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Student a. Book Ministry of Ex Pure Mathematics Differential & integral Calculus 2019 - 2020 palsy dan 8g ¢ LS GUSH Na Iolaty Cpa ae oul plait Third secondary Name: Class : School: Authors Mr. Kamal Younis Kabsha Prof.Dr. Afaf Abo Elfotouh Mr. Cerafiem Elias Skander Revised by Mr. Mohamed Farouk Mohamed Mr. Samir Mohamed Sedawy ntroductio p el ed ail et Weare ples to indice this ook to show the philosophy on which the academic content hs con roared his philosophy an Todays world is witnessing an ongoing scientific development. The future generation is required to get qualified using the developing methods ofthe future in order to keep matching withthe gigantic progress ‘ofthe different sciences. In regard to apply such a principle, the Ministry of Education is doing the best to Jmprove the curricula through having the learner in the position of the explorer tothe scientific facts. addition, the Ministry of Education provides the proper fields throughout thinking in order to enable them to use their minds as tools of the scienific thinking. ‘As we present the book of Calculus forthe third secondary to be a helping for lightening the minds of the students to trace the scientific thinking and to motivate them to search andl explore. In the light of what previously mentioned, the following details have been considered: > The book has been divided into related and integrated units. Each unit has an Introduction illustrating the learning outcomes, the unit planning guide, and the elated Key terms, In addition, the unit is vided into lessons where each lesson shows the objective of learning it through the tle You wil learn Each lesson starts with the main idea ofthe lesson content. It is taken into consideration to introduce the cootent gradually from easy to hard. The lesson includes some activities, which relate Math to other school subjects and the practical life, These activities suit the students ifierent abilities, consider the Individual differences throughout Discover the eror to correct some common mistakes ofthe students, confit the principle of working together and integrate with the topic. Furthermore, this book contains some issues related to the surrounding environment and how to deal wth + Each lesson contains examples stating gradually from easy to hard and containing various levels of ‘thoughts accompanied with some exercises titled Try to solve. Each lesson ends in Exercises that contain various problems related tothe concepts and skill thatthe students learned through the lesion, 4 Each unit ends in Unit summary containing the concepts and the instructions mentioned andl General ‘exams containing various problems related tothe concepts an skills, which the student learned through the unit. + Each unitends in an Accumulative testo measure some necessary skills tobe gained to fll the learn ing outcome ofthe unit. > The book ends in General tests including some concepis and skills, which the student leamed throughout the ter, Last but not least. We ‘we had done our best to accomplish this work for the benefits of ‘our dear youngsters and our dearest Egypt. Differentiation of trigonometric function Implicit and parametric differentiation Heigher deivatives of the function ‘Two equations of the tangent and normal to a curve Related time rates Unit summary General exercises Accumulative test Unit TROCr enna eaca ce UeLe) aso Logarithmic Functions 2-4 The exponential function with the natural base and the natural logarithmic function. Derivatives of the exponential and logarithmic functions. Integration of the exponential and logarithmic functions. Unit summary General exercises Accumulative test 4 18 22 29 30 33 36 4 50 56 57 59 le Pein ane Rei Als Sketching 3-1 Increasing and decreasing of the functions. 62 3-2 Maximum and minimum values 66 3-3 Curve sketching 72 3-4 Applications on maximum and minimum values. 82 Unit summary 88 General exercises Accumulative test 93 Be Gobi eineeTeUen) Fout its Applications 4-1 Methods of integration. 96 4-2 Integration of trigonometric functions. 106 4-3 Definite integration. 110 4-4 Areas in the plane. 117 4-5 Volumes of solids of revolution. 125 Unit summary 132 General exercises 134 Accumulative test 136 General tests 138 eae ts In your previous study to the functions, you have identified explicit functions in one variable in the form y = £ (x) and the operations on these functions and their Formations, You have also investigated the differentiabiliy of the continuous funetion on a domain and you could Find the firs derivative ofthe algebraic funetions and some trigonometric functions Inthis unit, you are goin the ti tocomplete the study of differentia mometrie functions and identify the other Functions whieh their variables eannot be separated where the variables relate with an implicit relation or by its definition throughout the parameteie variable. This requires to learn different puerns of ferentiation such as implicit differentiation and parametric differentiation which depend on the derivative ofthe composite function (chain rule) to differentiate the function, You will also investigate the existence ofthe second derivative of the function in regard to leatning the higher derivatives of the function in regard to learning the higher derivatives ofthe function which give a hand to earn several life applications Tisunit inte sts in some necessary applications o the differentiation in various domains of mathematics, physics, economy’ and the biological sciences throughout learning the two equations ofthe tangent and faonmal on a ugent of a curve and the related time rates to help you model and solve some daily life problems. By the end of the unit and earrying out the related activities, the student should be able to: Find the derivatives ofthe trigonometric funtion Fin the two eguations ofthe tangent and the inthe fren of impli Fametions pplication on differentiation (explicit, implicit and parametse) inthe related time rates including the physical Find the higher derivatives (second and third) of application ilferet funetions an ideatfy bow to express then pk oe Stet beg Lesson (1 - I): Differentiation of trigonometric funtion Lesson (1-2) Implicit and parametric differentiation Lesson (1-3): Heigher deivatives of the Function Lisson (1-4): ‘Two equations of the tangent and normal toacurve Lesson (1-5) Related time rates ecu r Differentiation and its application Detivatves of tigonometrictunctions Applications of diferetition Implicit tferentiation = Parametric aterentation —WOeAUAtIONS OF elated time rates — the tangent and ormalto.a curve Consecutive derivatives Trigonometric Functions # _ OT a ——— Introduction: €F Yeuwilllearn | | You have previously learned the dillerentiation of some trigonometsie miibarese functions, In this lesson, we are going to recall you with some basic © Mace concepts about differentiation to identify the derivatives of other naaer trigonometric functions, © knee LB int sc discuss a You know the rate of fim Ka+h)-fa) 0h yee of the function f at point in a condition the limit is existed. I is also the derivative of the function fa the sime point, itis denoted by the symbol 1" (a) and itis the slope of the tangent to the curve of Fat point (a, f(a) =r From your graphical reading of the opposite figure, discuss the dilfereatiability ofthe Function fat: Xe Ja, bland xe [a,b] Note that : The slope of the tangent is known forall the points of the curve except for x = b Materials) o and x = ¢, then serene 41 “The funtion Fis discontinuous tx =, so it isnot difereniable ate seen 2+ The function fi differentiable at x = a since (a) is existed 3+ The funetion fis not differentiable at P(b") # the left derivative Mb) ‘The function is differentiable on the interval J, b if derivative since the right derivative fo | fo) 4 awe ® | Ze tas been found at each point belongs to this interval forthe function x7 (weR) |x" 1 | 5- The function f defined on the closed interval [a,b] is differentiable sinx (| coms ifand only if each of £(a") and f(b) are existed and the function is msn 4) Aierentiable on the interval Ja 2, | Remember: the differentiation rules 1- Liat=at'o)aer tans (0%) | see Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Calcubs 2019-2020 2 4 tot eI= Pte 3+ Stes) 260] = 0) +00) + 260)" 209+) -0)-BO eg) 40 1200 F bd Ity=1(2 is ciferentiable with respect to, = g(x isllferentable with respect to , then y =f [g (x)] is differentiable with respect to x ferst=2 a [Chain rule} hee LET g01=F leo] #1) if isa differentiable function with respect to x and n isa real number yen: 2 fF (x) P= [FP then: [F() P=m fit) LTT Steen Ch bak j HN 1 - Derivative of cotangent function i My =cotxwherexeR,X nit .nex vo ENF then: (oot) =-es0?x | \ Notice that : t ial T 1 t yeeots Derivative of the secant function ll LL Iy=see x where : Di reR. xp O02 pez acer ?s then: 1° | sh (seen) = see xtan x (check) ma La tt yosecx ‘Shorouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Student Book 3- Derivative of cosecant function: Iy=cse xwhere | NeR,xfna,neZ { q ‘Then : 4 (ese x) =-ese x eorx cheek. Roy ot oun AA ity a @ Find & foreach the folowing yoesex (a) y=3x5+4eotx (b) y=3seex- Stans (©) y=sesex @y= © Solution DB 23x Se4-a Gest y = 1Sxt- dees (A = 3 Goon tans)- Ssee?x = see [3 tan S800 x} (eB = 3 xeon + x Cesexcoty) = Wee x3 -veots} @# & = ext x[lecotx4 tecotxl _ 2ese?s Er Treo? Brees @ Fina 2, i uals: © Find ity equ (@)2sinx - 30x Baw + dsoex (©) see stan x 4) esexeotx re) 08 1 csex T+ seen Ts exex @ Find © foreach ofthe following @y = soc (5x42) (B)y = coi(eos3 x) @y = exe? (143% dy = @- 200198 Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulus 2018- 2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications . a syssec(Sx+2) Putingz=Sx+2 0. andy =seez where * = see ztanz we Me, [chain rule eZ a ZZ [chain rute] 2B = seoztanz x5 = See (5x +2) tan (5x +2) (© Anotner Sotuton “Leo = & as "IgGl 2") =seo(S x4+ 2) tan (5x42) 2 (Sx-+2) = See (5x-+2)tan (5x +2) (b) y=cot (cos 3 x) ese% 083 x) -& (608 3») ose (oo 38) sin 3x3] =3 in 3 x se (e083) (1438) ese (1 +342) x 650 (1 +347) cot (143.9) 6x 12x cot (1 + 3x2) ese” (1 +3 x2) @y= = 2cot x)? 823 -2eatn?a-2(-c 8) Ge? x@-2ean? Birvyto soe @ Find £ ify equals: Beats Oar (©) sin (ese 3 x) @-ws@xrm )staee t Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Suclent Book 7 If f, g and hare differentiable functions with respect to x, complete the following using the values given in the opposite table: @ hoy =3fe9-2a0s) then x i 5 Drw=tey[s+eoo] then’ 1) * @ho= ty +le()+2] then y= a@) | 2 | 1 fe |. | 5 @nco=itecol then h’ (1) = Hee ® Fc a ®rw=eBx-f)] weak’ Ho then (1 @y=ce(2-39 — @ yscaca- ® x-Seot3x @ysun3x-cse2x @ yasin’3+sn extan2x Qyso¥T ye3sec2(2x+@) @Dy=vivecx cxexscots! @y T+eotx? — @® y=ese(a-2x) Answer the following: D tyson Zz,22300 tind Lar= @iry tBrjr23Ve find Batx=1 6 QO y=V3-2 z= 002 prove that 77 B+ 12=0 atx=Z @ Find the slope ofthe tangent othe curve of the funtion F where = for each of the following (a) y=2eox+/Fscex axe Dy=stanx-cetx at +g +8 Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Calouhs 2019- 2020 rayelitstkacrare hy exentonu (a1 tao = yi iteh tet) =a A Implicit Defferentiation ‘You have previously’ found a defined function inthe form y= (8); {08 | © meexotenn ‘an explicit faetion of the independent vartable x where it determines the value of y diretly whenever the value of x is known such as y=sin(2x+3),y y But ify is related tothe variable x with an equation containing x and y xT 2eos(2x+3), y= together such as xyty-4=0(1), x+y?-9 12) then each equation defining an implicit elation between X, y expresses the reation between the two coordinates of point (x, 3) lying on its sraphieal curve Notice tha 1- Theoquation xy +y-4 ysl y wees #1 inthis case, the implicit relation is defined as an explicit function cean be written in the form: 2 The set of points (x.y) which CRE satisfies the equation X24 y2= 9 draws circle whose centers the ‘origin point and its radius lenath is 3 units, From testing the vertical fine, se notice the relation @ + 92 = 9 doesnot representa function but y2=9 =x? ‘The implicit relation ean be defined as two ‘explicit functions the frst y= JIT itsdomainis-3,3}rangeis(0.3] and itis differentiable for each xeB.31 242 wey ‘Shorouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Student Book Toe uci cate oe its domain [3,3] range [-3,01 and itis differentiable foreach x |-3 3 in many equations in the form f(s , y) = 0 i is difficult to express y in terms of x dliecily since the variable y ‘doosnot represent an explicit function with respect to x.y ‘This function i called the implicit Function. I The process of differentiating the implicit function (implicit differentiation) requires to differentiate both sides ofthe equation with respect to one ofthe two variables x oy according tothe cain rule wo get or $ respety sly @ Example ‘The second: O Fa Zi (@)S4y?-7x45y=8 (b3xyeytat-7 © Solution Tote tha he equation dent gine yxy ines ot OLED fy isa function in x and is differentiable ‘with rospect to x taking into consideration that y isa function then: to the variable x and itis differentiable then : ad To find , we diferentite the wo sides of the equation adeay 745 Ha0 aye 3x jit TRE was ® ay 45) fey+s “3x y+y2=N2-7 by differentiating the two sides of the equation with respect to. 4 dy > wR Oxy t2yParn dy Ve yase a Beyaery Bit0 oso dy @ Fins Sit 8 -Sxy4 Pedy @ exami ey iY ) Find @ Fina Dit (2) sin2 y=ycos3 x (b) n2x Feoty=xy Pure Mathematics Differential & integral Calculus 2019- 2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications © sotution (a) By dtferemiating both sides of the equation with respect tox 4 in2y y= eb (sin2y) LG 6083.9 cos 2y x2 =y[-sin3.xx3] + €083 x [22 ayx2 By [sina x3] +0083 (2) 9 : =-3ysit pM __Sysind x _ Fil2eos2y-con3aj=-3ysin3x «Ba SSS (B) By differemiating both sides of the equation with respect to x 4 (tan 2 x) +1 (eoty) = Los. tan 28) +E (ooty) = ey) eet axncady 2see? 2x-y xreey ore (b) 3y=sinxcos2y ote: Theil fonnula ofthe desatve 8 sss ned fist o know The coresponding vale oFy which so dificult Be determined from the implicit relation. in the implicit differentiation contains both x and Parametric Defferentiation Ifthe x-coordinate and y- coordinate of a point (x,y) can be expressed as a function ina third variable its called the parameter) by the two equations: x=f{0) and y= e(twhere fand g have a common domain. ‘The two equations together rpresent an equation of one curve expressed in the parametric form For the curve given in the parametric form x = fi), y= 200, B= AE = Bs SS here Fang are W40 differeniale functions with respect to Shorouk Press Third Secondary Student Book (44 a ani [2]. al * a3 x sin2O«2=-6sin 20 ale {Y= 4.00830 «3 = 12.c08 36 wo 1e0s3 0 ~6sin20 Bi try to sotve @ Find & forthe ellowingewves atthe given vas axa(ui7a (Pen, (b x=s0O-1, Gritical thinking; Find the value of the parameter 7 at which the curve 52-820 12 22-4 has a horizontal tangent and another vertical WSF 5, n= BVT theny=I6), 720) the two Function f,g ate differentiable with respect tox considering x is parameter for each of the two variables y and z °. from the parametric differentiation , we find that: s x ee x3 hee Sarr MN + 5]=24-3 ny te satin © Use the parametric citferentiation wo fin (a) Thederivative of x? +1 with respect to ¥x7=T P)Thedenvaiveot FET with respect to Sat (©) The derivative of x~sin x with respect to Leos x at Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications First : choose the correct answer: Dray? hen cals @s ol @-= y y 2xy. then & equals: Bo @ ae oy then & or x @4 fr, then © equals: w3 — a @3 equals: ‘Second: find tt for each of the following: @Qxusyt720 — Qabsaytre0 @a2-2ay=5- @xy-siny yootx G2) x? siny-y?sinx = Qevoxyasyeds DAL @rsiny +ycosx=0 GDrescy 4 sind xeos2y Third: find &Y for the following curves at the given values: =1B-2t,y=4t2¥T, ted in27O, y=cos278, O= é x=5+sec23@, y=1-tan30, 0: 4 ZB@OSs Oe i 2) 3) 9) Find the slope of the tangent to the curve cos fy =3x+1 at point (- + xe T Q0) Find the derivative of with respect to YExST atx = ® Find the value of parameter at which the curve K=2?-SP-44¢-9, (@) a vertical tangent. (©) a horizontal tangent, Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Student Book 43 @P Materials | lherDerivatives, of a eee yext Sx -2x 13, find the derivative of function f, Can you repeat the process of differentiation with respect to x? why? Does the process of differentiation end up? Explain, a Higher - Order Derivative ‘> Ify=fCx) where fis a differentiable function with respect to ‘x, then its first derivative is = 1"¢9) and icrepresens anew function, 2 iti eae ional witht thn fatness anon, ie arson" ‘> By repeating the process of differentiation , we got the third derivative of the funetion f and i is denoted by the symbol Sy and so on, ‘The derivatives of a function starting from the second derivative are called the higher derivatives ofthe function and the derivative is written from the order n as follows: (x) where mis a postive integer number Notice that: 1- FY isreadd owoy by ds squared we or (SEP the st verte sae eae i te ce ee square of the first derivative, @ Example @ Find the second derivative foreach ofthe Following G@)y=ati3x-5 ( 2+ There isa difference between xed Tt 44) Pure Mathematics Diferential& Integral Caeukss 2019- 2020 Unit One: Differentiation and ©) y=sin(@x-2) @y=Vano © solution wHs3x-5,NER 2). 8¥e-9sins-2) 3.008 (3%-2). 5: 9sin (3x -2) 2 wx>d Ebrry 00 soe @ Find the third derivative for each ofthe following a)yaxt-axtes bn=@n-pt ©) I(x) =€08 25+) a qy=s wT ina x, investigate the consecutive differentiation pattern and find y(25) cuitcal thinking @ Pxampte @uy-rrxyos, prvetaeey He2S(S © sotution a)cyleaxyes, by differentiating both sides with respect tox “ayaherdhsay=0—byaividnghy 2 wry Beye by differentiating both sides with respect tox ory etary Peo and s+) 8 42 8 4 (Bx re10 « provetias SEs a0 Ditystnx , prove that: s 2ya+y)) ‘Shorouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Student Book Ce wegen eal Parametric equations: @ Example @r=2-5, 1 find 2X at “ dx? © Solution By diferemting cach of x andy with respect o parameter n 86 ote dn . da agg! dn dy n#0 Gritical thinking; The opposite figure shows a graphical representation to the curves of the functions f(x), F(x), £* (x) where f(x) is polynomial . Determine the curve of end ition He Cam Use the geogebra program or any other program (o graph the following functions and their first ‘and second derivatives, then record your observations. 2412 (2) fy) Do your observations mateh with your decision in critical thinking? Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications Ci cress @ ify = ax? + bx? +ex +d and the correlations of x,y. y', "are shown in the next table : find the real values of a,b, and complete the table. x y y y 8 28 2 15 34 Find the third derivative for each of the following: @y=n-a843 | @y=sinex- ®y=cos (4-3) @Oy=sinxcosx @Qy=a0 Answer the following: G aa we that: x &Y 42 4¥ = @ifsxtsss2xy . pro je that: x FS 2253 @uxsyt=a A prove tha: 93 S =0 @ Ify =3c0s(2x+1) rove that: PY + 4y =0 ye / oP Br eaye Gu &y 49 dy 7 Ixy=sinxeosx rove that x 242 Y paxy=0 @itxy Prove that: x 55422 +4ny . fy. D aye @ ity =xsinx 5 prove that x Hex e2ys0 @uy- #y dpeyray? My =seex ‘ ove that: y #2 4 Wy = y? ay? 2) Buy P yr Bix ay?-2) 2 1, find: 88 aya? a anz=4 atz=2 Shorouk Press Third Secondary Student Book 47 e_The tine emct for) Ot the Tangent and the Normal es to.a,Curve —_= Coe | G_naeraee The ppb ign howe 10 Tats A ari B, ne ods straight andthe ther is curved and they are converged at prsion CI position Cis represented ty point C (1, 4) in a perpendicular coottinae plane and the equation ofthe oad Bis: y= can you find the equation of road A? Dees te roud A pas through the point (7, 10)? Explain. PL Koyterms | —— Gy team Fine nngee somatiogn cane sroaaretapanhinente 23x55, If point A(x, ,y,) lies on the curve of Function f where y = f(x) , and ‘mis the slope ofthe tangent tothe ‘curve at this point, then | 1 The equation of the tangent to the curve at point(s, , 1) © Sete is: y-yh=m(X-mp) 2+ The equation ofthe normal tothe curve at point (Sy) 1 issy-yeSOx-xp le @ Find the two equations of the tangent andthe normal to the curve cola the pint which ies on the curve ands x-coondinate equals 2 + © Solution To find pint Iying on the curve when x = # calle is y-coordinate where =2x-colx, a Ss ie prin, Z- tiesonthe curve The lope ofthe tangent ofthe curve at any point = (esc?s) =2 + e802 & Pure Mathematics Ditfrential & integral Callus 2019- 2020 Unit One Differentiation and its Applications ‘+ at point (ZZ - 1) the ope ofthe angen'= 2+ [082 4. the slope of the normal the equation ofthe tangent y-.-1) = 44 theequation ofthe normal y === Ebr to s01ve ® find the to equations ofthe tangent and the nomnal tothe curve y=3 + see x atthe point es onthe curve and its -eoordinate aguas 2. BP Exam catuiating theo @ Find the two equations of the tangent and the normal to the curve x2 + 3x y + ‘a point A 1,1). If they intersect the x-axis atthe two points B and C, calculate the area of the triangle AB C in squared units © solution Zana Rie 0 yt Ty Pa3nye yt r Point A (1, 1) satisfies the equation ofthe cme, it ies a one cre, Byieretating bh ides tne eqation of the curve with respect to x to find the slope of the z tangent tan point r 3 | ax43x Vesys2y B-0 ae 89429 at point AG 1,1) -* Slope of tangent = I, and slope of nommal =~ cquation of tangent: y=1= 81 iey=xi2 equation of momal: ¥-1=-(11) hey By solving the two equations of the tangent and the normal wth the equation ofthe x-ais y= 0 tofind tho intersection points B and C + Point B ( 2,0), point © (0, )and BC=0-(-2)=2 Areaof tangle AB C= 2:1 = 1 squared units Edt to solve @ Find the area th triangle bounded bythe xan ingen and normal othe curve 3x24 y2= 12 at point (1,3), x ‘Shorouk Press ‘Tied Secondary - Student Book 4-4 The two Equation of the Tangent and the Normal tat Curve BD Exam le parametric citferentation (3) The wo parametric equations of a curve are x= 242, y=O 01 iad sits of upon irl weave © Solution ‘The slope of the tangent at any points Shere a we 8y =a ae ee when t= 1, the slope of the tangent 2 andthe sloe ofthe nomal wP+283, the equation of normal Bry tosoive ® Find the two equations of the tangent and the normal to the curve x = cos @, y=¥F + sin@ ao=2 + iiticalthinking; it point (1, 2) ix one of the intersection points of the two curves: ‘Are the (wo tangents of the two curves perpendicular at this point? Explain Important note : We say the two curves Z, , Zz interseet ‘onthogonally if the two tangent drawn from their intersection point are perpendicular, Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications Qi eae BS @Iff, ¢ and h are differentiable functions with respect to x , find the two equations of the tangent and the normal to the curve of the function h in each of the following using the values given inthe opposite table : @ hx=fexy~ 9), x=3 x | fo | a [fo [e@ @®) haxy=fex) +9), x27 3)117)-1]| 6 (©) hex) = feo. x=3 a{[-2[1 [2 [5 ® Find the two equations ofthe tangent and the normal to the euve ofthe function £ where at the given values of x wy xe x © Find the two equation ofthe tangent and the normal foreach ofthe following curves tthe given points @ at point (4, - 6) a pit 1, -1) at point (1,2) 2 Sin x +cosx)y=eos?x at @ Find the two equation ofthe tangent and the normal foreach ofthe following curves tthe given points @xstrat, yao att=1 (b) x= seco y=tand no-E © If point (4, - 2) belongs to the curve x? + y?-2 kx + 12 ‘equation of the tangent to the curve at this point find value of k, then find the © Area of tangle: find the area ofthe triangle bounded by the x-axis, the tangent and the normal to the curve x? + 4y? = 20 at point (2, 2) @© orthogonal curves: prove that the two curves (x - 0 + y? = 2 and (x + 1)? + y? = 2 intersect orthogonally, then find the equations of their tangents at the intersection points Shorouk Press Third Secondary Student Book (94 Youwilllearn yeti Preyer) When a circular lamina is exposed to a heat source fora period of time (second = Does its radius length (¢) change over time (4? = Does the surface area (A) of the lamina change cover time (? = Does the surface area (A) of the lamina change as ts radius length) changes? Explain. Note that : 11+ The two variables a and r change overtime (a function of time) and they are related by the relation Aaae ie: A= ft) 2+ The differentiation of both sides ofthe relation above with respect to the time leads to a new equation relating between the related time rate of cach variable and itis known as the equation of the related rates 3+ The time rate is positive if the variable increases by the time increasing and itis negative if the variable decreases by the time increasing. ‘ral expression: Which ofthe following rates is positive? {expansion - shrinking - approaching - diverge- molding: leaking - ‘melting ~ accumulation - decreasing- increasing) DH ExaMPLe sparing the balloon @ When inflating n spherical balloon with es, the at of increase in its volume was 877 em /see when its radius length was dem. Find at this moment: (a) The rate of increasing the radius length, (B) The rate of increasing the surface area Pure Mathematics Ditfrential & integral Callus 2019- 2020 Unit One: Differentiation and its Applications © soution Let the volume of the balloon ¥, the radius length (r) and the surface area of the ballon (A) be diferentiable funetions att a) V=2a1 _ by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to the time od page at ar a ee a | = zeman .1=4om by sting th equation > dr e8asaatae tt a = 4 a4) ae B) A471 _ by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to the time ar fi . WA saan Hagar e ot = demisee ,r= yy Substituting in uation + SE = cansoc , = dem by substituting in the equat hry to sotve © Wolumas A cube extonds by eat so its ee length increases a a rate of 002 em/n, and its surface area increases at # rate of 0.72 em?/min, at a moment . Find the cube edge length at this moment and berate of he increas in its vee this time @D ample de motion @ A 250em ladders leaning aginst a Yeical wall I the top of the ladder sid down ata rate of TOem/sec when the base ofthe Inder is 70m from the wall Find: @) The rate of ding the base ofthe adder. The rate of change ofthe measure ofthe angl between the lar and the ground © Solution * 2) Lat be the distance beeen th tp ofthe addr he Ea round sad the dxaee Between the bas of the ladder nthe serial wall, 20cm From pythagorean theorem (250) a ¥ By dieretstng habs he can wireline de ax®eay%eo He gE at? wo = The tp th la fides on tomy deers F a = = 106m fsec when x =70 em from equation (1) we find that: y = 240.em By substivuting in equation (2) we deduee thats {ve the base of the ladder slides away from the wall ata rate of 242 em /see ‘Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Student Book Ce ec tcc} sexo 80-1 Ay ss dt 20 “at mo, dO _ 250 “av 350 *" 10 i.e. The measure of the angle deer wes at a rate of + radian isec wa rate of radian Eby to solve ladder motion; The base of a ladder is placed on horizontal ground and its top is leaning against a vertical wall Ifthe base ofthe ladder slid away from the wall ata rate of 30m! see ind the rate of sliding the top ofthe ladder when the measure of the angle between the ladder and the ground equals Critical thinking: A 15 ton rocket is launched and it emits the fuel ata constant rate 200 kgis. ‘What isthe mass of the rocket after 30 second of the launching moment? Iertan oe: ein valve x( won t=) sth chins ‘with respect to time and is the value ofthe variable after ime. [ duen & xt a inte previo “iia” eth raion xk,» Skt tick urea Dram es @® tari - angled wiangle the lengths of te les ofthe ight angle are 12m , em, I the length of the first leg increases ata rate of 2 emis and the length of the second leg decreases ata rate of L emis, (a) Find the rate of change of the triangle arca after 2 seconds A ‘b) When is the triangle isosceles? © solution (a) Let xand y be the lengths of the legsalter t second, thearea ofthe triangle at this time where x, yanda dy are functions in the time: aw PXEIDH20 , y=I6-t xe 2+ 2) (16- Aapxxy=p (12) 2m) (16-9 A= 6 +1) (16-0) by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to time 9A 26s) <-14 (16-1) 10 - 2temais a when S The rate of change of the triangle area = 10-2 Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unt one:Differentiation and ie Applications (b) Whea x=y hen 12+ t= 16-t te dee eater seconds the ight aged - tangle becomesisosclesthanle Grote sone @ Molume; A metal objectin the form ofa cuboid whose base isaquared shepe of side length increases at2 rate of Lemmin and its height decreases at 2 rate of Zetatnin. Find the rate of increasing its volume when its base side length is Soma ané its heightis 20.em, Aflerhowr many minutes does te volume of te cuboid stop ineresiag? BRIM Length of sind @) A Rover man wales in staigat ne approaching the base cfaamppost ata mite of 1 2an's if the Leight of he lampyostis Sm on the ground , Find “a1 The rte of change of the length ofthe rman sna dow. DO The tate of change of the man's head from the lamp when the wan is 4.8 ma from the laamppoct © solution ‘Mosoling the problom: in the opyoste feue KE reprssentsthe lamppos, peintisthelan EE represents the roan snd point Cos the endot the man’s shadow, ten X= EB the distace benween the man and the base of he lemppost y= EC the length of tie mat’ssiadow M=AD te distance between the mua’s bead and dhe lap. First: -AABCA~DEC AB EC 5h ay DE ES Te aad 2y=x_ by dffeentatng both sides of te equation swith rapeot te trae pay 48 jg SY - 2 ~ o 6 meters r ave a Sooondt in the right angled - aiangle & D Dat @) Mext+6.a? by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to time 4B A 4gx-12 io S096 meterisee De 6m OM yy ae eM arx Son 6 a Grote cone @ Constructions. A 3-tneer water pipe with two cud A and Bis leaning vith ts end A ou 2 kenzenta)grovad and wita ove of ite points D agcint a -metervercal wall. if aad A sies avy ftom the wall ata mite of eters find the rate of sing en B ken he pipe reaches the clge ofthe wall Shoraue Brass “Thi Secander. Stucert Back ech nc) ae © Twosides ina tangle, the length ofboth increases a arate of 0. 1emisce and the measure of the included angle increases at a rate of 1 se. At which rate does the area othe tangle change atthe moment the length ofeach side of the triangle is 10cm? © solution Modeling the problem: at a certain moment t, let a side length of the rangle the other side length b The ‘measure of the included angle C™! and A the area of twiangle ABC be differentiable Functions at where A=+ab sin@ by differentiating both sides with respoct tot = 0.1-em sec abd fine|+ sind 4 fab) efabone £d anon ep ay w ab 8 sek age then m(£0)= cos an, . detox 1ox4 GB 2 5+ = 5x66 0m? Is i.e the area ofthe triangle increases at this moment at a rate of 5866 em? (see Ebtryto solve ‘Area: A B C isa rightangled triangle at C and its area is constant and equals 24em?, i the rate of change of b equals Lemi/see find the rate of change for each of aand m (/ A) atthe ‘moment in which b equals Sem. (Gitical thinking: Ix (the radian measure of an angle) increases at a constant time rate, explain why (a) The sine and the tangent increase atthe same rate wen x= B) The tangent increases athe rate equals times be inrease of sine when x ala ols > @ The covine decreases at a ate of 3 times the increase ofthe angent when x DO rye @ tn aclosed elect cir i vs the potential dterenc (vl), 1 isthe euren intensity (Ampere) Ris the resistance (ohn). I the potential difference increases at arate of 1 vols and the cuent ntensity dcreses ata rat of Ampere ind he rte of change ofthe resistance a the momen which v = 12 volt and =2 Ampere Pure Mathematics Diferenta & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit one: Differentiation and its Applications © solution You leur that V=1, as) =3x Find [f+ 2) 6)] when x Pure Mathematics Dilerentia & intogral Calculus @@ y= sprove that 2x +5) 9% +324 = 0 & b if:xy=sinax ve that x Baatxys Iixy sprovothatx 3 4+2B +a?xy=0 Bry= : x ®t 8 aye (© Ify=acosx? +b simx? sprove that: x 5-4 y= 0 GD Find the two equations of the tangent and the normal to the following curves at the given point : a xoxyy3 +2? = 12 WF 3) ( xsinty=yoos2x 4h) {2 Find the two equations of the tangent and the normal to the following curves at the given point: (a xe? 2ns3,y=20-one1 (bx =see? O-1,y =tand Find the area of the triangle bounded by y-axis, tangent and normal to the curve Ax? + y7= 20 at point (1, - 4). 49 Prove that the two curves y+ 9y =6x and x2-2y =3.x are intersected orthogonally atthe origin point. @ Prove thatthe curve (2)" + (2)"=2 touches the straight line ~ + 2 =2 at point (a,b) regardless the value of n. © If a particle moves in a straight fine and the relation between the distance and time is 5 =3P + 312-4 whore s is in contimeter and tis in second , find the rate of change of the distance with respect to time at the end of 3 seconds. @® A spherical balloon is filled with gas but the gas leaks at arate of x em!sec, prove that the rate of the decrease of the balloon area at the moment which the radius Fength rem equals Xemtisec. @ Apoint moves on the eurve y? = 4x. ifthe rate of change ofits x-coordinate with respect to time at point (4, 4) equals 2 units'see find the rate of change of its y-coordinate with respect to time. @ The length ofa rectangle is 24 em and its width is 10cm. IFits length decreases at arate of 2em/sec whereas its width increases at arate of 1.Semvsee, find the rate of change of its area after 4 seconds, then find the time at which the area stops increasing . What is the area ofthe rectangle then? G9) A constant length ladder with upper end sliding on a vertical wall at arate of k units!sec, find the rate of sliding its base away from the wall when the ladder leans against the wall by an angle of @ whore ese 0 = ‘Shocouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Student Book Gi) A metal regular quad pyramids whose height equals its base side length. Its volume increases at arate of Lem*see, if the rate of the inerease ofboth the pyramid's height and its base side length equals 0.01 cm/sec find its base side length A.26 meter ladder is leaning agninst a vertical wall with ts top and its base on hoizentl ground. Ifthe base ofthe ladr slides away from the wall at arate of m/min when the ladder is 1 meter from the wall, find the rate of the motion of the ladder top and the rate of change of the measure of the inclination angle ofthe ladder on the ground then, @ A cuboid of dimensions 34 and 122m. I the rate ofthe increas of its frst dimension i 2emi/see and second dimension is Lem/see but the rate of the decrease of its third dimension is Semi, find the volume ofthe eubeidat any moment tan te rte of change of ts volume atthe end of te second (Gh iecirstaneider Fel stro diameerdonginePhebaseti Bl mars ve ‘want (0 empty the tank from the oil at a rate of 2m°/min , what is the rate of the oil height in the tnk? @ Abvicoie ies vertically ata fixed rate of 42nvmin Ifa ground observer is 150m ofthe taking off steand observers he heicoper, find the ale of chang of the elevation angle of the observer eyesight when the helicoperis 150 m high Fem the ground ee soaked elSraahnoond gore techasndiay iiracendaltienmaesuatt ees ef teres Fin the rte of change ofthe angle by which the eamera rites cape the racer when he was distant 5 meters from the end line and the rate of approaching the end point is Ome, @® Ir point A(x, y) moves on the curve of the funetion y= + x where 4 unit see find the rte of change ofthe area of triangle A.O B where (0) isthe origin point and, B (0, 6) at the moment at which x coordinate of the moving point equals 3. Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Calculus 2o19- 2020 S Accumulative test Choose rhe correct answer: @ trey = cots ten Eyes 4 22 pd ea @s tena pit (3,4), equate de “a OKe3 ya el ot 7 as © inte equation ofthe normal te the curve y= f(s) a point 1, 1)isx-+4.y=5, then FC) equals: m- @-1 © @-. (a3 w+ 4 a4 @® Apoint moves onthe curve y= 25 32 where © The tangent io the curve y= 3x2 -5 at point, ~2) passing through point: ‘26.-2 cr) ©)(2,-4) ( @,-8) Answer the following questions: ate . e. @ts=1-#,y. © tng © tewo parmetic equations on curve are c= #6 t,y= 8477 find the equation ofthe tangeut when t= 6 ® Find the rate of change of ¥ 4x7 with respect to soy When @© a tty =44+ cots sex? x find the equation of normal when x= |b) regular cotagon whose side length is 10 cm and it increases at 2 rate of 0.2 emiseo find the rate of the inorease ofits area. @ A meter adver is leaning agains a vertical wall with ts top and its base on hoszontal ground. Ifthe base of the ladder slid away from the wall ata rate of 20ems,ealeulate the rate of sliding the top of the ladder dewn when the ladder is incined on the ground with an angle measured 4 Ityou can’t answer any of the questions above, you can use the next table: ‘Shocouk Press ‘Tid Secondary - Student Book In his unit, we are going to identify the Nape's number e in regard the scott Scientist Jon Napier (1550 1617) who had wwe the concept Fogavthon in mathematics. is also called the Ela’ number in bono of he scientist who sie it and the Laactis reltiedexhaostvely He had discov erd the slain 6 + 1 = Oo the most five constants sm mathematics which relate the tigonometnc fictions, exponential functions and the compete numbers The number is ara rational amber equals 2718281828459 pproninsly. is very important in mates ‘where it taken as thse tthe exponential function with the tral base emt} and the natural logarithmic fanetion 85 You re going earn each ofthese Futons and their devvaives nd alo thi atidrivatives stegratio) using the gphic program to solve mathematical nd ile problems in diferent eds By the end of the unit and carrying out the involved activities, the students should be able to: entity the concept of tbe Napiers mumer © © Memiy some properis of the natural Iosaritim ‘high the nts stich + 1 loetayer een lip (eayr=e, tim (dre a clgt=x, x>0 ind somes at eno appesach to) the © number and is multiples fm abies tn ae ee : Find the derivatives of the exponential functions Tntify the concept of the maura logarithm log Sy gh y= 4 athe derivative ofthe logarithmic tough hens fin, == jog x Tanction hoes Ide the tration ofthe fants y= and log x erriten ‘The natural exponential faneton and. the natal ogists function, Derivatives of th exponential nd logit unetons Fmtegraton of te exponential id logan fumetions Derivative ofthe function {Integration ofthe function Wns Tepe) Ranetupel su willlearn cee ‘epoch emirate mae sotto QP Keayterms | a agaoncocs ser . re een ithmic function =n QP Explore: ‘You have previously leamed the exponential function: f(x) = a where xR, ae R* - {1} you have also known that the function curve passes through points (0, 1), (1a), G1, ‘2 Do all the curves of the exponential function pss through point (0, 1)? explain. ‘> What is the valve of the base aif the eurve of the exponential function f passes through point (1,3)? ‘The number € ‘This number is known by the relation e= lim (1-4 i" ‘> Draw the curve of the function f where f(x) = e* Le fo) = ersho using. the googebra program or any graphieal program, Can you discover an approximate value for the number €? 2 a+ Explore tim (1 + 4)° use the caleultor «sooo gh 2 | a-dpezes Camp to complete the opposite able. 10 5 rm centetynae | 2 DOCSthiS mit approach he approximate | 99 akon value previously determined for the [jog number e? What do you infer? aT 2 Docs tim (1+ 1) equal 100000 fim (14x)? Explain x0 Note that 1) The valve of can be found using the calelator and pressing the buttons as follows Sat - OQ We find that ¢ = 2.718281828 to the nearest nine decimals 9 36) Pute Mathematcs Dierenta & integral Caleus 2o19- 2020 Unit Two: The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 2) veslim (1+) ay Letm=herex #0 thanm +0 when x + clin (14-L)e=tin (em im xo moO i ive the number ¢ canbe expressed in the form of: }e= fi (1+x)* xa @D Example | nits end to the powers of number e Find Di (teat Oe (iosy © Solution 8 tin (Les = tim [lr + Lyf = fa 0s yh ee ©) tin (14 A = tm (0 BMG + BP =m (14 tp x tim (14 tf eexd +o ze jp bitim (1+ Ly? a tim (1+ 5 b lim ( © Solution a Lety=$ whee x #0 thany + Owhen x > 2 esti (1 (a+yy De SShorouk Press ‘Third Secondary-Stusent Book (37 Notice that 1) The domain of the Function F where f(x) = e* is and its range is }0,% | 2) The eure ofthe function passes through points (0, 1), (1, ©) 3) f(x) =e is One-to-Onetunction that accepts the existance of an inverse function called the HM es =0 natural logarithmic Function, =e 4) ‘The symbol exp (x is used in any graphic program to graph the function The natural logarithmic function Notice t 1) The domain of the function f where f(x) =Inx ist and its range is ® 2) The curve ofthe function passes through points (1, 0) and (ec, 1) 3) itisan inverse function forthe function y = e* 4) The symbol in is used in any graphic program to graph the function. 5) To find the value of In 10 for example, press the following butions: sut- WOO We find that In 10 = 2302585003 to the nearest 9 decimals. Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit Two!The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions ‘Some properties of the natural logarithm ‘The natural logarithm has the same logatithms properties which you have previously learned. IxeR?, yeR, ae BY - (1) than 1) ‘The form In x = y is equivalent to the form e = 2) nx =x 3) ne =1 pa Bae a 4) mi=0 5) logx= BX (the property of changing the base) Foreach xand yei* and ne 6) iusy =Inx + Iny 7) WX =tax -tny 8) Ins? = aly 9) tog x x loge = Note that the natural logarithms can be used to do different calculations by the same way of using the common logarithms but it needs more efforts especially In 10 = 2.3026. As aresult, it is favorable to use the natural logarithm to solve problems related to limits, differentiation and the exponential and logatithmie equations with the base € Limits and natural logarithm @ Example @Prvetht i Bb sina whewa>0 © Solution Let y= ahs 1, whens 40 theny +0. ) waley by taking the natural logarithm of both sides Ina® =In (1+y) by using the property of power logarithm Nina=In(h+y) te x= doy) ina rom (1) and (2) we deduce: tin ELS tim xinactim 9 ig HB x0 ¥90 Int yO Linaty 999 maeyt 7 y Ina ina at 7 lim ind +yy? In! tyr yoo Maes yoo Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Student Book (39 Important note: The previous example is used as a rule to solve the problems. You can also use ‘the following limits to solve the problems: in ML ingen) tim = loge tim ae ox : al Ei try to solve © Prove that: tin nfingn + 1) -Inn} = 1 OB weerctcsa-1 OP Choose the correct answer: Dim (14 LP equals: at a b2 ee de @ Hin + equals on be add ae Dim, Ab equa 2)3mn2 biting © nd 423 tox fin uate © Kol oxed saul ao bi fe del Find: Om (ety im (eb — Oim + wii TET a00 im a ig clea’) On Gy ORS Os Find the following limits: im ety Om St @ tm re x60 And x tim nx lim (2% fim (+384) Sig cesar OT aes O5 Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Calculss 2019- 2020 x | 001 [-o001 | 0001 | 0 | o.c0001 | o.o001 | 001 Revise example (4) in the previous lesson and check your exploration, 88 tess Derivative of the natural exponential function From the definition ofthe derivative f= tim +=) Roh -P(a)= tim Ne = FG)= lim | = elim ho eteee Example e& va Derivative of the natural exponential function @ Find the frst derivative foreach of YF 0 then Notice that the Iogavithmic function is an inverse function of the exponential function Iry=lax then a by differentiating both sides of elation (1) with respect x @ From (1) and (2): we de deduce that e: Lday te da xan DP EAM srvative of natural logarithm function @) Find te nt desivatire foreach of be following = (Qx9-3)Inx ey @y=3x-40x b Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Student Book (43 © Solution Bony = 3x4 M234 -Lanye3+l (avy = 3x4 inx oea4 £unya3+t (B) y= @x3- 3)Inx 9 = ax8.3)-L (ny) + ny Lars (B)-vy = @xS- 3h R= (285-3) KCl) + (ln) $0 (285-3) 3) = 1+ 10stinx 2Li@xs - 3) + 10s x] (inxs t)L-(inx- 1) @ sry 2M Degen tes — 2 Inxel i Gaxt iP xdaxe de Gtr to solve @ Find © for cach ofthe following: ‘ ey be Bins (@y=5-3inx (y= ins @y-4 Gritical thinking: What is the relation between the slope of tangent to the curve y =In x at any point on itand the x-coordinate tothe tangent point? Explain, Chain rule 2 If zis a differentiable Function with respeet to x and {(2) =In 2 Dx <0, then: £ fn x= x-1= 1 aie | where 7 isa differentiable funetion at x. «tog = @ Example @) Find i for each of the following: @y=mee+9 ) yextine ©@y-n Bs = ye © Solution 1 6x @)vy = nes +9 Peary dee + nasty (Bly = Het tansy 3 (xs) Bey=xtnss B= xt Laney + nw Loch Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit Two: The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions x x? tind x 4d 3x3 + 4x3 In SB + 4inx)} Ok) PIG At El try to solve © ina forest ftloning @)y =In(Ix - 3% by = 2tinw ey=— Derivative of logarithmic function to the base a TFf)=logx then f(x) = — xing Derivative of the logarithmic function Find ® for cc of allowing a)y = gx By = log (Bx - 2) ©) y=log (2x - 37 © Solution a) vy = loge af 3 & 4 b log (3x ag 3g X-2) 2 SShorouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Stutent Book Mo _2x2 & Rm Hint log 2x - 31 Gitry to solve © Fin the slope ofthe tangent foreach ofthe following curves atthe given values of x: @ycusx . x2 @y = 4g@x+),x=1 )y = wen? - 38, x= 1 @y=3(ogy? x =3 @ Geomettic applications; it “AB is « tangent to the curve intersects x ~axis at point A and y-axis at point B, find the length of AB In at poi C (1, y) and © Solution _ an ‘To find the length of AB_ , follow the opposite graph: oe ‘The slope of the tangent at any point: $Y = 122 b= 1 ‘ a x 20% Y A TF touches the eure at any point C (1, y) WI theny =Ind = Ind ieC(1, -In2yatwhich | ay — 9° Ac. e 2 = 1, and te equation of the angent at Cis a yeln2=x-1 1 eee) “NB imtersects X -axis at point A “ A(L+In2, 0) aad y-axis at point B CO, © 1 -In2) ‘Then (ABY = (1 +In2? + (1 +In2? AB = fF (1 +In2) Eltyy tosolve @ tte normal o the curve y = length of AB tothe nearest thice decimals ‘Mathematical Application Logarithmic differentiation ‘The relation among the variables ean be expressed in logarithmic form by taking off the natural logarithm of its both sides and using the properties of logarithms to simplify the relation before doing the differentiation operations. @ Example (@) Find & foreach of the following: @y =o +5y In 2x al point A (1 In 2) intersects x-axis ut point B, find the [sin x] Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit Two!The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions By taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the relation By differentiating both sides of the relation swith respect tox by multiplying both sides 4 Os PM yeteP ree 2 @Sesaen sleree try to sove @ Find v a = a @S aevax (WS oF de ©) S 6092 dy @ S3yF ev? dn @ mxampte @ Find cach ofthe following imegrations: @setera : Doomtion @IEE ae LS +e yur FiLeerax + Sesasl «0 Lid sesyee aye Sees J (m9 + gov] dx WIM a Sha Sores =Sidx=S x0 dx 3 xo ete Gi try to solve @Fint @sfo a (B)S (x? + 209 dx fo) Sot + dx Notice that: IF f(x) isa differentiable Function, then Sole ()dr=0 Fe b Saxe tas © Solution a) By punting (x) = cos S sins ax = See Csin ys) dx =e" 846 SShorouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Stutent Book By putting x) = x? + 1 PQ) = 2x SaxePttax = 2Se° 1 axydx = 22th 4e Bitry to sove © Find the following integrations: (a S (eos net + 3x?) dx BS (x - pe O45 ax Indefinite integral of logarithmic functions ‘You know that $-(inx)= 1 wherex > 0, inex = L where x Aunex= Lt whorex <0 In general In xl = 1. where x #0 Le the function In txt where x40 is one of the antiderivatives ofthe function So: Multiples of the function @ Example @) Find each of the following integration: @S2a b)S Tas x is @ Solution a)S2ar=2S1ax= 2mm te where x #0 Stix = 1 Sie = 7 nt +e where x #0 xin Ins * in3 Etry to sove © Find: Df 3 bs dx x ans Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Calculss 2019- 2020 Unit Two: The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions @ Example © Find each ofthe follwing integrations @Sov+ Sj Be Aw SO © Solution Sox + S)as = Sata + Sax =x 4 sinh + SEA) ax = 2e Jax 1 Snax = rela - Ete @ sow 2-601 = faye Ores PEN ay = San-2 + Loew 3 oe gd sw Mag tinn +e whoes 40 Bitry to sotve © Find each ofthe following integrations 6x2- 5. SSS a J Notice that: I the function is differentiable and, [FAs pe(qax=initol +e | f(x) #0, then fis) @ evar © Frid each ofthe flowing integrations: yearn Osa tan x dx, =2f 20) gy = 2inall #204 6 ©) Stans dx = j= dx =-In| cos x1 +e =In bees + Bitixte see © Find each of the following integrations: G a wed (242d © Soot ax 6 Is @) f Sis (a Soot x dy Se @l an ‘Shotouk Press ‘Third Secondary - Student Book @eanne @) Geometric applications: the slope of the tangent to a curve at any point (x , y) on it equals +2 Find the equation of the curve if known that it passes through point (¢ , 3e +5) © Solution Let the equation of the curve y = f(x) — equation of “+ the slope of the tangent at any point = 2Y. ‘the curve as set, SBax=Sa+2yax she “The curve passes through point (e , 3e + 5), then it satisfies its ‘equation: i. 3e4+5=3(c)+2ne+e ‘The equation of the curve is: y = 3x + 2in|xl+3 Bitry to solve Gres sapee wsstanger rome carne bs fmemenTarany pee, gVonieeat and f(e) =} Find f(2e) @ Example @®) Physical applications; If the rate of change in the surface area of a lamina A (in square centimeters) with respect to time t (second) is identified by the retation 2% =e" and the area ofthe lamina atthe beginning of the change equals 80 em? find the Surface area of the Jamina after 10 second, ke © Solution ‘Surface area of the lamina, A= Hel 4 6 Atthe beginning of changet =, A=80 a ‘The surface area of the lamina at any moment. A = 90 10¢-! Alter 10 second the surface area of the lamina = 90- 10e! em? El try to solve © I the rate of change of the sales in a factory is inversely proportional to time in weeks and the sales ofthe factory after 2 weeks and 4 weeks were 200 units and 300 units respectively find the sales ofthe Factory alter 8 weeks. Pure Mathematics Diferental & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit Two!The Calculus of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions CE wecrciscs 2-3 ‘Choose the correct answer: Orrre = Fe + es, 0) 10) =0 then f(x) equals: (2 -f® bro) (2 (x) d £3) @ the slope ofthe tangent toa curve at any poiat (x, y) equals 4e™ , (0) =2, then f-2) equals: a4 (Didet @ r+ ) 26 ® Stand O equals (a)-Inlcos6l+e (b)-IncosO+e ©) IncosO+e A IIncos Ol +e © Save ax equals @letse Bose © 2 +0 @ are Find each of the following integrations: Ole ax OLovr+rwax OId-eyar @lerwax Oslersas @ Sree vay DISS an @seertax @S eax ares es. WIR a Osa OL Olea Oa” eraea @iweray es sas ay @® Geometric applications; If the slope of the tangent to the curve of the function f at any point (x.y) equals 26°? and f(0) = 1, find £3) Shorouk Press Third Secondary Student Book (55 The number is known by the relation e=tin (i+, extn (+s ae te The exponential function with the natural base is «fwsetion whore base is € where fix)=e* , xe The natural logarithmic function is « logarithmic function whose base is © where fix)=in * and x € 5 Derivativesiof exponential and logaritiie functions i Derivativ« I e e xen, et) +f (x) fis differentiable * wing a>0. adl t ein ra {is differentiable f(x) #0 ere Lekice iss eee Inkive Inifix) e Pure Mathematics Diterenta & Integral Calculus @ General! Exe Choose the correct answer: ‘ises) ® The curve of the function f where f(x) = e8-3 + 2 is the same curve of g(x) = &* by translation: @e@,3) ®e,a @® i1 E=s hs), £8) =-5, thon: £" G) equals (2) -30 (B40 (eis @IBL arequts @ire wt @S GL drequts (e ax+e (a)3in ee Find the solution set to the following equations: ® log (x - 3) = 2 © tog, (x+=5 @® na! =1n50 @ne = 23 Find each of the following limits: @iim a4 3™ aa ina : Find for each of @y=e-3 @y =e? +3) @y-xinet = - @r- @y=¥ne Find 2° for each ofthe following: @x=e8 20" @ x20, ye4tnn = for each of the following: Find SS @yainx @yevee ©e.2 @anmvse @tuwec @o.% ax tops +e @ tintnsiee Qos 2% @r = 25 @im os xo One @y-8 8 @y = cine? + @y= Line @& y=xlogx ‘Thicd Secondary - Student Book @lfervextsy prove that (xe"¥-D y!=2x-yer? Q@retycabiee prvettat ty vteyvay =o Find $Y for each of the following: . QDy =2 +) Dy =30" +? @y=0-39 0" @s-< Find the values of xat which the tangent of the curveis parallel to x-axis where x20 @y =n x @y =0-a1inx GDieze Pye! 2 tind when = Find each of the following integrations: @I Sas Bs hats @s Ree ax Qs Liens @lesesr @fatdnax eo venereceepaen esac hs aga Ow ciel Se aepaatTD OD Bee CE at point 4 and y-axis at point B, find te length of AB GB The two equations of the tangent and the normal: Find the avo equations ofthe tangent and the normal of the curve y = 22 - 18 In x ata point ies on itand its x-coondinate equals 2 @) Inverse proportion: sf the slope of the tangent at any point (@, y) on the curve of the fonetion is ioversely proportional tox sad the alope of the asgentequala2 wihen x =4 and y =2, find yin tomns of x @® Parallel: Find the values of x (o the nearest two dessmala) at which the tangen tof the curve ure Mathematics Diffrentsl &Inearal Callus ania 2020, Bi sme Choose the correct answer: @ im (14 LP enals Be » then m equals @t ‘© The solution set of the equation In (x3) + In (x - 2)=In 6 equals: @ (0. 5) (by 2, 3) @ Feo = x -3 in Sx, then f* (2) equals: Da (by Answer the following Questions: (© Find the first derivative for each oe + 1 (B) yan? - ef © y-nf=] ©ity= e+ 2, prove tat Boa-9y-x © Find each ofthe fetowing integrations spat + x p38 Di ax os @L ax x Re nx ® I the slope of the tangent to the curve of the funetion at any point (x, y) on itequals 7-2 e* and fin 2)=3, find f(). Af you cannot answer any of these questions, you can use the following table: ‘Tira Secondary - Student Book UK omof the Function and Curve'Sketching ‘Through reading the graph to-a eurve of a function . you can determine monotonic intervals [increasing decreasing -constaney]. You can also know the maximum and minimum values of the function and ‘dent some properties of the function. You can use computer graphics to graph and study the behavior of the funetion But it is not usualy available, Ln this unit , you will identify move techniques to graph the ‘curve ofthe function through differentiation using the funetion derivatives (first derivative amd second O for all the values of x ¢ Ja, bf | esq Goes ti eeeem es sierra oh mei ese 2- IEF'(x) <0 for all the values of x€ Ja, bE then fis decreasing on the interval] a,b | reco ray >o t 1 Accreasing increasing Pure Mathematics Differential & Integral Caleulis 2o19- 2020 Unit Three: Behavior of the Function and Curve Sketching @ Example BITE® stern ta ncronsng ant dcrasing nara (@) Determine the increasing and decteasing intervals of the function f where f (x) = x3 - 3x +2 © Solution “e f(s) = xi - 3x + 2s. continuous and differentiable function on Af Q) 23-3 2 308-1 By putting f(x) = 0 then: 302 - I) =3K-DO+D=0 eo 1'() = Owhen x = -Land x= 1 ‘we investigate the sign of I (X) in each of these intervals as in the opposite table of changes we find that is increasing on the interval ] = ,-1[ = ed 2 Fis decreasing on the interval J-1, 1 sin 0 * ot Fisinereasing on the imerval ] 1, { — PPehavioeor | | SS] ‘Note that: to 1) When we sketch the curve of the function using @ + ol ‘sraphical program (opposite figure) we find that the {+ betiavior ofthe function cue is congruent towhat we || 2) The tangent wo the curve makes an acute angle with the aan obtase angle with the positive direction of axis | inthe deereasng intervals. 3) The values x which separate the inreasing and decreasing intervals ofthe function are the values at which the first derivative of the Function equals zero oF i not existed [| Picasa | L ta I Bitry to sotve @ Determine the increasing and decreasing intervals for ech othe following @)L= 8 - 2 + 158 b) ax) @ HeamPle i gomometric functions @ Determine th increasing and decreasing intervals forthe functions where f (9) = x + 2sinx., O0 + fis increasing on =. 2a ny te aslo Determine the increasing and decreasing intervals ofthe funtion f where ft) = x2 008%, ocxcam Gritical thinking: The opposite figure shows the curve of f(x) forthe Tunetion f where f (x) is polynomial G) Determine the ineasing and decreasing intervals ofthe function f ') Find the solution set of the inequality £""(x) > 0 @ Example @ Determine te ineteasing and decreasing intervals ofthe funtion hehe (3) = 2In =x? © Solution ‘ ole h(a) is differentiable foreach x € 1" aa + ox seattoon| is wry = Bag = Tetarirst [oe | Sag fo investigating the sign of h (x) i hon biG) = 0 x= Lorn = -teR? when x <1 h'(x) > 0 and his inereasing on JO. If when x> 1 YQ) < 0 and is decreasing on J. =f Ehtry to solve Determine the increasing and deereasing intervals of the function f where f (x) = x - e* using the geogebra program sketch the curve of the function f and check your answer. ure Mathematics Diferental &Intagal Calcubis 2010 2020 Unit Three: Behavior of the Function and Curve Sketching Ci series 1 Determine the increasing and decreasing intervals of the function f for each of, the following: @ fo = -4x @io = «3? @ lO = 8-625 ®t = 9-8 ®t = tea @ i = 2-302 Or ert @tw = 2 Or@ = Ot @ fo = x+inx @ fox = 3-1? @ fo = 5-20 Answer the followin: © Prove that the function F whee £9) = tan xxi inreasing om the interval} 0, 2 @® Determine te increasing and decreasing intervals of the function F wher: f(x) = L-sinx,O [18 (cy) © Fstdervative test for the pest eae of Fin ts mrinimumvaties | 3. Whatisthe valucof f'(e3) when 3 Finding the maximum values of function onal c2 ? Describe the change of Fon the interval | ¢), es Is Mes) ved aia the minimum value of Fin this interval ? 4- Can you find the value off (e3)? Explain. Gage Describe the change of fn the mera Jy, B E18 F (69 the ‘teat pone maximum value of fin this interval? toes aie, The Critical Point Hee Yanan ‘The continuous function f on the interval Ja, b {has aeritieal Absolute Bites poe CT) fee], band 1 (¢) = Oor the function fis not differentiable When x=e. In the previous figure, we deduce that: CPN | risus mntvhenx= canis =csnae Yo) =1(6) =O £ Scientiiccakuator | sometimesealled stationary point. thereisalsoanother critical pointwhen © Computergraphics | x = e, since Fis continuous when x = c ,and isnot differentiable (the right derivative # the left derivative). Local Maximum and Minimum values If Fis a continuous function whose domain is I and ¢ ¢ I, then the funetion { has: a local maximum value when x = ¢ if an open interval is found ]a, b [C I containing © where f(x) < I (c) for each xela,bl local minimum value when x = ¢ if an open interval is found } a, b [C1 containing ¢ where f(x) ® f (c) for each xela,bl Pure Mathematics Ditfrential & integral Callus 2019- 2020 Unit Three: Behavior of the Function and Curve Sketching Note that : In think and discuss: there are local maxinnum values when x =e, and x = ¢, Whereas there isa local minimum value when x = First Derivative Test of the local maximum and minimum values If (c, f(©)) is a critical point of the continuous function f at ¢ and an open interval is Found ‘around ¢ where: 1-9) > 0 wheaxe, then f() isa local maximum value 2- (<0 whenx0 whenx>c, then f(c)isa local minimum value b I VT fio |= 0 >o # ha) <0 £ (isa local maximum value atc £ (€) isa local minimum value at ¢ 3- IF the sign off (x) on the two sides of ¢ doesnot change, then the function F doesont have Jocal maximum or local minimum values at c. If fis a Continuous function on Ja, b| and the function has a local maximum valve of local minimum value at ¢¢ Ia. bf then f(@) = Oor (eis not existed. First derivative test @ Fxampie QD irt(s) = 8 + 3x7 of the funetion F © Solution 4) Determining the critical points: Fs continuous and differentiable oo 4+ local maximum ‘Shorouk Press Third Secondary-Stuient Book G7 9X ~ 7, find the local maximum values or the local minimum values SANG) = BN? + 6-9 3 (x? +2n-3) = 3(4+3)(X- 1) when !"(x) = 0 Wk 1 ‘we have two critical points (3.163),.0,.f0) i.e. the two points: (3,20) (1, -12) 3 orx eeu Gaim 2) The frst derivative test at each critical point and the following table of changes shows it 3) nthe neighborhood of x = 3 7 = the sign of f"(x) changes from positive (before [sinofP@m| + 9 — 0 = ~3) 10 negative (afterx = -3) ‘behavior of ne ae ro i +: £(3) = 20 isalocal maximum value inthe neighborhood of x = 1 the sign of" (3) changes from negative (before x = 1) to positive (ater = 1) FO) = Birr solve @D ieee) = 18-9843, find the los maximum and miimam valves of he Foeton @ wxampte MPO a ft daiative le nat ered @ Find the toeal maximum and minimum values ofthe fincion Fit F(x) =x3 @x-5) -12 isa local minimum value. © Solution ‘The domain of the Function fis Band itis continuous for each x © K. 4) Determining the eritical points: 1 = Ext as - 5) + a8! me Den 523m » = = AD ago Bxx av Fh + * “+ fis coninoous when x = Oand *(0) i not existed 4 . One eritcal point is found which s @, £(0) ie. (0,0) when (3) = 0 .x= 1 and therfore, 42 yy lt there is a critical point which is (1, £1) ie. C1, 3) as shown in the opposite figure 2) The first desivative test at each extical point [x and the following table of changes shows it. [Ggnaf f'@ 3) Whenx = 0 behavior of there is a local maximum value =0 a). when Bite t0 solve © Prove thatthe Funston f where £9) = RT has a local minimum value Gtitical thinking: Does the function f where f (x) minimum values? Explain. = 1 there is a local minimum value = -3 a x8 + 3x4 have local maximum and ure Mathematics Diferental &Intagal Calcubis 2010 2020 Unit Three: Behavior of the Function and Curve Sketching @ Example F,sccional functions ) Find the local maximum and minimum values of the function f where f(x) = x+ + and show its type, * © Solution ‘The domain of = &- {0} a 4 the function has two critical 1) Determining the critical points: f"(x) = 1- 4x? = points which are (2, (2)). 2, £29) Le. 2.4). 62-4 2) ‘The first derivative test at each critical point which the opposite table of the futon chimes shows . (ote tax = Ofexeided om the domain of f). ford _ - - 7 3) Whenx= -2 thereis alocal maximum value = ae whenx = 2 there isa focal minimum oe vale 4 [Note that: the local maximum vale of the funetion may be less ‘than the focal minimum value Technologys the opposite igure shows the curve ofthe funtion f ‘Use graphic program fo compare between the table ofthe function changes and its curve? what do you notice? try to solve © Find he local maximum a is type Learn The Absalute maximum values of a Function on a Closed Interval Definition of maximum values: if { function is defined on the closed interval [a , b] and € [a, b] 1) £ (© is the minimum value on the interval [ a,b) when ql f(c) < f(x) foreach x € [a, b] 2) £ (©) is a maximum value on the interval {a b) when f(c)> f(x) foreach x €[a, b] 2 The minimum value and maximum value of a funetion on an interval are called the extrema of thes function on this interval 2 The maximum value can be occured at an interior point of the interval or at the boundries ofthe function once it occurs at the boundries ofthe interval, iis called the end point extrema 2 yum values ofthe function f where f(x) = -*— and show Gy =x +1 Or If function f is continuous on the interval fa , bj, then the function F has an absolute ‘maximum value and absolute minimum value on the interval [bl Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Suclent Book 3-2 Maximum and minimum values function has evita ‘To find the absolute maximum values of the points at cand d function fon the closed interval fa, b] we follow 4 up the opposite diagram as follows: a = fe) Fe) Calculate f (a) , f(b) , and the value of the function at each eritical point. Compare between the values above; the maximum value is the absolute maximum value and the minimum value is the absolute minimum value. @ Example @) Find the absolute maximum values of the function f where f (x) a— 12x412,x€(3,3] © Solution fo 2x4 12,x€ 2. £63) = (38-1203) +1 a +£G) = GP -12G) + 12=3 2 rs) (x-2) (8-2) to determine the critical point put 1" (x) = 0 x= 2e[3,3Jorx = 2€(3,3] when x = 2 there isa critical point and: £ (2) = ~4 8 when x = -2 there isa critical point and: ( (2) = 28 4 By comparing the values of 1,2.,3 and 4 we find that: ‘The function f has an absolute maximum value = 28 and an absolute minimum value: Try to solve ® Fir the absolute extrema values ofthe function f loxe* xe [0.4] br fig (1) Pure Mathematics Difrental & Integral Caloulss 2019-2020 Unit Three: Behavior of the Function and Curve Sketching Oi eres Determine the local maximum and minimum values (if existed) of the function f in the following figures and show their types: @ ¥ @ Find the local maximum and minimum values (if existed) of the function f for each of the following and show their types: @itow = 8 + 3x2 42 Oto @tw=4-8 Diw @®itw=3-8 Or Broward Or Btw = 35 Btw @iw =e6-9 @tw ser+e* @ro = x-Inx @ foo = 8inx - Find the absolute maximum values of the function f on the given interval: @t = 8-3K41, xeh2, @iw =¥eT xe, 5 @ fis) = sinx +c08.x, xe (0, 22] @® FG) =xe%, xe (0, 21 Answer the following: @ Gaiticalthinking; Find the value ofeach fora b,c and d where the curve of f(x) = ax +b x! +e x-+d satisfies the following conditions together: © It passes through the origin point b Ithasa critical point when x = 1 © The equation ofthe tangent to the curve at point (2. £(2)) om itis 9x-+ y =20. Shorouk Press Third Secondary - Suclent Book a Go Explore ‘The opposite figure shows the curve of the function f where: EP Youvattear © Datamining the comer rarvalctoe covect thetunctonupuad ad] fix) = 42 .xER downveard, {Finding the inflection pointsto the curve of Notice that the funetion Fis inereasing on & why? Does the direction of the curve convexity in the function, ing tia ssc the interval |-2 , O[ differ from the direction derivative esttofind | oF its convexity inthe interval | 0, © [2 the local maximumand | \hats the location ofthe curve the function minimum values in the interval |-2 , O[ with respect to all © Curve setching tangents? Does the slope of the tangent f° (x) ©P eoyterme increase or decrease by the increase of the value of x? + cory what is the location of the curve of the function in the interval Conver upward JO, =f with respect to all its tangent? Does the slope of the tangent © Conver downward | £* (x) inerease oF decrease by the increase of the value of \? «Inflection point Convexity of a curves Lett ben afrenable function onthe terval ab, the curve Gea mien aie ree) Cane sett eater erence ameetes (ee miet OP Matera oe = ‘Scene ckulor. tamper pie MT) oo PT The curve is convex _The curve is convex upward downward ‘is decreasing and its {is increasing and its derivative is negative derivative is positive ief" <0 hei") >0 72) Pure Mathematics Ditforenial & integral Callus 2019- 2020

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