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Scene 1

Zurita - Scarlett (the disabled)

Leonel - Jorge (the waiter and receptionist)

Zuri arrives at the restaurant's reception where Leonel blocks her path.

Leonel.- Excuse me, ma'am, but we don't provide restrooms for people like you here. Why
don't you go to the mall or something instead?

Zuri.- Oh, no, young man, I'm not here to borrow your bathroom, I have a reservation here
under the name Troya.

Leonel.- Disgusted face - I'm sorry, but even so, you can't pass. The dress code is very strict,
and at the very least, you need to be wearing heels to enter.

Zuri.- Confused face - But sneakers are more comfortable for my condition. Is there any

He rolls his eyes and sighs - I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules. It's either that or you'll lose
your reservation. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are more people I need to attend to. - he
adjusts some papers and turns away.

Zuri.- But sir - oh, what an unpleasant guy... - Zuri turns and exits the scene.

Scene 2

Zuri walks through a plaza looking for where to buy shoes when a girl bumps into her.

Romina.- Ugh, excuse me, ma'am, you should leave the normal walking areas for others and
not stand in the middle of the path. I'm in a hurry.

- Romi says this with a disgusted and angry expression.

Zuri.- Excuse me? Ugh, I don't have time to argue with you.

- Zuri was about to continue her way when she sees Romina's heels

Zuri.- Excuse me, would it be possible for you to sell me your heels?

Romi.- What are you saying? Why would I sell you my shoes? I'm in a hurry.

- Romi says somewhat confused and disgusted.

Zuri.- If you're in a hurry, you'd do well to wear sneakers instead of heels, don't you think? I'll
pay you triple what you spent on those shoes.

- Zuri says with a confident face.

Romi.- Hmm... fine, I accept, just because I'm late for work.

- Romi says reluctantly and resigned.

Scene 3

Zuri returns to the restaurant, and this time they let her in.

Leonel.- You don't give up, do you? Fine, come with me.

- Leonel, with an expression of anger and displeasure.

Zuri.- Thanks.

- Zuri says sarcastically.

*Zuri is led to a table and sits down, and the waiter hands her the menu, standing beside her
waiting for her to order. Zuri looks at the menu.

Zuri.- Hmm, I want the CRISPY WRAP.

Leonel.- You can't.

- Leonel says curtly without explanation.

Zuri.- Uh, okay then the PUMPKIN FLOWER SOUP

Leonel.- That's not possible either.

Zuri.- And why not?

- Zuri says very confused and somewhat irritated.

Leonel.- Because we don't have it.

Zuri.- Then what can you serve me?

Leonel.- For you, nothing.

- Leonel says emphasizing the "nothing" very sarcastically and angrily.

Zuri looks at him sharply, very irritated, and looks at the other customers. - That - she points to

Zuri.- I want the dish that gentleman is having.

Leonel.- FIne

-Leonel rolls his eyes and sighs

Scene 4

Leonel returns with the dish and puts it on the table.

Zuri.- Thank you very much. One question, does this dish have nuts?

Leonel.- Of course.

- Leo says bluntly and seriously.

Zuri.- Um, could you bring me another dish without nuts, I'm very allergic.

- Zuri tries to be kind.

Leonel.- No, why don't I bring you a fork so you can remove them yourself.

- After saying that, Leonel turns around to get some utensils.

Meanwhile, Miguel gets up from eating.

Miguel.- I want to dance, waiter, put on some music. - Miguel, somewhat drunk.

*Leo returns, leaves the utensils for Zuri, and goes to put some music on for the gentleman.*

As Miguel passes to go to the center of the room to dance, he trips over (the device Zuri uses
to walk)

Miguel.- Ugh, who left this here?!

- Miguel says furiously.

Romi and Leonel arrive, surprised by the commotion.

Romi.- What's going on here?

Miguel.- This woman left her device right in the middle and almost killed me.

Romi.- We're very sorry, sir, we'll give you a dessert for the inconvenience.

Zuri.- What? She almost damages the (thing) and she apologizes to him? It's not my fault he's
so drunk he can't walk straight.

- Zuri says very irritated.

Romi.- This incident won't happen again, sir, don't worry.

- Romi says, ignoring what Zuri said.

Scene 5

Romi and Leonel go to a secluded area away from the customers.

Romi.- How did you let someone like her in here? You know we're expecting the inspector, we
can't have him see that freak here.

- Romi says very angrily.

Leonel.- I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice.

- Leonel says indifferent and irritated.

Romi.- I don't know how you're going to do it, but I want you to put her in a place away from
sight so she doesn't bother until the inspector arrives.

- Romi leaves, leaving Leonel behind.

Leonel: "Miss, please come with me. This table will be more comfortable for you."

- He says it angrily and resentfully.

Leonel leaves the lady at the table and walks away...

Zuri: Waiter, please bring the menu.

Leonel: That's enough. Please leave this place; you don't belong here.

Zuri: "What's wrong with you? What kind of treatment is this?"

- She says it angrily and irritated.

Romi: This place is for elegant people; you don't belong here. Leave.

Zuri: I thought what people were saying was false, but I guess they were right. Allow me to
introduce myself; I'm Inspector Scarlett.

- Romi and Leonel are surprised.

Romi: But weren't you a man?

Leonel: Yes, that's true.

Zuri: Well, they were mistaken. And as part of my duty, I must close this place due to poor

- She hands them a closure notice.


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