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5 Lesson 5 Treasure Island

Before you read

• What do you think Jim should do

Chapter 5 “Who are you?” I asked.

I finally stopped running and saw that I was “Ben Gun,” he said in a dry voice. “I’ve not
close to the bottom of one of the small hills. spoken to anyone for three years.”
The air was fresher here and the trees were The man had very long hair and skin that was
taller. Suddenly, from up the hill, something burned by the sun. His clothes were dirty and
jumped behind a tree. I did not know if it made of old sails.
was a man or an animal but it looked big
and dangerous. I decided to walk back “What happened to you?” I asked.
towards the beach, but then I saw him again. “I was left here by a ship,” he said. “I’ve lived
I realised it was a man, but he was running on fish and fruit ever since. I dream of eating
very fast from tree to tree. I remembered good food again.”
that I had a gun and this made me feel
“If I can get back to my ship, I’ll give you
safer. I decided to walk towards the man.
bread and cheese,” I said.
When he saw me walking towards
He began to look worried. “If you can get
him, to my surprise, he came out from
back to your ship?! Why? What’s to stop you?”
behind the tree and knelt down in
he said.
front of me.

Lesson 5

“It isn’t a problem with you,” I replied. “Yes, Silver. He’s the cook and their leader,” I
“I’m a good man,” he told me. “I’m very rich, explained.
too!” he said in a quiet voice. “If you work for Silver, I’m finished,” he said.
I began to think that perhaps Ben Gun was I decided to tell him my story from the start,
crazy. Ben Gun saw that I did not believe and he looked very interested.
him. “You’re a good boy,” he said at the end.
“I am rich! And you can be rich too, because “Don’t worry, you can trust me. Do you
you found me!” he said. Then he looked think that Trelawney would give me money
worried and said, “You didn’t come on Flint’s and allow me to come home on the ship if I
ship, did you?” helped him?” he asked.
I realised now that this man could help me.
“No, Flint’s dead, but some of Flint’s crew is
on the ship. That is not good for any of us.” I
told him.
“Is there a man with one leg?” he asked.

5 Lesson 5

“Of course,” I replied. “And he’ll need your we found nothing. One day, they went back
help on the ship home, I’m sure.” to the ship and told me I could stay. ‘Here’s
“You’re right,” he said. “You know, I a gun and a spade.You can look for the
was on Flint’s ship when he hid the treasure on your own!’ they said. So, you tell
treasure here. He was with Trelawney, I would prefer to work for a man
six men and they were I can trust like him, than with a group of
on the island for about a pirates.”
week. We waited for them “I’ll tell him, but how can I return to my ship
on a ship called the Walrus. One day, Flint from here?” I asked him.
returned to the ship on his own. The other “I have a boat. I made it myself. We could go
six men were dead. We don’t know how he to the ship when it’s dark!”
did it. Billy Bones and Long John Silver were
with me on the ship. They asked Flint where Suddenly, we heard the sound of a gun.
the treasure was. ‘You can go on the island “They have started to fight,” I said. “We must
and look for it,’ he said. ‘But you’ll be there be quick!”
on your own. I’m taking this ship home.’
I began to run back with Ben. He gave me
“Three years ago, I was on a different ship. directions, and ran easily next to me. We
When we saw the island, I told our crew that heard more guns, then I saw a flag flying
Flint’s treasure was on it. We spent twelve days above some trees.
looking for it. They were not happy when


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