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Lifespan and Environmental Effects

Genesis 5:12-16 ... After he begot Mahalalel, ... So all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years; and he
died... So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died.

The Bible tells us that before the Flood, people used to live for 800-900 years.

Do you believe in this Biblical account?

Now, we barely live beyond 80-90 years. Can you imagine that they lived 800-900 years?

Let us explore the cause for such a drastic change in lifespan and environment.

Think back to the Garden of Eden. Back then people had eternal life.

What about their environment? Earth

Figure A
1. The Earth was surrounded with a layer of water.

2. Our ancestors maintained a vegetarian diet. (Genesis 1:29)

Water strata
3. There was no sin. People lived for eternity.

After the fall, the people lived for 800-900 years.

The earth was surrounded by a strata of water, as seen above in Figure A

The earth was a giant Greenhouse. Genesis

The temperature was homogeneous all around the world. There were no hot or cold extremes in weather such as the South
Pole, North Pole (Antartic and Artic), and Equator.

There was no need for air conditioning or central heating systems. It was like heaven.

The harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun did not come into contact with the surface of the earth because of the
protective water strata.

The diet was still vegetarian. Genesis 3:17-19

However, it was different from the diet in the Garden of Eden. What was different?

In the Garden of Eden, you could find fruits and grains everywhere... Genesis 1:29

There was abundant fruits and herbs from mountainous trees, fields, and rivers.

Furthermore, there were all kinds of flavors one could ever dream of, such as chocolate, pizza, kebab, cheese. etc.

There was no need for cooking. They would just pick the flavor they wanted to eat.

There was no need to preserve food in refrigerators. There was no need for a kitchen either.

Food was abundant everywhere at arms length.

There was no need for cars or airplanes. Animals and birds would carry them to their destination. In the Garden of Eden,
humans were rulers.

However, all this changed after the fall.

Everything on earth was cursed. (Genesis 3:14)

The serpent was the most cursed among all the animals. That meant that all created beings were cursed as well.

Everything changed. Let us examine the diagram below.

The more perfect the creation in the Garden of Eden before the fall, the more decadent it was after the fall.

The serpent was the most cunning animal in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:1)

However, it is now repulsive to many of us. human

serpent mosquito
Who fell below the serpent? – Human beings.
fly curse
Are we scared to go out at night because of serpents? No. fly

We are scared of people. People are the cause of crime, suffering, and violence. serpent
After the fall, even though the people still maintained a vegetarian diet, theyofwere
Garden Eden to eat herbs, vegetables,
Post grains, and
fruits by working and toiling the earth.

Food was to be obtained through cultivation of the land.

Most of the fruits and grains from the trees, and herbs of the mountains and fields disappeared.

This was all because of the curse (Genesis 3:17-19)

However, their diet was still vegetarian.

They lived for 800-900 years in these kind of conditions.

After the Flood, the average human lifespan suddenly decreased to 100-200 years. (Gen 11:24-26)

Let us first explore the cause of the Flood.

The people before the flood may have lived for 800-900 years, but they were aggressive, materialistic, and violent.

History is commonly divided into 5 large eras, or ages.

Prehistory Ancient History Medieval History Modern History Contemporary History

3500-4000 BC AD 476 AD 1798 AD 1945

After the Flood Destruction of Rome French Revolution Post WWII

The Biblical and scientific accounts of ancient to modern history are congruent with each another.

This is because the writings were clear.

However, they have different understandings of what happened before 3500-4000 BC.

No writing exists in the pre-historical era.

We are taught in school that the people of pre-historic times, or the “stone ages” were barbaric cavemen.

The Bible however, states that those whom lived 800-900 years before the Flood were more mentally capable and had
achieved a higher scientifically advanced civilization than that of our current age.

Consider this. How much more would people know for being able to see, experience, and research for about 800-900

Even though we only live for 70-80 short years, we are still quite capable of discovering a decent amount of knowledge.

Dinosaurs... Scientists called them Mesozoic animals from hundreds of millions of years ago.

However, I believe them to be creatures from the byproduct of DNA hybridization by the antediluvian people.

I believed that the antediluvian scientists combined the DNA of a tiger and large snake to make carnivorous dinosaurs.

And combined the DNA of a giraffe and snake to make herbivorous dinosaurs.

As well as creating several other types and sizes of various Dinosaurs capable of flight.

Recently, I have seen vegetable DNA gene hybridization such as Radishes with Cabbages, Potatoes with Tomatoes.

By living long, they were capable of achieving superior scientific and material advancements.

However, the people were evil. They did not seek spiritual values.

Isn’t this similar to our time?

The difference between humans and animals is in their ability to reason.

However, if humans were to pursue only physical and materialistic values, then they would cease to be human.

This is why God’s judgment came in the form of the Great Flood.

Soon God’s judgment for our time will come.

So how did the Great Flood occur?

If you read the Biblical account from Genesis 7:1-11, we are told that the water strata poured down over the face of the

Big changes occurred on the Earth. Continents shifted, tore apart, and collided.

Low valleys and high mountain ranges were formed.

Large protruding rocks formed and volcanoes erupted.

All the people and animals that did not go into Noah’s ark perished.

Why do you suppose that there are no dinosaurs now, whether large or small?

The animals that went into the ark were not brought in by Noah.

Rather, God had instructed them and they obeyed.

However, recall that dinosaurs were not made by God.

Therefore, they did not follow God’s instructions.

They all died from the Flood. This is why there are none left over from the flood.

What evidence do we have of the Flood?

Firstly, we have petroleum. The corpses of animals and humans during the antediluvian period all died at once. (Since they
lived up to 800-900 years, their statures must have been three times that of ours.)

The earth would have been filled with contagious diseases had they been allowed to rot on the surface of the earth,

This is why God buried the corpses deep underground.

They were preserved through a liquefaction process of high temperature and pressure from being trapped underground ...
This is how petroleum was made.

Coal was made from the enormous trees in the antediluvian period that went through a similar process under high
temperatures and pressures.

This is only possible when enormous amounts of animals and trees are buried at once.

But this cannot be explained through the evolutionary method through a gradual process of several million years.

Had the liquefaction process occurred over millions of years, the corpses and tress would have rotted on the surface of the
earth and become soil or manure.

Our summary of the human lifespan and environmental changes are displayed below:

Garden of Eden Pre-Flood Post-Flood

Lifespan Eternal Life

800-900 years 100-200 years (Genesis 11:22-25)


Flood Vegetarian Vegetarian Certain flesh meat allowed (Genesis 9:3-4)

Sin No Yes Yes

Great changes occurred in the earth’s environment after the flood.

First of all, the previously existing water stratum was gone.

As a result, ice covered the south and north poles, and the equator became hot.

Large amounts of harmful UV rays from the sun were able to freely enter the earth’s atmosphere, harming the body.

Now consider this:

During the winter season, we are warm inside our homes and well protected from the wind and rain.

However, what if all of a sudden, the roof, walls, and windows were gone and you were exposed to wind, rain, and cold?
How many more years do you suppose you would continue to live?

Additionally, your diet was altered as well. Flesh meats were added.

7 pairs of clean animals and 2 pairs of unclean animals entered the ark. (Genesis 7:1-4)

These animals were in the ark for about a year.

When they emerged from the ark, there was nothing on the earth to eat.

Clean animals multiplied during their year in the ark.

In this instance, flesh meat was permitted for consumption.

Sin was also greatly prevalent.

All these factors led to their degradation. The lifespan decreased drastically and suddenly to 100-200 years. (Genesis

In fact, even now, we are not living true lives. Whether 100 years or 900 years, we will all eventually die.

In actuality, humanity died the moment Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

This is because we were separated from God, our source of life.

For example, if I take a green branch off of a tree.

Would you call this broken branch alive or dead?

It may seem alive because it is still green, but it is already dead.

It is only a matter of time before it withers and dies.

Similarly, we all died the moment Adam and Even ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Then what kind of life are we currently living?

We are living a life of inertia.

Fans are powered by electricity.

When you unplug a fan from the wall, it does not immediately stop spinning.

It spins for a couple of seconds and gradually slows to a halt.

The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were severed from God.
However, the original life force was still transmitted to us. We are living by inertia.

If our conditions are good, we could maybe live for 800-900 instead of only 100 or 80 years.

For example, if you were to stop pedaling your bike, you could still coast for another 160 feet on the plain road but only 16
feet if on sand or a stony road.

This is why the Bible says that people are alive yet dead. (Revelation 3:1-2, Matthew 8:21-22)

Therefore, the human lifespan changed to reflect changes in their environmental conditions.

Eternal Life → 800-900 → 100-200 → and nowadays 70-80 years.

Thus ended an era.

Only 8 individuals from Noah and his family were left.

In this world their descendants have multiplied since then and continued till today.

But how could completely different races come from one common ancestor?

We will cover this topic next.

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