Final Assignment 1

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“Out, Out” poem vs real story

Real story similar “Out, Out” poem:

Fading Light:
In a small village on the outskirts of a forest, there lived a young boy
named Jake. Jake lived with his family in a modest house next to the
green hills. He was a diligent and responsible boy, always helping his
father with work in the fields.
One day, Jake was asked to help his father in picking fruits from the
fruitful trees in the nearby orchards. It was a sunny and beautiful day,
and the scent of delicious fruits filled the air. Jake worked diligently,
filling baskets with apples, oranges, and pears.
As the hours passed and the sun began to set, shadows stretched across
the ground. Jake was tired but determined to finish the task. Suddenly,
while reaching for a high-hanging fruit, his foot slipped, and he fell to the
ground with a thud. In that moment, the plucked fruit slipped from his
hand and crashed onto the ground.
Jake felt a sharp pain in his leg, and he saw blood flowing. He tried to
stand but couldn't. Jake let out a cry, and his family rushed to his aid.
They carried him back to the house and called for a doctor.
It turned out that he had suffered a broken leg, and he was taken to the
hospital for necessary treatment. After a surgery and a period of rest,
Jake recovered from the injury, but he had to refrain from strenuous
physical activities for a long time.
Life carried on in the village, and daily events resumed their usual course.
With time, the memory of Jake's accident and recovery began to fade
gradually. However, Jake, despite his physical recovery, carried the
impact of that incident in his heart, knowing that his life had been forever
In this story, similar to the poem "Out, Out," the idea of a young person
losing their life due to a work-related accident is explored. The story
highlights the shock and psychological impact that such an accident can
have on the individual and their family. It depicts the permanent changes
that occur in an individual's life as a result of a tragic incident.

A comparison between the poem "Out, Out" and the short story "Fading

1. Format: "Out, Out" is a poem written in verse, while "Fading Light" is a

short story written in prose.

2. Length: "Out, Out" is a relatively short poem, while "Fading Light" is a

longer narrative due to its prose format.

3. Language and Style: The poem utilizes poetic devices such as imagery,
metaphors, and rhythmic patterns to convey its message concisely. In
contrast, the short story allows for more descriptive language and
character development.

4. Narrative Structure: The poem "Out, Out" focuses on a single moment,

depicting the accident and its immediate aftermath. "Fading Light," as a
short story, has a more extensive narrative structure, providing
background information, character development, and a resolution that
extends beyond the central event.

5. Depth of Exploration: The poem explores the themes of life's brevity,

the indifference of nature, and the suddenness of death. "Fading Light"

delves into similar themes but has more room for character emotions,
family dynamics, and the long-term impact of the incident.

6. Poetic Devices: "Out, Out" employs literary techniques like repetition,

alliteration, and enjambment to create rhythm and enhance the
emotional impact of the words. "Fading Light" relies on narrative
techniques such as dialogue, characterization, and descriptive prose to
convey the story's events and emotions.

Between the events in the poem "Out, Out" and the short
story "Fading Light" :
1. "Out, Out" Events:
- A young boy is working with a buzz saw.
- The buzz saw accidentally cuts his hand severely.
- Despite the severity of the injury, the boy remains calm.
- The doctor arrives and amputates the boy's hand.
- The boy goes into shock and loses consciousness.
- The poem ends with a reflection on the fleeting nature of life and the
indifference of nature.

2. "Fading Light" Events:

- A young boy named Jake helps his father pick fruits in the fields.
- While reaching for a high fruit, Jake slips and falls, breaking his leg.
- Jake is taken to the hospital and undergoes surgery.
- He has a long period of recovery and is unable to engage in physical

- Life in the village continues, but Jake carries the emotional impact of
the accident.
- The story hints at the permanent changes in Jake's life and the need to
adapt to them.

In both the poem and the story, a young person is involved in a work-
related accident that leads to a significant injury. However, the poem
focuses more on the immediate impact of the accident and the fleeting
nature of life, while the story delves into the aftermath, the recovery
process, and the long-term effects on the protagonist's life.

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