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The Origin of Religion

Let us find out about the origin of religion that brings salvation to humanity.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmitybetween you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your
head, and you shall bruise His heel.

Imagine how hateful was the serpent, the devil to the woman!

Rather than gaining knowledge and being uplifted after eating the fruit, she had brought calamity, suffering, and death to the
human race.

But how could a human being overcome the devil?

So, Adam and Eve were greatly discouraged and depressed by the consequences.

At that time God gave them the promise of the chapter 3 verse 15 of Genesis.

“Woman, your seed will come and revenge on the serpent for you.”

Adam and Eve must have been so happy and thankful when they heard the promise.

Adam, who represented humanity’s belief and as a sign that he received God’s promise of salvation, he renamed his wife Eve.

Eve means the mother of life. Genesis 3:20

God rewarded Adam’s faith with a tunic of skin. (Genesis 3:21)

There is a profound spiritual meaning behind this tunic. I will explain it in depth momentarily.

Therefore, from the beginning of creation, the Bible tells us that salvation comes from faith and not from human effort.

Let us talk about the tunic of skin. Which animal was it from? It was most likely lambskin. This meant that a lamb had to have

Do you know why Adam and Even hid after eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

It was because they were naked and too ashamed to appear in front of God, and each other.

God told Adam “Adam… bring a lamb”

“Adam… use a stone and strike the head of this lamb.”

The lamb then fell on the floor, with blood flowing from its head.

Adam and Eve were shocked.

This was the very first time that they had seen death.

Though they had heard about dying, never before have they witnessed the death of even a single blade of grass or leaf in the
Garden of Eden.

They must have asked “God, what is wrong with this lamb?”

God explained, “It has died”

“Oh, is this death?” “Will we also die like this later?”

“No, one day I will come to this world as a man and die for your sin”

“So that you may once again receive eternal life. In order for you to remember my promise, you must perform a religious act
of worship each Sabbath, offering up a living sacrifice. As you kill a lamb and offer it upon the altar, remember my sacrifice.
May this serve as a reminder of my promise to you.

This was the beginning of religion, sacrifice, and worship.

Here we have the very first two types of religious activities and worship as recorded in Genesis 4.

On Genesis 4:1 ... Adam and Even had their first son.

His name was Cain, which meant “acquired”.

Adam and Even must have believed that this was the promised son who would bring revenge.

But the promised Son on Genesis 3:15 was to be from the Seed of a woman.

Meaning a son born of a woman without any relations with a man.

We here are all born from the union of a man and woman. This is why we place so much emphasis on our patriarchal heritage
in our ancestral lineage.

So... the son spoken of in the promise, the son who would overcome the devil and save the human race, is of a woman's
offspring ... Jesus was born of a virgin woman.

But Adam and Eve had misunderstood God’s promise.

As Cain and his younger brother Abel grew, they both offered their sacrifices to God in worship.

Cain offered his fruits of labor from toiling the earth while Abel offered a lamb.

God did not accept Cain’s worship or his sacrifice.

It was because Cain had misunderstood the meaning of the worship, religion, and sacrifice.

Cain thought, “Let me give God my best fruits from the ground that I worked.”

“Surely then God will be pleased and bring me grace and salvation.”

Earlier, I explained that God’s purpose of religion and worship was to celebrate God’s sacrifice.”

All success and wealth in this world is possible through human effort.

However, salvation and eternal life is only possible through faith in God’s sacrifice.

In our current generation, there are numerous religions, sacrifices, and ways of worship.

However, there are only two foundational different ways of worship.

One is religion and worship that celebrate God’s grace and sacrifice.

The other is that which expects salvation through human effort, human sacrifice, and human works.

Cain was absolutely infuriated because God had not accepted his sacrifice and worship.

So he murdered his brother Abel.

The very first murder in the history of humanity was not caused by a conflict of economic, political, or gender clash, but rather
upon the basis of religion.

On the surface, these two methods of worship appear quite similar.

Both worship God.

However, the false method of worship ultimately kills the Truth.

The last battle of this world will also be of a religious nature.

The false method of worship will attempt to kill the Truth.

Then Jesus will come again.

He died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected, and returned to heaven 2000 years ago.

He promised us that He would return.

Countless followers throughout history who lived and died for the Truth shall live once again.

Our bodies will be transformed and we will live eternally.

We will go to the 4-dimensional world and live forever with Jesus.

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