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Debate English
Hello, I’m Carmen and with my teammates Luna, Paola und Enrique, we’re going to
defend the position against the question that was presented which is:

Are Esports beneficial for the education of young people?

Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of competition using video games. Sports
often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly
between professional players, played individually or as teams.
Esports are video games that are played in a highly organized competitive environment.
These games can range from popular, team-oriented multiplayer online battle arenas to
single player first person shooters, to survival battle royales, to virtual reconstructions
of physical sports.

And these are our arguments:

This first argument that we’re presenting we want to make clear how the Esports do
affect our health in the education field, this can be seen in the number of children who
suffer from addictions to these games with the long hours that young people spend
playing this games, that affect the person's life and attention to their education, it can
also be seen in the social anxiety that prevents them from socializing in education
experience and maybe don’t get friends which could to other mental health problems.
How the new technologies have affected the young people from now has always been a
serious theme but now and on these games more than ever, some games apart from
being additives which produces some mental health problems there is also some games
don’t have any education value in which they can learn something but the contrary they
affect they’re intelligence and thinking that do affect their education.
The aim from the Esports should always be to learn something and improve the young
people soft skills, but we’d be surprise how many don’t improve any of our soft skills
like collaboration, team work or creativity, in which this games don’t improve but
weakened them, that can be seen in the education with the young people don’t wanting
to participate in team works, don’t collaborate in any way or don’t wanting to do
teamwork, which would affect all of the young people education.
The esports affect all kind of themes and another one is the new educational style in
which how the young people get the information from these games can affect that much
just to go into their educational style, which by how they play and manage this games
can affect they’re style at their educational part of life, by giving different attentions to
certain things that may be important or don’t make an appropriate effort in the
assignments or tasks that are asked to do.

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