EDT 2024 - Explicación de La Pregunta

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«Are eSports (electronic sports) beneficial for the education of young


eSports, short for electronic sports, refer to competitive video gaming where players
compete individually or in teams. From real-time strategy games to multiplayer online
battle arenas, eSports encompass a wide array of genres that have garnered significant
popularity among youth globally. There are some aspects to consider in order to study
this motion:

Skill Development: Participation in eSports can foster skills such as hand-eye

coordination, quick decision-making, and problem-solving. Research by Ferguson,
Coulson, and Barnett (2011) found that video game players exhibited enhanced hand-
eye coordination and rapid decision-making abilities compared to non-players.
Promotion of Teamwork: Many eSports titles are team-based, encouraging
collaboration and communication among team members. Games like "League of
Legends," "Dota 2," and "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" are examples where
teamwork is fundamental to success.

Potential Negative Impacts: Despite their benefits, excessive engagement in eSports

may pose risks to the physical and mental health of young people, as well as their
academic performance. A study by Gentile et al. (2011) revealed an association between
excessive video game time and behavioural problems in adolescents.
Those who defend “For” could consider that eSports offer a platform for the
development of technical, strategic, and social skills among young people. Games like
"Fortnite," "Rocket League," and "Among Us" foster creativity, teamwork, and problem-
solving, as noted by Deloitte's report (2020).
By the other hand, those who defend Against may explain that while eSports present
opportunities for skill development, it's essential to address potential negative impacts.
Granic et al. (2014) found that excessive video game use was linked to symptoms of
depression and anxiety in teenagers, underscoring the importance of balance.

The debate surrounding the benefits of eSports for young people is nuanced. While
eSports offer opportunities for skill development and social engagement, it's crucial to
address potential negative consequences. Striking a balance between eSports and other
activities is essential for promoting holistic development and responsible technology use
among youth.
The debate is, thus, served.

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