroidene “Her (Motier Jsehereas] ger were moving ‘api and every, making rst flowers" (Shadows 28). Just as ‘te homes hoyle the Ses ll havo a piace tough whin they ‘mustworkta servein womanly at gain. Morphycaletistne "nous Dy which the rather oe expects 10 eam shore pores of punto ln Purgstory(Mapy 55). This von) concept 5 shown inthe stony of Mater Catherine. Saint August, re masses to sve ast sul rom Purgatory nthe Vga Mary's name, ocoming le the Hey Meth fer plays a mothering role to Queboe ‘Brough her prayers ard her mire ‘les £000 are the ltrs ug ft Quebec rturing to fata tei ‘omn motberng oes, Even the lntgrthsnte women ‘nati Cee’ oughta in. {en this retun o 9 pce In this female work. Trough thy ‘ied ‘0 abandon gender exoectatons, ‘hey too have found the fore to be fle. Marie Frcerato's fe, whe decked sopafatea em the expectations of caring for het fon and thelr home together, Is Sl awn ito the femiine wore los of her nnd of mag Martin cline ta nara fe (oun simon | quent refered to her relationship wih hist n such tans during her prayer: Mar’ ete was pune ‘usted wih mystoal visions of manage. \Heaureuts suay of hee matical vend ay finds a pater in ee prayer: her descpion of Ther second Taian vise” (1627) sugges an impesson araurium fe" She spas of myst ‘al meg wth the One Words-herspovee" anda one of her prays pettons the Londo “lta embrace Yeu and cn your sacred tome’ (15657). Aga, er mysteal mariage with the Ty is @ tl pos sion" (265), Aousy there f some ambit 9 her language, she seems frequeity to be enraptured by what Leute toms *postuptial states of union” (176). (aren 6) In this way, Caote Is great impressed by this women who had ‘bandon er child ere sale of ‘agestr egos yet was mest ‘and ath nao female con tox. [Carats pty therfore 1s unimatly refered ton tes of spouse! submision. Religion thon for Mare hcamaton not way 1o exzaze fom thse expectations Infavor of aul ite, tut a ier form of te same bos prnaipas ‘of manisge and home ite. Cb becomes not ust har Savior but her Husband aswel Heras does et remove her fom mariage; hat ges her a sprtual husband and a wera fama o en couse ofthe acu ligous con uni provides for Case 9 beck ‘ound of domestety trough fa Coote interaction wth Mase Pommier at the cobbie’s a8 she waits to got shoos for Jacques proves that tne average ucboc ‘weman ound aretum to domestoy fren though ei rligon, Quebed a ts own Hy Foy Hi are 9 after the anv of the fries, Medeme Pommiee comments that Monseigneur Laval betves that “thre ino other place nthe ward hare the peopl are so devoted to ‘he Holy Family as hee In Canad (Shadows 81. Tis ovation to Baty family, coset wth holy ents and cil, ves Quebec a i ‘Sct esng of eatnes comestony ‘even inion. Madame Pommiee ven understands this a8 @ para mount for er fa, n that her own ac for worship cutie of mass ovetod sry tothe Hay Fam: do not get to mass very often, 01 hove 2 Ite cnopel of my own, ‘sd te lar burs Be an ay, The the sonetiary amp. Thee Is tte Hol Mather and Ca, na Sit Josep... am especialy devetd to ‘te Hoty Famiy (81). For Macame Pomme and the worn of Quebec to find pariular connection tthe Hoty Femiy 93 opposed to other sales specs forth sength win whle the rlion has aus them to be fonwsed on domest, fay expectations. Bayona, Madame Pomme describes her chapel with the sam tems in which Jeanne 6 Bor doses herea-s th sane ‘wary fap that bums ight anc ay. the shit Irarvines oth female conmunty in Quebec lato the domes and religous fb for Coote as she forms her bli (Cecio place in this domestic community is being formed troug ‘out the novelas he von yer fone of anakoning, maturing, and sown into the Quebec woman Cather is preying. The nautae reaut of that growth Is mentioned omandedy the ene ‘She [Cocie) 1s mario to our old tend Plo caren of VileMate, He has bulk 8 commodious rouse In the Upper Town, beyond the Unsine con ont Tey ee wel tad sod in the wo. She ini u four e209, ‘he Canadians ofthe ure (228). ‘Trough the protypes that Ccse has seen through religion, ths ‘sous tobe the natu! f or hor, Her oucome ied a rin of ‘snnuniston t0 the Upper Town, in roaten t 8 convent. Sbe Nas fend hr hustand ina en wi) a9 ‘ecrome expoctation for her happy rotethece, an she ging bth ‘otra nar generation of Canadians. Beyond just wring @ goup of women tht demonstiate thee ke ‘ls tough thelr expences wit) Felon, Cater ako wits Cecio’: oth ito these fom fom a di tinct egous background tothe same growth ito comestoty that tha over women experience. (Coots story of domestic awake ning 5 wren most ebvousy to be one of raigous vartermaton Cather bogs ner novel of Cates gomn by scribing Quebee quite Pletrty 25 a Natty scene, et ting te young Cea it kn of Maran conto tom te ost: Auda out tis rocket tonntke novi 50 much ‘2 one of those Ite arth home o presenta mesic scene ofthe Naty ear board mountains, broken up into ifs and ledges tnd allows t accommo ate runs of ewes on thor way to the manger ngs and shepards and on poaka, shetere in rot toes, clustered around the aso (4, From thee onward, Cai’ ite an ‘owt ino 2 domestic house ome rough bis Natty theme ‘trough dstiney Manan com: farcors. Yet baneath tis leatzed Beevayal of urate female fath higes = woman dessrbed ony In the same domes parameters that Cee wi proudly chose heel Cather roman feos on Many ‘6 Cocie's congarsons o het become een mre important when considering whatthe Vin Many rep reson. is important ots that roughout the nove, mor eten- ‘ion is pi to ceeerng Mary than her Chg ane terete Mary's ale sans even greater sniiance i ts ‘eltonnip to ecle. Marys 8 v= ‘Ir, ging her the somo reverent ‘ualy the Quebec nuns sought ot ‘ie offana,bursheis mace tp ‘andy mother. The estmportant par of her sions tthe closeness She had wth God Bt instead er ‘Sats es the Nother of God and he Mother the Charen. Cather places ‘goat importance onthe desctipton of tie Maran statues ln various hurches to show nen he meth ‘eg connotation: “She was by for ‘he ovat of ll the Vine epee. a cbrning tigi of yours rmathemaed-oh, vey youre, an teary happy, wa stately conn anda long, ive dak that partedin ‘rent vera scart obe (Shaws 53), Marys further appearances Bs tho Quobor tas fzus on her spect a he Mone of te Chute, ‘othe sbiltytosave Herein” th her sla otharing Dawes “Thiss shown most pigranty inte tale ofthe fal woman saved fom Ho ony Max iarenton:“The tender Mother af made t posse to ropent in that last our od fd | was saved. The Waly Mater oct for methe four o hang my punishment abi.” (3 “Therefore, the in igus ele role modes fora of Qube comes in the for of @ mother, not ab 9 woman seeking t id hereof and hor own sptualty ouside trad tional forms. As Rosowslt ates, Man/s aspects spread tothe rest of ‘thewomen of Quebec: “Ais sour Is Mary in a hor aspets-Moty- of Jes, the Queen of Hea, the Hoty Mater, the ender Mother of Aland tends though all hor human ropresentatives-the Reverand Mather, Masame Ala, Aunt Cotide, Coca, ad te est” (Rosowsk 69). In fac, even the egigent Toiete cannot escape Judgment or ner bass a8 moter, 2p the rolgus eommuniy’s ai fspprovel of her comes nat fom hor ites bt for her fare a 2 Therefore, the main religious female role model for all Quebec ‘comes in the form of a mother, not as a woman seeking to find herself and her own spirituality outside traditional forms. rather "Ho (Bshop Laval) woud ‘he the hid nd put im wth the Sisters othe Coraresmtion, nt her, but in Montreal 0 pioeim fr 88 posse fom a worse rather (62). Thactore, to nave (Cocke adopting any form of mot ng Marian acpecs In Cather osegtin spoaks for her gowth Into 9 treitenat housesending woman tough reign. Cather’ Frequent ana red use of Maran oscipion Inevtably erstes the ‘domestic undertones ofthe wornan ha becomes Cale’ wteate role rmodel-especialy night of her own mothers deat For example, Cather dstinty chooses the ool of Cacl's ft ration. For her thitoenth tth ay and to signal er becoming 9 woman, Case sent 9 bie dest ‘ad a god brooch that would be porate for 9 wedding or macs Bnd 20 "the ooare ofthe Vingn are hort dn” (Resowshi 88). Beyond that, Conle’s caring for Jocques takes on te virgl mater aspet 15 sho token on responsi for 8 hid whois aorvoyed a Hawn, stent nathing—ot even 9 pace to Seep, a8 the Civ eh, “ne Laogves) sept wherever thre was ‘oom for i (70). Jacques’ lace ashe charg comes str the aban onmert of his own moter, whose ira to parents coupiea win hor ‘ejection ofeigen anata rss ‘oes. In addon, Resonak len ‘hat Cathrs ddson to forgo exo ration of Cole's motherood Bo instead tl he sory ony in a back tanded manner “sexes perpots ‘gi and hater ne Rome bong in ho Upper Love of Qusbec “utente an ascent ta te high tar of Reaven™ging hor choke tw become amether wanseerdence (Roscwei 68), Trough these vague but parculrreferercas, Caters Ning Coie's wanstormation ito @ women a stint omantcred and Catal vison. As Coole’ anstor ration ino 9 worn eames wth her anakanng int a house and moter, ths Haran tos Inde Connected to her eventual lauded howe to assume domestic espen- In edelton, Keeping wah tis Marian comparson. Cathor wetes ‘ecistranstomaton and at tbe tinct deren rom that of her aris protagonist. Whereas ther charactors euch ae Thea Konbore captured fe tough ther art and ‘en elessea Rt the publi Cake ‘sual crates te trough her Ulisdo housework: “One made 9 slimate win 9 emate: one ade ‘te days-the compleion, the spe- al Movour, the specal Rappiness of ech day a passed: one mode We" (Shadows 160) Rosowshd isis that this is another pat of Coots pace as pr ofthe “sian od alstona to “bith and eeston, Natvty and Genesis” that oe res entin te tary Rasowsh 72). A, her housated des are dserbes ot 38 simply rus) Dut a9 the way in which Obl connects othe whole ofthe community throu the Coton ofa new kind of He. She as try creating “a place whore Deople ward to We,” and sing Ia musts sigptiance (Cuan ‘Sheahan 46). Even her seting of ‘he abe borders on religous 8 sho eeates the same tab set ties as these that would bo usod fora macs “Sia, when Cece ropares a table wih white tne, ‘her candestcke, and win, she ‘repares a domestc version of an ‘tar (Rosowsh 72) However, by ‘weppingCece's soy of domeste (own ito these religous enna ‘ono, Cather Catholem spreads inde into the Nowsenals values of the socity so that nether can be possbi witout the other for Qeebee waren TR then understandaQle to ‘ee how Pere Charron and Gece uct are brought tgetner in mar ago srt parenood throug fl fon. Pre @ man who consis ‘rd eligi and fait be ee Connected ino the most important thing was ear enough tat for hi te fam was the rst ana fia ‘hingin the human and was 50 engrafted with rig that he cous ony say Very wat lion for the Tresie, femdom for the woods (43). Therefore, i reesonabie to semume that he would ook 8 oman who woul equal combine thse values, Cece's mother was theft to ge Goole ole modal ot combing famly tus with aimost ralgous devotion: “the character, of M, Aucli’s howe, es realy ‘mace of ver fine mera! quits in Ing aeaty to castain Waition, tnd the dughters lay to her motes wah” (23). Gace takes that canoeot forward int her rl: tionship wih Pieze Charon. AS ‘he eulminaton of Jeanne le Bers many prayers for him, Pe and (sols come tage trou this conaept t make new fami) bring Cele to the awakening that Cather sous. When Evctde remarie that “Heaven has blessed er [Cee] wih chien" hei ret. yrecogniing how Costa's highest cctevement comes only thovgh {he interpretation of the sureund- Ing religous communtiy (228). However, undemeath Cather's beautiful showcasing of Catholicism and idealized domesticity lies a series of inevitable entrapments that destroy the romantic notion of Cecille’s awakening into @ domestic woman. We onic then tat while the women of Quebec have attmpted to Use a patel insu to ‘escape tastana expectations. Kis Urimate the source af tet ven tual fle retum to domestity, While wo ate tea to soe Cere's ‘awakening as a vautod, boauthu sly comes at the cost of er lc ‘auaity and tessom of choice. table gen the fomale commanity she gow up in. The rligous com ‘munity around hor and the tales rsont a gerd Kal of romain Ing a 2 housekeoper, mother, and we. Caters use of description, haractr ony. and coral re. erences present 9 community of women dee rooted in domestty because of ther experiences wih paises Catolsm. 1 % ‘matlyimposstoto know Catha’s (mn rterpretation of Coc, Jeanne leer, andthe other wemen chara ters However, uncemeathCathers beaut stoncasing of Catolcsm ‘and idetzed domestcty Bes a soles of inevitable entaements ‘hat dosoy the romani noton of Coal's awakening into & domestic woman. Cec’ choice to fins har happiness in homemaking comes net rom her own det, Bt fom religous ree modes that subcon- ‘seu od he back to weationl toons. References Cates, Wis, Shaconson the oc, 1934, New Yor: Vintage, 1096, ‘cure Sheehan, Trisha. “AWoman ‘Aad of it Time: la Cater ‘and Domest Artin Pioneers ‘and Shadows onthe Rock" ertage of te Grea Pitas 31.2 (996 Fatwinere 48.54 Famer Wit, Arn W. “Dispose: ‘sion and Rederptin in the Nove of il ther" Cather ‘Stuetes 4. (1990). ta Cather ‘Archive. 3 May 2007. toy cater. untecy/sholarsi/es/ ‘ell /redenpton nn Funda, Even “New Word Epiphany Stores: Transformation Community Bung in Shadows on the Rock” ia Cather and tne Cute o Bott Jose 6. lr, Ja usphy, ed Unda Hunter ‘das. Prove Brigham Young ‘nsverty Press, 2002, 169208, Has Richard, “Wills Cather na Pie Care: The ‘Skeptical Pioecpy of Shadows onthe Rock” Cather Stcee 8 (2003), ila Cator Archive. 3 May 2007 tp/ibtestoente. Unledu/exampes/sonlay vers formytamine/ibran/cather, miso tence. educator seolarhi/es/\04/ eat es004 m8 so=tpy/ \excenteruntedu/enerai/ cater ohare, ati, Teence “Grande Comm ‘caton sec Dieu” Cather ‘tues 3. (1996) ala Cather ‘Areva. 3 May 2007. btp// ctor unedu/scalrshins/ el/gande Murry. John. “Wil Cather and Cethle Themes” Westom American Lterature 47:4 (4982 Mayr 5340. Romine Ann. “Aer the Christa “Tre: Wa Cater and Domeste Rw" Amerean Lteraturo 60:1. (4988 Mays 6182 Romine, an. “Te Harms Pare anne le Bar and Cather’ Legny fom Jewet” Cather tutes 1. (1990), la Cather cia. 2 May 2007. iaa/eatherunLedu/seoler sSugye/vel/parsh Reson Susan J “Wala Caters Progressive Passion Amanda Roling This piece is crtical essay ‘analyzing three ‘Shakespearean plays. twas welten for Dt. Walter Cannon's course on ‘Shakespeare, 1m Robert Burton's werk Anatomy ‘orelanchoy, ne wites, “Fal pas. ‘Sons. Love fs most vol, and of ‘thse ter potions which his Love. Meianchoy ators this bastardeat (us) the greta, as appoas by ‘ose predous Symptoms whieh Iehath ara that procuceth (37), ‘Shakespeare, alone with Burton, seems 10 vow Jealousy a8 an ‘extremely powortul and overwnaln- ing emeton. Infact, Shakespeare eons to calor the progression ‘and destvctne poner of tis pos: ‘Son in tee of his ans: Much Ado ‘About Neng Otte, The Moer of Venice ana Winters Tae these rae wore, Sokenpeare Semorstates jaiousy/'s effets on ‘vee coupes at ver aierent stages In tei reltnshis. In Much Aco, Claucloand Here are the heoae hat {alvin woth passion. These wo ‘08 very young couple engages to Be married whee eourthip Ms 208 eon verylong ands based primary on supericiatis and appearance In Otel, theto and Desdemona ‘10 newiweds. Toy know each tthe much beter an hve 2 la tionship based en mutual affection and respect. In The Winter’ Tal, Leortes and Hermione have te snes oy extbshed retonship of te tee, Tey have been mar ed for secant amount of ne, have a yourg son. and anther child on the way. In each play, jaousy reps i the mind ofthe mal and ‘he reader can trove Is proses, ttn ne veningintenstes and on sequences. et, maybe pruent to ora ne what th gpreal nature of Jo (007 appears te nthe pays. In Benedat Vareh's The Blazon of Jelousy e oer to Jeousy a8 8 *Diseese [ut (time) comet to be desperate” (330). Shakespeare ‘80 appears 10 view Jeiouy 2 2 Sickness, ond thre ae several ‘eterenoes to thi In Wier a, Camilo say 1 Leortes, "Good my Mogniist: Matar ‘stant in Shadows on he (1968) 8675, ‘Skaggs, Merl Maguire. “Caters Use of Parkman's Hares In Shadows onthe Rock” Cather tues 2. (1983). a Cather Arie. 3 May 2007. itp /estarrsedu/eheler stin/estt/parsh.. ‘ery Lite Linot: Vot Nebroska Press, 1989. lor, be ous / Of is seas opin in, and betimes,/ Fortis most dan- {ers (U.296297), Ore ealusy has taken ovr, Rs victim raquanty loses nis ably to think atonal I. In Oiheto, Emile oer some ing Into the nature of Jealousy ‘ayn, “But jaws sous wi not bo answered so; They are not eer Jesus for he cee, / ut aos fortheyreealus. isa monster / Bagot upen se, bom on Rs iv54:57). In all toe plays, the women seem compltey unable to under ‘Sand these jealous emotions. Her tremplton ie white saying, “0 God ‘defend me, how | am beset / Wat Wind of eatectizing cll you ths?” (WATT7B), Desdemona Is. also ‘unable to understand Othalos rg ‘ecaming “understand fury Your words. / But not the word” (ii3438). The women are al oiemty confronts stout the sup- sed unfitness, and in ese ‘ase the woman i i prepsred to ‘efend hereeY. Desdemona, for ‘example, seems avare oF her hus ‘and’ jealousy for much ofthe pay, Pa bat every tine she's contonted, sho clfes only weak, onetine eb tats her on defense, in Mech ‘Ado, Hemlone gies a shot but fogant speech at her‘ which Ing “Since what | am to soy rust be be tat / Which contacts ry ‘seauation, a / The testinony 00 Iv pat 20 athe But what comes ‘tom ml, shal sere Boot me 1 To 35p Not ety” A226, Suprsingy this “nondetonse” may have been the safest acto for these women. During ths tine id, belng very passionate about frying was vowed as 9 mort wealness. By remaining demure, they may ve Been pretecting ‘tomeetes he best wy they knew {his i Sdorestod inthe chapter on “Mariage andthe Househol Kir Hal sys, oquscty, wartonness, tnd pue movement [a deine women’ order conuat, ten @ ‘fos physical and vers! soase ost rts her honor” 267 ‘Shakespeare's worren not ny seem unable to understand Jal 1, But are proctaly immune 1 Possible exlanatons fo ts may be footed nthe soll rls that women were expecteata fl. During ‘Shokespeare’s tine, women wore held to extreme high behavioral ‘standards, Hal goes nto describe women 36 boing “arly respon ‘Sho for te reutaton of teenie howsohoi the honor fe Fay depended on her pay and chastity” (250). These eancarés were much diferent for men, Men held the ower and wore much more el to bo forge by sooty for tha wos pastes Tak fer example, the rl ‘onshipbetwoon Cassio ang Bianco. Banca tequenty tele for ner Meso, but Casio's reputation and ‘so stoning doesnot utr trom bing inoue win er. These a feng behavior standards mayo thereason women were nat Peay potvayed as being Jealous. Women ray not nave Been as concerned ‘wth ntti the overs ooause Itwout have been ports. They would have been alowed to have ‘sn omatonal esporse fo uta ness. Furthermore, tere were rt fly socal impicavens, neler 20d tor od, of a man’s ini F_Sice tere were no rea con quence for cheating 6d boing Upset woud havo boon 9 sin of ‘weakness, i dopant sem surpce Ing that jalousy i seldom seen in ‘he women Im the plays, Jealousy can be twaced though tee main stags, the fist being suspicion. Uke 5 esses, ja10usy con bo spread ‘Weough human sontat or appear to develo ou of notting anc once I eaes ol, ows api. (Onelo and Much Ado, manips tion fst tgs suspicion in he men, atin both eases, tes ery tte io provoke the esutingeaou ‘5. Onc preset elousy soos to need verte presto great affect 2 porcoe. lago comments on this Dnamenen sayeg, “Tes ihe ‘5 / We othe Jealous conti ins strong As proof Holy Wet (ii.339.943). Ts especiy trv for Leones. Ho Ras ity no reasonto suspect unatfulness In he wf, Hermione Instead, is Jealousy sprouts fom inocent co ‘esata erdintrectonsbetwean ermone and Poienes ‘Once the suspicion has taken root moves it the second 386 ich rapid appearance of age. Robes Burton seems sare o he rage effect of rage i Anatomy ‘of Metancholy when ho wits, "he tage of men i more eminent. and ‘requonty put practice. See ut wih what gor those Jealous hus bands qrennze over thelr poor ives" (297), Under the eects of ‘age the men al want publ ‘ton forthe female porter Tn Much Ado, Couto conerptat ing this hurliation before he's ‘ven sie about Hero’ unfattful ross saying, “1 666 ony thing tenigt why f shows / notary ber, tomorow inthe conregaton { wtore shoul wed, ere wi | shame ner (123-425). ‘Much Ado and Winters Tal, the shaming of he women takes place Invery hash ube stings (wed ing an formal tl, respectey ‘Though Ott dos net choose an ‘envemety puble eating, hs con ‘erations aren lees harsh. He hominis ner in font oer: y= ig, “Ay. you dd wish tt | would make Per tun. Sr, she can tum, 2nd tr, an yet 9 0n / A tu ‘gai and she an weep, si wee, 7 An ss ecient, / Very be ‘nt (245-249) ‘The length ofthe cous’ rei onship seems to have & strong ‘ect on te covery of the man’s ‘age 8rd the cenuneiton thatthe ‘woman recs. Claude's accuse ‘ons are moan, but pale In con parson to Omelo's. The jesus ‘age also awakans vont pulses In OMalo. He has many eure us thoughts abot Desdemona, Inouding, “Year her to pices” (te) and wl wham, To fuish me with sme swt mesa of cath / Forth far dei” 1493-408), aly, te age that possess Leone fo argue the arshst Hi esos fo ately without rot orproding, Hs acu Sato go 20 fr 8 to queston tho Barentood of bon is ren. Of Pert, nosy This rats none of rine, / is heesue of oben. / Hence wih it and tog wth the are / Commit them to he fe” 19396, Atnougn it may seem logeal thet longer relationships should make men fee more secure In thor panne, here the oppose ‘eationahp, the more severe the ‘age that esiousy peduces. Uke the soverty of rage, the conaoquences ofthis estou ao ‘ary inthe tree work and death 1s etuays present in some form In Much Ado, Hero fakes her oun oath in esponse to Cais base: Jess eccueatons, The consequene 5 teat in Otto wen Ota eval mulder of Dessemona and Is subsequent suede, Final, ‘hore f eax in Moh Ad with ‘he tage death of Hermione and amaiseng the abandonment nd supposed dasth of Perata. There 1S rang death tl soon tugs the progresio of these ply tht coresponds we th tanto the male's esau. "The Ana sage thst each men experiences is ropentsnee, Thi remorse abeys aes after the Geath of he heroine whieh es that, in sore sense, the women thomsates actualy cue tho Jeo ‘05. Ducng if, te erlnes were ‘innblato defend themeshes ore fan wt thar usbonde they were foveadto endure tne wath of lu sy uritan i course, Ts 8 con Stent wth Raber Buto's pope {on in Anstomy of Meonchay that nee 1 no remedy {or Jealousy but patience” (337). Hermione seems tobe conscious of patance bong te care forth nes say ing "There's same Il anc gs 7 rust be patet il heaven ook 18h an aepect more fverbie™ (4.208.107), Tis patercs counted tht wean’ death soos no essary for th mans fl eco In Mun Ado, Claude expresses Nis remorse at fuera for Hero say Ing “Pardon gosess of he right. 7Thase that Sew ty vgn kot, 1 arth wi, wth song of 8, 1 Round about her tom they (0i132.15) oto asoreatzes be ‘oro of ssurgions. Dung hs repentance speech he ss, “Then ‘must you Spek / Of one tht eves at wise but to wot OF ene not ashy jolous tut, boing wrt, (/Peplaed in te exrone; of ene ‘wooce rand / Like te basa indian, ‘row 2 pear away / Richer han a is we" (ViL839338). Analy, Leos ads is confesin fault ecaring “Iam asham: does aot the stone rebuke te / For beng mare stone thes 42° 3837-38, In foc, te shame and. complete remorse erressed by the nero & Song enough to supposeay ng hit lover back fein tof ths thre las 3 flowing the progression and consequences of jis, 8 war Ing of Josiousys desvucive pom fs becomes very event in hese thvee wor of Shakespeare. Thre seems to be a patter to Claud, ‘bre, and Leones’ reeponsos to this dangrous passion. Porters Shakespeare's mest famous tne fon jealousy convoys tis warming ost when ago tls Othello, “Oh, ower, my lo of Jsousy. 1S ‘the geen yea monstor, whic doth ‘nook / The raat it feads on” fl sre189. Reteronces ‘unten Raber. The Astor of ‘Molaenoty (1632) excepted in ‘tral, The Moar of Venice Texts and Contes x. Kir Fra Boston: Beaton Marin, 2007. 335-337 vans 6 Blakemore The ivr Shohespeee, 2nd et oueton Mit: Boston, 1997 “warrage and he Housetoi,” ‘tne, The Moar a venice Tents and Cote. EK F Hal. stor: Beart. Marin, 2007. 262200, Varo Seredet, The Biazon of Jealousy, vars Robert Tot (4818) excerpted in eo, Me Moor of venos Texts and Contents Kin FH. Boston: St Mart, 2007. 330. This piece is a memoir ‘completed for Dr. Josh Dolezat’s Personal Essay ‘course. was Saturday, the fst doy ot Ramadan. Avery cl, oom and silldackmoming one ctthose mor ings when you ddr want t eave citer the warmth of he banks of the comfort of the bow. Heong he ‘arm bosping. | knew that ater a few moments Mem, 26 = Would be coming to wake me up an et ‘e cessed And of cour, a had oen the case for every Ramadan, "would stage wth Mors In that featy morning and ty to sccape having besidet 1 wanted to fost cause I hough Iwas ob enough to eta praceing the thie le of eam, Blog In lah snd is Srophet Mutonmad end pra {ve times day was one tng for sme, and fasting Ranadn was com pletely another mate. XU 9g | rated to fast not because Ike ‘hat esting Ramadan was the Crd pillar fla, xt simply boca Fos fing under paer pressure that was ugg me toast as many days oul, was 8 Sonse of tampation that | shaved with ry fads; the winner was aes the cha who fasted the greatet num bor of day by Elda he siaie Calobraton a the en of Ramadan, esting more days greed tht ‘ould hve more eiperahe clothes In dake. My Dad usualy wos lnpresed by my achleverents, £0 to reword me and encourage me to be even more fa and se to Aah, God, he tought me fancy coos ana gave me more dhams Losing Baba Hanaa Bouchikhi Moroozan money. In, EldabFRy, ‘te quesion was alvayé tie same ‘amangohleren How many dyed you fest thi Reagan” So ays 1p show my poor that | ned grown Uupenough and that could wistand hunger an tire Mom dd nat wart oto fst because she kre tht | 8 ot ave to un woul ge my frat pro, te mic re. Ano, [managed to skp the breast sing wey as That amin. | was wear my long nay brown coat nd my pl wth schol esld go with my cas: rate to play in the pond near te ‘honk The pond tat we usualy had in the weter eppeared thanks to the rin Bat got stlck due to Uunfiished coratetion or maybe bad infactuctre, Mor would i ‘me had she sven me payngin that pond twas big, sean and ful of tal jumping frogs. hated those {goon creatures, epecaly when my fends would play mean and chase Ny bes dy was when those munich Paty people woud ame and ean "he pond Only hen aie secure Playing and catin tat no geen (roaties wuld inert my game Leaving ne house wth Mom wai Ing In the door for me to cross the foe, fat gain the morning uy wind touring col fe ana transforming 2eowe” 8897 frends aso cal me when ye and cheeks gored. Notcaring shout ps or ever my rougy hands, 1 Was ‘iced that moming even more than val to exease my Nabe of every roming ed aheroon. Every doy hoor was ready fst Kaoutar oF [Ewould meet the otter to go tage rte schoo Kaoutr, to bes ens er, ved at that te just acres the soot fom my house. We nad tho samo shape, except that 1 8s mater when you oe st Hid. Wot snoter thing was that I hod fir ‘may snd thea aot noe, butt was not back the. I ont think (Ink sin coer wath acim at that stage of my if. Sn coor was ways oboe the when we Bot ino fs. She woud eal met “The pale sly giana my response was ofcourse: “The Back, shony ‘Wa hed the so ofa elton in which wo fought at ast neo a day, thing was ied, We fost about trades, about pens, sbouk papers, Sd moet pata about snace “Tose fe give our ons Mead ches and made thar yl 3 us but thoy corainly made of us epod fonds. Tat why | can Say now ‘thatthe chithood gts produced 18 gost i adutheod trends. But 0 aadan, we had an ez thing 1o faht about, the toll number of the de tosted by each of us Having ‘ong ath waco tenet beth fami So, shamed tat oy that | was Indeed religous ond a strong ft That moming was quicker than aout was ead atere she was window inte of her usa nen the bl “1 am fetng tod, id Kats ina et you #987" Wos the fest ing sad er tat mocing and she became my Mons tend too, Oden in Moroceo ae good st making ter mothe fen oo, assume it may belie this every whee, We weed to frsrate Kat Nina whenever we a the chance to ply i Kaouars beclgard, We ould elim th dato and grenadine trees and star collecting the une fru. Te sonar alway ended up the same way geting yale geting sting locked i ou oom fo the ‘est of the aay ntl We gt al the “nfihed romewor cone. Softw aval moming but not forlone Aer two nous when as the time forthe brea ad plying in the pond | saw my uncle in the recreation aa ofthe school eoning hai He was, wearing his brow eater act, bt tat moming he Jet lok god on i for fame reason; mayoe vocauee he eas waving over a pam shit Iretead of 8 wosioned shir. My luce was tall and 20 generous; aways looked fortard f0 meting Fim after need at fr 8 ong He would slvays buy me dotes, als of shes, toss, and of course Tet of 2d lo of snacks. Out that 69 | took foward to moo in him, He was rot retin roms 8 ip and | now e had nating 1 ‘aver wa sma but! wabeman too, { kew something unexpectes unt slate hour dung Ramsden, nd would give up anthing to sty In bed, So, ws wondering why ne ‘wasup and rigtin font of me, He leoked and and he ave looking ‘atme stoignt inthe ees Suse, ha turned Back, fet me Hooking at ‘i and, wert otal tomy teacher ' stopp pleyig and ws tying to ‘od his tps fom afer and Biss tho was tong the eae, but could tk ew moment tr, he ‘ame back with my backpack and ‘eked me to eave wth hi. ‘Subbor a8 | wae an sil am, | rofusod t on Rim But that day iy nels dt not argue much, and (4 not wy to seduce me by bung me abar of coool, With wom ‘mon impatient tudo, sald: "You se coming wh me, and now” At st moment | remembered Mom ‘hen she tld me: To Be cord ed 8 gronnup does not mean to withstand hunger and tit, but ave manner." My lal senses came 0 wore aod | stated getong scared, guessing that mayeo some- thing erous ad happenes ty ‘arly, without futher questening | aot ny ie oot moving owas the ear My uncle gave me 2 tthe use, and he wos Jed ln all hie nab The eles sence andthe ‘cold weather combines to produce @ ‘scene that propaed ma fer the worst of things. Mast porary | was ready 0 ow that nave ron ‘Upon arhing tthe Rous, Is ry aunt waite e8ar by the rin franco dor. She ooked nore rized too an stil ha asieep. Ae 1 Came soser to her, | nated that fhe nad rot washed her fac0 yet Win auice actions he grabbed my hand, took my backpack and gave re a warm, quo hs. 1 dot because she hod not had Brushed her tet yt, Aina, my aunt hed Pisjed the role of @ mom fr on time nme when | was i i, | was the fet grandchild she was the ony unmoried aunt then, [Aer she would fish schoo, she eto pick me Up Si tae re my randperens Rouse to spend te ‘est ofthe day wth them remem bor hat hey treated me 25 were 2 te princess. My aunt loved me oar Si, she was the kn of pr ‘sn who always made sue tha she fed you snd Mesed youn he ect amount that Hept you away fom ting Spailes. She wae te pe of own wno wert by rus ana books, and rarely by erations. I saw In her eyes that she ha Sermething to say and mest probably she woul say soon. Al of @ suc fon she sid “You have to et your Mom asked me to make sure you ste Before you Jlnes er” 50,361 fesse sh eld someting, ba nat ‘wha wanted to hear, Obstinate a as thar meming | stongy reject the food ard then stared ny tof questions: "Why st Mem at hoa” “iy aid my urcle come to plek se up from shoot” “Where soul jin Mone” ny ae they ake Ts arly when usvaln Ramadan they gt bed after the Fa daw prayers ane ako up ltr compare to oréiary con My aunt suid me when she sarissed all my questions, but she 4 nok surprise me when she dd rat bother to use 216 f was elver me the message, 38 was ner abt. Sho sartd eying and in one Sentence she provided ie with the ‘answer to my clomma: “Tey called ftom the hes Your Dad passed soy thie morning st suis" ere he ansier tht was not looking for, and Ici ot want to botowe A tat eran moment a tat | Yo was a sense of los and a need to hury upto er cor tw chock on my fheyear old sister and then head inmeditay 10 the hospital wih my uncie to ee Mom ated to make sure Mom and my ster were 20 ave. Leer ty the sel of a whole meh of leep. | came dose tomy eter er face was red and warm as ua. Weed her and covered hor again wth thea Iheard the answer that ! was not looking for, and I did not want to believe it. At that certain moment all that I felt was a sense of loss and a need to hurry up ‘out of the room. at leaving hart Sn ee step. Or moybe | overod her to save her ‘rem hearing he news Dat had jst har tink eveyone would agree ‘that teloss ofa parent someting major that ta fe upside down. suddenly changes the innocent spt ff eid Ima e mature adult who wants to grow up 80 auc to be fable t help sna most impart 2 iy ease, sugges to see ye sme fembracing Mons face again, {et In Stetohave ber ast ep with 1 rg Oa inher Eragfnation, who would be cured soon and came back {© play wih hes Ey in hat ay | os ngng tft maybe procice pti of lm, but ae nering the ‘ad news| fae that | neoded to rato another pil. That ilo wos ‘he one about having 8 strong fh and bllvingin what was costa to appen, both good and bad amped in my unt’ car and t stones. Gradua, wth every mie we ‘ove, | sted reaiaing Be nature of things a wor happening me Hine tat I would ever ever sy, ea" again: 9 word that me Sort snow th value and weight of ul we ‘0 no ange ble 1 eR woul never share a eof and a blanket ‘nth Baba and watch cartons wae Mom s preperingdnner. Mat wos ‘atmos the perect te tote him ‘nat hod done dn ey, bow ry clases were gg. how Kaoutr ‘raethe ett stat thee at dy endnote. Rwasaleo the tie! ime to get money fom fim so that Mom ‘would buy me the tings | wanted the otoving dey. Wel woud never wakeup and fod Bsbawaltng forme In the ktchen to gve me money to by srack athe Beak time. Sac money was an is in my amy. Mom believed tat be was ing me to much andhopt repeating that we had ancien the house that coud ‘ake wih me; whoreas, Saba ropy was content the same: “ove my es et them enya ong can afore i Maybe he knew his desig way before we i. Maybe ne fet oat ne woul thea short ite, 80 he wanted meand my siserto beet wth good memes of hin. would ‘never fi someone fo run to when (yas in trouble and Mom win 2 bad mood and woul be just walt etl of me. Gone ere those days, fd wa tase dye lsappesrng in te arzon,|weke upto fd met Inside te hosp In ront of @ ay acressad upin white Thatlady was Morand sho was aeay essed in whit Because in my eligon when a hustond des, hs we enous show rand got oressed alin white before her husband ls taken to the cen tery be buted Mom erssed in ‘whteforfourments ten dys, Period In which she showed that she ‘Was mourning her husband's death Te foc thet til hat i tic tain moment Is thatthe day before try dad's passed any, hed a feo {emoon, and Morn wis ging 12 ‘at Bata in the nos = usual ‘She begsed me to jn het, snd | ‘pid gi na toi hata wo {ey doa my homework Wat ater noon, so tht | od eave time for ‘the wockond and spond the whole ay with Gaba end te ti pousy how many dashed asta Aas a now, stil fet depressed and "biame mys sere whenever remember ths een Vsti Dad that afternoon could have saved me lo of salam row. | aiays to rset that by Wsting tim wen Re ‘a8 tl ave, 1 cous have Mesed 2 warm foe Instead of @ cl, pal ‘2nd deed oomee. And who Kron, rraybe ne could have hen mosome Imaal vee for ie. The, | tent allevito my Sorrow ay ink: ing “tat wa the Way va fated te rappan- I was predestined that "woud not 268 hm tat ay and it was prodestod too hat! wuld spend th rest of mye wisn | aa done so" Mom as alin whit, and the loser | came to et, he weaker | {eI cougr ois move ne bust Io neaiy and Rt oops of 5. 1 was holding back tose tars a the way antl | ebm her face. She pend her arms and she gave me the warm embrace | was leking for, the afecdonte tavches and the passionate Kisses. She looked Ihe @ cat sureunding her ty and shoterag her fom the ousie cad ‘2d ugh natire So ein she hit ‘oth the btor realy: "Yoo dsr, Ail, God, has choson your Babe Aah gave into ue one and now ho sant is peple tote him back gan have you an we ave Hoar faa fe wl gon | wit. my best ‘0 that you wate as ithe wore stl Her words wore tough, but they were sien 9 tbe | new that an ‘ezuaton rage up of four rumors ‘would net make sence. wth only three numbers. Ard knew otha Inwes desined that way an hat we hat wa. "tod my mom that wanted to see Gaba before thay tok him under tho gund. Se stopped loking at ‘ofr stil, and new tat Mom «at when she was thinking She ‘stood up and oid me tat she would ebook na few moments tif me whether Looud orn She came ‘back wih my ganda whe was cor cing her that ce should tallow toto se a dead boo. She ought that Iwas not ld enough to stand the agapessheness ofthe scene. But guess Mom waa no seni She ‘came dose toma and in year she vwisperee: “Would you be abo to ‘20 our da unmowng?™ out futher thinking 1858968. ‘an hen was nthe room. Mom i natcorein wit eae thar with ny gerara wows at a vee yng onthe for upon a place (of wood. a looked ae he were ‘ony Sleeping He was wrapped in 8 ite ple of ethan could ony ‘See i face and hands. Dea over ‘nd sso imi soreness Te moment my mouth tous kn, | was shocked byhow extreme oid he was. His eyes and mouth ware shut e was pale an again I ft he was only soon. | ised his ands and in ha es | whispered “eo tye Babs” end ete oom. My ganda came behind me and wos asking me what | id Baba In 185 esr, but gored ne. Then she vento tet Mom how impressed se ‘wasto see me reasoringin te ay ‘Approaches dead expe: “OR my ‘ah she had grown up and seams to have a svongfath You have 9 ‘ery patient Hd” Ad that was my last meeting with Das. That was my esti and that was the unergst ‘abl een have amas avoided remem bering this incder, at last wren Vculs. Despat, pain and unend- ing soreness le al that | wed 10 connect with my Beds loss. But think just to fact that ls put any e098 togstrer and managed 0 ‘ate about Babe's death means at | stated to soe tings aor ently, was 8 hunt experince indeed, 98 there is oting worse ‘an losing 2 parent ton ese 956, Tink However, 1 tink everthing os back. Maybe | ait no eae ‘his at that te, and wos cus why my doa was chosono a. Why te and net oters? But this Pe ance made me se¥ndependert pa taught me how t Be mate 1 an ry age. cor remember how meny tines someoee tod me ‘at am more mature ten my age But 1 can remember choosing © spend nips studing even the \weokende rather thon Mangng out You can figure out the meaning of many incidents after a day or ‘two of its actual happening. But, it can take months, years or even decades to decide what the signifcance of a major incidence was. th ends jot to get god grades, {Justo make Mom prow, and te her indrecty that she Rad dono @ ‘eet jab of bre me up even ‘Je parent Nehing sin this te. Eventing i plened and targeted toward 8 spect pupae You ean fie out tho meaning of irany neidets after a day or WO offs actual happoning But can tae mont, year oF ven decades to decide what the seicance of aor incdet was, what id 2 to your personaly snd how itsped to change you ether to be good or {5 bed person depending onthe way you approsch it and ty wrom you ‘were surovnded

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