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Political Philosophy and the Origins of Human Rights

In our first unit on the Origins of Law and Legal Philosophy and human rights, you will
investigate the history and origins of a specific human right, the philosophical
underpinnings of that right and how that right has been applied and evolved through
various societies and time periods to come to the position it holds in Canadian Law

You will conduct proper academic research and prepare a clearly written report on
your chosen right. This report will address the following areas:

 The school of philosophy which would advocate for or serve as the foundation of
your right, why and how your right fits in with this school of philosophy.
 The philosophical writings, which have addressed your right. It is expected that
you find two or three different philosophers or writings across different time
periods to report on
 What is in these writings: main ideas, important quotes, types of writing, other
relevant details.
 The time period, place and era where your right came into prominence.
 How your right gained widespread acceptance in Western legal systems? Ensure
you include information on this right in Canada.
 Where and how your right is accepted or being advocated for today?
 Where and how is your right being suppressed or threatened today?

Each report should be approximately 3-4 pages and include proper documentation
using APA style. Your report will be submitted through the D2L dropbox.

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