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How They Adapt
and Survive
Plants can live in jungles, deserts, and almost
everywhere else you can think of. Let's explore some
examples of plants, their habitats, and how they survive.

Aloe Plants
They grow well in dry, arid places.
Their fleshy stems, leaves, and roots
allow them to store much water.
The thick waxy coating on their
leaves helps prevent excessive
moisture loss.

Baobab Trees
They survive in low-lying, arid regions.
Their spongy trunk allows them to
store up to 100,000 liters of water.
Some varieties have slick and shiny
bark that reflects light and keep
them cool.

Conifer Trees
They can survive the harsh
and freezing winters.
Their long, needle-like
leaves have waxy coatings
that reduce moisture loss.
They also produce cones
instead of flowers.

Mangrove trees sit in
swampy, salty, and oxygen-
poor environments all year.
To ensure they get enough
oxygen, they grow roots
upward out of the soil.

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