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NAME _______________________________________________ CLASS _________________

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 My brother __________ his white shoes every week.

A wash
B washes
C washed
2 The fisherman __________ not go out to sea during the monsoon season.
A should

B might
C can

3 __________ swept the floor this morning?

A Who
B What
C When

4 __________ little rabbit on my lap is found wondering in my garden.

A This
B That
C These

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6 Ali had to sleep late because he forgot to complete his homework but through sheer effort
he managed to complete them __________.
A better to be safe than sorry
B better to be alone than in bad company
C better late than never
D beauty is only skin deep

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Bipala’s shop held a sale. The shop was very big

and 7 . Puan Salina saw a piece of
beautiful cloth 8 she liked
it. 9 wanted to sew a floral ‘baju kurung’
for himself.

7 8 9
A crowd A and A me
B crowds B after B she
C crowded D although C her
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10 The small boy cried loudly because he is hungry.

A big
B large
C little
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

A Mummy. Can I watch Tom and Jerry?
B Mummy, can I watch "Tom and Jerry?
C Mummy, can I watch tom and jerry?

Mr. Lim and his family are at the playground. 12 daugthers are
sitting on the swings. His son is playing on the slide. He 13 his wife
are sitting on a bench. Their baby is sitting 14 a pram.
They 15 watching their children enjoying themselves.

12 13 14 15
A He A but A at A is
B Her B so B in B were
C His C and C from C are

Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.
Bring your family and enjoy holiday with us!

20008 Holiday Packages

Pulau Redang
3 days 2 nights
ONLY RM750.00
*Accomodation provide at the Sri Canggih Resort
*Snorkelling and boat tour around island. Snorkelling equipment available for
rent at RM200.00 for deposit.
*Complimentary breakfast for two
*Contact Mr Tan for reservation

Taman Negara
4 days 3 nights
ONLY RM600.00
*Accommodation: Tents (camping equipment provided)
*Bird-watching, canopy walk and cave exploration. Bring your own binoculars and
*call Mr Raju reservation

Fraser Hill
3 days 2 night
ONLY RM280.00
*Accommodation: provide at Pine Hill Apartments
*Activities include bird-watching and jungle-trekking. Bring your own binoculars and
*Call En. Rahim for reservation.

16 Which place offers a package for 3 days 2 nights?

A Pulau Redang and Taman Negara
B Pulau Redang and Fraser’s Hill
C Fraser’s Hill only

17 How much do you have to pay to stay at Fraser’s Hill?

A RM750.00
B RM600.00
C RM280.00

18 Which activities can you take part in if you choose to go to Pulau Redang?
A Bird-watching, canopy walk and cave exploration
B Snorkeling and boat tour around the island
C Snorkeling and canopy walk

19 Where would Hasan sleep in if he goes to Taman Negara?

A In a boat
B At Pine Hill Apartments
C In a tent

20 The RM200.00 deposit is for

A reservation
B snorkeling equipment
C complimentary breakfast

Read the conversation below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca perbualan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Mazni : Hello, is it 7423677?

Mrs. Liew : Yes. Who do you want to speak to?
Mazni : May I speak to Choon Synn,
Mrs. Liew : I'll get him.
Choon : Hello, Choon Synn here.
Mazni : Hi,Choon Synn. This is Mazni.
Choon : Hi Mazni. What's up?
Mazni : A few of us are going to visit Mr.
Tham at the hospital after school
tomorrow. Would you like to come
Choon : Of course I would. What are you
Synn planning to bring him?
Mazni : We can stop at the florist on the
way to the hospital. By the way, he
is in ward 6D.
Choon : Good.
Mazni : Meet me after school at the canteen
at 2.30 p.m and we will leave to
hospital at 3.00 . Bye.
21 Who telephoned Choon Synn?
A Choon Synn
B Mrs Liew
C Mazni

22 Mrs Liew is probably

A Choon Synn's brother
B Choon Synn's mother
C Choon Synn's father

23 Why do you think Mr. Tham is in the hospital?

A He is sick
B He is teaching there
C He lives in the hospital

24 What are they going to give to Mr. Tham at the hospital?

A Flowers
B Drinks
C Books

25 When will they visit Mr. Tham?

A At 10 p.m.
B At 6 a.m.
C At 3 a.m.
D At 2 p.m.

Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.
53, Lorong Lama,
Kampung Panji,
16100 Kota Bharu,

23 September 2004

Dear Arif,

I received your letter two days after. Thank you for writing to me after such a
long time. It is great to hear from you again.

In your letter, you told me that you are going to the United Kingdom. That's
great. When you are there, don't forget to send me postcards. As you know, I'm a
great fan of the Gunners. I would appreciate if you could get me a Gunner's jersey.
I shall give you the money when I see you off at the airport.

By the way, on 22nd December, I shall be going to the United States to see my
elder brother. My parents are coming too. I'll be there for one week. It has been
two years since the last time we spent Christmas together.

I think that's all for now. I'll see at the airport then.

Thanks and goodbye.

Yours sincerely,


26 When did Vincent receive Arif's letter?

A 20 September 2004
B 21 September 2004
C 25 September 2004

27 Where is Arif going?

A To the United Kingdom
B To the United States
C To the airport

28 What did Vincent ask Arif to buy?

A A postcard
B A jersey
C A ball

29 Who are going with Vincent to the United States?

A His elder brothers
B His grandparents
C His parents

30 Where would Vincent be spending his Christmas?

A In the United Kingdom
B In the United States
C In Kota Bharu

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