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Hho there ave pretxsting 8 oe usilhin ond ol ——- ie ee a = » doen moer sto low aie “the poremment_| oe AB its ook obsering the mocal, it's ook low fp | —evsmpes Cond _ Grea oe oe _+ Gou._soys—it is tule _for_prolection of —_} ____ pie \neolthy foul i} interferes auth aa freedom | i “ogee eHhok lau o1e fF comected uth moc they von the —foxnal prccess of encting, she (ow : = ib sk is approved then ceeanieliniiaiiaaaia | Most honing Hhieg 10 low — a — | There 1596 Jou without soncly 0 ‘ond 00 soe withou! low : - oo . _ : | iho) —sosely there is eo. low ond ustheut low thie 0-00 sahely | Aotuntisen v3 a | Nokiclts believe Hee _ave_nolual Fa ote favor | Tee | tis inogocdon) “Fo. understand in which woy the fu oppo no lives _ond__oshere i} comes fron cuneate Gee es Diteck Souiaes : weiter lows ond _customn | __= independent from other lows Se oe Eee + Indiect sounes + ose ond juaspadere ee eee gt Seca en SC Fy cy ete et ses 1 wo eceaeencen cree eee EE | idee oe be spoken, boul os |__ = consiidsoa ee | ____= lows _enoeted by the poilioment. OS oe Custom 3 o “source of a 7 a [eee naturalism . ee | _§ poodemies believe thot wie hove o custom when we be | —1ules _Fhoh ore binding on. Th, that behavior cnt be | plochioedin_sociely of shall be 0 behowar that is proche’ | C oN Bee aes ib —legalle sarge) . 7 custom. habits people comp out in _iks es Shot ies believe thot ase legally mondaboys.. ee by mainly _solwolists — - vers pd : > departs “on _walten bw — : - “deasion of Ihe cous = As a sone of low, shen oO Sade onoves a. decision : will be possible to apply in ober cous. =n be™ no legal roles a - a be ra er ond Hao tre aed fo decide which to” oped = smight ok) _uathi a low : wee __> nob shoigh) found ? + = pps. 4 low wis to odhieve =u wont to howe some pdictololidy. obouk low so we. ore nok conghh ea exomple + — we. loe_conuicled with o sentewe thot is — thon the ones that oie prescribed in low a __covboinky : : E : Soskce + + low anonts to be foir ons do gushee fox cihtzens » should — protect czars Oec : . : stow _wonts fo odnieve Orepnized sociely Criteria _for__lihoplion = W's feloted with cerboinky * We wont to ochieve pedctobiily in our decsions + When we are in likgphon, we hove sule Hof will pe vo cerfointy ond help DW sole the care Conia) of Power : ©. Oe _con_be clave the law Th, the low is Shuctured in brandnes so it doen} hoppen: — - execuhve + pene} - legisloive : ~ porioment = juacol . cub + This doesn} meon. Shey don} hove eodn others power become indees they coool eadh other ond coy vt each other powes. Croctersties of low. Gerealily ond Abskochon tole of Jow: we hove o odsdiction thot is based on the law , evetyore must occep} the low , the law ix olbove alt ond it's the some for ali ao conaele cre - z Dubble = __|aee cals: . ee eet ia Even if it's dffer the trol, i+ migak be wana! 7 “Consistency obshocrion: the low is applicable fo seveicl carer ond nob just _gerensily: “The low is applicable to evetyone | “everyone is olde to see Ihe enacled lows sin PT, “Dido do Reptbrea", it's where encited Jowd o1€ published. - Reloted fo cedoinky (a funchon of low) Bop Lows roll__exish ond skoll_ be enocted just Jo apply to cones in He fulve, ae +con'd_ be enforced on post sihiahons es onl aaeeisia eget Tox Low ort Camninad) Low become the nights of cihzen ore being pakas offended. e __exomple: \f the _sockion choepps after he commitment of o came bur befoe the inal, the —sonchion opplied _neuest . 7 AR the sockion _inerenses , the “smatlest would be applied _ foc the _wall_being oF the cikeen. | Pecessible: as ~The [ow shal be understandable by the cil zend nthe” low adi cssve the cvle> in dhe keel sypshen a1 eal canlmdilay in tre different — legal systems, we hove different _urqus to swwelvie the low and different iimportonce towards 4he Soucey een = : 5 (oop system: the procedures for rokeipreling ond enforcing the law The lecp) systems ave + * common law civil lous other (religious low , which 1s not low dy ibself .) ! 10 Porlygpl we hove” €sto8o_ Laieo"', which neon is ia independent from religion Common Lav — Bown in Ye UA, i+ wor developed in the Middle Ager - Did no} hove 0 shong legslohive fod which feted in the courts Su0g104, ond ereding, the precedence whey jpaical decisions ore made_with oe oe vncuiledoe and applying, Previow cared. : Noundoys the legislalive body ia the UA is chanced ond thee is sepowlicn of “powers being _legislalive the mast pawerfi. » Now) there is moe widen law Poho _Decidendi ond Ober _dicl G we of feos0ning |OF a certain decision of a coud The incidental _noke> of thal decisions — _exoraple;___ \960 = _-mader of son to molhec 1920: moder of nother to son the gue aod soy hak the case is nat the some soi} con} “be ued. __» the —raio _decidendi woud not be ae cable hee ~The jedgg nove the tou ne > foc jostonce when thee is 90 _ peniare | eebaint wh the cmon _ “empue oom - s.lawags enn of Noss which became o cowl cove ana panenecenueere renee systemhe se} of tules, 2 aa ‘ol\ tule celal to each ~ usdilen ow is dhe “snot icnpoitan = specifically civil code i eee = gunsprndene is innpactodt to. conuince a. judge o 8 = . low for everything ond_some- st kes we hoe a cout ying to find o decision whey thee is 90 spake le or dk easily interpret). — exemple: payment at _onidaight, uahich day is a? | Sedge interpre the low o> Ss cheady mode ~ lnguisilosal _comls 3 Suey avs 40 Hove who ore in ial ond dives within 4he cane. i Pavole Lows us Pablic Low | Public low: con cooly an uihob 1s foreseen by the ewied =_inudlues_the state comple: wie ee low: condo eveything except ashob > fobidien by the cle le __ox@ _penerally beyond private low. loterests _of _the lous: __-fetion usin _ renggpisee ____teavotel _enlity . ee 2 et eek ~Domedkic ond International os anon a ean gage — lov vary from. ___ = Soup nade — ae —_ opglied o Pothioal |. ih sx enon youhoeo_lepl_spten tak —— apgies to ib ee Se ino wold cf pjolooliastion = evewday ____peagie_from every —_jOsda\ | it : Intewoticeol Lows = : ee Bois. to_cedain_siwahorn __ushere there ove tol icons involved Les a be ae ee rr ~ low _ejocced i _O.covntry's judsachion Suntonkive _ond Procedural « ) \ : the dghnts of G tues fo enforce ciizen: iiself) et ee ee Ls core of pruote lows sack impotent set of rules that gover the _selakiom _behwieen _cilhizen: ~ when oe don't howe oa seecific laws tell tote, to gn do cnr _code to] See the «Wes tha ace Seplicable_ + Peok ia _Caimical_lo > hower = always needs __evidence -_ Thee ore ponshs > oo sevphe Mrey being pad in | __ hey being, pad - ee Moin inie@t & the commusiy i uO! _In_comanon lows Tanto. —> Tonle Bastia a The trator too propely “of th oneb (neexow oe ae the bwin) OLE ate asin Raat iste pone noha public _coanpany : large _comgonies that have its | sho inthe stociA aver Paudke_componys Owned py _paudle showhoiders | ast ft i ya a tt — b eHicent —o__separate legal person: We o1e_oll_sujech to_ght> ond duties =, ernecare nrg rn “Companies ae SUpject to Aight ond_dukies , ove. ego is “he ue ——__| _- iol they nce ten pene ed ee = Sumn_O} _omasals thot ove pub in) O comeony by jb shareholder: = | = oe. tf | Aller Ly the compnay haat fo ose Lt rt hs tn coc iasoeaa ae un lionided_Vidiby oo 6h 7 . ond fhe shareholders | ___O1@_aumidoy —Femndiaiag —poyment | ean aie — oe i eae —_byirene of uninformed | = people : lined _ficontyy ———|—_______-only_pnys_io0 € bik offer 16 the —_|_____houe _protils” they may have fo pay the lone ee ao : | : 4 as one goity—fo_-amcriboy_t_toe_|_ sue Hho} tre Other gotky won't we C«COiding 40 sb interes | | Aaercy Poblem | nenagprsd diced tn be b 2 Jyorehoers —_Ovsneo of a _coengony) | = __| + mennner / rectors = derising ened i 0_coiinacrys ——§-——_— ____ Shacholdes- -ond_arepen / Seon nlecests _moy_o¢ Moe _____90r_be_alligned The here frome _( shol} 01 log tern) ____ alfeck nis. . : ~oyeement:inshaxnenl designed _to_align_he_inkerenb> of. vo _ pdtv ond there _oddce> the _gopncy problem L = Mow Yo200 ts 19 present : = —Toggnny problema —bebuleen 2 ____asyeneneice _infocon ‘ _coeeng Ne mmote_ infomation _albout- anes i . thon shahobes” uthich moves it Move diffs #0 ____ __- SOhwe__the __Qognty — p/dioienn = —___ how to foce eT +629) i — a — _gpieinante_stioke.gi_=_mencopds oce_cemmunuicted _____ pcentdng to _catmnponys per — | bf exh gayment ——s by _alis_oll_poilie ove _ eee ee —| = noeenogavasters ob touoes pupae) pose aI. “Sf_O _corngany's -legpl_petccoaliy cnd_hianted lictbhiy — | + what — shen, a a ee nace etn nt et + there or_voson specific ream fo piecing the commie ve

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