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YEAR 10 • Nº 196 FEBRUARY 09th, 2024


ISSN 2446-7014

Russia-Ukraine Conflict:
Russian capabilities in the Black Sea

and a further 10 articles in this edition

No 196 • february 09th, 2024
Boletim Geocorrente is a biweekly publication from EDITORIAL BOARD
the Conjuncture Assessment Group (NAC), which is
connected to the Department of Research and Post BRAZILIAN NAVAL WAR COLLEGE'S
Graduation (SPP) at the Naval War College (EGN). DIRECTOR
Rear Admiral Gustavo Calero Garriga Pires
The NAC monitors the International Conjunction
under the theoretical lens of Geopolitics and Ocean SUPERINTENDENT OF RESEARCH AND
politics in order to provide an alternative for the global POST-GRADUATION AT THE BRAZIL-
demand for information, making it accessible and IAN NAVAL WAR COLLEGE
integrating society to the topics of defense and national Rear Admiral (Retd) Marcio Magno de Farias Franco e
security. Moreover, the Boletim allows for the spread Silva
of knowledge on crises and international conflict while EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
aiming to meet the demands of the Naval Staff. Captain (Retd) Leonardo F. de Mattos (EGN)
The publication has the purpose of publishing small SCIENTIFIC EDITOR
articles regarding current issues from 10 different Prof. Dr. Rafael Zelesco Baretto (EGN)
macro-regions: South America; North and Central
America; Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North ASSISTANT EDITORS
Jéssica Germano de Lima Silva (EGN)
Africa; Europe; Russia and former USSR; South Asia; Noele de Freitas Peigo (Facamp)
East Asia; Southeast Asia and Oceania; Arctic and Thayná Fernandes Alves Ribeiro (UFF)
Antarctica. Furthermore, one can find the “Special Victor Eduardo Kalil Gaspar Filho (EGN)
Topics” section, regarding some latent issues in
International Relations. GRAPHIC DESIGN
Pedro Nobre Vecchia (UFRJ)
The research group responsible for the Boletim is TRANSLATION AND REVIEW
composed of members from multiple areas of expertise, Lucas Salles Pithon Macedo (UFRJ)
whose multitude of backgrounds and experiences
provide a wide analysis of international conjuncture
and current issues. Thus, it seeks to identify the major
themes, motivational factors and main actors regarding
the escalation of conflicts and ongoing crises as well as
their outcomes.


For publishing in the Boletim, the author is required to be a researcher at NAC's "Geopolítica Corrente” (Current
Geopolitics) group and submit their article containing a maximum of 400 words to the peer review evaluation

The texts in this Boletim are of sole responsibility of their authors, not reflecting any official opinion
from the EGN or the Brazilian Navy.

The full publishing of any article from this Boletim is only allowed with a full citation of the author and source,
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Cover: Russian Naval Ships

By: Russia's Ministry of Defence
Source: Wikimedia

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BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Carolina Vasconcelos de Oliveira Silva (PUC-Rio) Amanda Neves Leal Marini (ECEME)
Franco Napoleão A. de Alencastro Guimarães (PUC-Rio) João Gabriel Fischer Morais Rego (ECEME)
Isadora Jacques de Jesus (UFRJ) Maria Clara Vieira Schneider Vianna (UFRJ)
João Victor Marques Cardoso (UNIRIO) Melissa Rossi (Suffolk University)
José Ricardo de Oliveira Araujo (UFRJ) Pedro Nobre Vecchia (UFRJ)
Luísa Barbosa Azevedo (UFRJ) Vitória de França Fernandes (UFRJ)
Mariana Bastos Fraguito (UFRJ)
Nicole Eduarte Silva Chifunga (UFF) RUSSIA & FORMER USSR
Vanessa Passos Bandeira de Sousa (ESG) Gabriel Willian Duarte Constantino (UFRJ)
José Gabriel de Melo Pires (ECEME)
SOUTH AMERICA Luiza Gomes Guitarrari (UFRJ)
Bruna da Silveira Eloy (UFRJ) Pedro Mendes Martins (ECEME)
Fernanda Carvalho Calado Coutinho (UFF) Pérsio Glória de Paula (Saint Petersburg University)
Gabriel Augusto Almeida da Silva (UFRJ) Rafael Esteves Gomes (UFRJ)
Luciano Veneu Terra (UFF)
Pedro Emiliano Kilson Ferreira (Univ. de Santiago) SOUTHEAST ASIA & OCEANIA
Rafael Henrique de Almeida Bandeira Araujo (UFRJ) Guilherme de Oliveira Carneiro (UFRJ)
Maria Gabriela Veloso Camelo (PUC-Rio)
NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA Matheus Bruno Ferreira Alves Pereira (UFRJ)
Gabriel Paradela Heil (UFRJ) Thayná Fernandes Alves Ribeiro (UFF)
Kaike Ferreira Mota (UFRJ)
Taynah Pires Ferreira (UFRJ) SOUTH ASIA
Victor Cabral Ribeiro (PUC-Rio) Eduardo Araújo Mangueira (UFRJ)
Victor Eduardo Kalil Gaspar Filho (EGN) Gabriela Siqueira Duarte dos Santos (UFRJ)
Lucas Mitidieri (UFRJ)
ARCTIC & ANTARCTIC Maria Fernanda Császár Lima Ferreira (UFRJ)
Gabriela Paulucci da Hora Viana (UFRJ) Rebeca Vitória Alves Leite (EGN)
Gabriele Marina Molina Hernandez (UFF) Renan Guimarães Canellas de Oliveira (PUC-Rio)
Jayanne Balbino Soares (UFF)
EUROPE Raquel Torrecilha Spiri (UNESP)
Guilherme Francisco Pagliares de Carvalho (UFF) Victor Magalhães Longo de Carvalho Motta (UFRJ)
Maria Victoria R. Scarlatelli de Menezes (PUC-Rio)
Marina Autran Caldas Bonny (UFRJ)
Millene Sousa dos Santos (UFRJ)
Rafaela Caporazzo de Faria (UFRJ)

João Pedro Ribeiro Grilo Cuquejo (Kobe University)
Marcelle Torres Alves Okuno (EGN)
Maria Eduarda Araújo Castanho Parracho (UERJ)
Philipe Alexandre Junqueira (UERJ)
Rodrigo Abreu de Barcellos Ribeiro (UFF)
Thomas Dias Placido (UFSC)

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Security crisis in Ecuador........................................................................................5 A geopolitical analysis of the Taiwanese elections................................................12

The ambitious strengthening of Colombia’s national defense system in 2024........6 Under the sea: Chinese interests on the ocean floor............................................13
Economic perspectives for Cuba.............................................................................7 Bangladesh’s election results: the tumultuous journey of Bengali politics and the
Awami League ......................................................................................................14
The role of the Namibian Navy in the South Atlantic...............................................8
The new Indian Antarctic station: a new range for national technological
EUROPE capabilities.............................................................................................................15
Instability in Serbia and the complex geopolitical arena of the Balkans..................9


A new moment in the Middle East: “return” of the Islamic State after a period of
Selected Articles & Defense News........................... 16
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Russian capabilities in the Black Sea............................11
Geocorrente Calendar.............................................. 16
References............................................................... 17
Risk Map.................................................................. 18

By: Kaike Mota

For more information on the criteria used, see page 18.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Security crisis in Ecuador

Bruna da Silveira Eloy

O n early January of 2024, Ecuador was struck by a

series of violent events, such as kidnappings of police
officers, a television studio being invaded, the jailbreak
maintenance of public order. This phenomenon is made
clear vis-à-vis the incapacity of states to contain the
advancement of drug trafficking, due to the designation
of criminal leaders and incursions inside universities of the groups as terrorist as well as the cartels’ violence.
by armed groups. Those events have led President Furthermore, one can observe an internationalization of
Daniel Noboa to officially declare the existence of an criminal organizations, especially those of Colombian
“internal armed conflict” in the country and utilize the and Mexican origin. The growing sophistication of these
armed forces for the combat of groups associated with groups, as seen by the Los Choneros cartel, and its ties
drug trafficking and organized crime, as a militarization to the Sinaloa cartel, from Mexico, indicate complex
strategy. Vis-à-vis that scenario, one must question: what dynamics that exceed borders.
are the challenges and implications of this strategy, and In addition, institutional frailty in many instances of
what other factors boost the crisis? government, characterized by corruption, the dissolution
In recent years, Ecuador has faced an increase in of the Ecuadorian Congress in May of 2023 (Boletim
insecurity, marked by high homicide rates. According to 183) and the assassination of presidential candidate
the Ecuadorian Organized Crime Observatory (OECO in Fernando Villavicencio in August of that year, aggravate
Spanish), the country registered a record-breaking 7,878 the challenge of more efficiently countering criminal
homicides in 2023, in contrast to the over 1,187 of 2019, structures, due to difficulties in domestic coordination.
making the country the most violent in South America, In summary, militarization emerges as an imperative
with a rate of 45 homicides per 100 thousand people. response to the security crisis in Ecuador, but its efficacy
The militarization strategy is not exclusively remains uncertain vis-à-vis the complexity of the
Ecuadorian, as countries such as Colombia and Mexico scenario. In addition to that approach, it is essencial to
face similar challenges. Historical pressure from the coordinate efforts and reform domestic and international
United States (US), based on the perception of a frailty cooperation in order to overcome subjacent structural
in justice and public safety systems, has motivated a causes to the issue, such as the presence of domestic
recurrence in the employment of armed forces for the criminal groups and institutional fragility.

Source: Insight Crime

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p05.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024
The ambitious strengthening of Colombia’s national defense system in 2024
Gabriel Augusto

S ince the beginning of the Gustavo Petro administration

in August of 2022, Colombia has been directing its
efforts towards more notorious stages of military power.
companies Cotecmar and Damen Shipyards Group,
presented a new light frigate: PES 10714C, which will be
armed with equipment from South Korea, Spain, France
Through a project aimed at materializing the Integral and Italy. In turn, the army — through a US$ 407 million
Defense System (Siden, in Spanish) — which seeks investment — has acquired Elbit System’s ATMOS, a
to coordinate actions by the armed forces and develop 6x6 155mm/52 caliber self-propelled artillery system
strategic capabilities in the medium and long term for which allows for autonomous operation and automatic
facing operational difficulties in defense and national loading so as to increase firepower.
security — the country anticipates to fully bring to In contrast, notorious investment in the armed forces
life its military ambitions until 2024. The project, during the Petro administration highlight the Colombian
costing approximately US$ 1.136 billion, will cover government’s urgency for a modernization of its assets,
the construction of a light frigate and a self-propelled considering the recurrent threats to the country’s
artillery system. However, this modernization does not sovereignty, such as Venezuela’s incursions for countering
happen just because, as it relates to the foreign threats drug trafficking, potential Russian surveillance in areas
that the country faces. Therefore, what can one expect bordering Venezuela, and diplomatic tensions with Israel
from Siden’s development in Colombia’s defense and in opposition to the latter’s actions in Gaza.
security? Therefore, one can notice that the Siden’s unfoldings
Amid the process of renewing its strategic capabilities, already outline the profile of military restructuring
Colombia has advanced in actions related to the sought by Colombia for 2024, with investments in more
strengthening of its military forces. For the Colombian modern equipments that adapt to the complex domestic
navy, there was a US$ 430 million investment for the and regional realities of Bogotá. Thus, the country can
construction of its first-ever Strategic Surface Platform be considered a player capable of employing new means
(PES), which, through a partnership between shipbuilding to dissuade potential threats to its defense and security.

Multimission Frigate Prototype Damen Sigma 10514

Source: Poder Naval

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p06.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Economic perspectives for Cuba

Taynah Pires Ferreira

A mid scarcity of basic items and energy instability,

Cuba faces grave economic crisis (Boletim 135). The
COVID-19 pandemic and harder economic embargoes
The current plan for economic recovery, however,
imposes new challenges to Cuban society and does not
present specific measures for reducing food scarcity
imposed on the island by the Trump (2017-2020) and and energy instability. In that scenario, the government
continued by the Biden (2021-) administrations worsen shall develop strategic plans aiming to allocate resources
the problem. For 2024, the Cuban government has for a boost in food production so as to safeguard the
presented a plan for macroeconomic adjustments aiming autonomy of local distribution. Furthermore, the energy
to reduce government spending. However, the measures crisis proves a need for diversification of energy sources,
presented have proved themselves counterproductive to given that 80% of the country’s energy comes from oil
socioeconomic stabilization in the country. Considering derivatives, according to the International Energy Agency
the current scenario, one must question what are the (IEA). One shall also point out that the lack of foreign
potential economic perspectives for Cuba, considering investment represents an obstacle for Cuban growth. In
domestic and international aspects. that sense, one can highlight Russia’s role as a strategic
The ongoing Cuban economic scenario is indeed the partner, as Russian companies have demonstrated interest
result of a series of those different factors. In that sense, in key sectors of the Cuban economy, such as agriculture,
the COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected one of the industry, energy, and others (Boletim 174).
country’s main economic sectors, the tourism industry. In In summary, the adoption of measures granting
addition, the imposition of new sanctions by the United autonomy for the provision of basic items and energy
States has particularly aided in the island’s economic sovereignty in the country can indeed be considered
strain (Boletim 104). Consequently, one can observe relevant. Such adjustments require the implementation
a contraction of the country’s GDP in 2023, as well as of plans that aim at Havana’s strategic development,
inflation unmanageability. As a means of stabilizing prioritizing agriculture, energy and tourism. It is also
the island’s economy, President Miguel Díaz-Canel has adequate to think about ways to attract foreign investment,
announced a series of macroeconomic adjustments, which building upon economic and commercial growth while
include increases in the electricity bill and modifications affirming Cuba’s sovereignty.
in the rules for State subsidies over basic items.

Source: Translating Cuba

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p07.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

The role of the Namibian Navy in the South Atlantic

Mariana Fraguito

N amibia, located in the West African coast, is the

target of many foreign interests due to the presence
of multiple energy resources. The country possesses
Since then, the African State has been reaffirming its
maritime power through naval exercises and cooperation
with regional and foreign navies.
the Port of Walvis Bay, one of the largest in the region, An example of the presence of foreign powers is that
which has direct access to the main global trade routes of the Indian navy, through a mission by the INS Sumedha
and receives approximately 3,000 ships per year, totaling patrol vessel on Walvis Bay in November 2023, aimed
5 million tons of cargo. In addition, the discovery of at strengthening preexisting friendship ties with African
offshore oil reserves was announced by the National countries. India’s intention, with its rampant economic
Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) in growth, can be cooperation with important countries in
January of 2024. This is the fourth significant discovery the context of African energy (Boletim 183), aiming to
in the region after the discovery of the first one, in 2022 expand its regional influence and access to resources for
— hailed as a new hope for the country’s economic sustaining its own growth. Therefore, this performance
development. These discoveries naturally attract a can be a cause for concern in the region.
growing number of extra-regional players. Thus, one Namibia’s case is important for demonstrating how
must question: what is the role of the Namibian Navy in a safe and stable maritime space is essential for the
this scenario? development of economic activities. In that sense, the
Maritime presence in the South Atlantic is indeed Namibian Navy is crucial for the guarantee of safety of
crucial for the promotion of security and cooperation navigation, the conduction of search and rescue (SAR)
between the countries that compose Namibia’s strategic activities and the maintenance of underwater lines of
context. Brazil plays a significant role in that process, as communication, especially due to the relevance of the
it is present in the region since the establishment of the Port of Walvis Bay. Thus, one can highlight the relevance
South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (ZOPACAS), of aid from the Brazilian Navy and the potential for
in 1986. Furthermore, Brazil has also supported, through Brazilian companies to participate in the enlarging of the
its own navy, the formation of that of Namibia, and has Namibian Navy's capabilities.
a maritime cooperation agreement in place since 1994.

Source: National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia

National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia announces discovery of offshore oil block in Orange Basin.

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p08.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Instability in Serbia and the complex geopolitical arena of the Balkans

Maria Clara Vieira Schneider Vianna

T he Balkans are a territory of historical unrest: since

the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, countries
in the region have, since the 1990’s, tried to seek out the
sociopolitical instability sparked by the protests is once
more elevated to a dispute between the EU and Russia.
The EU tends to act with caution towards Serbia due
European Union (EU) without entirely abandoning their to the tensions regarding Kosovo’s independence, which
ties to Russia. In addition to these regional dynamics are is recognized by most of the bloc’s members. But, the
the countries’ own domestic tensions, a consequence of growing Russian presence in the Balkans creates a rush
the local independence processes. That is indeed the case for the EU’s need to reinforce its position in the region.
for Kosovo, a Serbian territory which has declared In addition to this context, there is the Hungary-
independence but is not yet recognized by Serbia, Russian rapprochement, which happened some time
which is a candidate for accession into the European before the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a union of two
Union (EU), but has resisted the bloc’s pressures and countries with interests of expanding their influence on
did not impose sanctions on Russia after the start of Serbia and the Balkans as a whole. One must highlight the
the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In December of 2023, overcoming of the Hungarian obstacle in the release of
after its parliamentary elections, Serbia saw the rise of assistance for Ukraine during the EU Summit on February
nation-wide protests contesting the voting results, amid 1st of this year. Budapest having turned to Moscow meant
which there were allegations of Russian influence. In it took a step away from the EU and the Western bloc,
that scenario, this article seeks to analyze the current making support to Belgrade a strategic asset for the
instability in Serbia as well as the rapprochement between strengthening of Russia-Hungary relations. Thus, the
the Balkan countries and Russia. articulation of Hungarian interests in its neighbor Serbia,
Protests asking for new elections have led thousands alongside the possibility of a new front — although not
of Serbs to the streets, suggesting that the results, which immediately military — in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
were favorable to the current president, would have represents the historical Russian strategy of exploring
been a fraud orchestrated by his party. The Serbian European socioeconomic problems.
government, in turn, stated that the EU would be Upon that scenario, one can conclude that the situation
supporting the protests, in somewhat of a de-stabilization in the Balkans reflects not only Serbia’s domestic
campaign. However, a representative of the European challenges, but also a complex arena of geopolitical
Commission has denied the accusations, claiming they rivalry, which will demand a cautious approach by the
are similar to Russian propaganda. In a certain manner, the European Union.

Source: Gis Report

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p09.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

A new moment in the Middle East: “return” of the Islamic State after a period of contention
Amanda Marini

T he Geopolitics of the Middle East are characterized

by intra and interstate conflict, in which the notorious
and always present domestic and foreign players bring
the death of Iraqi soldiers and an attack on a church in
Turkey. It is worth highlighting that Soleimani was the
commander of the Iranian troops that faced and militarily
forth a high number of elements into the conjuncture defeated the terrorist group in the past decade, therefore
analysis. By observing the return and the presence of the the present bombings carry also a high symbolic value,
Islamic State (ISIS) in the region, this claim becomes serving as a vivid illustration of the group’s intentions to
only more based on the reality of the facts. Regarding return to its former glory.
the actions by extra-regional players, in the beginning of For such, ISIS has conducted geopolitical shifts,
January, vis-à-vis the scenario of ISIS’s expansion, the especially in the fields of defense and security, as its
United States confirmed the deployment of 1,500 military main source of revenue is looting, smuggling and the
personnel to Iraq and Syria, aiming to help counter ISIS. sale of artworks and archaeological artifacts in the
Considering that scenario, what implications does ISIS’s illegal market, in addition to kidnappings and drug
ressurgence have in regional geopolitics? trafficking. Another aspect of the geopolitical domain is
Despite containment after its peak period of activity, that the Islamic State, aiming to re-establish its influence,
between 2014 and 2017 — when it commanded and becomes one more variable with region-wide capabilities
controlled significant pieces of territory in the Middle among the also strong players, such as Iran and Saudi
East based on the promotion of terror, coercion and fear Arabia — especially in the current context of conflict
—, ISIS has never ceased to exist, as it has conducted between Israel and Hamas, the latter a paramilitary player
actions of insurgence and low intensity in small pieces with which ISIS possesses hostilities and differences.
of land, especially in Syria and Iraq. However, in recent Thus, the implications of ISIS’ return are built upon its
weeks the group has claimed large-scale acts, more capacity to not only impact and involve various players,
notoriously the attacks during the 4-year anniversary of but also to alter the local geopolitical course of such an
the death of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, as well as unstable region.

Source: Critical Threats

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p10.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Russian capabilities in the Black Sea
Rafael Esteves

D ue to its strategic location and traditional status as

a zone of Russian influence, the Black Sea is of
utmost importance for Moscow, considering that it is
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in recent decades
has undermined Russian control over the region. That
has allowed for an aggressive strategy from Moscow to
also where one of the most important ports in Russia, maintain its influence, one exemplified in the hostilities
Novorossiysk, is located. Therefore, the Kremlin will with Ukraine.
naturally invest in resources and efforts in the region, At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict,
aiming to preserve its control vis-à-vis the projects of Moscow could greatly overshadow Kyiv’s naval power
its global adversaries, as is the case during the Russia- projection through the destruction of its surface assets.
Ukraine conflict. In that scenario, one can notice that Still, the Russian navy has neither obtained full control
the Russian armed forces have been facing problems for of the coast nor incapacitated Ukrainian armed forces
power projection in the region. Thus, one must question: from conducting maritime operations in the western
what are the current Russian capabilities for power portion of the Black Sea, which can be confirmed by the
projection in the Black Sea? multiple drone attacks on Russian vessels, such as with
The Black Sea is of great importance in Russian the Ivanovets corvette in early February. Those difficulties
international strategy. Firstly, it is a maritime region compromise Russian military operations and facilitate
where it is possible to sail during the entire year, without Ukrainian attacks on Crimea.
the risk of freezing. Another important point is how the Vis-à-vis that scenario, one can perceive the attack on
Black Sea can help Russian projection over the Middle the Russian corvette as a demonstration that Russia does
East and Mediterranean, especially through naval means, not have an absolute power projection over Ukraine, with
considering the geographic proximity of these subregions. Kyiv being capable of elaborating successful operations
For instance, it was only after the Russian annexation of in the western Black Sea. Such issues lead to difficulties
the Crimean peninsula, in 2014, that the country started for Russian military personnel and the vulnerability of
to have direct participation on the conflicts in Libya and Russian bases on the Crimean Peninsula.
Syria. Regarding that scenario, the expansion of the North

Source: Poder Naval

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p11.
BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

A geopolitical analysis of the Taiwanese elections

Philipe Alexandre

T he first week of 2024 have been challenging

to China’s strategic surroundings due to events
involving allied and bordering countries. However, the
Nauru, Nicaragua, Panama, Sao Tome and Principe and
Solomon Islands
In addition, according to the spokesperson of China’s
presidential election in Taiwan is the one with the greatest chancellery on January of 2024, over 100 countries and
potential for mobilization of the Chinese armed forces, international organizations have reiterated commitment
and the most influent one for the national interests of to the One China principle. One can highlight the
the Chinese leadership, for Chinese-American relations, declaration by United States (US) president Joe Biden,
and for the global economy. Considering this scenario, on January 13th, that the US does not support the island’s
one shall ponder over the potential consequences of the independence. The primary aim is to avoid armed conflict
Taiwanese election results. vis-à-vis an allegedly emancipating move by Taipei, which
In Taiwan, the main political topic of the presidential counts on international support. According to estimates
elections is the relations between the island and by Bloomberg Economics, a war in Taiwan would cost
the continent. The victory of Lai Ching-te of the US$ 10 trillion, affecting surrounding communication
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), with 40,05% of lines and the global supply chain, as well as causing
votes, demonstrates that criticism towards Beijing is deterioration of the island’s GDP — considering that it is
sedimented in domestic public opinion. However, if it is the largest global supplier of semiconductors — in 40%,
true that the domestic scenario in Taiwan is challenging and Chinese and American economies in 16,7% and
to Beijing’s interests, the post-election geopolitical 6,7%, respectively, in the first year of conflict.
scenario was favorable. Therefore, it is unlikely that the result of the
Two days after the election, Nauru’s president Taiwanese elections alters its relations with China, US-
David Adeang announced the recognition of the China relations or the global economy, as the costs of
People’s Republic of China and the cut of ties with an armed conflict in the region are too big, and no side
the Republic of China. The number of countries which is willing to risk anything in the short and medium term.
recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty has decreased, and now The low probability of war, as well as Washington’s
stands at 12. Ever since the DPP assumed power, ten consideration of the status quo and the loss of Taiwanese
countries have cut ties with the island: Burkina Faso, international recognition, are factors that have given
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Kiribati, Beijing strategic advantages.

Source: WorldView

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p12.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024
Under the sea: Chinese interests on the ocean floor
Maria Fernanda Császár

I n January of 2024, Beijing announced the results of its

newest oceanic research. According to CGTN news
network, researchers have completed a 1:1,000,000 scale
line used for demarcating China’s territorial claims in
the SCS). In addition, Beijing aims to consolidate the
exploration of the SCS’s natural reserves, an endeavor
study of the deep-sea configuration at the South China that demands mapping of geological structures.
Sea (SCS), discovering 36 new geological formations Beijing’s objectives are ambitious and, in order
in the seafloor and presenting the official names — to bring them to life, the government has adopted an
in Mandarin — of 384 underwater structures. The approach that makes use of many different sectors of
scientific profit of these studies is of utmost importance society. Under the aegis of the Military-Civilian Fusion
for China, but one shall also question the geopolitical Strategy, the oceanic research conducted by China blurs
gains that come with the consolidation of underwater the lines between civilian and military instances. Many
research. of the vessels used for the survey are associated with the
The SCS is one of the most tense regions in the PLAN or to organizations close to it, such as the Chinese
current world scenario (Boletim 192). Being the stage Academy of Science. The use of these research vessels
for territorial dispute between China and Southeast sparks concerns not only in the SCS, but also in the Indian
Asian countries, it is also part of important trade routes Ocean (Boletim 193), as many countries question the real
and contains oil and gas reserves, as well as rare earth intentions of China’s research missions.
minerals. In strategic terms, studying the SCS sea floor In summary, the South China Sea’s ocean floor
is crucial for the production of maps and nautical charts. is now one more domain for Chinese projection.
For the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), that Whether through the naming of underwater structures
represents an advantage, especially regarding the use or the activities of civilian and military vessels, Beijing’s
of submarines, as, for protecting the claimed areas, the intentions are notorious. Vis-à-vis growing tensions in the
PLAN uses dissuasion, distributing its contingent of Jin region, one shall now observe the disputes that unfold,
Type 094-class submarines along the nine-dash line (a and the waves that it can cause in the Pacific Ocean.

Source: SCMP

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p13.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

Bangladesh’s election results: the tumultuous journey of Bengali politics and the Awami League
Gabriela Santos

O n January 7 , amidst election boycotts and mass After Mujibur's assassination in 1975, the League

arrest of opposition members, Sheikh Hasina returned to power from 1996 to 2001, and from 2009
secured her fourth consecutive term as Prime Minister onwards —, both periods happening under the leadership
of Bangladesh. Vis-à-vis a fractious domestic political of Sheikh Hasina and being marked by political
environment, and given the country's relevance as a conflict, particularly with the main opposition party, the
rising key player in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).
one shall see as imperative an overview of the Bengali Human rights violations, political assassinations,
political landscape under the rule of the Awami League. problems with transnational migration, and electoral
The oldest political party in Bangladesh, the Awami fraud have shaped the tumultuous Bengali history, which
League emerged in 1949, after the partition of the Indian recently seems to have taken an autocratic turn. Contrary
subcontinent between India and Pakistan and before the to the enduring political turmoil at home, however, the
establishment of Bangladesh. The then-East Pakistan League continues to fare reasonably well in international
Awami League initially solidified itself as a progressive circles, as Dhaka becomes an important player in the
and secular movement focused on the interests of the Indo-Pacific and attracts the attention of global players
Pakistani Bengali population. Following Bangladesh’s seeking to consolidate their positions in the IOR (Boletim
independence in 1971, the League led the country’s 194).
reconstruction under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Hasina tends to continue Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific
Rahman — founder of the Bengali State and father of policies in favour of greater regional stability. However,
the current Prime Minister —, with his foreign policy the chaotic scenario surrounding the recent elections is
dictum of “friendship to all, malice towards none.” challenging. Several players have pressured the League
Despite the economic crisis and famine in the immediate to uphold democratic values, and the United States
post-independence period, the League made remarkable criticised the “unfair and violent elections.” Given that
strides, such as the introduction of parliamentarism, the the country benefits significantly from foreign investment
rehabilitation of millions of refugees sheltered in India, and aid, the democratic backsliding in Bangladesh could
the establishment of the Constitution of Bangladesh, and threaten its economic development and the resilience of
the signing of the India-Bangladesh Friendship Treaty. the Awami League.

Source: ACLED Data

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p14.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

The new Indian Antarctic station: a new range for national technological capabilities
Gabriele Hernandez

A s one of the States with the largest technological

and developmental potential, India has a significant
presence in Antarctica, and indeed it seeks to gradually
region have changed their shape with time. The country
became a consultative member of the Antarctic Treaty
in 1983 — similarly to Brazil — and has built three
improve its polar infrastructures so as to do justice to research stations since: Dakshin Gangotri, Bharati and
the country’s capabilities (Boletim 162). In December Maitri. The latter was inaugurated in 1998, with a service
of 2023, the government began construction of a new life of only ten years, but it has managed to stay active
Antarctic station, to both replace station Maitri and until the present day. In addition to the replacement of
reinforce Indian activities on the South Pole. station Maitri, the government has also announced the
During the 1950s, the issue of Antarctic governance creation of its first-ever polar research vessel (PRV),
could not arrive at a solution that satistfied all seven guaranteeing that India wil remain independently in the
territorial claimants and other States interested in the continent, reinforcing its regional interests, for the next
continent, creating tensions between Western enemies decades.
and allies, especially during the early years of the cold Antarctica is the last frontier for Indian maritime
war and the post-nuclear world. In 1956, following strategy in the Indian Ocean, and its ocean floor is
its independence and decolonization processes, India included in the country’s energy exploration. The Indian
decided to take its Antarctic claim to the UN and strategic surroundings are also located in an area of
leave the continent’s management in the hands of the growing Chinese influence, which indicates that regional
organization. The measure found strong opposition matters, although very far, affect Antarctic geopolitics
from Argentina and Chile, and was at last replaced by in the large framework of its governance. The Indian
the Antarctic Treaty, but it indicated that India watched challenges, however, involve the establishment of its
closely the Antarctic issue and adopted a stance on own Antarctic policy and the assimilation of a strategy
governance which went against that imposed by the to unite objectives in foreign policy, defense, energy
British Empire during the years of colonization. and the environment, as, in addition to the phantom of
Although country initially assumed a decolonial imperialism, India has to deal with a Chinese presence
position regarding Antarctica, Indian interests in the that moves closer and closer to its own ambitions.

Source: UPSC
DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n196.p15.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024
By: Captain (Retd) Leonardo F. de Mattos
► Bridging Gaps Between the Geosciences and National Security
EOS, Chirico, Peter. Molnia, Bruce. Nguy-Robertson, Anthony. Opstal, Dan.
► A New Concept: Military Assistance to Protect the Environment
RUSI, Milburn, Richard.
► American Greatness and Decline
► The Next Global War
► Naval Special Warfare Will Have to Fight Differently

Click on the boxes to acess the references: By: Maria Fernanda Császár

Main events on February 08 - 22

08-09 09-10 12-14 13-14




14 16-18 11-21
17-18 20-23



BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

• Security crisis in Ecuador • Under the sea: Chinese interests on the ocean floor
OÑA, Pablo Velasco; QUEVEDO, Carolina Andrade. Ecuador: puntos clave China unveils results of basic geological survey of South China Sea. CGTN,
para comprender la ola de violencia. Le Grand Continent, jan. 18 2024. jan. 24 2024. Access on: jan. 31 2024
Access on: jan. 19 2024.
SABELLON,Vince Andre C. Look Into China's Race to the Seabed:
PINZÓN, Catalina Gil. Ecuador, don’t follow in the footsteps of Colombia and
Mexico. El País, jan. 19 2024. Access on: jan. 19 2024. Understanding China's Future in the Deep Sea and its Potential Threat to the
Philippines. National Defense College of the Philippines, dec. 14 2023.
• The ambitious strengthening of Colombia’s national Access on: jan. 31 2024
defense system in 2024
SAUMETH, Eric. Colombia proyecta la materialización completa de su • Bangladesh’s election results: the tumultuous journey
Sistema de Defensa Nacional para 2024. Infodefensa, jan. 15 2024. Access of Bengali politics and the Awami League
on: jan. 19 2024. ANBARASAN, Ethirajan & NG, Kelly. Bangladesh election: PM Sheikh
SAUMETH, Eric. Colombia y la materialización de su Sistema Integral de Hasina wins fourth term in controversial vote. BBC News, jan. 08 2024.
Defensa Nacional. Infodefensa, apr. 18 2022. Access on: jan. 30 2024. Access on: jan. 19 2024
BOSE, Sohini. Polls, politics, and foreign policy: Bangladesh in perspective.
• Economic perspectives for Cuba Observer Research Foundation, jan. 12 2024. Access on: jan. 19 2024
CARRANZA, Julio. Cuban economy on the threshold of 2024: crisis,
challenges and opportunities. OnCuba News, dec. 29 2023. Access on: jan.
18 2024 • The new Indian Antarctic station: a new range for
KNOBLOCH, Andreas. Cuba’s economic crisis: Will a paradigm shift help?. national technological capabilities
DW, jan. 04 2024. Access on: jan. 18 2024 CHATURVEDI, Sanjay. India and Antarctica: Towards post-colonial en-
gagement? In Brady, Anne-Marie (Organizadora): The Emerging Politics of
• The role of the Namibian Navy in the South Atlantic Antarctica. Nova Zelândia, 2013, pp 92-126
INS Sumedha mission deployed at Walvis Bay, Namibia. Maritimafrica, nov. SEQUEIRA. Newton. Goa-based centre to build India’s new Antarctica sta-
13 2023. Access on: nov. 14 2023. tion. Times of India, dec. 25 2023. Access on: jan .16 2024
Major Oil Discovery Unveiled Offshore Namibia. Xinhua, jan. 10 2024.
Access on: jan. 19 2024.
The initial map on page 04 of this Boletim was made in MapChart and follows the
• Instability in Serbia and the complex geopolitical arena guidelines by Creative Commons.
of the Balkans
FRIEDMAN, George. Europe Comes to Boil: the Balkans, Hungary and
Russia. Geopolitical Features, jan. 12 2024. Access on: jan. 18 2024.
BARBER, Tony. Why is the EU soft on Serbia?. Financial Times, jan. 13
2024. Access on: jan. 19 2024.

• A new moment in the Middle East: “return” of the

Islamic State after a period of contention
Why the Islamic State threat to Iran is growing? The New Arab, jan. 17 2024.
Access on: jan. 29 2024.
US to send 1,500 troops to Syria and Iraq. Middle East Monitor, jan. 15
2024. Access on: jan. 29 2024.

• Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Russian capabilities in the

Black Sea
Russia Commutes U.S. Investor Calvey’s Fraud Sentence After Guilty Plea.
The Moscow Times, feb. 01 2024. Access on: feb. 01 2024.
BORSHCHEVSKAYA, Anna. Understanding Russia’s War on Ukraine Starts
with Understanding Russia’s Black Sea Politics. The Washington Institute,
sep. 20 2023. Access on: feb. 01 2024.

• A geopolitical analysis of the Taiwanese elections

KLEINTOP Jeffrey. The Global Impact of Taiwan’s Election. Charles Schwab,
jan. 16 2024. Access on: jan. 20 2024.
BLOOMBERG. If China invades Taiwan, it would cost world economy $10
trillion. The Times of India, jan. 09 2024. Access on: jan. 20 2024.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

T he map titled “Main Global Risks”, showcased

on page 04 of this Boletim, was elaborated by
members of the Conjuncture Assessment Group
selection of the phenomena, those can be categorized
into high risk (red) — when great social, political,
military or economic instability can be observed —
(NAC, in Portuguese) from the Brazilian Naval War and moderate risk (orange) —for situations of main
College. The criteria used for analyzing international observed risk aggravation. The countries represented
phenomena and determining which should be on in gray present monitored conflicts; in the case of risk
the Map is based on the relevance of said topics for aggravation, they can turn orange or red.
Brazil, being: the presence of Brazilian residents in The analyses are reformulated in every new
the region, its influence over the Brazilian economy edition of the Boletim, with the aim of re-evaluating
and its impact on Brazil’s Strategic Environment. and updating the highlighted regions, as well as
The parameters for risk categorization follow the the color used in each of them. This way, the main
interests of the permanent members of the United phenomena are always observed and sorted between
Nations Security Council, the relevance of involved high and moderate risk. Below, there are links about
players, international repercussions, regional impact the risks indicated in the map:
and the possibility for conflict escalation. After the
By: Kaike Mota
• HAITI - Domestic conflicts: UN warns of spike in killings and kidnappings across Haiti as deployment of armed force stalls.
AP News, feb. 01 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• ISRAEL - Regional conflicts: Overnight Israeli airstrikes kill scores in Gaza as fears grow of push into Rafah | Israel-Gaza
war. The Guardian, feb. 04 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• LEBANON - Structural crisis: Israel says ‘time running out’ for diplomatic solution in south Lebanon. Al Arabiya, feb. 05
2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• MYANMAR - Regional crisis: 520 killed in 6-month violent attacks in Myanmar. The Business Standard, feb. 01 2024.
Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• RED SEA - Attacks on vessels: Red Sea maritime situation worsens. Defence Web, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• RUSSIA AND UKRAINE - Military conflict: Dozens killed in strike on Russia-held Ukraine city. BBC, feb. 05 2024. Access
on: feb. 05 2024.

• SOMALIA - Structural crisis: Somalia Says It Has Blocked Websites Used by Al-Shabab. Voa News, feb. 01. 2024. Access
on: feb. 05 2024.

• SUDAN - Domestic conflicts: Sudan Conflict Fuels World’s Largest Internal Displacement. Human Rights Watch, jan. 31
2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• YEMEN - Structure and regional crisis: US, Britain strike Yemen's Houthis in a new wave, retaliating for attacks by Iran-
backed militants. Associated Press, feb. 04 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• ARMENIA AND AZERBAIJAN - Regional crisis: Azerbaijan says ‘de facto peace’ with Armenia needs treaty for finalization.
Daily Sabah, feb. 02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• BELARUS - Regional crisis: Belarus Bolsters Border Security Amid Rising Tensions with Ukraine and NATO. APA.AZ, feb.
05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•BURKINA FASO - Sociopolitical crisis: 'No Soldiers, No Logistics, No Compassion': Burkina's Traore on Reasons for
ECOWAS Withdrawal. Sputnik, jan. 31 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO - Regional crisis: SAAF Oryx riddled by small arms fire in the DRC; two crew
injured. Defense Web, feb. 02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• ECUADOR - Sociopolitical crisis: Russia condemns Ecuador over decision to hand Russian military hardware to US for
Ukraine - RIA . Reuters, feb. 02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• GABON - Political crisis: Appel de la Jeunesse Gabonaise pour la Transparence dans l’utilisation des 500.000.000 de sa ligne
Budgétaire. Gabon News, feb. 03 2024. Access on: feb. 06 2024.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024
•IRAN - Regional instability: Iran says it ‘will not hesitate’ to respond to US attack on its territory. Al Arabiya, feb. 05 2024.
Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•IRAQ- Regional crisis: Iraq says 16 people, including civilians, killed in ‘new US aggression’. Al Jazeera, feb. 03 2024.
Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•MALI - Sociopolitical crisis: UN rights chief decries death of 50 people in Mali attacks. Al Jazeera, feb. 01 2024. Access on:
feb. 05 2024.

•NIGER - Sociopolitical crisis: Four ways Niger exit from ECOWAS fit affect its relationship with Nigeria. BBC Pidgin, feb.
02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•PAKISTAN - Sociopolitical instability: Pakistan's economic crisis looms over last days of election campaign. Nikkei Asia,
feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•SENEGAL - Political crisis - NEW ON THE MAP: Senegalese Lawmakers to Meet on Monday to Consider Extending
President's Mandate, Report Says. Sputnik, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•SYRIA - Regional crisis: Syria drone attack: At least 6 Kurdish fighters killed on base housing US troops. Associated Press,
feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•VENEZUELA - Structural crisis: Venezuela: 4 possíveis cenários para oposição após veto à principal adversária de Maduro.
BBC, feb. 04 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.


• AFGHANISTAN - Sociopolitical instability: US Exploring Consular Return to Afghanistan Without Recognizing Taliban
Rule. VOA News, feb. 02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Sociopolitical instability: Central African Republic: $367.7 million needed to reinforce
strictly humanitarian response in 2024. Zawya, feb. 02 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• DARIEN GAP - Migration crisis: ‘Deeply alarming’: sevenfold increase in sexual attacks at Darién Gap, says Médecins Sans
Frontières. The Guardian, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• EL SALVADOR - Sociopolitical instability: El Salvador election: Bukele heads towards landslide victory in reelection bid.
AP News, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• ETHIOPIA - Domestic crisis: Horn of Africa: Ethiopia-Somaliland deal unsettles an already embattled region. The Africa
Report, feb. 01 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• GUYANA-VENEZUELA - Regional disputes: Brazil's military reinforces border with Venezuela and Guyana due to Esequibo.
Reuters, feb. 03 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

•INDIA - Social instability: Manipur Chief Minister meets Amit Shah amid renewed violence in State. The Hindu, feb. 03
2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• LIBYA - Sociopolitical instability: Libyan parliament declares Zliten "devastated city" over groundwater crisis. Libya
Update, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• MOZAMBIQUE - Instability between government and insurgent forces: Mozambique: Forced return of IDPs to conflict
zones raises alarm. Fair Planet, feb. 01 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• NICARAGUA - Sociopolitical instability: Nicaragua: Priests need gov't approval of daily schedule. Aleteia, feb. 02 2024.
Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• NIGERIA - Domestic crisis: At Least Four Policemen Killed in Nigeria While Defending Station From Armed Attackers:
Police. Sputnik, feb. 04 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• NORTH KOREA - Regional crisis: N. Korea slams Seoul defense chief's anti-Pyongyang warning as 'catalyst' for clash. The
Korean Herald, feb. 05 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• PERU - Sociopolitical instability: 'Former Peruvian intelligence chief gets 19 years in prison for 1992 massacre of farmer. AP
News, jan. 31 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• SERBIA AND KOSOVO - Regional instability: Kosovo's block on the Serbian currency raises alarm in the EU and US.
Associated Press, feb. 04 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• SOUTH CHINA SEA - Regional disputes: ‘Gutter-level’ talk: China-Philippines discord deepens over Taiwan. Financial
Times, feb. 01 2024. Access on: feb. 05 2024.

• TAIWAN - Regional disputes: NATO chief warns 'Taiwan could be tomorrow' at Trump bastion. Nikkei Asia, feb. 01 2024.
Access on: feb. 05 2024.
BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 196 • February | 2024

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