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Quote What does it reveal about How does it help us understand Why is Sherriff exploring this idea in this

Why is Sherriff exploring this idea in this way?

Stanhope/Hibbert? what they are going through?
Not a drunkard; just a hard
drinker; but you’re quite
right about his nerves. They
are all to blazes… Lost
control of himself;

This neuralgia of mine. I’m

afraid I can’t stick it any

Every sound up there makes

me all – cold and sick.

. Sometimes I feel I could This reveals that Stanhope is By emphasising the verb “died” Sherriff is highlighting how even those soldiers we may consider as
just lie down on this bed and so desperate to avoid any Sherriff is helping the audience heroic in their deeds also suffered from shell shock which reveals to
pretend I was paralysed or more trauma in war he is understand the terrible consequences the audience that being in combat had a deep psychological impact
something — and couldn't prepared to act like a of shell shock and how his mental often resulting in them considering lying about being ill in order to
avoid the terror of battle.
move — and just lie there till stereotypical coward in war trauma has resulted in his death wish.
I died — or was dragged and pretend that he has some The use of dashes creates a sense of
away. sort of physical difficulty which how his disjointed speech is mirroring
no longer allows him to fight. his fractured mental state.
Shall we go on together? We
know how we both feel now.
Shall we see if we can stick it

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