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English Worksheet

Actividad 1: "There is" y "There are" con útiles escolares

Multiple Choice (Selección Múltiple)

Choose the correct answer:

1)______ a pencil in the box.

a) There is (hablamos de 1 cosa)

b) There are (hablamos de 2 cosas o mas)

2) ______ two erasers on the table.

a) There is

b) There are

Look the following image and create 4 sentences using there is (2) and there are (4):
1. There is a calculator on the table. (Allí hay una calculadora sobre la mesa)
2. There are four notebooks on the table. (Allí hay cuatro cuadernos sobre la mesa)

Fill in the Blanks (Completar Oraciones)

Fill in the blanks with "there is" or "there are":

______ a ruler under the chair.

______ three notebooks in my backpack.

Matching (Términos Pareados)

Match the items with their locations:

Column A Column B
Pencil Under the desk
Books On the shelf
Eraser – Rubber (goma de borrar) Next to the door
Example: There is a pencil on the shelf. There are notebooks on the shelf.

Correct the Sentences (Corregir Oraciones)

Correct the mistakes in these sentences:

There is three libraries in the school.


There are a cafeteria next to the gym.


Actividad 3: Uso de preposiciones

Fill in the Blanks (Completar Oraciones)

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

The book is ______ the desk. (on/under/next to)

The ruler is ______ the pencil case. (in/on/under)

Multiple Choice (Selección Múltiple)

Choose the correct preposition:

1) The library is ______ the second floor.

a) on

b) in

c) next to

2) The art classroom is ______ the music room.

a) on

b) near

c) in

Actividad 4: "It is", "It isn't", "Is it...?", "Yes, it is", "No, it isn't"

Multiple Choice (Selección Múltiple)


Multiple Choice (Selección Múltiple)

Choose the correct answer:

1) Is it a pencil?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it isn’t.

2) Is it a backpack?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it isn’t.

3) Is it a chair?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it isn’t.

4) Is it a ruler?

a) Yes, it is.

b) No, it isn’t.

Fill in the blanks with "it is" or "it isn’t":

______ a pen, ______ a marker.

______ a classroom, ______ a library.

______ a notebook, ______ a textbook.

______ a chair, ______ a table.

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