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MBA 11

Consulting elective
Prof. Rodger George

Group assignment – Sessions 6 and 7 (50 marks) on 13 September 2012

You and some of your MBA colleagues have recently established a new consulting partnership called
University Consulting Group. Eager to get traction into the consulting market, the group has achieved
massive early success by securing their first major consulting assignment where they have been
appointed by SmartFox Private Equity Company to assist them with analyzing a potential takeover
target bid of the Morgan Motor Company.

The consulting scope for this assignment has been very clearly defined by SmartFox Private Equity
Company. To allow SmartFox Private Equity Company to get a better understanding of the Morgan
Motor Company before it commences with any further due diligence activities, it has asked the
University Consulting Group to conduct a site visit to the Morgan Motor Company and provide a high
level assessment of some of the issues and opportunities that face the Morgan Motor Company. To
assist you with the analysis of the Morgan motor Company, you are REQUIRED to use the SCQARE
analysis framework and SCQARE framework pyramid diagrams as contained in appendix 1. You
MAY also use other concepts discussed in class such as those contained in appendix 1.

1. The company has requested that you present your findings to the group in a 10-12 minute
PowerPoint presentation format. The electronic version of the PowerPoint presentation should also
be submitted to blackboard by 17h00 on 13 September 2011.

2. Clearly state the number of your group and the names of all group members in the presentation.

3. The success of the presentation submitted may result in Consulting Group being awarded further
extensions of work. Therefore ensure that the presentations are concise and focused, but at the
same time are able to convey key messages and insights. Extra marks will be awarded for
creativity shown.

4. Remember, the scope of your assignment is such that you will be unable to solve any of the
problems during your short visit to the company. Rather, you should focus on the issues and
opportunities (if any) that are present and what are the next steps that SmartFox Private Equity
Company should take in their pursuit of Morgan Motor Company.

Individual Assignment – Due 24 September 2012 – 08h00 (40 marks)

1. The initial presentation document submitted on 30 August 2011 was well received and
University Consulting Group is keen to establish and build an ongoing relationship with
the CEO of SmartFox Private Equity Company. What strategic capabilities is SmartFox
Private Equity Company likely to seek from a consulting business partner in this context.
Select 12 core capabilities and explain why you have chosen these in the context of
Morgan Motor Company (Max 24 marks).

2. List and discuss some key productivity measures that Consulting group can put in place
to enable it to successfully manage its business in the short term and also provide a
platform for future sustainability in the medium to longer term (Max 10 marks).

3. Briefly list and describe some of the rewards that the partners of Consulting Group will
receive by entering the consulting profession. (Max 6 marks)

Each student is to present his / her findings in a written report format which must be saved to blackboard by
08h00 on 24 September 2012.

Class Participation (10 marks)

Total Course Mark (100 marks)

The contents of this case study are the proprietary property of the author and may not be distributed
or reproduced in any form without the specific written consent of the author
Appendix A

• Issue Tree •HypothesisTree

Problem Answer
Situation Situation
Concern Concern
Question Question

Why? Why or how?

Hypo- Hypo- Hypo-

Issue Issue Issue
thesis thesis thesis
1 2 3 1 2 3

Why? Why? Why? Why or how? Why or how? Why or how?

Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup- Sup-
issue issue issue issue issue issue issue issue issue port port port port port port port port port

Incremental Planning Process Dynamic Strategic Planning Process

Vision of where we need

to be five years from now
Where can we
be next year?



Actions driven by strategy

Actions taken
Where we Why are
in response to
are now? circumstances we in business?
Time Time

Incrementalism Focus
[One reason why companies stagnate] [One reason why companies grow]

The contents of this case study are the proprietary property of the author and may not be distributed
or reproduced in any form without the specific written consent of the author
Method of adding value
Focus on Knowledge transfer/ management
standardising local Low cost/defined service level involvement
Focus on
Site Support Business Partner enhancing skills

Relationship to the business

and governance
 Distributed to location(s) for  Aligned with function/ unit.
local service needs. and deploying
Specific  Line/management focus. operationally
(site, unit,  Required for local input/ data
region) capture or local programmes.  Knowledge and know-how
 Manual or end-user intensive.
 Decision/action intensive.

Transaction Processing Centre of Expertise

(company -  Consolidated organisation.  Expertise focus — ability
wide) to leverage.
 Operational focus.
 ‘Best practice’ development.
 Standardised services.
 Issue/knowledge intensive.
 Process intensive.
Focus on  Organised by region.
 Could cover countries or Focus on
segregating and
region. enhancing skills
optimising efficiency
and governance

Service Delivery Operating Model dimensions Example questions that needs to be answered

 Which customer segments will we focus on?

 Which channels will we utilise/what volumes for each transaction
Customer Segments type?
 What products and services do we offer? What should
the customer experience be at these interactions?
Channels  How will our core processes operate in the future?
 How do the current processes need to change to
drive standardisation and scale efficiency?
 How does process ownership and accountability for each
Product / Services process need to change?
 What opportunities does our existing technology provide to
support the design principles?
22 Processes  Are there any gaps in our current technology that must be
addressed to meet our future state design? What
enhancements are required, and how could this be done cost
Information  What new technology is required to implement the model and
what is the cost?
 How do we organise ourselves most efficiently to support the new
model? How does the organisation design need to change?
Technology  What are the optimal FTE requirements for each function?
 How will people performance be measured?

 How many roles will be required and where?

Organisation  Should these skills be insourced or outsourced, and in the
latter case, what is the ideal source
 Where will we need to retain/ recruit?
Site 1  How will things change for our people?
Buuiilddiinngg … People  What training (knowledge/ skills) is required?
Site 2 Buuiilddiinngg …
 How will T&Cs and incentive plans be effected?
Site 3 Buuiilddiinngg …
Buuiilddiinngg …  Which locations will be our strategic sites?
Buuiilddiinngg …
Buuiilddiinngg …
Physical Location  What new physical capabilities will be needed on these sites
Buuiilddiinngg …
 Will any sites be closed and if so what are the exit options?
 What work will need to move and when?

The contents of this case study are the proprietary property of the author and may not be distributed
or reproduced in any form without the specific written consent of the author

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