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Shadow of the Demon Lord Wiki

Character Sheet
The SDL character sheet is comprised of several individual sheets organized by tabs along the right-hand side.
The sheets contain the following information.

 Main: Character class and level, ancestry, paths, size, fortune, attributes, boons/banes, initiative,
corruption, speed, power, weapons/attacks, spells/attacks, talents and armor.

 Gear: Inventory (weapons and armor will sync across to the Armor and Weapons sections on the Main

 Character: Mostly flavor and background information on your character.

 Notes: Notes.

If you have any of the Core Rulebooks or Supplements you can drag and drop links for Ancestry and Paths as
well as Equipment, Spells, Talents and more onto the appropriate locations on the character sheet to
automatically copy the text with the link included for later reference. In addition, Fantasy Grounds will also add
ancestry or path level changes to your character or report choices to the chat window.

The remainder of this article is divided into a tutorial walk-through of creating a character and a reference
section. Use the index above to jump to any part of the article.

New Character Sheet

To create a new character first bring up a new character sheet. To do this click the Characters button at the top
of the right-hand menu and in the window which opens click the Add button or right click in the window and
select Create Item.

To use the source books you will first need to activate them from the Modules menu. Most character options
are in the Core Rulebook Player.

Step 1 Name your character

Step 2 Choose an Ancestry

From the Character submenu open Ancestries or use the link icon to see available ancestries. Drag your choice
of ancestry by its link on to your new character.
This will set your basic attribute scores, size, health and speed.

From the Ancestry sheet you can also drag languages to the Character tab and talents to the Main tab. At the
bottom of the Ancestry record you will also find a number of tables to help you generate some flavor for your
character. After rolling on the table, you can drag the result from the Chat window to any textbox, such as the
one at the bottom of the Character tab.

Step 3. Add Equipment

Follow the core rules to setup your character’s equipment. Note that there are equipment bundles
corresponding to the starting equipment for the various wealth levels. The bundles are linked in the Reference
Manual. They can also be accesses via the Bundles side menu, if the the Core Rulebook Player is open.

Level Advancement

Characters do not choose a Path until they have completed their first adventure. After you complete your first
adventure, your group gains a level. As shown on the Advancement table, at level 1 you choose a novice path.
Click the link icon and use the Novice filter, and then drag your first Path to your Character sheet.

Drag the Level 1 Talents from the Path record to your characters Main tab. You may also have tables to roll on.
You should then double-click the Level Up icon to advance your character to Level 1. Additional actions you need
to take will be reported in the chat window.
Use Ctrl+Scroll over the round fields to add your modifier choices to your character. You can’t edit the main
number directly as this number is calculated from your Ancestry and Path specific choices.

Double-click the Level Up icon to advance levels. You will get a prompt/warning in Chat if you are required to
do something first such as add a Novice or Expert path to your character.
Other Character Settings



Armor When you equip armor it will automatically adjust your Defense. You may add modifiers to your Defense
using the modifier box.
Weapons When you add a weapon to your inventory, it will also be added to your Weapons frame on the Main
Hide/Show lists You can hide/show the Weapons, Armor, Spells and Talents frames by double clicking the
double arrows. You might do this if for example your character is not a spell caster or to make more room.

Rest You can initiate a rest by double-clicking the Rest button. This will reset spell and talent uses and will apply
your daily healing rate to your current health.
Healing Double-click the green healing rate to apply the standard amount of healing. Use shift+double-click to
apply half the standard healing rate instead.
Rolling from The Character Sheet
There are several rolls and other interactions that can be performed directly from the Character sheet.

Double-clicking the Attribute Score will do a Challenge Roll vs a target of 10.

Double-clicking the Attribute Bonus will add that bonus to the Modifier Stack.

Corruption When you gain a Corruption point, double click Corruption to roll. If your roll is lower than your
current Corruption, then you will automatically roll on the Marks of Darkness table to see how the corruption is
manifested in you. You can drag this result to your Character sheet.

Boons and Banes Adjust boons or banes by double-clicking the white up arrow to add and double-clicking the
down red arrow to subtract. Boons and banes cancel each other out and only the remaining boon or bane dice
are thrown. These will be added to your next attack or challenge roll. You can double click either the boon or
bane value to roll the Boon/Bane dice without the d20 and the result will be automatically sent to the Modifier
Spells Frame
1. Shows how many times you can cast each spell of that rank
2. Opens the Spell window so that you can drag more spells to your spell list
3. Rest (restore uses)
4. Cast the spell and make an attack roll – many spells do not require a roll so this icon will not always be
enabled. Double-click to make the spell’s attack roll.
5. Damage – if the spell requires you to apply damage (or healing) double click this field to roll, and if you
are targeting then the result will be applied to the target
6. Your attack stat – click to change
7. The target’s attribute used to determine the target value – click to change
8. Boons/Banes – a place to apply permanent boons/banes
9. Rank of spell (informational only)
10. Double-click on the final number box to consume a use of the spell
11. If you cannot cast this spell (either your Power is too low, or you have used all of your daily castings)
then the spell will be greyed out.

Weapons Frame

1. Double-click to make an attack roll

2. Double-click to apply damage on a successful attack
3. Equipped/Carried/Other
4. Your attack stat – click to change
5. The target’s stat used to determine the target value – click to change
6. Boons/Banes – a place to apply permanent boons/banes
Combat Tracker
The Combat Tracker is simple tool used to assist with the flow of combat. Its role differs greatly between the
players and the Game Master. The players use the Combat Tracker as a means to check and confirm initiative
order, health levels, and targeting. The Gamemaster uses the Combat Tracker for all of those tasks, as well as
several others, mainly making attack and challenge rolls for NPCs.

Player's View - Basics

 The Combat Tracker is set up in columns from left to right as follows: token, name, initiative, damage
taken, and alliance.

 NPCs may have a number appended to their name if there are multiple actors with the same name,
depending on the option selected by the GM.

 Creatures appear on the Combat Tracker in initiative order. Each round, the order is adjusted to reflect
the initiatives chosen for that round.

 The current actor is framed with a thicker border, and the current actor indicator points to that entry.

 The alliance of the actor to the PCs is indicated by color as follows: Red = enemy, Green = ally, and
Yellow = neutral.

 The Combat Tracker also shows current effects. Note that the player's Combat Tracker does not show
NPC resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities.

 The player clicks on the 'next actor' button in the lower left hand corner to end their turn.

 The current round is shown on the lower right hand corner of the Combat Tracker. It will increment if
‘next actor’ is clicked while the current actor indicator is at the last actor in the Combat Tracker.

 Nothing in the Combat Tracker is editable by the players.

Players View - Combat
 A player can select a target in the combat tracker by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the

 Multiple targets can be selected by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on each target in turn.

 Targets can be deselected by holding down CTRL and clicking on an already selected target.

 Players can make attack rolls against a selected target by double clicking the attack die in the
Weapons Frame or Spells Frame in Main tab of their character sheets, or by dragging the die icon into
the Chat box.

 Attack rolls can also be made by dragging and dropping the attack die directly on the target in the
Combat Tracker. This works whether the creature has been targeted as above or not.

 Damage rolls can be made in the same way: either by targeting and double clicking, by dragging to the
chat box from the character sheet, or by dragging and dropping onto the target in the Combat

 The result of the attack reported both textually and visually in the Chat window. The result is reported
visually as follows. Red text indicates a miss. Green text indicates a hit. White text on a black
background indicates that the attack roll result is at least 20 and exceeds the target by 5 or more (a
20+ result).

 The methods for spell attack and damage rolls are identical to those for weapon attack and damage

 If the player selects multiple targets, then all targets will be attacked simultaneously. Different attack
and damage rolls are made for each target. Note that the targeting of missed targets is not
automatically removed on a miss. Therefore, in the case of multiple targets with some hit and some
miss results, targeting needs to be adjusted manually before rolling for damage.

 If the spell requires that the target make a Challenge roll, then that roll must be done manually.

 If a spell does have damage on a successful Challenge roll, then the damage must be applied manually.

GM View - Basics
 Populate the Combat Tracker with the party members by either dragging and dropping their character

 Unloaded characters can be added from the Character Selection window found under the Player
sidebar menu.

 Actors can be deleted from the Combat Tracker by right clicking on their Combat Tracker entry and
selecting Delete Item.

 NPCs can be added to the Combat Tracker from the NPC Selection window found under the Campaign
sidebar menu, or added via the 'Add encounter to Combat Tracker' button of an encounter.

 A new, blank NPC can be created by right clicking on the CT and selecting 'Create Item'. (This method
is not recommended and if an NPC without attributes participates in combat rolls, then errors may

 The DM can directly edit most information which appears on the Combat Tracker, including names,
health, wounds, effects, and attributes.

 The red dragon icon at the right edge of a Combat Tracker entry allows the GM to open that actor’s
record or character sheet.

 Dragging and dropping a red dragon icon to an empty area of the Combat Tracker creates a duplicate
of the original item.

 The GM view of the Combat Tracker is essentially the same as the Player's view. However, the GM has
the following additional buttons and menus:

 A small 'ID' button indicating whether this creature is identified or not. If this icon is red the NPC will
show on the player's Combat Tracker as 'Unidentified Creature'. This button can be toggled between
red (unidentified) and green (identified) by clicking on it. Toggling one creature will automatically
change the status of all creatures that are currently on the CT that are the same as the one being

 A global toggle to make all NPCs visible or Invisible to the players at the top left hand corner of the
Combat Tracker.

 An individual Visible/Invisible toggle for each NPC on the Combat Tracker.

 An Initiative marker token which can be dragged to the left-hand side beside any PC or NPC name to
give that creature the current initiative. This should be dragged to the first person on the Tracker after
initiative is rolled and before combat starts.

 A menu which is discussed in more detail below.

 A set of Global and individual toggle buttons which open up further information on the player
characters and NPCs. These, too are discussed in more detail below.

DM View - Menu
 Clicking on the menu brings up a few options: close the Combat Tracker, remove current actor from
Combat Tracker, and reset initiatives.

DM View - Toggles
 There are 5 toggles which open up a new section in the Combat Tracker to enable GMs to run combat
and edit aspects of characters and NPCs.

Targeting Toggle
 This section shows the currently selected target(s) of the NPC or PC. The target(s) are shown as
tokens and mousing over a token will reveal the target's name.
 The small icon to the extreme right of this section can be used to clear all of the targets from the
individual PC or NPC.

 Individual targets can be removed by clicking on the target's token.

 The second small icon on the right can be used to select targets by dragging and dropping the icon to
other actors in the Combat Tracker.

Size & Reach Toggle

 The Size & Reach box can be used to edit the size and reach of any creature. This can be useful if the
creature is subjected to a spell or effect which alters these factors.

 The edits are done by simply typing a new value into the appropriate box.

 If size increased or decreased, square seen around the token on the map will expand or contract

 The creature's token on the map will not automatically resize. The token can be resized by holding
down CTRL and moving the middle mouse button up or down while pointing to the token.

 If the size is altered the gray square indicating a creature's reach which surrounds a creature when
moused over will change to reflect the new value.
Attacks Toggle
 If the GM selects the Attacks icon for an NPC, the Attacks box opens up.

 The NPC’s Defense, Perception, and attributes are displayed. These values can be edited directly.

 Double-clicking on an attribute or Perception causes a corresponding challenge roll to occur.

 Initiative is set by double-clicking the corresponding icon located at the right edge.

 Double-clicking on the Attack roll die icon causes an attack to occur.

 If the NPC is targeting other actors, then one attack will occur against each target, and the result
reported to the Chat box.

 Double-clicking on the damage dice expression causes damage to be rolled. If there is also extra
damage, then those dice will also be automatically rolled and added to the base damage.

 If the NPC is targeting other actors, then damage will be rolled and applied to each target.

 The dragon icon to the right of the attack entry opens a record box for that attack, displaying details
such as attack 20+ effects, and any text associated with the attack.

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