Integrating Images Analysis Questions + Rough Work

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Table of contents
01 Introduction 04 final piece
02 My idea
05 analysis questions
03 The process
06 conclusion
break time
Today I’ll be talking about my process
through making this artwork and how
I got this idea and why it is a good
idea. This artwork consists of cutting
a 2 inch piece of a picture and then
drawing the rest with your
imagination and giving the 2 inch
stripe a completely different
For this project, I chose to focus on a Greek myth and decided to depict the
transformation of a woman into the legendary creature Medusa. While
searching for the perfect image of Medusa, I came across a woman with
striking grey eyes that could seemingly turn people to stone if the myth were
true. Inspired by her eyes, I plan to cut and paste them onto paper to create
Medusa's captivating gaze. Using the woman's face as a reference, I will then
draw Medusa's features and intricately weave snakes into her hair to capture
her allure. Towards the end of the artwork,we can see Athena’s temple were
Medusa’s stuck inside. I also envision sketching one statue of a warrior that
tried to defeat Medusa for Athena but died in the process.
(Started mixing
water colours in my
hand and I ended up
drawing flowers.)

These were the first sketches and designs for my fall of These were the first sketches and
Icarus culminating. When I did this first sketches I wasn’t
designs for my medusa culminating.
sure which of these ideas to choose that’s why I did both
to see which one would be the best.

So after choosing to do the drawing of My personal favourite and also the one I think it looked
Medusa I started doing different sketches best is the third one. The third one is basically Medusa
to see which one would be the best on the left and a lot of petrified soldiers on the right. I
background. loved this idea a lot at the beginning later I didn’t.

The first step of my artwork was So the second thing I did was create a
finishing the other half of the background and start colouring the lady and the
woman’s body and transforming it snakes. At the beginning I wanted to do a lot of
into Medusa. statues in the back and that’s what I started doing.

Then I started blendig with watercolors and with colour In this one I had almost finished the temple and I
pencil’s to make the woman(Medusa at this point) have already started with the soldier that was awful to
her skin tone. I also decided in a last minute change of colour and to draw in general. Medusa was almost
plans to change the background to Athena’s temple done the only thing that I needed to do were some
and a petrified soldier as a second point of view. last details to her clothes and that was it.
02 03
My last break I also ran out of
battery, again and I went to
In my second break my phone change the water cause I was
also ran out of battery again so I bored. the I came back and
I normally don’t have break times but I
went to ask my Mum for hers and started humming and singing
was getting bored and frustrated and
also what we were having for songs because I still didn’t have
my headphones + my phone died and I
dinner. She also didn’t have music :(. In total my phone died
had to charge them so while I waited
battery and she didn’t tell me more than 7 times in case your
for my music I started juggling while
what we were gonna have for curious.
spinning in my chair. How did I not
dinner :(.
break anything I will never know.

So here I almost finished adding details the

This is the last photo before I finished my artwork.
only thing left would be the soldier and the
As you can see the background is done and the
background that would be blue and grey. I
soldier is almost done. I really hate the soldier in
also added more colours to the soldier and
this instant, I wish I had erased it along with his
to the temple.
other brothers in arms.
THE FINAL I feel like I didn’t explain much of how I did it in
the process and how I blended things and
everything so I’m going to explain more in detail

PIECE: what I know I did on purpous and not the ones I

don’t even know how I got that texture. One of
the reasons i don’t like watercolours is because

How I did it but in when the paint dries it changes the colour to
more lightly so when I was doing the clothes of
more detailed: Medusa it changed all the time. For the snakes I
mainly used pencil colours because I was scared
to ruin it with water colours. And with the soldier
I started with pencil and then continued with
watercolour and pencil.
My images don’t have a big
meaning or anything, I just
saw the woman with grey eyes and QUESTIONS:
it reminded me of the mythical
creature Medusa. Being such a fan
myself for Greek mythology I QUESTION 01:
couldn’t not draw her. I think that What was the meaning behind
the most powerful connection these your Integrating Images?
two images have are the eyes, the Explain how your 2 images are
eyes are like a barrier that helps connected.
one picture turn into the other. overcome these challenges?
ANALYSIS I show creativity in my integrating images
assignment because I decided to transform
a woman into the mythical creature
QUESTIONS: Medusa. The woman in the picture has
beautiful grey eyes that look similar to the
heartstopping ones from Medusa so I
QUESTION 02: decided to run that in my favor and

How did you show creativity in

transform her into Medusa. In the
background we are able to see Athena’s
your Integrating Images temple and the statue of a soldier that
assignment? Explain. looked into Medusa’s eyes, giving us the
meaning that she is in her temple.
The most difficult part was colouring
the soldier, it was the worst part of all
and I got so mad at the drawing I had
to take some breaks from time to time
just doing something dumb in my
room like juggling with two balls and
spinning in my chair.

Also another difficult part of this assignment

was colouring the drawing in general and What were some challenges
making it look realistic. To solve this issue I just you encountered in this
searched for a lot of reference pictures on the
assignment? Explain how you
internet to have an idea of the different shades
in the body and the different tones in the head. overcome these challenges?
ANALYSIS - In this assignment I have learnt how to
blend the colours with watercolour to make
it seem more realistic instead of only using

QUESTIONS: pencil colour. I've blended with more than

pencil and watercolours just to make it more
QUESTION 04: - In this assignment I've also learned
List and explain at least 2 how to make things seem realistic and
different things you learned in how to colour the scene to make it look
this assignment: like it's further or closer to our
perspective of the drawing.
In conclusion I’m so glad I changed the background because if I
had had to draw all the soldiers I would have cried. But now
ignoring the soldier part this was a really fun artwork and the
making and designing of this idea was a really good experience.
I do believe that this artwork had it’s ups and downs, there were
some really difficult things for me like colouring the drawing but
in the end I enjoyed planning the drawing and finishing it, it was
really fun.

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