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Acute Liver Failure in Children

4 James Squires and Estella Alonso

Introduction Compounding the diagnostic challenge, pinpointing the

time at which the “first signs of hepatic dysfunction” occur is
Pediatric acute liver failure (PALF) is not a single diagnosis.
difficult and dependent upon clinical observation by indivi-
Rather, PALF is a complex, rapidly progressive clinical syndrome
duals with variable expertise in assessing liver disease.
that is the final common pathway for many disparate conditions;
Symptoms such as jaundice may go undetected for a period.
some known and others yet to be identified [1, 2]. The estimated
The interval between the apparent onset of jaundice and HE
frequency of acute liver failure (ALF) in all age groups in the USA
has been used to characterize various “subtypes” of PALF such
is about 17 cases per 100,000 population per year, but the fre-
as “hyperacute,” “acute,” and “subacute” PALF, and yet the
quency in children is unknown. In the USA, ALF accounts for
first day of the illness is all but impossible to determine. There
10–15% of pediatric liver transplants performed annually [3].
are currently no validated alternatives to these imperfect sub-
Management requires a multidisciplinary team involving the
jective measures to distinguish categories of patients with acute
hepatologist, critical care specialist, and liver transplant surgeon.
severe liver injury from ALF or to distinguish ALF that is
Acute liver failure is a rapidly evolving clinical condition. The
recoverable without liver transplant from those who would
absence of adequately powered studies to inform diagnostic algo-
die without liver transplant.
rithms, to assess markers of disease severity and trajectory, and to
In the era before liver transplantation, the dynamic natural
guide liver transplant decisions transfers a significant burden to
history of PALF was for children to either survive or die and
the clinician. Constructing a diagnostic approach and individua-
a worsening clinical course did not preclude a favorable out-
lized management strategy that may include the decision to
come (Figure 4.1). A previously healthy patient typically
pursue liver transplantation is challenging. There are a number
experiences a non-specific prodrome of variable duration
of pressing clinical questions faced when children with PALF first
with features that might include abdominal discomfort and
present. Does the patient have a condition that is treatable? What
malaise with or without fever. Symptoms may persist or wax
is the risk of deterioration or improvement on each day the child
and wane for days or weeks before the child is brought to
is alive with his/her native liver? Is a living related or deceased
medical attention. In the absence of jaundice or other clinically
liver transplant necessary for patient survival? Is full recovery
evident sign of liver dysfunction, the child may receive empiric
possible without a liver transplant? Are associated morbidities
treatment to relieve symptoms. However, if there are clinical
recoverable or irreversible?
signs of liver injury or encephalopathy, or if blood work is
obtained that reveals hepatic dysfunction, the clinical syn-
Clinical Characterization drome of PALF can be recognized.
Defining PALF is challenging. In adults, the research definition With the exception of acute ingestions (e.g., mushrooms,
requires the onset of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) less than acetaminophen), the precise onset of disease is rarely identi-
eight weeks after the first signs of hepatic dysfunction. While fied. Patient outcome is reflected, in part, by the interaction
HE is a required element for adults with liver failure, it is among etiology, disease severity, supportive management, and
acknowledged that it is difficult to assess in children and may treatment. Yet, outcomes vary among children with seemingly
not be reliably identified in a clinical setting [4]. When present, similar etiology, disease severity, and treatment; therefore,
developmental differences in the clinical manifestations of HE additional factors are likely involved to explain these varia-
have been noted between infants and young children. tions. Modifying factors likely include the inflammatory
Recognizing the difficulties inherent to assessing encephalo- milieu, end-organ damage, immune activation, potential for
pathy in children, entry criteria for the longitudinal cohort liver regeneration, and management interventions. Medical
study by the Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Study Group and liver transplant decisions require reliable repeated assess-
(PALFSG) were developed by a consensus of experts whereby ments of the probability of survival with native liver from one
HE was not a requirement to attain a diagnosis of PALF [5] time interval to the next. Liver transplant decisions for children
(Table 4.1). with ALF, which must include the risks associated with living

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

organ donation, are made difficult given the uncertainty of considerable clinical judgment. Liver transplant arbitrarily
patient outcome. The uncertainty regarding where the patient interrupts the natural course of PALF and it is accepted that
resides along the “natural course” of the disease at the time of some patients who receive a liver transplant may have survived
initial presentation or at any point thereafter requires without one. Given the insufficient number of organs to satisfy
patient needs, the field would be well served if there were
a more precise method to identify those patients who will
Table 4.1 PALFSG Study Entry Criteria survive without a liver transplant, as well as those who will
die despite liver transplant.
• No known evidence of chronic liver disease
• Biochemical evidence of acute liver injury
• Coagulopathy not corrected by vitamin K Etiology
Specific etiologies can be broadly categorized as infectious,
◦◦ INR ≥ 1.5 (or PT between 15 and 19.9 seconds) with clinical HE
immunologic, metabolic, and toxin/drug related; however, an
◦◦ INR is ≥ 2.0 (or PT ≥ 20 seconds) with or without HE identified cause for liver injury is lacking in approximately
30–50% of cases [5, 6]. Figure 4.2 details the causes of ALF in
PALF: pediatric acute liver failure; INR: international normalized ratio;
1,144 children enrolled in the PALFSG from 19 pediatric liver
PT: prothrombin time; HE: hepatic encephalopathy.
transplant centers in the USA, Canada, and the UK between
1999 and 2014. In developing countries, the etiologies are

Figure 4.1 The clinical trajectory of a child with

acute liver failure is difficult to predict. Liver
transplantation interrupts the natural history of
acute liver failure. Improved assessment and
estimate of the clinical trajectory will enhance
transplant decisions in the future. SIRS: systemic
inflammatory response syndrome.

Figure 4.2. Etiology of acute liver failure in 1,144

children from the Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Study
Group (PALFSG) 1999–2014.
APAP: acetaminophen; GALD: gestational
alloimmune liver disease; HLH: hemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis. Adapted from reference [1].

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

similar but are dominated by infectious etiologies, with hepa- indeterminate diagnosis appears to influence decisions
titis A virus (HAV) being the most common identified etiology toward listing [20]. Additional co-morbidities, such as tran-
[7, 8]. This brief summation of processes that can cause PALF sient bone marrow suppression and aplastic anemia, can be
is supplemented by other chapters detailing each specific dis- seen in these children, even after successful liver transplanta-
ease state. tion [6].

Indeterminate Acetaminophen
Historically, a specific diagnosis was not established in over 50% Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (paracetamol)) is
of PALF and these children were categorized as indeterminate widely used in children for management of fever and pain. It
(IND-PALF). Likely, the indeterminate group consisted of some is available without prescription and is commercially available
patients who underwent an incomplete diagnostic evaluation, as a single formulation or can be compounded with deconge-
and within the PALFSG cohort, inadequate assessments for stants or narcotics. Acetaminophen (APAP) is safe and well
autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), mitochondrial disorders, and tolerated when dosing instructions are strictly followed.
other metabolic diseases were the most common deficiencies However, it has a low therapeutic index, and in certain indivi-
[9]. Comprehensive viral testing in PALF has also been found to duals or clinical scenarios, chronic administration of therapeu-
often be incomplete [10]. Recent efforts have looked to address tic dosages of acetaminophen can result in significant
this shortcoming. While almost 43% of the overall PALFSG hepatotoxic effects [21]. Notably, APAP toxicity is the most
participants were categorized as indeterminate (Figure 4.2), commonly identified cause of PALF in over 1,100 children
the incorporation of standardized diagnostic test recommenda- enrolled in the PALFSG [1]. Two clinical scenarios are asso-
tions into electronic medical record (EMR) order sets enabled ciated with acetaminophen hepatotoxicity.
a significant reduction in the percentage of IND-PALF, from The most common scenario follows an intentional single
48% during the first two phases of the study (1999–2010) to ingestion of a hepatotoxic dose of 15–25 g in adults (or
30.8% when looking at phase three (2011–2014) [1]. In smaller >100 mg/kg in children) in an attempt at suicide or attention-
studies, the utility of next generation sequencing and un-biased seeking behavior [22]. Plasma acetaminophen at four and 24
whole exome sequencing has expanded diagnostic capabilities as hours after a single ingestion will assist in determining the
well [11, 12]. Still, “indeterminate” remains the most common relative toxicity of the ingestion [23]. Females over ten years
categorization of these critically ill children. of age represent the most common demographic associated
The presentation of IND-PALF mirrors that of most other with intentional overdose in children, but it should be consid-
children with acute liver failure (Figure 4.1). IND-PALF can ered in all age groups outside the newborn period [5].
occur at any age and cases do not segregate by sex or race. Immediately following ingestion, patients may experience
Temporal clustering of IND-PALF supports a potential role for non-specific symptoms of nausea and vomiting. While a liver
a community-acquired viral infection, but a novel or pre- biopsy is not generally indicated in the setting of known acet-
viously known pathogenic virus has not been identified [6]. aminophen overdose, centrilobular hepatic necrosis is the hall-
Injury secondary to overzealous inflammatory responses and mark finding and should raise the consideration of
immune dysregulation have been suspected in many cases of acetaminophen toxicity even without a clear history of expo-
IND-PALF and the degree of increasing inflammatory network sure. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) given enterally or intravenously
connectivity in these patients has been shown to be associated can successfully reverse the toxic injury if given shortly after
with poorer outcomes [13, 14]. Some patients with IND-PALF the ingestion, ideally within 24 hours. Mechanistically, NAC
present with a hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)- has demonstrated hepatoprotective effects in acetaminophen
like phenotype including elevated soluble IL-2 receptor levels toxicity by antagonizing the damage-associated molecular pat-
[15, 16]. However, the majority of patients with evidence of tern (DAMP) molecule high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1)
immune activation do not meet criteria for HLH but do exhibit which drives a pro-inflammatory program in PALF [24] and by
characteristic features that suggest a common pathogenesis enhancing hepatic and mitochondrial glutathione levels
[17]. This sub-set of IND-PALF patients have distinctive liver (scavenging of reactive oxygen and peroxynitrite) [25]. If treat-
histology which includes a dense CD103+CD8+ T-cell infiltrate ment is delayed beyond 24 hours following ingestion, the
further suggesting an immune mediated liver injury [16, 17]. patient is at increased risk of having irreversible liver injury.
PALF patients with this “activated” CD8 T cell hepatitis are Regardless of the interval between ingestion and presentation,
more likely to receive liver transplantation than patients with NAC should be administered when a toxic ingestion has
other causes of PALF. Based on these observations, there has occurred. Serum aminotransferase levels can reach over
been a growing trend toward treatment of PALF associated 10,000 IU/mL and the total bilirubin is generally lower than
with activated CD8+ T cell hepatitis with immunosuppression. might be expected given the degree of liver injury, typically
However, the therapeutic benefit of this practice remains <10 mg/dL. Early metabolic acidosis and serum lactate eleva-
unknown [18]. The clinical course of IND-PALF can be vari- tions can be seen along with co-morbidities of acute renal
able, yet the trajectory of commonly obtained clinical measures failure (10–50%) and pancreatitis (0.3–5%) [2]. If treatment
such as international normalized ratio (INR), total bilirubin, is not initiated, jaundice develops within 48 to 72 hours, with
and the presence of HE has been shown to have important death occurring in the most severe cases by five to seven days
prognostic value [19]. When considering transplant, having an following the ingestion.
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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

In the second most common presentation, patients inadver- Table 4.2 Medications and Toxins Associated with Acute Liver Failure
tently partake in a “therapeutic misadventure” whereby they
Type Xenobiotics
unintentionally overdose by taking therapeutic doses of multi-
ple APAP-containing medications [22]. Risk factors for devel- Anti-infective Clavulanic acid/amoxicillin
oping severe hepatotoxicity secondary to a therapeutic Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
misadventure include concomitant use of other medicines that Isoniazid
alter hepatic metabolism, delayed medical care, younger age, Minocycline/doxycycline
and prolonged periods of fasting [26]. In both adults and chil- Quinolone (ciprofloxacin,
dren, polymorphic variants in UDP-glucuronosyltransferase norfloxacin)
(UGT) 1A, a main metabolizing enzyme of APAP, have been Voriconazole
shown to affect the risk of developing APAP toxicity [27, 28]. Macrolide (erythromycin,
The presence of acetaminophen adducts in the serum may clarithromycin, azithromycin)
indicate unsuspected hepatotoxicity or underreported acetami- Others
nophen (ab)use [29]. Additionally, the presence of adducts in Anticonvulsants Phenytoin
indeterminate cases of PALF suggests occult APAP toxicity may Valproic acid
play a role in approximately 10% of children where a distinct Carbamazepine
diagnosis for ALF cannot be established [30]. Although the Others
magnitude of this clinical problem in children is not well Immunomodulators/ Methotrexate
defined, between 16% and 48% of acetaminophen-induced ALF anti-inflammatory Azathioprine
in adults results from unintentional overdosing, reinforcing the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
concept that accidental misuse of this medication leading to drugs
serious liver injury is relatively common [22]. Similar to children Acetaminophen
with a single intentional overdose, alanine aminotransferase Biological (i.e., infliximab,
levels can reach into the many thousands with a relatively low basiliximab, etc.)
total bilirubin level. Others
Recreational drugs Ecstasy
Medication (Non-Acetaminophen) or Toxin Cocaine
Liver injury caused by drugs, herbals, or toxins other than Others
acetaminophen was identified in a little more than 3% of Complementary, Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
cases in the PALFSG registry, the vast majority occurring in alternative or herbal Germander
children over ten years of age [1, 5]. Anti-epileptics (valproic medication Ma huang
acid, phenytoin, carbamazepine, felbamate) are the most com- Chaparral
mon offenders in children [5, 31]. Valproic acid, particularly in Black cohosh root
children with unsuspected mitochondrial disease, may preci- Pennyroyal
pitate ALF. The list of xenobiotics associated with liver failure Kava
is extensive and expanding; a partial list is found in Table 4.2. Others
Hepatotoxic agents, such as industrial solvents and mushroom Toxin/industrial Amatoxin (mushrooms from
toxin, are dose dependent and will predictably result in liver solvents Amianita spp.)
injury or failure. The diagnosis of hepatotoxic liver injury is Carbon tetrachloride
often one of exclusion, based on latency, clinical features, Tricholorethylene
laboratory values, histology, and a response to removal of the 2-Nitropropane
offending agent [32]. However, idiosyncratic drug reactions 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
remain a common etiology. Given the complexity of drug-
induced liver injury, the Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network
(DILIN), established by the National Institutes of Health in
2003, has and continues to standardize the nomenclature and patterns, and management of liver injury attributable to med-
causality assessment of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) ications, herbals and dietary supplements.
including those associated with liver failure. In April of 2012 A careful history of exposure to hepatotoxins should be
the website LiverTox® ( obtained from the family of any child presenting with ALF,
was launched as a joint effort of the Liver Disease Research including prescription and non-prescription drugs in the
Branch of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and home that could have been ingested accidentally. In teenagers,
Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and the Division of Specialized a history should include evidence of depression, recreational
Information Services of the National Library of Medicine drug use (e.g., cocaine, ecstasy), or solvent sniffing. Any expo-
(NLM), National Institutes of Health. The purpose of sure to hepatotoxic drugs, chemicals, or herbals should be
LiverTox® is to provide up-to-date, accurate, and easily considered possibly related to the liver injury. Ingestion of the
accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, Amanita mushroom is clearly traced to ALF.

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

Liver biopsy can assist in the diagnosis of drug-induced hypertriglyceridemia, hyperferritinemia, and hypofibrinogen-
idiosyncratic liver injury. The histologic pattern of injury emia and should be conceptualized as a phenotype of critical
observed should be that expected from the drug to which the illness due to toxic activation of immune cells from different
patient has been exposed. The patterns seen are hepatitis underlying mechanisms [35, 36]. Additional diagnostic criteria
(hepatocellular necrosis), cholestasis, mixed cholestasis and now include low or absent natural killer (NK) cell activity,
hepatitis, and steatosis. Drugs that cause hepatitis (e.g., isonia- serum ferritin >500 μg/L, and soluble CD25 (soluble interleu-
zid, propylthiouracil, and halothane) have the greatest poten- kin-2 receptor) >2400 U/mL. It can present from infancy
tial for causing PALF. Drugs associated with steatosis (e.g., through adolescence, although it is most commonly diagnosed
sodium valproate, amiodarone) may also cause liver failure. in the first five years of life.
Drugs that cause cholestasis (oxacillin) rarely produce liver
failure, whereas drugs that cause mixed cholestasis and hepa- Indeterminate Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Associated with
titis (sulfa drugs) sometimes do. If histology differs from that Activated CD8+ T Cell Hepatitis
expected by the drug in question, another cause should be As noted above, a subset of children with IND-PALF is noted
sought. Exposure to a drug or toxin should not preclude to have evidence of immune dysregulation and inflammatory
a thorough search for other causes of liver injury. overactivation. While specific classification criteria are lacking,
this emerging PALF-associated disease may benefit from
Immune Mediate Liver Injury future efforts to better define and categorize these patients,
identifying a unique PALF cohort who would benefit from
Autoimmune Marker Positive targeted immunosuppression therapies.
The classic serological markers associated with autoimmune
liver disease, which include anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), Other Primary Immune Deficiencies
smooth muscle antibody (SMA), and liver–kidney microsomal
Primary immune deficiencies (PID) is a rapidly growing group
(LKM) antibody, are found to be positive in 28% of children
of >350 conditions characterized by increased susceptibility to
with ALF [33]. However, the true frequency of positive auto-
infections, autoimmunity, and auto-inflammation [37]. An
immune markers in PALF is not known as all three markers
expanding understanding of the reciprocal interactions
were obtained in only 55% of patients in the PALFSG, while
between the liver and the immune system has identified PID,
21% of children showed no markers [9]. Autoimmune-marker
particularly those with inherited defects in T and B cells or
positive PALF has been reported in children as young as nine
innate immunity, as contributors to children presenting with
weeks and therefore should be considered in all age groups
ALF [38]. Specific conditions that have been associated with
outside of early infancy.
liver failure include autoimmune regulator (AIRE) deficiency
The presence of autoantibodies in PALF is more common in
and SP110 deficiency [38].
those with a final diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH,
93%); however, they can be found in patients with other
known causes of liver failure such as Wilson disease, drug- Gestational Alloimmune Liver Disease
induced liver failure, and indeterminate [33]. Elevated serum Gestational alloimmune liver disease (GALD), results from an
globulins may not be present, and the condition appears to be intrauterine alloimmune liver injury and is the single most
evenly distributed among males and females. Histologic features common cause of neonatal ALF [39]. The phenotype of neo-
show evidence of immune activation with the presence of natal liver disease in association with siderosis of various
a lymphoplasmocytic-enriched portal tract infiltrate, central extrahepatic tissues has been termed neonatal hemochroma-
perivenulitis, and lymphoid follicles with evidence of massive tosis (NH) for over 20 years. Recently, it has been determined
hepatic necrosis [34]. Notably, there should be no evidence of that GALD accounts for 60–90% of NH cases. The remaining
chronicity on the initial biopsy. While the presence of autoanti- patients with the NH phenotype have been found to have
bodies does not appear to significantly associate with outcomes, a variety of disorders including mitochondrial DNA depletion
children who are LKM positive were found to be younger and syndrome, bile acid synthetic defects, Down syndrome with
more likely to undergo liver transplantation compared with myelodysplasia, and severe perinatal infection. While HLH
other autoantibody subjects [33]. Corticosteroids can interrupt may also present with extra-hepatic iron deposition, iron is
the liver injury in many patients and while steroid treatment did present in the reticuloendothelial system (e.g., spleen and
not improve survival overall in autoantibody positive children, macrophages) which is spared in the NH phenotype. In GALD-
the sub-group of patients with a known diagnosis other than NH, maternal immunoglobulin G appears to activate fetal
AIH had a higher risk of death [33]. Some children appear to complement, which leads to the formation of the membrane
tolerate weaning corticosteroids without recurrence of their attack complex and results in liver cell injury. The resultant
disease, while recurrent disease may be more common in adults. pathologic siderosis seen in both the liver and various extra-
hepatic tissue results from severe liver injury causing iron
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis overload due to poor regulation of maternofetal iron flux.
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an enigmatic The degree of liver injury can be so profound that death from
condition characterized by fever, hepatosplenomegaly, marked liver failure can occur within the first few weeks of life [39, 40].
elevation in serum aminotransferase levels, cytopenias, Therefore, liver failure associated with GALD-NH is

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

technically a terminal event of a chronic intrauterine liver Table 4.3 Metabolic Disease Presenting as Acute Liver Failure
disease. However, the phenotype of a family’s index case of
Age Condition
NH confronting the clinician is one of ALF and thus deserves
to be included in this section for clinical purposes. <6 months Galactosemia
Characteristic clinical features of GALD-NH include an Niemann-Pick type C
ALF presentation usually at birth and almost always in the Tyrosinemia
first days of life. The majority (70–90%) of affected infants Glycosylation defect
are born premature and a history of maternal sibling death is Mitochondrial disease*
common. Medical history often reveals intrauterine growth Infantile liver failure syndrome
restriction and oligohydramnios. Refractory hypoglycemia, type 1 (LARS deficiency)
severe coagulopathy, hypoalbuminemia, elevated serum ferri- Hereditary fructose intolerance
tin (>1000 μg/L), and ascites are often noted. Strikingly, serum NBAS deficiency
aminotransferase levels are normal or near normal and should 7 months to 4 years Mitochondrial disease*
alert the clinician to the possibility of GALD-NH [39]. Tyrosinemia
Extrahepatic iron deposition is a hallmark finding. alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency
Hemosiderin deposition in the minor salivary glands obtained Infantile liver failure syndrome
by a buccal mucosal biopsy is often seen. Alternatively, MRI of type 1 (LARS deficiency)
the abdomen would suggest the diagnosis with the finding of Hereditary fructose intolerance
reduced T2-weighted intensity of the liver and/or the pancreas Urea cycle defects
relative to the spleen. Exchange transfusion and high-dose 5 years to 18 years Wilson disease
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the preferred treat- Mitochondrial disease*
ment to remove offending antibodies and block their action, Fatty liver of pregnancy
including activation of complement [39].
* Fatty acid oxidation defects, respiratory chain defects, mitochondrial DNA
Inherited Metabolic Disease depletion.

Metabolic diseases may not fit the definition of ALF precisely

as the condition was certainly present prior to presentation.
However, a number of conditions will present acutely in a child neonatal period has been reported [42]. Mitochondrial hepa-
who is not known to have the condition until the diagnosis is topathies are increasingly recognized as an important cause of
established and ALF may be the initial presentation. Overall, liver failure due to deficiencies in respiratory complexes I, III,
metabolic diseases account for just under 10% of PALF [1]. or IV or mitochondrial DNA depletion. With rare exceptions,
While some conditions, such as mitochondrial disease, may mitochondrial hepatopathies have associated systemic mito-
present at any age, many metabolic conditions presenting as chondrial dysfunction characterized by progressive neurologic
liver failure segregate within age groups. Metabolic conditions deficiencies, cardiomyopathy, or myopathy. Multisystem
that should be considered in these age groups are listed in mitochondrial dysfunction has historically served as a relative
Table 4.3. Details of the specific conditions can be found in contraindication to liver transplant [44]. However, patients
other sections of this textbook. Highlighting those which have with mitochondrial diseases (excluding POLG-related disease)
been associated with a presentation of ALF is the purpose of have more recently been shown to tolerate solid-organ trans-
this section. plant with post-transplant survival similar to non-
Metabolic conditions affecting infants in the first few mitochondrial disease patients [45]. Unfortunately, multi-
months of life include galactosemia, tyrosinemia, Niemann– system involvement may not be apparent at the time of liver
Pick type C, mitochondrial hepatopathies, hereditary fructose transplant, and progressive extra-hepatic disease can occur.
intolerance, urea cycle defects, and the defects associated with Lactic acidosis and an elevated molar ratio of lactate to pyr-
recurrent PALF [41–43]. Galactosemia should be considered in uvate (>25 mol/mol) have historically been used to alert the
a child consuming breast milk or other lactose-containing clinician to the possibility of a mitochondrial hepatopathy;
formula and developing liver failure associated with reducing however, recent analysis of the PALFSG cohort found that
substances in the urine. Hepatosplenomegaly is common and neither an elevated serum lactate ≥ 2.5 mmol/L nor an elevated
profound coagulopathy can be seen with only modest amino- lactate:pyruvate (L:P) ratio were specific for mitochondrial
transferase elevations [2]. Similarly, tyrosinemia can present disease in the setting of PALF and elevation did not predict
with a profound coagulopathy and normal or near normal clinical outcome [46]. Thus it appears that secondary mito-
serum aminotransferase levels. Both galactosemia and tyrosi- chondrial dysfunction, independent of the cause of acute liver
nemia can present in association with gram-negative sepsis. failure, may drive lactate and L:P abnormalities in PALF and
Niemann–Pick type C is a lysosomal storage disease and that neither diagnosis nor clinical decisions (including con-
marked splenomegaly is often noted. Hereditary fructose intol- siderations for liver transplant) should be based solely on these
erance more classically presents in an older child after the findings [46]. Defects in fatty acid oxidation, a primary func-
introduction of fructose and/or sucrose, however, several tion of mitochondria, may become clinically apparent during
newer infant formulas contain fructose and ALF in the a period of fasting, as a consequence of anorexia associated

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

with an acute illness, or when the infant begins to sleep through identifiable cause for the ALF until a more specific diagnosis
the night. With these defects, hyperammonemia is common as can be established.
are extra-hepatic manifestations involving the neurologic, car-
diac, and muscular symptoms [2]. Recurrent PALF episodes Hepatitis Viruses
have been associated with the infantile liver failure syndrome Acute HAV infection accounts for up to 80% of PALF in
type I (LARS mutations) and NBAS deficiency. Importantly, developing countries [7, 8, 52]. Since the introduction of the
ALF in the neonatal period may be the initial presentation of HAV vaccine in 1995, HAV infection in North American
these rare disorders and a high clinical suspicion is indicated to children has dramatically declined. In the PALFSG study,
make the diagnosis [43, 47]. only 0.5% of children with ALF had acute HAV infection [1].
In older infants and young children up to five years of age, In children that do develop acute HAV, less than 1% will
mitochondrial diseases, tyrosinemia, hereditary fructose intol- proceed to ALF.
erance, and urea cycle defects can be identified. Mitochondrial Acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection resulting in ALF is
hepatopathies, particularly disorders of fatty acid oxidation, uncommon in pediatric series from Western Europe and
occur commonly in this age group [48]. Hereditary fructose North America, where HBV is not endemic. Among the
intolerance outside the neonatal period presents when fruc- PALFSG cohort, 0.3% of children had HBV as a final diagnosis
tose-containing foods, such as fruits, are introduced into the [1]. However, in areas where it is endemic, the incidence of
diet. Urea cycle defects typically present with hyperammone- HBV-induced PALF is much higher. Death occurs more com-
mia, mental status changes and seizures, but without liver monly in older patients and in individuals who acquired HBV
synthetic dysfunction. However, PALF has been associated following a blood transfusion.
with arginosuccinate synthetase deficiency (citrullinemia Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has rarely been identi-
type 1) and ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, although fied as the cause for ALF, and only a single case of HCV was
the mechanism of liver injury is uncertain [2, 49, 50]. noted in the more than 1,100 children in the PALFSG [1].
Wilson disease is the most common metabolic condi- Hepatitis E virus infection is documented by association
tion associated with PALF in children over five years of age with epidemics of water-borne diseases not caused by HAV or
[1]. The presence of a Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia, by the presence of anti-hepatitis E virus antibody in serum.
marked hyperbilirubinemia, low serum ceruloplasmin, and Most experience with hepatitis E virus comes from the Indian
a low serum alkaline phosphatase should prompt consid- subcontinent, where 38% of PALF cases were caused by hepa-
eration of Wilson disease, but confirming the diagnosis titis E virus alone or in combination with HAV [53]. Pregnant
remains a challenge. Findings in a predominately adult women are also highly vulnerable to HEV-ALF, with one study
population suggests that the combination of an alkaline demonstrating a case fatality rate of 10.1%, with women in the
phosphatase to total bilirubin ratio of <4 and an aspartate third trimester particularly at risk.
aminotransferase to alanine aminotransferase ratio of >2.2
provided a rapid and accurate method for diagnosis of Infection with Viruses Other Than Hepatitis Viruses
Wilson disease presenting as ALF [51]. However, these The viruses in the herpes family are highly cytopathic and can
findings have not yet been confirmed in a pediatric popu- cause severe hepatic necrosis, often in the absence of signifi-
lation. Fatty acid oxidation defects can also present with cant inflammation. Herpes simplex virus, human herpes virus
ALF in older children and adolescents. 6 (HHV-6), varicella–zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, and
Epstein–Barr virus have been reported to cause ALF in both
Infectious Diseases immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts [1].
A non-specific prodrome consisting of fever, nausea, vomit- Herpes simplex virus most commonly affects infants and new-
ing, and abdominal discomfort will precede many cases of borns while Epstein–Barr virus is the virus most frequently
ALF in children regardless of etiology. Therefore, it is not implicated in older children and adolescents. As herpes sim-
surprising that early accounts of ALF often attributed the plex virus is a sexually transmitted disease, it should also be
cause to a virus or infection. As the ability to identify specific considered in sexually active adolescents. HHV-6 was detected
infectious agents through serology, culture, and polymerase in the explanted livers of patients who underwent liver trans-
chain reaction technology has been applied, the burden of plant for ALF of unknown cause. However, this virus is so
viral associated-PALF has become clearer. Although prevalent as a latent infection in humans that causality may be
a comprehensive infectious diagnostic work-up is often not difficult to prove in cases of ALF. Little is known about the
performed [10], acute viral infection as the cause of PALF incidence or case fatality rates among children with ALF sec-
was identified in only 8.4% of subjects [1]. The common ondary to herpes virus infection. However, early detection
hepatitis viruses have not often been found in ALF unless utilizing newer diagnostic techniques, such as real-time poly-
they were endemic to the region or in association with merase chain reaction, and early institution of specific therapy
a community outbreak. Although a yet unidentified infec- may improve survival.
tious agent may account for some unexplained cases of ALF Parvovirus B19 routinely infects children, causing one of
in children, efforts to identify rare infectious agents in adults the common childhood exanthemas. It rarely can cause severe
have not been fruitful. Therefore, a reasonable alternative is bone marrow depression and has been associated with mild
to classify as indeterminate any patient without an hepatitis. Its role as a cause of PALF is controversial as it is

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

often associated with other viruses known to cause PALF. This A detailed history and physical examination cannot be
virus has been sought and not found in other studies involving overlooked or abbreviated. The history should include the
larger numbers of patients with ALF and aplastic anemia [54]. onset of symptoms such as jaundice, change in mental status,
Syncytial giant cell hepatitis with ALF was associated easy bruising, vomiting, and fever. Exposure to contacts with
with paramyxovirus infection in a series from Toronto infectious hepatitis, history of blood transfusions, a list of
[55]. This infection is more likely to result in chronic prescription and over-the-counter medications in the home,
progressive hepatitis or late-onset hepatic failure than ALF intravenous drug use, or a family history of Wilson disease, α1-
but should be considered in all three circumstances. Other antitrypsin deficiency, infectious hepatitis, infant deaths, or
viruses associated with ALF include adenovirus, dengue autoimmune conditions might lead to a specific diagnosis.
fever, and members of the enterovirus family such as echo- Evidence of developmental delay and/or seizures should
virus and coxsackie A and B. prompt an early assessment for metabolic disease. Pruritus,
ascites, or growth failure might suggest a chronic liver condi-
Non-Viral Infectious Hepatitis tion with an acute presentation.
Infectious agents other than viruses only rarely have been Physical assessment should include evaluation of growth,
recorded as producing ALF. Despite the rarity of occurrence, development, and nutrition status; evidence of jaundice,
they should be considered carefully in every case because they bruises, or bleeding following venipuncture; and petechiae.
are potentially treatable. Hepatomegaly alone or with splenomegaly, ascites, and per-
Systemic sepsis occasionally presents in a manner that is ipheral edema can be present. Kayser–Fleischer rings are pre-
virtually indistinguishable from ALF. Reported infectious sent in only 50% of patients with Wilson disease who present
etiologies include Neisseria meningitides infection, septic with ALF. Fetor hepaticus is a sweet distinctive aroma to the
shock and intra-abdominal abscesses, and portal sepsis with breath associated with HE but is rarely present. Findings sug-
enteric organisms. Spirochetal infection can affect liver func- gestive of chronic liver disease include digital clubbing, palmar
tion and produce severe hepatitis, even hepatic failure. erythema, cutaneous xanthoma, and prominent abdominal
Congenital syphilis has rarely been determined as a cause of vessels, suggesting long-standing portal hypertension. Altered
ALF but should be excluded carefully in any neonate with mental status should be assessed but may be difficult to assess
severe hepatitis. Leptospirosis very rarely causes hepatic fail- in infants and young children.
ure. Finally, in endemic areas, Brucella spp. (brucellosis), Laboratory tests for diagnosis will necessarily compete with
Coxiella burnetii (Q fever), Plasmodium falciparum, and other studies required to assess the health of the patient and the
Entamoeba histolytica infections have presented as ALF. severity of liver injury. Therefore, laboratory studies needed
for management and diagnosis should be prioritized into three
Other Rare Causes areas: (1) general tests to assess hematological, renal, pancrea-
Liver failure may be the presenting manifestation of a systemic tic, and electrolyte abnormalities; (2) liver-specific tests to
condition. For example, leukemia can present as liver failure assess the degree of inflammation, injury, and function; and
[1]. Cardiovascular shock associated with systemic hypoten- (3) diagnostic tests. As almost 50% of children with ALF are
sion, as seen in patients with trauma, sepsis, hemorrhage, under four years of age, limitations on the volume of blood that
cardiomyopathy or left heart failure (e.g., hypoplastic left can be drawn demand a knowledgeable prioritization of tests.
heart) or following cardiac bypass may also develop liver fail- In addition, required blood work in preparation for a liver
ure. Budd–Chiari syndrome is a rare cause of PALF as obstruc- transplant also competes for this limited resource. Proactive
tion of the hepatic venous outflow can lead to hepatomegaly, coordination of laboratory and diagnostic tests is helpful to
ascites, and evidence of hepatocellular injury. Liver failure may ensure high priority tests are performed expeditiously.
be the presenting feature of celiac disease and, if recognized, is The distribution of diagnoses varies greatly within the
potentially treatable following institution of a gluten-free diet pediatric age group. While some conditions such as herpes
[56]. simplex virus can occur within all age categories, others such
as GALD and Wilson disease are found within a narrower age
range. Therefore, age-based diagnostic prioritization would
Diagnostic Approach serve to enhance the likelihood of establishing a diagnosis as
The diagnostic evaluation of children with ALF can be chal- quickly as possible. Table 4.4 lists minimal diagnostic tests that
lenged by many factors. These include the volume of blood have been shown to be most useful for children of different
needed to complete diagnostic tests, a rapid clinical trajectory ages based upon the expected diagnoses. Diagnostic tests
ending in death or liver transplantation prior to a complete should not be limited to those listed but should take a high
evaluation, a differential diagnosis that is incomplete or not priority when testing is initiated.
prioritized, or clinical improvement that mitigates diagnostic Identification of those conditions that are amenable to
curiosity. In PALF, as many as 30% of patients are left with an specific therapy, relevant to subsequent pregnancies, or
indeterminate diagnosis. Given the rarity of PALF, an age- which would be a contraindication to liver transplantation,
based diagnostic approach is useful to improve diagnostic should take priority. Acute acetaminophen toxicity, herpes
yield [1]. If a specific diagnosis can be secured, an effective simplex, and HLH have targeted treatments that can be life-
treatment could alter the natural history of the disease. saving. Autoimmune hepatitis, a potentially treatable cause of

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

Table 4.4 Recommendations for Minimal Diagnostic Evaluation by Age in Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (adapted from Ref 1)

Recommended age of
Suspected etiology Recommended tests diagnostic testing
<3 mo 3 mo to 18 y
Systemic herpes infection Herpes blood PCR x x
Urea cycle; other metabolic defects Serum amino acid profile x x
GALD screen Ferritin x
Mitochondrial screen Lactate, pyruvate x x
FAO defects Plasma acylcarnitine profile x x
Tyrosinemia Urine succinylacetone x
Systemic enterovirus infection* Enterovirus blood PCR x x
Acetaminophen toxicity Acetaminophen level x
Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus IgM x
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B surface antigen x
EBV infection EBV VCA IgM or PCR x
Autoimmune Disease Antinuclear antibody x
Anti–smooth muscle ab x
Liver kidney microsomal ab x
IgG x
Wilson disease** Ceruloplasmin x
24-hour urine copper x
DILI/HDS Exposure Drug history x x
Galactosemia and tyrosinemia Confirm newborn screen results x
Hepatitis B in newborn Confirm maternal hepatitis B serology Procedures x
Viral infection Viral testing for adenovirus, enterovirus, HHV-6, parvovirus, x x
HLH Soluble IL2R, ferritin, triglyceride level x x
Vascular/Anatomical Abnormality Abdominal ultrasound with Doppler x x
Infection Blood culture x x

* unlikely needed > 3 y

** unlikely needed < 1 yAb, antibody; APAP, acetaminophen; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; FAO, fatty acid oxidation defects; GALD, gestational alloimmune liver
disease; HDS, herbal dietary supplement; HHV-6, human herpes virus-6; HLH, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; IL2R, interleukin-2 receptor; PCR,
polymerase chain reaction; VCA, viral capsule antigen

ALF in children of all ages, should be considered early in the the condition in subsequent pregnancies. Recovery from the
evaluation process to enable prompt initiation of treatment. acute liver injury in tyrosinemia can be accomplished with
However, autoimmune markers are found in conditions other nitisinone (2(2-nitro-4-fluoromethylbenzoyl)-1,3-cyclohexa-
than autoimmune hepatitis, thus necessitating subjective clin- nedione). A patient with a systemic mitochondrial disease
ical judgment to influence the final diagnosis and treatment presenting as ALF, either independent of or associated with
strategy [33]. Acute liver failure may be the initial symptom valproate intake, will be unlikely to benefit from liver trans-
associated with metabolic defects related to carbohydrate, fatty plant as outcome is uniformly poor. Characterization of under-
acid, and protein metabolism in which dietary management lying mechanisms of liver injury associated with immune
serves as treatment. Identifying an index case of GALD will dysregulation, metabolic disorders, and unsuspected acetami-
provide an opportunity to treat the mother during subsequent nophen exposure will identify patients who may be amenable
pregnancies with intravenous immunoglobulin and prevent to targeted treatment strategies.
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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

Pathogenesis into separate and distinct components. For example, findings

suggest that NK cells may have features associated with the
The liver is remarkably tolerant and unperturbed despite its
adaptive immune response such as “memory,” with rapid
engagement with “first-pass” exposure to xenobiotics, foreign
secondary expansion upon re-exposure to antigen that is asso-
proteins, endotoxins, and other potential hepatotoxic sub-
ciated with degranulation and cytokine production. Therefore,
stances. The initiation, potentiation, resolution, and recovery
while missteps in the liver’s overall tolerance of real or per-
of liver injury are efficient, complex, enigmatic, and redundant.
ceived pathogens rarely result in liver failure, understanding
How and why patients within the same diagnostic category,
these events will provide opportunities to extend our knowl-
such as autoimmune hepatitis, can have myriad presentations
edge of the interactions between the liver and its environment.
ranging from asymptomatic elevations of serum aminotrans-
ferases to fatal liver failure is yet to be determined. At the heart
of most models of liver injury rests an aberrant or exuberant Drug- and Toxin-Induced Injury
inflammatory or immune response. It will be through this prism Drug-induced liver injury causes approximately 16% of PALF,
that the discussion on pathogenesis will be viewed. with acetaminophen toxicity accounting for 80% of the drug-
induced cases. The mechanisms by which drugs cause liver
Hepatic Immunology injury vary. Early mechanistic studies in mice demonstrated
the formation of a reactive metabolite, which is responsible for
The liver is a central immunological organ with high exposure
hepatic glutathione depletion and initiation of the toxicity.
to circulating antigens and endotoxins [57]. In addition to
This insight led to the rapid introduction of NAC as a clinical
hepatocytes, an estimated 20–40% of the liver cell mass consists
antidote as it is known to promote glutathione restoration.
of endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, or hepatic macrophages,
However, more recently, substantial progress was made in
lymphocytes, biliary cells, and stellate cells. The immunologic
further elucidating the detailed mechanisms of APAP-
milieu that exists within the liver is notably different than that
induced cell death. Mitochondrial protein adducts trigger
of the peripheral blood compartment. The balance between
a mitochondrial oxidant stress, which requires amplification
CD8+ and CD4+ T cells favors CD8+ cells with effector/mem-
through a MAPK cascade that ultimately results in activation
ory cells more frequent in liver parenchyma than peripheral
of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in the cytosol and transloca-
blood. Natural killer T-cells (NKT cells) as well as NK cells are
tion of phospho-JNK to the mitochondria. The enhanced oxi-
more abundant in the liver where there is also a large source of
dant stress is responsible for the membrane permeability
gamma–delta T cells. Antigen-presenting cells may be conven-
transition pore opening and the membrane potential break-
tional (e.g., Kupffer cells, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and
down. The ensuing matrix swelling causes the release of inter-
dendritic cells) or unconventional (e.g., hepatocytes).
membrane proteins such as endonuclease G, which translocate
Both innate and adaptive immune responses are generated
to the nucleus and induce DNA fragmentation. These patho-
within the liver. However, given the hepatic enrichment by NK
physiological signaling mechanisms can be additionally modu-
cells, NKT cells, and Kupffer cells, it is not surprising that the
lated by removing damaged mitochondria by autophagy and
innate immune response predominates. Under normal cir-
replacing them by mitochondrial biogenesis. Although recruit-
cumstances, the lymphocyte-driven innate response provides
ment of inflammatory cells is necessary for removal of cell
a nimble but temperate reaction to pathogens that present to
debris in preparation for regeneration, these cells have the
the liver. Kupffer cells and other immune cells express pattern-
potential to aggravate the injury [58].
recognition receptors that detect and bind pathogen-
Additional aspects of hepatic injury resulting in drug-
associated molecular patterns expressed on the presumptive
induced, herbal-induced, and herbal and dietary supplement-
pathogen, which is then phagocytosed and quietly eliminated.
induced liver injury constitute an important and growing area
Activated CD8+ cells residing in the liver direct the immune
of active research, though much remains to be discovered in
response against bacterial and viral invasion. Priming of intra-
terms of mechanism. Areas that have recently garnered interest
hepatic T cells may occur within the liver without having to
include bile acid homeostasis, oxidative stress, mitochondrial
circulate through draining lymph nodes, thus expediting the
dysfunction, immune and inflammatory dysregulation, and
immune response. Hepatic NK cells serve to modulate the
lipophilicity [59].
inflammatory response by mediating the balance between
proinflammatory (T helper 1) and anti-inflammatory (T
helper 2) cytokines that are generated [57]. Vascular Injury
Adaptive immune responses involve both B and T cells. Acute liver failure can result from reduced or absent arterial
Very few B cells reside in the normal liver and thus little is blood flow to the liver. The insult can occur because of hemor-
known about their role except under pathologic conditions rhagic shock, trauma, sepsis, coarctation of the aorta, conge-
such as HBV and hepatitis C infections. Antigen-specific nital heart defects associated with low cardiac output,
CD8+ T cells generate an effector response that includes congestive heart failure, and liver transplant. Myriad processes
rapid proliferation coupled with the production of proinflam- are initiated following liver ischemia that include the release of
matory cytokines as well as initiation of cytolytic mechanisms pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, com-
such as perforin and granzyme. Not unexpectedly, the redun- plement activation, along with the activation of both the innate
dancy of the human immune response cannot be easily divided and the adaptive immune response. Mitochondrial injury

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

resulting in ATP depletion and surge in toxic reactive oxygen macrophage phenotype and inflammatory responses are per-
species contribute to the injury. petuated [63]. During this phase, injured hepatocytes are
Liver failure associated with acute obstruction of hepa- engulfed and DAMPs are neutralized. Ultimately, macro-
tic outflow is rare but has been described in patients later phages shift to a pro-resolution or M2 phenotype supporting
found to have a coagulation disorder leading to a microenvironment more conducive to hepatic regeneration.
a hypercoagulable state; in patients with Behçet syndrome Regulation of this shift is poorly understood, but prolongation
or idiopathic Budd–Chiari syndrome; and in women of the propagation phase is believed to be a fundamental aspect
immediately postpartum [2]. of ALF with immune dysregulation [64]. Systemic inflamma-
tory response is a hallmark of the propagation phase of hepatic
injury and excessive, prolonged systemic inflammation has
Immune/Inflammatory Injury been implicated in ALF-induced cerebral edema and ALF-
The extent to which hepatic immune dysregulation in gen- related multiple systems organ failure (MSOF) [65].
eral or immune-mediated liver injury in particular, together Prolongation or exaggeration of the proinflammatory response
with the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, is could exceed what is required for stimulation of hepatocyte
involved in the pathogenesis of PALF is not known. And and progenitor cell replication and create a tissue microenvir-
yet, given the rich and varied hepatic immunologic environ- onment that causes direct secondary injury that is additive to
ment, it would be expected that immune and inflammatory the original insult. Therapy that briskly dampens the inflam-
mechanisms are involved in both the initiation and perpe- matory milieu to better support regeneration could fundamen-
tuation of PALF in most, if not all, cases. Liver cell injury tally change disease progression. Likewise, therapies that
associated with viral hepatitis is not caused by direct injury directly promote regeneration, such as modulation of glycemic
from the virus but rather from “collateral damage” asso- response, could shift the balance in a favorable direction [66].
ciated with a vigorous immune response to clear the virus Finally, recognition of biomarkers, such as alpha-NH-butyric
from the liver. Drug-induced liver injury may result in the acid, which accurately indicate the degree of regeneration,
formation of neoantigens, consisting of reactive metabolites would be of great benefit to clinicians appraising the need for
of the offending drug coupled with cellular constituents that liver transplantation [67, 68]. Patients with a biomarker profile
induce an immune response. predicting little or no regenerative ability may best be served by
The inflammatory response encompasses both injury transplantation, while those with a vigorous regenerative
and healing through a dynamic duet between pro- and response would hold some hope of recovery.
anti-inflammatory responses [60]. Proinflammatory
responses are generated by immune effector cells, such as
Kupffer cells, B and T lymphocytes, and neutrophils,
Liver Histology in Acute Liver Failure
releasing a host of proportioned chemokines, adhesins, Various patterns of histopathologic injury have been linked
and cytokines. Dynamic network analyses on these inflam- to etiology in children with ALF (Table 4.5). Liver cell necro-
matory mediators have uncovered general “liver signatures” sis is a common characteristic of ALF resulting from viral
that are associated with various outcomes in PALF [6, 14, infections, most toxic and ischemic injuries, indeterminate
61]. The compensatory anti-inflammatory response is PALF, and some metabolic diseases. The degree of hepatocel-
initiated almost simultaneously to disengage the inflamma- lular necrosis and its histologic pattern (coagulative vs. con-
tory response through anti-inflammatory cytokines inter- fluent) vary by cause and by individual case. Establishing
leukin-4, interleukin-10, transforming growth factor-β and a pathologic diagnosis by liver biopsy has not been considered
others to deactivate the cellular immune function and critical in-patient management, largely because of the per-
reduce antigen-presenting capability. Exaggeration or dys- ceived risks and, at times, the disappointing impact histology
regulation of either the pro- or anti-inflammatory has in altering the treatment strategy or establishing the
responses can result in increased mortality and susceptibil- diagnosis. However, recent reports have looked to re-shape
ity to sepsis and multi-organ dysfunction. the role of liver biopsy, demonstrating that they can be per-
formed safely, especially when the transvenous (e.g., transju-
gular) approach is feasible, and results used to guide diagnosis
Liver Cell Regeneration and therapy [69].
Following acute liver injury, survival and recovery is depen- Most liver samples from children with ALF show massive
dent at least in part on the remarkable ability of the liver to confluent or multi-lobular necrosis (Figure 4.3). In many
regenerate from injury. The evolution of liver injury in ALF specimens, it is difficult to identify any remaining viable
progresses through three phases; initiation, propagation, and hepatocytes. The reticulin framework of the lobule is col-
resolution. During initiation, hepatocyte injury stimulates lapsed, and the mass of the liver is small. A moderate inflam-
Kupffer cell activation and proliferation with release of inflam- matory infiltrate, usually consisting mainly of neutrophils,
matory mediators [62]. These mediators recruit monocytes may be evident. In some patients, no evidence of regeneration
and neutrophils to the liver which propagate the inflammatory can be found; in others, there is proliferation of duct-like
cascade at both the hepatic and systemic level. structures that probably results from attempts at regenera-
Proinflammatory cytokines and TLR ligands, such as tion. Non-icteric fulminant failure, some drug-induced liver
HMGB1, stimulate monocytes to progress to the M1 disease (e.g., acetaminophen), and hypoxic–ischemic
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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

Table 4.5 Patterns of Histopathologic Injury in Pediatric Acute Liver Failure hepatitis is characterized by sublobular necrosis, with orien-
tation of necrosis around central veins (Figure 4.4) [70].
Pattern Description Etiology
Diffuse hepatic steatosis is observed rarely in ALF in
Necrosis children. This lesion is characterized by hepatocellular fat in
a microvesicular pattern and is identical at a light-
Coagulative Minimal inflammation APAP
microscopic level to the hepatic lesion of Reye syndrome. In
Preserved Toxin adults, it is seen most often in fatty liver of pregnancy; in
architecture children, it is seen in association with toxic injury or inborn
Ischemia errors of metabolism (see “Etiology”). The absence of cell
necrosis in association with failure of liver function implies
Confluent Moderate/severe Viral
organelle failure as the cause. Hepatomegaly is often evident.
Serum aminotransferase levels usually are elevated, but only
Few viable Drug to a mild to moderate degree (usually <400 IU/L). Jaundice is
hepatocytes minimal (serum bilirubin concentration usually <10 mg/dL),
Parenchymal collapse which suggests that certain organelle functions remain intact
and that bilirubin production probably is not increased. Full
Ductular reactivity Indeterminate histologic recovery is the rule if the patient survives.
with IHC with A third lesion, characterized by diffuse swelling of hepato-
CD103+CD8+ T-cell
cytes with condensation of organelles and cytoplasmic ele-
Steatosis Micro/Macrovesicular IEM ments (Figure 4.5), is seen in association with some inborn
fat errors of metabolism. Hepatocyte necrosis is spotty and usually
Little or no necrosis Mitochondrial not prominent. Macrovesicular fat with displacement of nuclei
is seen in a variable proportion of hepatocytes, sometimes
Swollen hepatocytes Aspirin (Reye a majority. This lesion suggests organelle injury that is
syndrome) severe enough to cause the death of some hepatocytes.
Organelle Valproate Aminotransferase levels and serum bilirubin levels are elevated
condensation moderately. Full histologic recovery is the rule if the metabolic
injury can be controlled.
Acute on Fibrosis AIH
In patients in whom ALF may be the initial presentation of
a more chronic condition, such as Wilson disease or auto-
Inflammation Wilson immune hepatitis, acute injury may be present on the back-
Cholestasis ground of chronic changes. The histological pattern may
include fibrosis, inflammation, and cholestasis.
PALF: pediatric acute liver failure; APAP: acetaminophen; IEM: inborn Finally, in many cases of indeterminate PALF, the his-
error of metabolism; AIH: autoimmune hepatitis. Adapted from Alonso
tologic picture may be dominated by a mixed inflammatory
et al. [6].
infiltrate consisting primarily of CD103+CD8+ T cells with

(a) (b)

Figure 4.3 Liver histopathology from a patient with indeterminate acute liver failure. (a) Transjugular biopsy at time of presentation shows confluent
necrosis with a little parenchymal inflammation. There were no viable hepatocytes evident in any of the several cores. This section shows some tubular
structures thought to represent attempted regeneration. (Hematoxylin & eosin, original magnification 200×.) (b) This reticulin stain shows focal collapse.
The distance between the central vein and portal area on the left is diminished, and the reticulin framework between is condensed. (Reticulin stain, original
magnification 100×.)

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

Figure 4.4 Hepatactomy specimen from a teenager who overdosed on Figure 4.5 Liver biopsy specimen from an infant with hereditary fructose
acetaminophen. The specimen showed extensive sublobular necrosis intolerance and hepatic failure. There is both diffuse hepatocyte necrosis and
throughout the liver. The central orientation of the necrosis is evident in this steatosis, mainly macrovesicular. Other findings include pseudotubule
section because of the hemorrhage in and around the central vein on the right. formation and condensation of organelles and cytoplasmic elements within
The periportal zone is relatively spared, with a narrow rim of viable hepatocytes hepatocytes. Interlobular bile ducts also are injured, with irregular shape of
seen around the portal triad in the upper left. Between the frank necrosis and cholangiocytes and some vacuolization. The patient recovered normal liver
the rim of viable hepatocytes is a zone of hepatocyte injury notable by steatosis function within 5 days of eliminating fructose from the diet. (Hematoxylin &
and ballooning of marginally viable hepatocytes. (Hematoxylin & eosin, original eosin, original magnification 200×.)
magnification 100×.)

Laboratory monitoring should include a complete blood

a scattering of plasma cells, neutrophils, and eosinophils in
count, electrolytes, renal function tests, glucose, calcium, phos-
conjunction with hepatic necrosis [17] (Figure 4.6).
phorus, ammonia, coagulation profile, total and direct biliru-
Fibrosis, which would suggest chronic disease, is not pre-
bin, and blood cultures. Diagnostic laboratory studies should
sent. The inflammatory infiltrate is not limited to the portal
be prioritized. While arterial ammonia measurement is ideal, it
tracks but can be found within the lobule and around the
is not practical in children with stage 0–II HE; venous ammo-
central vein. Serum autoimmune markers may be present,
nia obtained from a free-flowing catheter and promptly placed
but often are not, and the underlying cause for the liver
on ice and transported to the laboratory may be a suitable
injury may be over zealous T cell response that is poorly
substitute. Placement of central venous catheters can ensure
checked by compensatory mechanisms.
an uninterrupted glucose source reducing the risk of critical
Complications and Management In the absence of the need for volume resuscitation,
total intravenous fluids should initially be restricted to
General Management Principles between 85% and 95% of maintenance fluids to avoid
Close collaboration between gastroenterology/hepatology, overhydration yet still provide sufficient glucose and phos-
intensive care, neurology, neurosurgery, nephrology, meta- phorus to achieve normal serum values. Adjustment in
bolic disease specialists as well as transplant surgeons will fluid rates are based upon the clinical conditions, but
afford the child the best opportunity to survive. After the initial relative fluid restriction should be an underlying principle.
characterization of the patient presentation, proper patient Nutritional support, including protein, should be provided
management needs to be conducted along multiple parallel if the patient can eat safely or with intravenous nutritional
paths: (1) monitor and support the patient and organ systems, support. Some protein restriction may be necessary, but it
(2) identify and treat complications, (3) develop an age- should not be eliminated.
appropriate diagnostic prioritization strategy, and (4) treat
the patient to maximize health and survival [2]. Central Nervous System
Admission to a highly skilled nursing environment, which, in
most cases, will be an intensive care unit is essential and allows Encephalopathy
frequent monitoring of mental status. A cardiorespiratory and Hepatic encephalopathy is a neuropsychiatric syndrome
oxygen saturation monitor should not substitute for careful and associated with hepatic dysfunction. Changes in behavior,
frequent bedside assessment by an experienced nurse or clini- cognition, neurological examination, and electroencephalo-
cian. Input and output should be strictly monitored. Caregivers graphy (EEG) are used to characterize the patient as having
must carefully examine the child multiple times during the day one of five clinical stages of HE ranging from stage 0 with
and night to assess evidence of changing mental status or HE, minimal or no evidence of neurological dysfunction to stage
increased respiratory effort, changing heart rate or changes in IV coma (Table 4.6) [71]. Clinical staging of HE was origin-
blood pressure which might be signs of infection, increasing ally developed to assess patients with cirrhosis and not ALF,
cerebral edema, or electrolyte imbalance. but in the absence of a better clinical tool, use of the current

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

Table 4.6 Stages of Hepatic Encephalopathy

Stage Clinical Reflexes Neurologic signs Electroencephalography

0 None Normal None Normal
I Infant/child: inconsolable crying, Normal or No focal findings but Normal or mild slowing
inattention to task, not acting like hyper-reflexic responses may be
self to parents poor sleep delayed
Adult: confused, mood changes, Normal Tremor, apraxia, impaired Normal or diffuse slowing to
altered sleep habits, forgetful handwriting theta rhythm, triphasic waves
II Infant/child: inconsolable crying, Normal or No focal findings, delayed Mild/moderate background
inattention to task, not acting like hyper-reflexic responses and shortened abnormalites, focal slowing
self to parents attention span, trajectory
of neurologic signs critical
Adult: drowsy, inappropriate Hyper-reflexic Dysarthria, ataxia Abnormal, generalized
behavior, decreased inhibitions slowing, triphasic waves
III Infant/child: somnolence, stupor, Decreased, Progressive decrease in Mild/moderate background
combativeness absent, or response to external stimuli abnormalites, absense of sleep
increased architecture, focal slowing
Adult: stuporous, obeys simple Hyper-reflexic, Rigidity Abnormal, generalized
commands (+) Babinski slowing, triphasic waves
IV Infant/child: comatose, arouses Decreased, No response to voice or Severe attentuation or slowing
with painful stimuli (IVa) or no absent, or noxious stimuli; brainstem
response (IVb) increased reflexes decreased or
Adult: comatose, arouses with Absent Decebrate or decorticate Abnormal, very slow, delta
painful stimuli (IVa) or no response activity

Figure 4.6 Representative images for double staining with CD8 (red) and CD103 (brown) from PALF case at x10 and x60 magnification.

scoring system has been found to have important clinical and have been used to enhance assessment of neurological func-
prognostic implications as mortality has been shown to be tion, such as visual evoked potentials, trans-cranial Doppler,
highest in those children who develop grade III and IV HE [4, cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy, and serum biomarkers.
19]. The clinical assessment of HE is particularly difficult in Electroencephalogram (EEG) background abnormalities can
infants and children. Recognition of the subtle impairments help predict risk of death or need for LT in children with ALF
of memory, concentration and mood that are characteristic of [72], but this requires a trained neurologist or neurophysiol-
stage I and II HE in infants and children depends on the ogist to interpret the EEG. Spectral or quantitative EEG
experience and skill of the examiner. Multiple modalities (sEEG) uses computational analysis to generate

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

a quantitative analysis of brain function with minimal inter- institutional experience. Given the association of valproate
operator variability and can be implemented at the bedside. with mitochondrial toxicity, this drug should be avoided,
A recent single center study in children suggested that sEEG particularly when the etiology of ALF is not known and
may be a quantitative tool to allow improved detection and POLG-1 mitochondrial disease has not been excluded as
tracking of encephalopathy in pediatric patients, but future a potential cause.
multi-center validation of these findings is required [73].
Further studies are needed to improve early detection of Cerebral Edema
neurologic injury, standardize management of seizures and Cerebral edema is a life-threatening complication of ALF. It
HE, and to determine whether such interventions improve occurs most commonly in those with advanced encephalopa-
outcomes. thy (grade III or IV) and can be rapidly progressive. Detection
Some degree of encephalopathy was present on admission of cerebral edema in the early stages is difficult as non-invasive
in 50% of children with ALF entering the PALFSG study, and assessment with clinical assessment or radiographic studies
64% developed HE within the first seven days following entry may not be sufficiently sensitive. The most sensitive test
into the study [4]. Children with liver failure should be requires surgical placement of an intracranial pressure (ICP)
assessed frequently as neurological deterioration can be monitor which carries its own risk for the patient with an
devastatingly rapid. Distinguishing hepatic-based encephalo- uncorrectable coagulopathy and carries a risk of bleeding
pathy from other causes of an altered mental status such as between 10% and 20%, although it is often minimal. Use of
sepsis, hypotension, electrolyte disturbances, anxiety or activated factor VII in recent years has made placement of ICP
“intensive care unit psychosis” is difficult for all age groups. monitors somewhat safer. However, once in place and properly
Hyperammonemia plays a central role in the development of functioning, intracranial pressure monitoring is useful to
HE in most cases. However, a specific level of ammonia does assess response to treatment of increased cerebral pressure
not result in a predictable degree of encephalopathy. Initial and during surgical procedures, including liver transplanta-
treatment would include minimizing excess stimulation, tion, to gauge fluid and medical management of the uncon-
reducing protein intake, treating suspected sepsis, and scious patient.
removing sedative medications that would affect mental sta- The pathogenesis of cerebral edema is complex, involving
tus. Medical therapy with lactulose is used empirically but the interaction among ammonia, cerebral blood flow, gluta-
lacks evidence of efficacy. Bowel “decontamination” with mine production, and inflammation [75]. Elevated levels of
rifaximin or neomycin can be used as a second-tier treatment, ammonia are generated because of the failing liver which
but ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are potential risks when leads to increased intracerebral concentrations. Ammonia
neomycin is used. Additional ammonia removal with phar- enters the astrocyte which is rich in glutamine synthetase.
macological treatment and, in the most severe cases, extra- Conversion of ammonia and glutamate to glutamine,
corporeal therapies have been trialed, but efficacy studies are a potent intracellular osmolyte, results in an osmotic gradient
limited. that favors astrocyte swelling that contributes to cerebral
Not all patients with HE develop a clinically important edema and intracranial hypertension. The tight regulation
increase in intracranial pressure. However, those that do can of cerebral blood flow is tested in the setting of ALF.
experience devastating consequences. Direct intracranial pres- Alterations in systemic and intracranial vascular resistance,
sure monitoring is the most sensitive and specific test com- coupled with restrictions to blood flow due to edema, make
pared with less invasive neuroradiographic procedures, such as estimates of an “ideal” cerebral perfusion pressure (mean
cranial CT. Monitoring of intracranial pressure remains con- arterial pressure minus intracranial pressure) difficult.
troversial because of the associated complications of the pro- Changes in the inflammatory milieu, sepsis, fluid or blood
cedure and of the difficulty demonstrating improved survival product administration and other factors can result in
for those who were monitored within small single center a sudden and often unanticipated increase in intracranial
experiences [74]. pressure and its consequences.
Both generalized and focal seizures may occur in children Management of cerebral edema involves meticulous sup-
with ALF. The frequency of non-convulsive (electrographic) portive management to maintain oxygen saturation above
seizures in this population has not been studied in detail and 95%, fluid restriction between 85% and 90% of maintenance,
their impact on neurologic outcome is not known. However, diastolic pressure >40 mmHg, adequate sedation, head eleva-
convulsive and non-convulsive seizures are known to occur tion of 20–30° and neutral head position, and consideration
during a critical illness. Treatment typically begins with of empiric broad spectrum antibiotics to minimize the devel-
a benzodiazepine as the first line agent followed by phenytoin opment of bacterial infection [76]. Therapies targeted speci-
with increasing adoption of levetiracetam. Practices are vari- fically to improve cerebral edema have not met scientific
able and there is no definitive standard of care. For seizures rigor, but they include hypertonic saline to maintain serum
that are refractory to the initial second-line agent, therapeutic sodium between 145 meq/L and 150 meq/L, and mannitol
options may include midazolam infusion, phenobarbital, keeping serum osmolarity <320 mOsm/L to create a more
levetiracetam, or topiramate. The selection of drug will favorable osmotic gradient to extract water from the brain.
depend on the patient’s mental status, physiologic stability, Hypothermia has been used in adults with ALF with some
availability of EEG monitoring to titrate drug infusions, and success.

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

Hematologic System Bleeding

Gastrointestinal bleeding occurs surprisingly infrequently given
Coagulopathy the degree of coagulopathy. Prophylactic use of acid-reducing
Both prothrombin time (PT) and INR are used in virtually all agents is often initiated when the patient is admitted, but their
prognostic schemes to assess the severity of liver injury in the usefulness is difficult to assess. Causes for bleeding include
setting of ALF; however, a prolonged INR is not a measure of gastric erosions or ulcers due to use of non-steroidal anti-
bleeding risk in patients with PALF [77]. In patients with ALF, inflammatory medications, or idiopathic gastroduodenal ulcera-
both procoagulant proteins (e.g., factors V, VII, and X and tion. Infection can precipitate bleeding in this vulnerable popu-
fibrinogen) and anticoagulant proteins (e.g., antithrombin, lation, so blood cultures and initiation of antibiotics should also
protein C, and protein S) are reduced [77, 78]. This balanced be considered when bleeding develops. Administration of plate-
reduction in the pro- and anticoagulant proteins may account lets, blood, and plasma is necessary if bleeding is hemodynami-
for the relative infrequency of clinically important bleeding in cally significant.
the patient with ALF in the absence of a provocative event such
as infection or increased portal hypertension. Indeed, some Pancreatitis
patients may have manifestations of a hypercoagulable state Biochemical and clinical pancreatitis is increasingly recognized
such as portal vein thrombosis [79]. Therefore, the PT/INR as a condition associated with multisystem failure in critically
may reasonably reflect the reduction of some of the liver-based ill children. In patients who develop pancreatitis in the setting
coagulation proteins but not the relative risk of bleeding. of ALF, glucose and fluid management may become even more
Newer assays of coagulation such as thromboelastography challenging.
(TEG), rotational thromboelastometry, and thrombin genera-
tion assays provide additional insight into coagulation pro- Renal System
cesses but their role in the setting of PALF remain unclear
Evidence of renal insufficiency and ALF on admission should
[77, 80]. Efforts to “correct” the PT/ INR with fresh frozen
be assessed for evidence of a medication or toxin as the pre-
plasma or other procoagulation products such as recombinant
cipitating cause. Prerenal azotemia can develop if fluid restric-
factor VII should occur primarily in the setting of active
tion is too excessive for the patient’s needs. Acute deterioration
bleeding or in anticipation of an invasive surgical procedure.
of renal function after presentation with ALF may result from
Assurance of adequate vitamin K can be accomplished by
systemic hypotension in sepsis or hemorrhage. Hepatorenal
intravenous infusion.
syndrome is a feared renal complication associated with ALF,
Aplastic Anemia although it occurs more commonly in the setting of chronic
liver disease with established cirrhosis. Hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatitis-associated aplastic (HAA) anemia is a bone marrow
can progress rapidly over the course of two weeks (type I) or
failure, characterized by a spectrum of features ranging from
more slowly (type II) [83]. The diagnosis is suspected when
mild pancytopenia to aplastic anemia, that occurs in approxi-
there is evidence of deteriorating renal function in the absence
mately 8% of children with ALF. It is identified most com-
of bleeding, hypotension, sepsis, or nephrotoxic medications
monly in the setting of indeterminate ALF and may not be
and in association with failure to improve with volume expan-
clinically evident until after emergency liver transplantation.
sion. Urine sodium is typically low. Renal replacement therapy
The clinical phenotype of hepatitis preceding HAA is indis-
with continuous venovenous hemofiltration or dialysis may be
tinguishable from that of patients without bone marrow sup-
necessary in some patients, but only liver transplantation can
pression, but patients who ultimately develop HAA have lower
reverse hepatorenal syndrome. Patients who present simulta-
absolute lymphocyte counts at presentation [82]. A recent
neously with both ALF and renal dysfunction may have sus-
histopathology study identified central vein luminal oblitera-
tained a toxic injury (e.g., acetaminophen, solvent, drugs) or
tion reminiscent of sinusoidal obstruction morphology, in
have Wilson disease.
combination with CD8+ dominant lobular infiltrates [81].
Treatment of HAA includes immunomodulatory medications
such as corticosteroids, cyclosporine A, tacrolimus, anti- Metabolic Disorders
lymphocyte or anti-thymocyte globulin as well as hematopoie- Hypoglycemia results from impaired gluconeogenesis and
tic stem cell transplant [17]. depleted glycogen stores. Glucose infusion rates as high as
10–15 mg/min per kg body weight may be required to achieve
Gastrointestinal System stable serum glucose levels (between 90 and 120 mg/dL) and
will require a central venous catheter for hypertonic glucose
Ascites solutions. Hypokalemia may occur secondary to dilution
Ascites develops in some but not all patients. Precipitating from volume overload, ascites, or renal wasting. Serum phos-
factors include hypoalbuminemia, excessive fluid administra- phorus should be monitored frequently as hypophosphate-
tion, and infection. The primary treatment is fluid restriction. mia can be profound. When present, phosphorus repletion
Diuretics should be reserved for patients with respiratory may be needed to keep levels above 3 mg/dL [2]. Acid-base
compromise or generalized fluid overload. Overly aggressive disturbances can be complicated with respiratory alkalosis
diuresis may precipitate hepatorenal syndrome. from hyperventilation, respiratory acidosis from respiratory

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

failure, metabolic alkalosis from hypokalemia, and metabolic standard medical therapy plus three days of plasma exchange.
acidosis from hepatic necrosis, shock, and increased anaero- Those who received plasma exchange experienced improved
bic metabolism. transplant-free survival. Systemic inflammatory response
syndrome (SIRS) and sequential organ failure assessment
Infections (SOFA) scores fell in the treated group compared to control
group [87]. Similar studies should be performed in children.
Patients with ALF have an enhanced susceptibility to bacterial
One potential disadvantage of this procedure is the non-
infection and sepsis from immune system dysfunction [2].
selective removal of potentially helpful substances such as
Evidence of infection may be subtle, such as tachycardia,
hepatocyte growth factor. The use of selective filters to facil-
intestinal bleeding, reduced renal output, or changes in mental
itate retention of this potentially beneficial substance would
status. Fever may not be present. Blood cultures should be
make this therapy more attractive.
obtained with any evidence of clinical deterioration and anti-
biotics initiated with a clinical concern for sepsis due to gram- Molecular Absorbent Recirculating System
positive or gram-negative organisms.
The molecular adsorbent recirculating system is an elaborate
detoxification system in which a membrane with albumin-
Cardiopulmonary System related binding sites separates the patient’s blood from an
Excessive fluid administration contributes to pulmonary albumin dialysate. Albumin-bound substances, such as bilir-
edema and should be avoided. Careful fluid restriction and ubin, aromatic amino acids, and endogenous benzodiaze-
discrete use of diuretics may be needed in some instances but pine-like substances, can be transferred to the membrane-
should be used with caution. Central venous pressure monitor- binding sites and then to the albumin within the dialysate for
ing may assist in assessing volume needs for the child. removal. Unbound, free low-molecular-weight molecules,
Ionotropic support may be needed to maintain perfusion of such as ammonia, can pass freely down a concentration
vital organs. gradient into the dialysate. The system has been used to
bridge patients with severe liver injury from trauma to
Nutrition spontaneous recovery [88]. Recent experience in the setting
Nutrition support should be maintained to avoid a catabolic of PALF demonstrated safety and feasibility as well as
state. If it is not safe for the child to receive oral or enteral improvements in biochemical parameters such as ammonia,
feeding, intravenous alimentation should be initiated to pro- bilirubin, and creatinine; however, small sample size and
vide at least 1 g/kg protein daily. Adjustment in the protein patient heterogeneity precluded a statistical analysis for ben-
allotment may be needed based on the serum ammonia. efit [89].
Micronutrients such as copper and manganese should be
reduced or eliminated in patients with liver disease while Disease Severity Assessment
chromium, molybdenum, and selenium should be reduced or Once PALF is identified, there are currently no reliable tools to
eliminated if renal disease is also present. predict survival or death. Biochemical tests (lactate, total bilir-
ubin, phosphorus, INR, PT, ammonia, vitamin D-binding
Liver Support protein (Gc-globulin)), clinical features (encephalopathy, cer-
ebral edema), diagnosis (acetaminophen), or combinations of
Various iterations of extracorporeal liver support systems have
the three have been tried without reliable success. Existing liver
been investigated in children with ALF to determine if they
failure scoring systems, including the King’s College Hospital
might have a measurable impact on clinical outcome.
Criteria, the Clichy Score, the Model for End-Stage Liver
Unfortunately, virtually all of them have fallen short of the
Disease Score, the Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease Score,
mark or have been underpowered to assess benefit. Therefore,
and the Liver Injury Unit Score, fall well short of the ideal
they cannot be routinely recommended [84].
prognostic tool [2, 71]. Major shortcomings include the com-
mon practice of combining death and liver transplant into
Plasmapheresis/Plasma Exchange a single outcome, when there is broad agreement that some
Plasmapheresis facilitates the removal of suspected toxins in patients who received a liver transplant would have survived
the blood to facilitate a milieu in which the liver might had their clinical course not been interrupted by surgery.
recover or regenerate. Evidence of its usefulness in children Models such as the King’s College Hospital Criteria and the
with ALF is sparse, and while coagulation profiles may Liver Injury Unit Score were unable to be validated when the
improve, the procedure has not been shown to improve neu- outcomes of death and liver transplant were separated [90, 91].
rologic outcome or ability of the liver to recover sponta- Examination of dynamic inflammatory networks measured
neously. Case reports and case series have suggested these serially during the first week does appear to segregate out-
strategies can serve as a bridge to transplant by improving comes of death and survival without transplantation. In that
coagulation and other biochemical parameters, if only tem- analysis, those who received a liver transplant had an inflam-
porarily [84–86]. However, in adults, a recent multicenter, matory network that appeared to have features common to
randomized controlled trial compared 90 participants who both those who died and those who survived [13, 61]. Using
received standard medical therapy with 90 who received a growth mixture model that included clinical data (INR,

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

encephalopathy, total bilirubin) collected over seven days, five ischemia time and wait time, resulting in a more expeditious
different trajectories were generated with differing likelihoods time to transplant for these seriously ill children. Auxiliary
for death or survival [19]. Other models using the trajectory of liver transplant has been used as a “bridge” to provide needed
data collected over time suggest dynamic models hold some time for the native liver to regenerate, but challenges remain as
promise [92, 93]. to the timing for withdrawal of immunosuppression and invo-
lution of the transplanted graft [97]. For those patients who
Liver Transplant received a liver transplant, neurocognitive testing has identi-
fied deficits in executive functions, fatigue, motor skills, atten-
Liver Transplant Decisions tion, and health-related quality of life [98].
Liver transplantation is often lifesaving when a condition
without specific therapy is irreversible or fails to respond Hepatocyte Transplant
to treatment. At the same time, liver transplant is also Pediatric acute liver failure represents a unique opportunity for
irreversible and has profound consequences both on liver cell therapy. Here, hepatocyte transplant aims to tem-
organ allocation as well as the recipient and family. The porarily improve liver function by supplementing approxi-
high frequency of liver transplant when the diagnosis is mately 5–10% of the native liver volume with donor
uncertain, coupled with children removed from the liver hepatocytes and allow the natural regenerative capacity of the
transplant list through clinical improvement before an liver to proceed or to stabilize and bridge affected patients to
organ became available, raises the possibility that liver more traditional liver transplant. Indeed, published experi-
transplant may proceed in situations in which spontaneous ences of hepatocyte transplant in the treatment of ALF have
recovery may have occurred. Long-term outcomes follow- shown promising results; however, hepatocyte transplant has
ing liver transplant for PALF are less favorable than when yet to reliably circumvent the need for traditional organ trans-
liver transplant is performed for chronic liver diseases such plant in ALF [99].
as biliary atresia. This is likely because of multiple factors
including the severity of illness at the time of transplant Outcomes
and the possibility that the transplant was performed in In the pre-transplant era, PALF was a devastating condition
circumstances in which death was inevitable regardless of with mortality rates ranging from 70% to 95% [100, 101]. More
the intervention. Listing children with ALF for liver trans- recently, advances in diagnostic approaches, management stra-
plant has decreased steadily over time [20]. There are likely tegies, and surgical techniques have led to improved outcomes
multiple contributing factors associated with this finding. for these critically ill children [1, 20].
Improvements in the directed therapies and supportive Findings from the PALFSG study reveal that outcomes
care [94, 95], improved health care provider experience in vary by diagnosis, age, and degree of encephalopathy [1, 5,
managing the complexity of PALF, recommendations for 20, 41]. Spontaneous survival or survival with their native
age-appropriate evaluations in PALF [6], and published liver was highest amongst those with ALF caused by acet-
diagnostic strategies and practice guidelines [44] collec- aminophen. Spontaneous survival occurred less frequently
tively have enhanced the care afforded to these critically for those with ALF caused by metabolic disease or drugs
ill patients. While difficult to quantitate, these factors have other than acetaminophen, and in indeterminate ALF. As
assuredly impacted the multifaceted decisions surrounding might be expected, those with higher coma scores had
the pursuit of liver transplantation as a therapeutic option. lower spontaneous survival. Unexpectedly, patients within
Still, a more reliable modeling scheme is needed to readily the PALFSG without detectable HE were also at risk of
and effectively distinguish the patient who would die from death, presumably due to associated multi-organ system
the one who would survive without liver transplant and to failure or complications related to secondary bacterial
recognize when it would be futile to proceed with liver infection. This observation emphasizes the need for meti-
transplant. culous supportive care, even in patients with minimal HE.
For children with an established diagnosis, a lower percen-
Liver Transplantation tage underwent liver transplant compared to those with an
Liver transplantation has undoubtedly improved overall survi- indeterminate diagnosis. Therefore, children who do not
val for children with ALF. The frequency of transplant in the have a specific diagnosis are more likely to be listed for
setting of PALF has decreased since 2000, and currently is and receive a liver transplant. The major causes of death
performed in approximately 38% of patients [2]. Outcome for all who do not receive a liver transplant include multi-
following liver transplant for both patient and graft survival organ system failure, cerebral edema and herniation, and
has improved, but remains lower than patients receiving trans- sepsis.
plant for chronic cholestatic diseases [2]. Living donor liver Both early and late graft loss and death are higher among
transplant for children with ALF and concurrent multi-organ children who undergo liver transplantation for ALF than for
failure is associated with improved 30-day and six-month those with chronic liver disease. Reasons for these findings are
survival compared with recipients of a deceased donor liver uncertain, but one possibility is the immune dysregulation that
allograft [96]. Improved outcome for patients receiving a living may be associated with PALF, which could lead to increased
donor liver transplant is likely related to a reduced cold susceptibility to infection or graft rejection.

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Section I: Pathophysiology of Pediatric Liver Disease

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Chapter 4: Acute Liver Failure in Children

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