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YEAR 9 • Nº 188 AUGUST 10th, 2023


ISSN 2446-7014

Rising sea levels, sinking Pacific Islands

and a further 12 articles in this edition

No 188 • august 10th, 2023
Boletim Geocorrente is a biweekly publication from EDITORIAL BOARD
the Conjuncture Assessment Group (NAC), which is
connected to the Department of Research and Post BRAZILIAN NAVAL WAR COLLEGE'S
Graduation (SPP) at the Naval War College (EGN). DIRECTOR
Rear Admiral Gustavo Calero Garriga Pires
The NAC monitors the International Conjunction
under the theoretical lens of Geopolitics and Ocean SUPERINTENDENT OF RESEARCH AND
politics in order to provide an alternative for the global POST-GRADUATION AT THE BRAZIL-
demand for information, making it accessible and IAN NAVAL WAR COLLEGE
integrating society to the topics of defense and national Rear Admiral (Retd) Marcio Magno de Farias Franco e
security. Moreover, the Boletim allows for the spread Silva
of knowledge on crises and international conflict while EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
aiming to meet the demands of the Naval Staff. Captain (Retd) Leonardo F. de Mattos (EGN)
The publication has the purpose of publishing small SCIENTIFIC EDITOR
articles regarding current issues from 10 different Captain (Retd) Francisco E. Alves de Almeida (EGN)
macro-regions: South America; North and Central
America; Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North ASSISTANT EDITORS
Jéssica Germano de Lima Silva (EGN)
Africa; Europe; Russia and former USSR; South Asia; Noele de Freitas Peigo (Facamp)
East Asia; Southeast Asia and Oceania; Arctic and Thayná Fernandes Alves Ribeiro (UFF)
Antarctica. Furthermore, one can find the “Special Victor Eduardo Kalil Gaspar Filho (EGN)
Topics” section, regarding some latent issues in
International Relations. GRAPHIC DESIGN
Guilherme de Oliveira Carneiro (UFRJ)
The research group responsible for the Boletim is TRANSLATION AND REVIEW
composed of members from multiple areas of expertise, Lucas Salles (UFRJ)
whose multitude of backgrounds and experiences
provide a wide analysis of international conjuncture
and current issues. Thus, it seeks to identify the major
themes, motivational factors and main actors regarding
the escalation of conflicts and ongoing crises as well as
their outcomes.


For publishing in the Boletim, the author is required to be a researcher at NAC's "Geopolítica Corrente” (Current
Geopolitics) group and submit their article containing a maximum of 400 words to the peer review evaluation

The texts in this Boletim are of sole responsibility of their authors, not reflecting any official opinion
from the EGN or the Brazilian Navy.

The full publishing of any article from this Boletim is only allowed with a full citation of the author and source,
as well as a redirect link to the original article.

Cover: Funafuti, capital de Tuvalu

By: Wikimedia
Source: Wikimedia

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BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

Carolina Vasconcelos de Oliveira Silva (PUC-Rio) Amanda Neves Leal Marini (ECEME)
Franco Napoleão A. de Alencastro Guimarães (PUC-Rio) João Gabriel Fischer Morais Rego (ECEME)
Isadora Jacques de Jesus (UFRJ) Melissa Rossi (Suffolk University)
João Victor Marques Cardoso (UNIRIO) Vitória de França Fernandes (UFRJ)
Luísa Barbosa Azevedo (UFRJ)
Nicole Eduarte Silva Chifunga (UFF) RUSSIA & FORMER USSR
Vanessa Passos Bandeira de Sousa (ESG) José Gabriel de Melo Pires (UFRJ)
Luiza Gomes Guitarrari (UFRJ)
SOUTH AMERICA Pedro Mendes Martins (ECEME)
Bruna da Silveira Eloy (UFRJ) Pérsio Glória de Paula (Saint Petersburg University)
Fernanda Carvalho Calado Coutinho (UFF) Rafael Esteves Gomes (UFRJ)
Gabriel Augusto Almeida da Silva (UFRJ)
Matheus Ribeiro de Paula (UERJ) Guilherme de Oliveira Carneiro (UFRJ)
Pedro Emiliano Kilson Ferreira (Univ. de Santiago) Maria Gabriela Veloso Camelo (PUC-Rio)
Matheus Bruno Ferreira Alves Pereira (UFRJ)
NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA Thayná Fernandes Alves Ribeiro (UFF)
Isabela Süssekind Rocha Torres (PUC-Rio)
Taynah Pires Ferreira (UFRJ) SOUTH ASIA
Victor Cabral Ribeiro (PUC-Rio) Eduardo Araújo Mangueira (UFRJ)
Victor Eduardo Kalil Gaspar Filho (EGN) Gabriela Siqueira Duarte dos Santos (UFRJ)
Lucas Mitidieri (UFRJ)
ARCTIC & ANTARCTIC Maria Fernanda Császár Lima Ferreira (UFRJ)
Gabriela Paulucci da Hora Viana (UFRJ) Rebeca Vitória Alves Leite (EGN)
Gabriele Marina Molina Hernandez (UFF) Renan Guimarães Canellas de Oliveira (PUC-Rio)
Jayanne Balbino Soares (UFF)
EUROPE Raquel Torrecilha Spiri (UNESP)
Guilherme Francisco Pagliares de Carvalho (UFF) Victor Magalhães Longo de Carvalho Motta (UFRJ)
Gustavo da Hora Azevedo Osuna Bittencourt (UFRJ)
Lohanna Rodrigues Reis (USP)
Maria Victoria R. Scarlatelli de Menezes (PUC-Rio)
Marina Autran Caldas Bonny (UFRJ)
Millene Sousa dos Santos (UFRJ)
Rafaela Caporazzo de Faria (UFRJ)

João Pedro Ribeiro Grilo Cuquejo (Kobe University)
Luís Filipe de Souza Porto (UFABC)
Marcelle Torres Alves Okuno (EGN)
Maria Eduarda Araújo Castanho Parracho (UERJ)
Philipe Alexandre Junqueira (UERJ)
Rodrigo Abreu de Barcellos Ribeiro (UFF)
Thomas Dias Placido (UFSC)

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

Mercosur: Brazilian presidency, EU-Mercosur agreement and Uruguayan claims ����5 10 years of China’s initiative for global projection.................................................13


US submarine pays unwanted visit to Cuba............................................................6 Indo-Sinhalese cooperation and Indian Maritime Strategy....................................14
Colombia and Nicaragua: recent implications on the dispute for maritime............
The new Impeccable submarine and Singapore’s maritime routes.......................14
Rising sea levels, sinking Pacific Islands..............................................................15
Between the crescent and the sword: Mali and the end of MINUSMA....................8
EUROPE Offshore mining could be avoided through a moratorium......................................16
Beyond the 2%: opportunities and challenges for NATO........................................9


EUNAVFOR MED Irini carries out large-scale exercise in the Central....................
RUSSIA & FORMER USSR Selected Articles & Defense News........................... 17
Geocorrente Calendar.............................................. 17
Navigating through Arctic waters: Novatek advances in Arctic LNG 2 project....... 11
Second Russia-Africa Summit: Cooperation and Interests in the Contemporary...... References............................................................... 18
World.....................................................................................................................12 Risk Map.................................................................. 19

By: Luísa Barbosa

For more information on the criteria used, see page 19.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

Mercosur: Brazilian presidency, EU-Mercosur agreement and Uruguayan claims

Fernanda Calado

T he Southern Common Market (Mercosur) was

instituted in 1991, with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
and Uruguay as its founders. In 2023, Brazil assumed
Another obstacle is the issue with Uruguay, which did
not sign the final declaration of the Mercosur meeting
due to its disagreement in relation to the clauses that
temporary presidency of the group and faced some make it mandatory for countries to negotiate in a joint
challenges, such as the ratification of the EU-Mercosur manner. Montevideo advocates for each State’s capacity
agreement and the Uruguayan ambition of no longer to negotiate its own international agreements without
jointly negotiating with other countries alongside all the interference of other players. Indeed, for that reason,
members of the bloc. Thus, one shall question: what will it has already extrapolated Mercosur regulations by
be the challenges faced by Brazil in the next six months pursuing direct bilateral negotiation with China (Boletim
of integration, and what are Uruguayan claims? 177). Furthermore, President Lacalle Pou was a notorious
Brazil assumed the Presidency Pro Tempore of critic of the ambitions of modifying the EU-Mercosur
Mercosur in July 2023, during the 62nd Summit of the agreement, which was negotiated in 2019.
Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and Associated After over 30 years in effect, Mercosur is in one
Countries in Puerto Iguazú, Argentina. The country of the most sensitive moments in its existence. One of
declared itself concerned with the EU-Mercosur the challenges of the bloc is the modernization of its
agreement, which will be a priority in the next few legislation regarding negotiation as a bloc, the precise
months, and political calculations and protectionism are aspect disputed by Uruguay. If, on one hand, this type
two elements that hinder consensus between the parties of negotiation allows for the reduction of tariff barriers,
For the EU, ratification of the agreement would lead on the other hand, it presents setbacks to relations with
to a diversification of supply chains after the Russia- countries outside the bloc. And this shall be, after the
Ukraine conflict. For Mercosur, in turn, it would allow EU-Mercosur agreement, one of the most sensitive topics
more easily for the export of its agricultural goods to the faced by Brazil during its temporary presidency in 2023.
European market.

Source: Self-made
DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n187.p05.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

US submarine pays unwanted visit to Cuba

Jéssica Germano de Lima Silva

B etween July 5th and 8th 2023, US Los Angeles-class

attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN-752) docked
in the Guantanamo Bay Naval base, a facility installed in
Chinese military and intelligence activities in Cuba. The
possibility of expansion in the Asian power’s influence in
the Caribbean is a sensitive influence, one that certainly
Cuba since 1903, in the context of the Spanish-American is monitored by US intelligence agencies, especially
War. The vessel is nuclear-propelled and equipped with considering the Island’s geographical proximity of about
torpedoes as well as nuclear cruise missiles, making it 150 km to US territory.
also an instrument for dissuasion. The event led to distaste On July 11th, Russian training ship Perekop did a
from Havana, which deemed it a provocation and a threat stopover at the Havana Port, making clear the influence
to the interests and sovereignty of the Latin American of another major power over the island. This presence is
and Caribbean peoples. Therefore, one shall question the part of a long-established strategic partnership between
underlying motivations of the USS Pasadena’s visit to Russia and Cuba, dating back to the Soviet Union
Guantanamo Bay. (USSR). The visit aimed to strengthen bilateral ties, as it
According to information from Washington, the USS also involved an exchange of humanitarian aid supplies
Pasadena performed a planned logistic stop as a result and cultural activities between the countries, which are
of the UNITAS Naval Exercise. This is an annual event both under US sanctions.
organized by the United States (US), in cooperation Finally, one can observe that Cuba is indeed
with naval forces of other South and Central American involved in the competitive geopolitical escalation
countries, in a tradition that dates back to the Inter- between countries exogenous to the Caribbean. Thus,
American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty). the presence of USS Pasadena in Guantanamo Bay does
However, the event took place after a supposed leak symbolize US geopolitical influence in the region. In
of information regarding negotiation between Havana the medium and long term, actions by these powers can
and Beijing for the construction of a joint military shape the economic and political course of the island,
training facility on the island, according to reports from besides having significant effects on the geopolitics in
the Wall Street Journal. In addition, US Secretary of State the Caribbean and international relations in general.
Antony Blinken had already expressed US concerns over

Source: Al Jazeera

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p06.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
Colombia and Nicaragua: recent implications on the dispute for maritime borders
Bruna da Silveira Eloy

D ispute for maritime sovereignty between Nicaragua

and Colombia has been the subject of controversy
and friction since 1928. In 2007, the International Court
of its baselines, as there would be an overlap with the
Colombian shelf.
Furthermore, in the midst of this dispute lied the
of Justice (ICJ) declared Colombian sovereignty over the fishing, oil and gas exploration potential in the region,
Caribbean islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa as those are natural resources of great economic and
Catalina, without establishing a maritime border between strategic value, thus fueling Nicaragua to aspire for
the countries. In 2012, an ICJ decision granted Nicaragua maritime sovereignty and the guarantee of exploration
the right to expand through approximately 75,000 km² on in the region. That is because the Caribbean has been
the Caribbean Sea (Boletim 131). the target of investment in hydrocarbon exploration, and
In a new decision, made public on July 13th, the possession of the reserves can strengthen one’s economic
ICJ rejected three requests by Nicaragua regarding the and political position in the international arena.
extension of its continental shelf. The decision was taken In summary, the dispute between Colombia and
based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of Nicaragua presents complexities in the realms of
the Sea (UNCLOS), as well as customary international economy, sea and sovereignty. The decision by the ICJ
law and the principles of equity and respect to a State’s results in implications over future development of the
sovereignty over its maritime area. According to the Court, area and highlights the importance of cooperation and
a State cannot extend its continental shelf beyond 200 the use of international law for solving border disputes.
nautical miles from its baselines if, in doing so, it starts to Finally, despite only spanning over the parties involved,
expand into the 200 miles from another State’s baselines. it is possible that this decision by the ICJ, which reaffirms
With that in mind, the ICJ dismissed Nicaraguan claims international customary law, gets to discourage future
of extending its continental shelf beyond the 200 miles claims of a similar nature to that of Nicaragua.

Source: El País

Mapa da área disputada com detalhes das reivindicações da Colômbia e da Nicarágua

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p07.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
Between the crescent and the sword: Mali and the end of MINUSMA
Franco Alencastro

T he United Nations (UN) peace operation in Mali,

named United Nations Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), was ended
framework. The security crisis was followed by a political
one, with two coups d’État, in 2020 and 2021. In that
sense, the new administration had to deal with criticism
on June 30, 2023 after ten years in the country. With the from France due to a supposed lack of compromise with
end of activities, the mission’s effective is expected to democracy; the weakening of relations between the two
leave Mali until the end of this year. The decision was countries culminated in the termination of Operation
taken by the Security Council (UNSC) after a statement Barkhane. Amid this vacuum, one can notice growing
by the Mali government on June 17th, which demanded Russian influence through the presence of men from the
the “immediate retreat” of MINUSMA. Far from being Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organization also
protocol, this case is an additional indicator of the crisis present in Burkina Faso (Boletim 173).
in relations between Mali and the West, thus allowing for The difference between the end of French involvement
an understanding of how this dissent can be expressed by and the end of MINUSMA are where they came from: the
other African countries in a similar situation. former, from France itself; the latter, from Mali. According
Estabelecida em 2013, the peace operation had (as to Mali Minister of Foreign Relations Abdoulaye Diop,
the name indicates) the objective of stabilizing Mali’s MINUSMA “became part of the problem”, contributing
security framework following conflict between the to the conflict instead of ending it. Indeed, there are signs
government, Tuareg groups and the Ansar Dine extremist that the country regards Russian military activities and
group, nowadays linked to al-Qaeda. MINUSMA was the presence of the UN as incompatible: in February,
not the only initiative with that goal: France also kept a Bamako demanded the removal of Guillaume Andali,
considerable military presence in the African country as director of the operation’s human rights division, after
part of Operation Barkhane. his criticism of the Wagner Group’s actions. With that,
However, this foreign presence was not capable the end of MINUSMA may result in a strengthening of
of containing deterioration in the country’s security ties between Russia and Mali.

Source: Arab News

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p08.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
Beyond the 2%: opportunities and challenges for NATO
Millene Santos

T he North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the

main military alliance in the planet, currently with
31 member countries. Aiming to establish a compromise
missile (ABM) systems and counter-terrorism defense
capacities represent fields of opportunity for the
Alliance’s continuous development. For instance, one
for investment in the sector, since the 2014 summit its can recall recent arms agreements, such as the missile
members have taken on the objective of destinating 2% of defense system established in Poland and the acquisition
their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to the development of Boeing CH-47 aircraft by Germany.
of collective security guidelines. In that sense, one must However, NATO faces significant challenges for
question the opportunities and challenges that arise from the 2% goal. According to studies by the International
an increase in spending in the field. Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), only 10 countries
At first, one can perceive that the allocation of a managed to reach
significant part of the GDP to security is a reflection it, while other 21 nations still haven’t adopted it — a
of growing concerns regarding new threats to global number still to increase, after Sweden’s incorporation to
stability. Uncertainties in international politics, persisting the Alliance. In addition, the challenge also lies upon the
regional conflict, the rise of new military powers and the decision of how to, at the same time, invest in support
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) for Ukraine, maintain resources for guaranteeing defense
have forced countries to prioritize preparation and in Europe and improve combat capacities, including
qualification of their Armed forces for protecting their armored brigade combat teams (ABCTs) and air and
interests and consolidating their territorial integrity. missile defense systems, given that many European
Opportunities that arise from that investment are armed forces still face difficulties in their Defense
broad-ranging: modernization and acquisition of state- Industrial Base (DIB) Sectors
of-the-art equipment, alongside research in advanced One concludes, therefore, that continuous allocation
technology — including cybernetic and Artificial of financial resources by countries to the security of the
Intelligence systems — represent an increase in NATO’s bloc makes clear NATO’s commitment to consolidating
potential for improving operational effectiveness and a regionalized concept of defense. At the same time, they
dissuasion strategies. Furthermore, collaboration in seek strategies to establish rapid and efficient investment
joint operations as well as investment in anti-ballistic aiming to guarantee regional stability.

Source: OTAN

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p09.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

EUNAVFOR MED Irini carries out large-scale exercise in the Central Mediterranean
Melissa Rossi

F rom 8th to 10th June 2023, the EUNAVFOR MED

Irini naval mission, also known as Operation
Irini, carried out its 7th Focused Operation (FOCOP)
its Area of Operations (AOO), intercepting and later
clearing more than 80 vessels in only 2 days. This level
of coordination is unprecedented, and its main goal was
in the Central Mediterranean. This endeavor covers to concentrate all assets in the abovementioned routes,
the maritime routes that lead to the Libyan regions of promoting actions of maritime interdiction and increasing
Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, which are often used by arms the situational awareness in its AOO in order to signal
dealers, a situation which contributes to instability in the to the international community the growing presence of
country. European naval forces as a stabilizing element for Libya.
The operation saw the participation of naval and air Moreover, it is important to highlight that Irini´s
assets from six countries of the European Union (EU), renewal is a clear indicator of its effectiveness, since it
with Italian frigate ITS Libeccio as its flagship. The needs the unanimous vote of the 27 EU Member States
Council of the European Union voted to renew Irini in order to be approved. According to Rear Admiral
in March, as it is the only naval mission that currently Stefano Turchetto, Irini´s Operation Commander, “the
imposes the United Nations (UN) arms embargo in Libya. EU is therefore strengthening its engagement in securing
In June, the UN Security Council (UNSC) further voted the maritime domain and stepping up activities at sea” by
to renew the Libyan arms embargo, which was originally increasing the interoperability of European forces and,
established by Resolution 2292 in 2016. What is the thus, continuously contributing to the deterrence of arms
importance of this exercise in relation to past training? trafficking in its AOO.
Firstly, it is important to remember that the joint Despite the many challenges connected to Libya´s
action of several European vessels and air assets in stabilization, the ongoing presence of Operation Irini in
international waters off the coast of Libya help to project the waters of the Central Mediterranean has strengthened
the mission´s power and increase the interoperability of the mission´s power of deterrence vis-à-vis arms
the Armed Forces of EU countries. In particular, the 7th trafficking in Libya.
FOCOP had a great impact on the maritime traffic within

Source: European Union

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p10.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

Navigating through Arctic waters: Novatek advances in Arctic LNG 2 project

Luiza G. Guitarrari

L iquified natural gas (LNG) is a strategic energy source

in the global energy market. The resource, which
comes from the liquefaction of natural gas, has reached
estimated to launch its second and third modules between
2024 and 2025, respectively. Beyond that, Novatek, the
project’s major shareholder, expects the new volumes to
worldwide as its transportation and marketing are carried contribute to price stability and boost competitiveness on
out by sea, occupying a volume almost 600 times smaller the international market.
than that of natural gas. Among the LNG’s advantages are Another cornerstone of the project are the ships and
its supply, storage, transport and regasification by FSRU LNG terminals. By partnering with Asian shipyards,
(Floating Storage Regasification Unit) ships, capable of Russia will build two new FSRU, capable of storing
anchoring at LNG terminals and thus connecting some 360.000 m3 to be deployed in the Arctic Ocean. Currently,
of the world’s main energy markets. Regarding the Arctic LNG 2 holds a fleet of 15 Arc-7-class oil tanker
LNG expansion by sea, how can the Arctic region be an and icebreaker ships, and hopes to increase this number in
energetic hub to Russia? the coming years.
On July 20, the first module of the Arctic LNG 2 project The possible imposition of European sanctions on
was inaugurated at the Gydan Peninsula, in the Kara Sea. Russian LNG also encourages diversification towards
With the capacity to hold 6.5 million tons of LNG per year partners in the Asian market, including with Atlantic
and an estimated value of USD 21 billion, the project can countries. In summary, the redirection of exports can
produce 19.8 Mton/year from three production modules stimulate Russian navigation to the East, reducing the
linked to the Utrenneye field, which holds 590 bcm (billion route from 30 days through the Baltic to 15 days through
m3) of gas in reserves (Bulletin 168). Despite current the Arctic project.
sanctions to Russia and the exit of Western enterprises — In this sense, the Arctic LNG 2 project appears as a bet
such as the French companies Total Energies and Technip by Novatek to expand the Russian presence in the Arctic
— from Russian territory, the Arctic project accomplished and, from infrastructure assets, contribute to the export of
its schedule by turning operational its first LNG module, LNG through the Northern Route.

Source: High North News

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p11.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
Second Russia-Africa Summit: Cooperation and Interests in the Contemporary World
José Gabriel Pires e Pérsio Glória de Paula

R ussia's relations with African countries are an

important axis of Russian international action. In
addition to the historical component of these relations in
Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
The Ukraine conflict was also addressed, underlining
current tensions with the West, they are also relevant for a clear interest from African countries in a diplomatic
Moscow to avoid possible international isolation, which resolution and the immediate implementation of
could affect its position as a polar power. Thus, the Second a ceasefire, as they have been suffering from the
Russia-Africa Summit points to a significant expansion of international spillover effects of the conflict. Moreover,
trade ties and strategic partnerships compared to the first given the suspension of the grain deal (Boletim 187)
edition, held in 2019 (Boletim 107). In this sense, how between Russia and Ukraine, food security was also
does this meeting showcase the aspirations and interests central. Moscow announced donations and committed to
of the parties involved, given the current international maintain food supplies to countries in the region. Security-
scenario? related issues such as arms exports and cooperation in
The Second Russia-Africa Summit, held in St. military-technical programs also underscore the high
Petersburg on July 27-28, 2023, produced a joint level of Russian-African relations. In this area, the work
declaration, containing more than 70 topics, which also of Wagner Group was also highlighted, which, despite
highlighted points of mutual interest between Russia the recent mutiny, is still relevant in the provision of
and the 49 participating African countries. In addition to security and defense services in Africa.
strengthening historical ties and dialogue mechanisms, Russia demonstrates that it is able to position itself
the summit addressed current issues, such as the climate as a strategic partner in Africa, which strengthens its
emergency, and spearheaded the establishment of trade, aspirations directed at global power status. The scope
technological, cultural and educational partnerships. and amount of partnerships and agreements signed also
There is also a project for greater multilateral coordination, reveal that the West's strategy of isolating Moscow due to
with the promotion of the BRICS-Africa partnership and the Ukrainian conflict has not had the expected support
greater articulation with Eurasian initiatives, such as the from the Global South, especially from African countries.

Source: RAND

Assistência militar russa no continente africano

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p12.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
10 years of China’s initiative for global projection
Philipe Alexandre

T he year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of

China’s notorious project for construction and
interconnection of transcontinental infrastructure, the
European-centered world order; and, lastly, establishing a
new regionalism, with economic corridors and belts.
Ten years after its launch, BRI’s integration with
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The magnitude of its domestic and foreign Chinese priorities has become
scope and the goals that shape its geopolitical scenario, more systematic. Chinese companies are expanding their
however, are worthy of highlight in and of themselves. investments and international operations regarding the
In 2013, when Chinese president Xi Jinping launched green economy, digital infrastructure and the construction
the initiative, Chinese foreign relations were tumultuous: industry. The regions which received the most investment
militarily, conflict in the South China Sea and the East from the project are: East Asia (26%), West Asia (21%),
China Sea was latent; economically, Beijing faced Sub-Saharan Africa (20%), the Middle East (15%) and
growing economic dispute with the United States (US) Latin America (10%). The main recipients of Chinese
after the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Beside that investment were Hungary (USD 7,6 billion), Saudi Arabia
foreign pressure, environmental pollution and the excess (USD 5,6 billion) and Singapore (USD 2,5 billion).
of industrial capacity affected Chinese development. Still, capital, multilateral institutions and investors
In that sense, the BRI’s implementation aimed to coming from the US and Europe have more strength,
solve those issues, as the China Goes West strategy would prestige and preference in relation to the Chinese.
reduce maritime conflict by intensifying trans-Eurasia Furthermore, the US and its allies hold technological
connectivity and allowing for State-run agencies and strength, competitive economies, sustainable infrastructure
Chinese companies to access foreign markets. Starting in and a more desired sociocultural system. In that sense,
2021, China signed Memoranda of Understanding with the establishment of the BRI may have fueled Chinese-
140 countries and 32 international organizations located American strategic competition even more, increased
in Africa, North America, Latin America, Asia, Europe, environmental impacts and made some economies more
and the Pacific. In total, USD 962 billion were invested and more vulnerable.
in the BRI. Therefore, after ten years, the great Chinese initiative
Since then, the initiative consolidated three general has indeed not eliminated the domestic and international
objectives: promoting growth through the share of challenges faced by Beijing. But, it is undeniable that the
Chinese development experience and articulation with country was an integral part of global political economy
other economies; “re-globalizing” — with changes in in the last decade, and that it shall remain like so in the
global interconnectivity — through land-sea connections future.
and “de-westernization” of the currently US and

Source: Council on Foreign Relations

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p13.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
Indo-Sinhalese cooperation and Indian Maritime Strategy
Eduardo A. Mangueira

O n July 29, Indian Khukri-class corvette Khanjar

docked at the port of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka.
The visit, which lasted for three days, was aimed at
commercial routes of the Indian Ocean, the country has
recently been in the midst of a dispute between China
and India: the growing presence of Beijing in the Indian
strengthening cooperation between the two countries Ocean is competitive for New Delhi, which seeks to
in the maritime domain, with the realization of a joint project itself as a main supplier of security in the region
exercise between their navies and engagement with local (Boletim 169).
population, allowing for a friendly image of the Indian In addition to the counterbalancing of Chinese
navy. This visit takes place amid a context of growing presence, one can observe the establishment of a
cooperation, with the visit of Sinhalese president Ranil particular field of action in the Indian Ocean through
Wickremasinghe resulting in a commitment to boost the straightening of ties and regional integration. This
commercial relations and build infrastructure to further Neighbourhood First Policy manifests in the maritime
deepen connectivity between the two countries, such domain through the doctrine of Security and Growth for
as power and oil lines and a bridge crossing the Palk All in the Region, which aims at strengthening security
strait. What could be the reason for such rapprochement cooperation in the Indian Ocean and reaffirming India as
between the two countries, considering Indian maritime a regional leader.
strategy? In that sense, India seeks to not only approach Sri
India is a traditional ally of Sri Lanka, ranking among Lanka, but also invest in its maritime capacities and
its top commercial partners, in addition to the fact that its port infrastructure. The importance of Colombo to the
recent support, in the form of around USD 4 billion, has establishment of an area of influence cannot be ignored,
been crucial to the country, which recovers from severe especially considering the manner in which Sinhalese
financial crisis (Boletim 171). Positioned between the fragility facilitates Indian cooperation and consequently
straits of Malacca and Ormuz, in a strategic region amid contributes to New Delhi’s ambitions in the region.

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n187.p14.


The new Impeccable submarine and Singapore’s maritime routes
Gabriela Veloso

I mpeccable, the first of four diesel-electric attack

submarines built in Germany and ordered by Singapore,
arrived at the Asian country’s naval base by the end of
significant useful load capacity, resilience and endurance
in operation and optimized ergonomics for Asian physical
features. An improvement of these capacities allows for
June 2023. The acquisition of modern submarines is the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) to operate with
part of a wide strategy to modernize the country’s armed larger efficacy in its unique and challenging maritime
forces. environment. The Impeccable will go through a series
Singapore aims to replace its old submarines with the of local tests at sea in order to reach full operational
new ones, as the former were acquired secondhand from capability (FOC), while Singaporean submariners will
Sweden and customized for operation in its surrounding be trained at the class’ flagship, Invincible, in Germany.
waters. The new submarine belongs to the class Invincible Continuous modernization of the Singapore Armed
(Type 218 SG) and was projected for operating in the Forces (SAF) is seen as a strategic priority vis-à-vis
country’s shallow and busy waters, being crucial for the growing security threats in the Indo-Pacific and the
its maritime security — especially given its strategic country’s need for an effective response capability in
location in the Malacca strait and the South China Sea, scenarios of emergency or conflict. Alongside the new
two of the busiest trade routes in the world. Thus, control submarines, the RSN has invested in warships, artificial
and security of navigable waterways around Singapore Intelligence and communication systems as well as other
is fundamental for both its own economy and regional capabilities for facing security challenges and engaging
stability. in joint military exercises and exchange programs with
German Invincible-class submarines do possess other countries in the region, including ASEAN member
comparative advantages, such as high level of automation, States.
BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
The modernization of defense equipment and activities SAF to face a multitude of security scenarios — including
is seen as an important measure for improving efficacy the protection of vital maritime routes — as a response to
and operational readiness of the RSN. The update and regional and global security challenges.
acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment allows for the

Source: CNA

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p14-15.

Rising sea levels, sinking Pacific Islands

Guilherme Carneiro

T he Pacific Islands share many geographical aspects,

among which an elevation of around three meters
above sea level at their highest points. With such a low
more frequent floods, erosion of coastal areas, loss of
ecosystems, harm to the fishing sector, and salinization
of the soil, groundwater and surface water. In addition to
elevation, the peoples of the island countries face constant these aspects, Reuters reports that the effects of climate
peril due to the impacts of climate change, especially change in the area cause overflowing to surrounding
rising sea levels, which put their own existence at risk. countries, which is seen through an increase in cases of
For overcoming the problem, countries such as Tuvalu are climate refugees.
implementing national adaptation programs which cover For overcoming this scenario, in May of this year
both local needs and the control over climate variability. the Tuvalu government promoted a series of events,
Therefore, how can Tuvalu’s National Adaptation Plan alongside NGOs, civilians and the private sector, for
(NAP) be perceived as the first step towards preservation the development of the NAP, a medium and long term
of the Pacific Islands? project to be implemented across three years and that
According to the 2023 Special Report on the Ocean will serve as leverage for additional financing in order to
and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) by the establish more immediate action of adaptation to climate
United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. The more important sectors for the country
Change (IPCC), rising sea levels will continue until will be prioritized: water, agriculture, disaster response,
after the year 2100 and, in the best-case scenario, sea coastal management and health care.
levels will be one meter higher until 2300, which would The small low-elevation island countries of the Pacific
flood over 40% of urban areas of countries such as Fiji, will continue to be those most affected by greenhouse
the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Tuvalu. Although gas emissions, which lead to the melting of ice caps
permanent submersion of territories isn’t an immediate and subsequent rises in sea levels. For that reason,
risk, rising sea levels bring gradual consequences plans of action in the medium and long term aiming at
to the subsistence of these island countries, such as rapid forms of adaptation are the first step towards the

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
preservation of ecosystems and territory. However, only as a whole, with the help of foreign players, will bring
long term collective efforts involving the Pacific Islands permanent preservation of these island countries.


DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n187.p15-16.

Offshore mining could be avoided through a moratorium
Victor Gaspar Filho

I nternational Seabed Authority (ISA) Council

Negotiations took place between July 10 and 28
2023 in Kingston, Jamaica. The deadline requested
on deep sea mining, until there is enough knowledge about
environmental aspects. Canada's presence also stands out, as
it is the TMC's home country. Some companies have joined
to close the draft of the Authority's Mining Code or the movement, such as BMW, Volvo, and Renault. In favor
provisionally consider plans for deep sea mining in light of the activity there are countries like China, South Korea
of the current regulation, which ended on July 9th. This and Russia, which have a consolidated mining industry and
happened due to the request made by the Republic of a large infrastructure installed for refining. The search for
Nauru, through Nauru Ocean Resources Incorporated ocean minerals could lead to supply chain production of
(NORI), a subsidiary of Canadian The Metals Company resources such as cobalt, copper, manganese, and nickel,
(TMC, in English) (Boletim 173). The request, based although with a high environmental cost.
on a provision of the Annex to the United Nations In research recently carried out in the ClarionClipperton
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), started a Zone (the Pacific region where NORI proposes to exercise
two-years-period. However, during the elapsed time, the its activities), 5,578 species were discovered in the habitat,
Authority was unsuccessful, facing difficulties imposed of which more than 5,000 still had not been documented.
by the COVID-19 pandemic which limited in-person Indeed, the recognition of a scarcity in available data on the
gatherings. impacts of mining to the marine environment is fundamental
While some companies justify the speculative move for it to shape decision-making. The ocean floor beyond
to obtain such resources as being essential for equipment the Exclusive Economic Zones, known as “the Area”,
production chains of renewable energy generators, Academia covers 54% of the oceans and is recognized as a common
and a growing group of governments are opposed, clarifying world heritage. It is argued that the anticipated activity on a
that this activity has A devastating potential for the ocean. commercial scale clashes with the very principle of Common
Currently, 20 governments, including Brazil, Canada, Heritage of Humanity, written in the body of UNCLOS,
Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland, have already spoken out which created the ISA.
in favor of implementing a moratorium of at least ten years

DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n188.p16.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
By: Captain (Retd) Leonardo F. de Mattos
► The First Polycrisis
► Planning defence projects for a new submarine era
THE STRATEGIST, Raelene Lockhorst
► Five Eyes in Our Time
► Looking South: A Conversation with GEN Laura Richardson on Security Challenges in Latin
► America Needs A True Maritime Strategy
1945, James Holmes

Click on the boxes to acess the references: By: Maria Fernanda Császár and Taynah Pires

August Main events on August 11 - 24

11-12 13 18
30-05 20



20 22-24 11-21
22-26 23



BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

• Mercosur: Brazilian presidency, EU-Mercosur • 10 years of China’s initiative for global projection
agreement and Uruguayan claims EBEL, Pippa. China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Ten years on – Council on
Presidente do Uruguai não assina documento final de encontro de líderes do Geostrategy. Council on Geostrategy, May 11 2023. Access on: Jun. 23
Mercosul. G1, Jul. 04 2023. Access on: Jul. 19 2023. 2023.
The Obstacles Facing an EU-Mercosur Trade Deal. Stratfor, Jul. 27 2023. YE, Min. Ten Years of the Belt and Road: Reflections and Recent Trends
Access on: Aug. 01 2023. | Global Development Policy Center. Global Development Policy Center,
Sep. 6 2022. Access on: Jun. 23 2023.
• US submarine pays unwanted visit to Cuba
China negotiating new military training facility in Cuba: Report. Al Jazeera,
• Indo-Sinhalese cooperation and Indian Maritime
Jun 20 2023. Access on: Aug 01 2023.
SEYLER, Matt; KAUFMAN, Ellie; STUKALOVA, Tanya. Cuban government Strategy
ARYAL, S.K., BHARTI, S.S. Evolution of ‘India’s Neighbourhood First Policy’
calls US nuclear submarine stop a 'provocative escalation'. ABC NEWS, Jul.
12 2023. Access on: Aug. 01 2023. Since Independence. Society, v. 60, p. 224-232, Apr. 06 2023. Access on:
Aug. 04 2023.
• Colombia and Nicaragua: recent implications on the PTI. Indigenously-built Indian naval ship to visit Sri Lanka. Economic Times,
dispute for maritime borders Jul. 29 2023. Access on: Aug. 03 2023.
La CIJ falla en contra de Nicaragua en disputa marítima con Colombia. CNN
Español, Jul. 13 2023. Access on: Jul. 19 2023. •
The new Impeccable submarine and Singapore’s
STEFANELLI, Justine. ICJ Issues Decision in Maritime Boundary Dispute maritime routes
between Nicaragua and Colombia. American Society of International Law, YEO, Myke. Singapore’s Navy receives first of four new German-built subma-
Jul. 19 2023. Access on: Jul. 21 2023. rines. Defense News, Jul. 21 2023. Access on: Jul. 31 2023.
HAMZAH, Aqil. First of 4 Invincible-class submarines arrives in Singapore |
• Between the crescent and the sword: Mali and the end The Straits Times. Strait Times, Jul. 20 2023. Access on: Aug. 01 2023.
OBERMEIER, A; RUSTAD, S. Conflict Trends: A Global Overview, 1946-
• Rising sea levels, sinking Pacific Islands
2022. Peace Research Institute of Oslo, Jun. 7 2023. Access on: Jul. 19
2023. Sea level rise threatens the existence of the Marshall Islands | Pacific
OCHIENG, B. Lavrov in Africa: Have Wagner mercenaries helped Mali's fight Environment. SPREP, Jul. 11 2023. Access on: Jul. 18 2023.
against jihadists? BBC, Feb. 7 2023. Access on: Jul. 19 2023. Tuvalu fights back against climate change impacts with national adaptation
plan. Pasifika Environews, May 05 2023. Access on: Jul. 18 2023.
• Beyond the 2%: opportunities and challenges for NATO
WEISGERBER, Marcus. Defense Business Brief: NATO’s 2% scorecard; • Offshore mining could be avoided through a
Exports boom; LHX mulls divestiture; and a little more. Defense One, Jul. 10 moratorium
2023. Access on: Jul. 20 2023. ALBERTS, Elizabeth Claire. Calls grow to put the brakes on deep-sea mining
NATO defence spending is rising, but not fast enough. The Economist, Jul. as countries discuss rules. Mongabay, Jul. 12 2023. Access on: Jul. 19 2023.
12 2023. Access on: Jul. 20 2023. STANDING, Guy. The biggest gold rush in history is about to start in the deep
sea – leaving devastation in its wake. The Guardian, Jul. 07 2023. Acesso
• EUNAVFOR MED Irini carries out large-scale exercise em: Jul. 19 2023.
in the Central Mediterranean
Operation IRINI led the 7th Focused Operation in Mediterranean Sea.
Operation Irini, Jun. 15 2023. Access on: Jun. 19 2023. O mapa inicial (pág 04) do Boletim foi produzido pelo MapChart e segue as
ROSSI, Melissa. Operation Irini´s Ongoing Role in Enforcing the UN Arms diretrizes da Creative Commons.
Embargo in Libya. Euro-Gulf Information Centre, Jun. 26 2022. Access
on: Jul. 20 2023.

• Navigating through Arctic waters: Novatek advances

in Arctic LNG 2 project
HUMPERT, Malte. Two Asian Shipyards Continue to Build LNG Tankers for
New Russian Arctic Gas Project. High North News, Jun. 08 2023. Access
on: Aug. 03 2023.
STAALESEN, Atle. Russia's expansive Arctic industry make big advance as
first floating LNG platform sets out from Belokamenka towards Gydan. The
Barents Observer, Jul. 23 2023. Access on: Aug. 03 2023.

• Second Russia-Africa Summit: Cooperation and

Interests in the Contemporary World
SAUER, Pjotr. Putin promises free grain to six African nations after collapse of
Black Sea deal. The Guardian, Jul. 27 2023. Access on: Jul. 28 2023.
FEDERAÇÃO RUSSA. Declaration of the Second Russia–Africa Summit.
Presidência da Federação Russa, Jul. 28 2023. Access on: Jul. 28 2023.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

O mapa intitulado “Principais Riscos Globais”,

exposto na página 04 deste Boletim, foi
elaborado pelos integrantes do Núcleo de Avaliação
dos fenômenos, estes podem ser categorizados em
alto risco (vermelho), quando avalia-se grande
instabilidade social, política, militar ou econômica;
da Conjuntura da Escola de Guerra Naval. Os e também, em médio risco (laranja), para principais
critérios utilizados para analisar os fenômenos situações de agravamento de riscos observados.
internacionais e determinar quais devem constar no Os países em cinza representam conflitos
mapa se baseiam na relevância destes para o Brasil, monitorados; caso tenha agravamento do risco, este
sendo eles: presença de brasileiros residentes na passa a ser vermelho ou laranja.
região, influência na economia brasileira e o impacto As análises são refeitas a cada edição do Boletim,
no Entorno Estratégico brasileiro. Os parâmetros para com o objetivo de reavaliar e atualizar as regiões
categorização dos riscos seguem os interesses dos demarcadas, bem como a cor utilizada em cada um.
membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança Desta forma, são sempre observados os principais
das Nações Unidas, relevância dos atores envolvidos, fenômenos, distribuídos em alto e médio risco.
repercussão internacional, impacto regional e a Abaixo, encontram-se links sobre os riscos apontados
possibilidade da escalada de tensões. Após a seleção no mapa:
Por: Luísa Barbosa

• •ARMÊNIA E AZERBAIJÃO - Conflito em Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan slams Armenia for stalling peace efforts in
Karabakh. Daily Sabah, 04 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• BURKINA FASO - Conflitos internos: France suspends development and budget aid to Burkina Faso. France24, 07 ago.
2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• EQUADOR - Crise sociopolítica: Elecciones anticipadas no se suspenden y se declara estado de excepción en el país, tras
asesinato de Fernando Villavicencio. El Universo, 10 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 10 ago. 2023.

• HAITI - Conflitos internos: Kenya’s offer to send police to Haiti sparks human rights concerns. The Guardian, 05 ago. 2023.
Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• IÊMEN - Crise estrutural e regional: Two fighters affiliated with Yemen's separatist Southern Transitional Council killed in
suspected Al-Qaeda blast. The New Arab, 06 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• LÍBANO - Crise estrutural: Israeli-Lebanese border tensions raise fears of the unthinkable. Arab News, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso
em: 07 ago. 2023.

• MALI - Conflitos internos: Mali: soldiers killed in a jihadist ambush near Niger. Africanews, 04 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07
ago. 2023.

• MIANMAR - Conflitos internos: Myanmar Junta Grants Partial Pardon To Detained Leaders Amid Continuing Crisis and
Resistance. The News Lens , 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• NÍGER - Golpe de Estado: Mali, Burkina to send delegation to coup-hit Niger. Africanews, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07
ago. 2023.

• RÚSSIA E UCRÂNIA - Conflito militar: Russia unleashes missile and drone strikes against Ukraine, retaliating for an attack
on a tanker. Associated Press, 06 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• SÍRIA - Crise regional: Syria reports soldier deaths in Israeli strike near Damascus. DW, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago.

• SOMÁLIA - Crise estrutural: African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), frontline States agree to Enhance
Collaboration on Security. African Business, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• SUDÃO - Conflito interno: Malik Agar reveals government-proposed roadmap to end Sudan’s war. Sudan Tribune, 06 ago.
2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• BELARUS - Crise regional: Poland rushes troops to border, Belarus denies helicopter violation. Reuters, 01 ago. 2023.
Acesso: 07 ago. 2023.

• ETIÓPIA - Crises internas: Ethiopia accuses Amhara militia of seeking to overthrow government. Al Jazeera, 07 ago. 2023.
Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.
BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023
• ISRAEL - Crise regional: Israeli forces kill three Palestinian militants in West Bank. BBC News, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em:
07 ago. 2023.

• PERU - Crise sociopolítica: Peru: Government modifies and extends state of emergency in Puno Department through at least
Sept. 3. Crisis 24, 05 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DO CONGO - Crise regional: Families face starvation over insecurity in DRC-Uganda
border. The East African, 04 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• VENEZUELA - Crise estrutural: Nicolás Maduro interviene la Cruz Roja en Venezuela. El País, 05 ago. 2023. Acesso em:
07 ago. 2023.

• COREIA DO NORTE - Crise regional: Kim Jong Un tells North Korea arms factories to boost capacity. Reuters, 06 ago.
2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• EL SALVADOR - Instabilidade sociopolítica: Latin America urgently needs an alternative to Bukele’s security plans. El País,
07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• GUATEMALA - Instabilidade política: Avanzan preparativos para segunda vuelta electoral en Guatemala. Telesur, 05 ago.
2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• ÍNDIA - Instabilidade social: Three people killed, houses set ablaze in fresh violence in India's Manipur state. Reuters, 05
ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2024.

• IRÃ - Instabilidade regional: Thousands of US troops arrive in Red Sea amid ratcheting Iran tensions. Al Jazeera, 07 ago.
2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• LÍBIA - Instabilidade sociopolítica: Libya’s High State Council elects new leader as political gridlock deepens. Al Jazeera,
06 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• MAR DO SUL DA CHINA - Disputas regionais: Philippines summons Chinese ambassador over water cannon incident in
disputed South China Sea. AP News, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• MOÇAMBIQUE - Instabilidade entre governo e forças insurgentes: Secretário de Defesa americano discute com Nyusi
segurança em Cabo Delgado. VOA News, 02 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• NICARÁGUA - Crise política: La válvula de escape de Ortega. El País, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• NIGÉRIA - Crises internas: Navy lied about ship intercepted with suspected stolen oil, says Tompolo’s security firm. The
Guardian Nigeria, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• PAQUISTÃO - Crise sociopolítica: The arrest of Imran Khan has just deepened Pakistan’s political crisis. Arab News, 07
ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023

• REPÚBLICA CENTRO-AFRICANA - Instabilidade social: UN ease sanctions on Central African Republic. Military Africa,
02 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• SELVA DE DARIÉN - Crise migratória: Panamá acusa a Colombia de no colaborar en el manejo de la crisis migrante en el
Darién. France 24, 05 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

• TAIWAN - Tensões China-EUA: China releases TV documentary showcasing army's ability to attack Taiwan. Associated
Press, 07 ago. 2023. Acesso em: 07 ago. 2023.

BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 188 • August | 2023

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