Expo Sociology

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The Evolution of Sociology: Exploring

Origins, Founders like Weber, Spencer,

and Durkheim, Functions, Definitions,
Characteristics, Classification, and
Sociology as a Science
Welcome to the exploration of the Evolution
of Sociology. We will delve into the
origins, founders like Weber, Spencer, and
Durkheim, functions, definitions,
characteristics, classification, and
Sociology as a Science.
Origins of Sociology
The origins of sociology can be traced back to the
19th century. It emerged as a response to the
social changes brought about by the Industrial
Revolution and Enlightenment. This period saw the
birth of sociological thought.
Founders of Sociology

Key founders of sociology include Max Weber,

Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim. Their
contributions laid the foundation for the
discipline, shaping its theories and
Functions and Definitions

Sociology studies the functions of society

and the behavior of individuals within it.
It provides definitions for social
phenomena, exploring their impact on
communities and individuals.
Characteristics of Sociology

Characteristics of sociology include its focus on

social relationships, institutions, and
structures. It employs empirical research methods
and seeks to understand social phenomena through a
scientific lens.
Classification in Sociology
Sociology employs classification to categorize social phenomena, such as
social institutions, cultures, and social movements. This process aids in
understanding the complexities of society.
Sociology as a Science

Sociology is considered a science due to its

systematic approach to studying society and human
behavior. It applies scientific methods to gather
and analyze data, contributing to a deeper
understanding of social dynamics.
In conclusion, the evolution of sociology has been shaped by influential founders,
key functions, defining characteristics, classification methods, and its
recognition as a science. This journey has provided valuable insights into the
complexities of human society.
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