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6 Lesson 5 Treasure Island

Before you read

• What do you think is happening
on the ship while Jim, Silver and
the other men are on the island?

Chapter 6 medicines and guns in the boat.

Dr Livesy: At the same time, Captain Smollett and Mr
Trelawney said to Silver’s men who were
When the boats went to the shore, I talked
still on the ship, “We have guns. If you try to
to Captain Smollett and Mr Trelawney. There
contact Silver, you will be dead.”
was no wind at all, so we knew we could not
take the ship, even if we wanted to attack They looked very surprised.
the six men who stayed on the ship with us. I then took the boat back to the beach with
Then we heard that Jim Hawkins was on the Hunter and another sailor called Joyce. We
island with Silver and his men. We were very quickly took everything up to the fort, then I
worried about him. left Hunter and Joyce in the fort and returned
I decided to take a boat to the shore with to the Hispaniola.
another man we could trust, called Hunter. We knew that Silver had more men than us,
When we reached the island, we walked a but we also knew that none of them had guns.
little way and then we found a small fort. It We thought that this gave us an advantage.
was big enough for about twenty-five people On the Hispaniola, Trelawney helped me to
and was very well defended. It also had water. put food and more weapons into the boat.
Then I heard a shout. I thought that Jim was Then we called for Captain Smollett, Redruth
dead. and a good sailor called Abraham Gray, and
We ran back to the boat and soon returned they climbed into the boat with us.
to the Hispaniola. I told Captain Smollett and Our journey back to the island was more
Mr Trelawney my plan. We quickly put food,

difficult than the others. There were more
people and supplies now, so the boat was
Lesson 5
were getting into their boats.
“Go as fast as you can,” said Captain
heavy and very close to the water. We had Smollet. “If we don’t get to the beach,
to be very careful to prevent the boat from we’re finished.”
sinking. The wind blew from a different
direction, too, and we were not moving “They are only using one boat” I said. “The
towards the beach near the fort. other men are walking to the beach to wait
for us.”
“We’ll never get to the beach!” I said.
“It’s a long way for them to run,” said Captain
“We must keep in this direction,” said Smollett. “It’s a race to get there first.”
Captain Smollett. “Work hard, be patient, and
we will arrive.” Then his voice changed. “The We moved fast, and the wind was not so
cannon!” he called. strong near the beach. However, Trelawney
fired his gun again which made us all move
I looked round and realised that the men to one side of the boat. It started to sink, but
we left on the Hispaniola were preparing a we were in just three feet of water. It was not
cannon. We were moving so slowly that we difficult to walk to the beach, but we had lost
were not far from the ship. It would be easy many of our supplies in the water, including
for them to hit us. some of our guns.
Trelawney stood up with a gun and fired at There were now voices in the trees and we
the pirates, and one of them fell. knew that the pirates were near. We had to
We heard a cry from the ship, and another get to the fort before the pirates got to the
from the beach. We saw that the other pirates beach. We all ran as fast as possible and at last

6 Lesson 5

we saw the fort in front of us. At the same “We need the supplies that were lost in the
time, seven pirates arrived at the other side sea,” said Captain Smollett. “Without them,
of it. The pirates looked surprised to see the we have enough supplies until July only.”
fort and stopped. This gave us time to fire our At that moment, we heard gun fire and the
guns, and they quickly turned and ran into fort was nearly hit.
the trees behind them.
“They can see the flag,” said Trelawney. “We
Before we could enter the fort, we heard should take it down.”
another gun fire, and poor Redruth fell
down. We quickly picked him up and took “No!” said Captain Smollett. “We keep the
him into the fort, but it was too late: he was flag! It will show the pirates that we are not
dead. Trelawney was very sad. Redruth had frightened of them!”
been a good servant to him. The gun fire continued, but it was almost
Captain Smollett put up a flag inside the fort impossible for them to hit anyone inside the
and counted the supplies, then he asked me, fort.
“How long will we have to spend on this Just then, we heard someone calling.
“Doctor! Mr Trelawney! Captain! Are you
“In England, I told Blandly that if we were there?”
not back by August, to come and find us,” I
I ran to the door of the fort and I found Jim
Hawkins, safe and alive!


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