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Ch 14 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following statements are true for all voltaic cells?
I. electrons flow from the anode to the cathode
II. reduction occurs at the anode
III. oxidation occurs at the cathode
IV. oxidation occurs at the anode
V. reduction occurs at the cathode

A. I, IV, and V
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III
D. IV and V
____ 2. The following two half-reactions are involved in a voltaic cell:

At standard conditions, what species are produced at each electrode?

A. is produced at the cathode and is produced at the anode.
B. is produced at the cathode and is produced at the anode.
C. is produced at the anode and is produced at the cathode.
D. is produced at the cathode and is produced at the anode.

____ 3. An electrochemical cell consists of a left compartment with a zinc electrode in 1.0 mol/L and
a right compartment with a silver electrode in 1.0 mol/L . The standard reduction potentials are:

When this cell is allowed to operate at 25 C, which of the following statements is true?
A. Electrons will flow from right to left through the wire.
B. ions will be reduced to metal.
C. The concentration of ions in the right compartment will increase.
D. The silver electrode is the cathode.
____ 4. A voltaic cell is set up with a copper electrode in 1.0 mol/L and a lead electrode in 1.0 mol/L
. The standard reduction potentials are:

At 25 C, the standard cell potential for this voltaic cell, in volts, is:
A. 0.13
B. 0.34
C. 0.47
D. 0.21
____ 5. The standard reduction potentials are:

Which reactions are expected to occur in the beakers below?


A. I only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and III

____ 6. If for the reaction is , which of the following are able to oxidize ?

A. II and III
B. II and III
C. I and IV
D. I, II, and III
____ 7. An electrochemical cell involves the following half-reactions:

What is the standard cell potential, , for this electrochemical cell?

A. 1.46 V
B. 1.08 V
C. 0.94 V
D. 0.66 V
____ 8. Given:

Calculate for the reaction .

A. +0.59 V
B. +0.92 V
C. +1.40 V
D. +1.80 V
____ 9. Given

Which of the following reactions is not spontaneous under standard conditions?


____ 10. Consider the following half-cell reactions:

Which of the following half-cells, when combined with a standard hydrogen reference half-cell under
standard conditions, will produce an electric cell with the greatest voltage?
A. zinc–zinc ions
B. iron–iron ions
C. nickel–nickel ions
D. platinum–platinum ions
____ 11. Given:

If the silver–silver ion electrode were the standard for values instead of the hydrogen–hydrogen ion
electrode, the standard reduction potentials ( ) for the four half-reactions above, in corresponding order,
would be:
A. 0.40 V, 0.00 V, 0.80 V, 1.25 V
B. 1.20 V, 0.00 V, 0.80 V, 0.44 V
C. 0.40 V, 0.00 V, 0.80 V, 1.25 V
D. 2.00 V, 0.00 V, 1.24 V, 1.68 V
____ 12. Which of the following statements are true?
I. Aluminium is protected from corrosion by the formation of a thin layer of aluminium
oxide on its surface.
II. Iron is protected from corrosion by the formation of a layer of iron oxide on its
III. Cathodic protection of iron uses a metal that is more easily reduced than iron.
IV. Cathodic protection of iron uses a metal that is more easily oxidized than iron.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I and IV
D. II and III

____ 13. When inert electrodes are used in the electrolysis of sodium sulfate solution, , the relevant
half-cell reactions are given below.

I. –0.83 V
Which of these half-cell reactions represent the cathode and anode reactions, respectively?
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

____ 14. Which of the following statements about electrolytic cells is false?
A. An electrolytic cell cannot operate without energy provided by an external source.
B. The anode of an electrolytic cell is the negative electrode.
C. The anode of an electrolytic cell is where oxidation occurs.
D. The cathode of the electrolytic cell is where reduction occurs.
____ 15. Chlorine gas is produced industrially by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution using inert electrodes.
The equation for the electrolytic process is

The reduction potentials for the electrode reactions are:

What is the minimum voltage required for this electrolytic process to proceed?
A. 0.95 V
B. 2.19 V
C. 1.90 V
D. 3.13 V

____ 16. Calculate the current applied to an electrolytic cell to transfer 0.50 mol of electrons while the cell is operating
for 30.0 min.
A. 27 A
B. 20 A
C. 15 A
D. 10 A
____ 17. What mass of copper is deposited from an aqueous solution of copper sulfate, , by passing one
mole of electrons into a copper plating cell?
A. 31.8 g
B. 127 g
C. 63.5 g
D. 42.3 g
____ 18. In an electrolytic cell using inert electrodes, a current of 4.00 A is passed through a molten binary salt with
the formula XCl for 20.0 min. 1.15 g of metal X is produced at the cathode. What is the metal, X?
A. Li
B. Na
C. K
D. Rb
____ 19. Use the following information to answer the next question.

Lithium, a strong oxidizing agent, is often used as the anode in batteries. It can be produced from molten
lithium chloride according to the following equation:

If a current of 2.5 A is passed through a solution of molten lithium chloride for 8.5 h,
A. 5.5 g of lithium will be produced at the anode.
B. 5.5 g of lithium will be produced at the cathode.
C. 11 g of lithium will be produced at the anode.
D. 11 g of lithium will be produced at the cathode.

1. What cell potential is required to force the electrolysis of a 1 mol/L solution of potassium iodide using
platinum electrodes? The net reaction equation for the electrolysis of is:

2. Calculate for the following equation:

Decide whether the equation represents a spontaneous or a nonspontaneous reaction at standard conditions.

3. Calculate for the following equation:

Decide whether the equation represents a spontaneous or a nonspontaneous reaction at standard conditions.

4. Copper can be purified from impure copper. Impure copper is used as the anode and pure copper is plated out
at the cathode. What mass of copper will be deposited at the cathode if the cell operates for 12.00 h with a
current of 11.5 A? The reaction at the cathode is .

5. Many “muscle” car enthusiasts like to use chrome-plated engine parts when restoring a muscle car of the
1960s or 1970s. Even though this is not how the engine originally appeared, many restorers find that the shiny
look enhances their project. Using the following equation, determine how long it would take to plate 25.0 g of
chromium onto a valve cover for a car engine if a current of 8.50 A is applied.

Short Answer

1. Will a reaction take place if a strip of zinc metal is placed in a solution of lead(II) sulfate? Justify your

2. What is a fuel cell?

3. List four factors that accelerate the corrosion of iron.

4. Explain why many new cars have galvanized body parts.

5. The following reaction is the overall reaction for the electrolysis of sodium sulfate solution using inert

What is the cathode reaction in this electrolytic cell?

6. Predict the net cell reaction during the electrolysis of 1 mol/L copper sulfate solution, , using
platinum electrodes.
Ch 14 Review
Answer Section

1. ANS: A 8. ANS: D 15. ANS: B

2. ANS: B 9. ANS: A 16. ANS: A
3. ANS: D 10. ANS: D 17. ANS: A
4. ANS: C 11. ANS: C 18. ANS: B
5. ANS: D 12. ANS: C 19. ANS: B
6. ANS: D 13. ANS: B
7. ANS: C 14. ANS: B


1. ANS:

More than 1.37 V must be applied to make this reaction proceed.

2. ANS:

E°cell for the reaction is negative, so the reaction is nonspontaneous.

3. ANS:

E°cell for the net reaction is positive, so the reaction is spontaneous.

4. ANS:

The mass of copper deposited at the cathode will be 164 g.

5. ANS:

It would take 3.03 h to plate 25.0 g of chromium.

1. ANS:

The cell potential for the net reaction is positive, so a zinc strip will react spontaneously with lead(II)
sulfate solution.
2. ANS: A fuel cell is an electric cell that produces electricity by the reaction of continually supplied fuel.

3. ANS:
Factors that accelerate the corrosion of iron are:
- the presence of acidic solutions
- the presence of an electrolyte
- mechanical stress on the metal surface
- contact with less active metals

4. ANS:
One way to protect iron or steel from rusting is to coat it with zinc. Iron so treated is called galvanized iron. If
the zinc coating is scratched, the zinc will corrode rather than the iron because zinc is a more reactive metal
than iron. Galvanized parts of a car are thus protected from excessive corrosion.

5. ANS:

6. ANS:
- cathode:
- anode:
- net:

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