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nature neuroscience


A shifting role of thalamocortical

connectivity in the emergence of
cortical functional organization

Received: 26 April 2023 Shinwon Park1,2, Koen V. Haak 3,4, Stuart Oldham 5,6, Hanbyul Cho1,
Kyoungseob Byeon7, Bo-yong Park1,8, Phoebe Thomson2, Haitao Chen ,
Accepted: 13 May 2024
Wei Gao 9,11, Ting Xu 7, Sofie Valk 12,13, Michael P. Milham 14,15,
Published online: xx xx xxxx Boris Bernhardt 16, Adriana Di Martino2 & Seok-Jun Hong 1,14,17,18,19

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The cortical patterning principle has been a long-standing question
in neuroscience, yet how this translates to macroscale functional
specialization in the human brain remains largely unknown. Here we
examine age-dependent differences in resting-state thalamocortical
connectivity to investigate its role in the emergence of large-scale functional
networks during early life, using a primarily cross-sectional but also
longitudinal approach. We show that thalamocortical connectivity during
infancy reflects an early differentiation of sensorimotor networks and
genetically influenced axonal projection. This pattern changes in
childhood, when connectivity is established with the salience network,
while decoupling externally and internally oriented functional systems.
A developmental simulation using generative network models corroborated
these findings, demonstrating that thalamic connectivity contributes to
developing key features of the mature brain, such as functional segregation
and the sensory-association axis, especially across 12–18 years of age. Our
study suggests that the thalamus plays an important role in functional
specialization during development, with potential implications for studying
conditions with compromised internal and external processing.

The human brain begins its complex developmental process after con- the role of the thalamus exclusively as a mediator of sensory experience
ception, initially as a simple neural tube that bends, folds and expands, may be an oversimplification5–7.
a part of which eventually becomes the characteristic wrinkles of the Indeed, on the one hand, most sensory information passes through
neocortex. During pregnancy, the neural tube is patterned along the the thalamus before reaching the neocortex, placing this subcortical
rostrocaudal axis driven by a gradient of morphogens and transcription structure in a strategic location for mediating external signals influ-
factors1. Shortly after this, thalamocortical axons begin to migrate into encing cortical differentiation6,7. For instance, exposure to sensory
the cortical plate1,2. The awareness of this intermingled process gave rise stimuli accelerates initial synaptic plasticity of the newborn brain and
to two influential views—the Protomap and Protocortex theories—on gradually shapes functional specialization through intensive inter-
how the neocortex differentiates into distinct functional regions across actions with the thalamus8,9. On the other hand, influenced by axon
development, guided by genetic or thalamic influence, respectively3,4. guidance molecules and transcription factors, the thalamic nuclei also
The current consensus is that both intrinsic (genes) and extrinsic (thala- form direct topographic projections to specific cortical areas during
mus) mechanisms collectively drive cortical development, yet viewing development10, a process that is crucial for regional differentiation

A full list of affiliations appears at the end of the paper. e-mail:

Nature Neuroscience

a Neuroimaging analysis
(i) Thalamocortical connectopic and neocortical projection maps (ii) Developmental effects and hierarchical network profiling

ROI Mask
Yeo 7 network atlas

reduction /young ad
Similarity Laplacian Thalamocortical Neocortical Infancy
matrix eigenmaps connectopic map projection maps
Min Gradient values Max

b Transcriptomic analysis
(i) PLS analysis (ii) Assess significance (iii) GO enrichment and cell-type-specific expression analysis
Ranked gene list Biological processes Cell-specific profiling
NEOMAPs Gene expression (AHBA) SBP-spatial models

Th tum us
PLS gene Loadings

or llum

r ia m
er ala

Probability density

St ca
… KCNC1 13.2426

Pspin < 0.05


H x





KCNS1 13.2349




KCNAB3 13.1989
CNS guidance

Developmental stage
. .
Maximize . .
association Cell-to-cell
. .

Pspin < 0.05

Association (null model) UCHL3 –12.3989
DPYSL3 –12.4319
FABP7 –12.9762 Cell
c Computational simulation

Generative network modeling (simulated data) Functional brain network (experimental data)
fMRI timeseries

(ii) Evaluate fit Time

(i) Edges generated based on wiring rule during iteration Time

(iii) Estimate measures from simulated correlation matrices (iv) Evaluation of network formation
Wiring rules Measures
• Thalamocortical connectivity • Cortical gradients
• Gene expression • Network node characterization
• Spatial distance Thalamocortical Gene Spatial • Segregation index
connectivity expression distance

Fig. 1 | Analytical flows of neuroimaging, transcriptomics and computational using phenotype-based null models that maintain spatial autocorrelation
simulation. a, Connectopic mapping16, a dimensional reduction technique, (10,000 spins)77 (iii). The significant gene sets identified by PLS analysis
was used to summarize complex thalamocortical connectopic topologies (i). were ranked and then submitted to a Gene Ontology enrichment analysis
Aging effects were then tested for the thalamocortical maps within infancy to characterize the underlying biological processes and cell-type specific
and childhood/young adulthood groups (ii). The maps for both the thalamus expressions across developmental stages based on the BrainSpan atlas39.
and neocortex were profiled according to the Yeo-Krienan 7 Network Atlas28. c, Generative network models44 were utilized to investigate the effects of
b, Associations between the neocortical projection maps and spatial pattern thalamocortical, genetic, and spatial constraints when estimating how wiring
of gene expression derived from the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA38) were costs shape functional connectome topology. SBP, spatial brain phenotype.
quantified using partial least squares (PLS) analysis (i-ii). Significance was tested

of the neocortex. Given its substantial role, the exact involvement of one end to stimulus-independent, internally oriented processing on
thalamocortical connectivity in neocortical functional specialization the other end11,18. Notably a recent study showed an age-dependent
in early life remains an open question. shift in this neocortical organization, in which the primary functional
A core tenet of neocortical functional specialization is that it fol- axis mainly anchored within the unimodal cortex during childhood
lows a sensory-association axis, where maturation of low-level sensory changes into the adult-like hierarchical gradient during adolescence12;
regions precede the expansion of higher-order association areas, such however, the influence of early thalamocortical interaction on the
as frontoparietal and default-mode networks11,12. This principle is also development of large-scale organization remains unmapped. Specifi-
reflected in the development of thalamocortical connectivity, where cally, it is unclear whether thalamocortical gradients mirror the hierar-
connections with sensorimotor and salience networks are already chical organization to cortico-cortical gradients (or exhibit a unique
established in neonates, whereas those with the frontal and default subcortex-specific connectivity pattern), and what computational
mode networks develop later13–15; however, as the thalamus consists principles underlie thalamus-mediated brain network generation.
of several dozen nuclei, understanding its global integration into the The current study investigated the macroscale organization of
macroscale cortical landscape, beyond the regional properties of indi- thalamocortical functional connectivity and its role in developing
vidual subnuclei, has proven challenging. Recent connectopic gradient cortical networks during infancy and childhood/young adulthood.
mapping techniques based on dimensionality reduction16–18 provide Continuous axes of thalamocortical connectivity were first extracted
a viable solution, as they summarize high dimensional connectome with connectopic gradient mapping and analyzed across different age
profiles of the brain regions (either the whole brain or specific cortical groups. Associations between cortical genes and thalamic neocorti-
areas such as the thalamus) into parsimonious axes representing their cal projection maps were then characterized through Gene Ontol-
core functional organization. ogy enrichment analyses. Finally, we utilized a generative network
Previous studies using this technique have reported a hierarchi- modeling approach to simulate the role of both thalamus and genetic
cal gradient from sensory-related, externally oriented processing on information in the assembly of large-scale functional networks.

Nature Neuroscience

Through this multi-method approach, we found: (1) during young adulthood were collected during awake states. To investigate
infancy, thalamocortical gradients could capture both preliminary this potential state-dependent effect in our findings, we further ana-
cortical hierarchy as well as a spatial distribution of developmen- lyzed a separate dataset consisting of the scans taken during both
tal gene expression; (2) from childhood through young adulthood, sleep and awake states within individuals (see Supplementary Note
thalamocortical functional coupling undertakes a unique role in dif- ‘Comparison of sleep–wake states’). We confirmed that the present
ferentiating between internally and externally oriented functional findings are not due to state differences but rather reflect differences
networks. Indeed, the thalamic functional connectivity with the sali- across developmental periods (Extended Data Fig. 2). Similarly, as
ence network serves as a pivotal point where the segregation between the thalamus is known for regulating arousal and activity levels26, we
the externally oriented (for example, visual/sensorimotor and dorsal confirmed that our main results were replicated after global signal
attention networks) and internally oriented (for example, default regression (Supplementary Fig. 3).
mode network) systems gradually emerges during development; (3)
generative network modeling indicates that when synthetic networks Thalamic neocortical projection maps. The NEOMAP (the neocorti-
are constructed based on thalamocortical functional connectivity, they cal counterpart of CMAP) of infancy and childhood/young adulthood
show the highest resemblance to the networks derived from empirical showed overall diverging patterns across developmental periods
data. Taken together, initially there seems to be a balanced contribution (Fig. 2), which indicates a shift in the relationship between the thala-
between thalamus and developmentally related genes in the functional mus and neocortical functional organization.
network specialization; however, this balance shifts when entering In infancy, the first NEOMAP showed anchors in the low-level
into youth, where the thalamus contributes to functional segregation sensory and visual areas while the other end revealed less differenti-
through the decoupling of external and internal networks. ated patterns across the brain areas (Fig. 2a, top). This result, derived
based on an adult-based parcellation, was replicated when using
Results age-matched, fully data-driven infant parcellation27 (Supplementary
We utilized two age-group datasets from the Human Connectome Fig. 4). The second NEOMAP portrayed a strong geometric pattern
Project (HCP19,20), consisting of individuals in infancy (n = 255, 149 male; that seems to directly reflect the dorsoventral stream of the second
mean (s.d.) age = 39.7 (3.04) weeks; developing HCP (dHCP)21,22) and thalamic CMAP (Fig. 2a, bottom). Meanwhile, in childhood/young
childhood/young adulthood (n = 603, 417 male, mean (s.d.) age = 14.8 adulthood, the NEOMAPs show patterns that are more differentiated
(3.88) years; HCP-Development (HCPD)23). Details on participant inclu- (spatially confined to known functional parcellations), suggesting the
sion and the following main analysis are provided in Methods and are emergence of mature functional networks (Fig. 2b). Specifically, both
schematically summarized in Fig. 1. NEOMAPs commonly show that the salience network is situated at one
end of the gradient, whereas the opposite ends of the NEOMAPs are
Thalamocortical connectopic mapping distinct: NEOMAP1 extends toward externally oriented regions, such
To delineate the macroscale organization of thalamocortical functional as the dorsal attention and primary sensory networks (Fig. 2b, top),
connectivity, we applied the Congrads pipeline16 to the timeseries of whereas NEOMAP2 mainly is occupied by the internally oriented default
resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In short, mode network (Fig. 2b, bottom). Taken together, the thalamocortical
it applies the Laplacian Eigenmap dimensionality reduction to a simi- projection seems to be involved in a large-scale organization in which
larity matrix of the functional connectivity between the thalamus and the salience network serves as a pivotal point for differentiation of
cortex. The resulting thalamocortical connectopic maps (CMAPs) external and internal axes (Fig. 2c (ref. 28) and Extended Data Fig. 3).
topographically represent how similar or dissimilar the thalamocorti- This spatial representation between the two NEOMAPs along with their
cal connectivity patterns are across the thalamic voxels, whereas the patterns were replicated in the NKI-RS dataset (correlation between
neocortical projection maps (NEOMAPs) show a cortical counterpart HCPD and NKI-RS, r ≥ 0.70 for both NEOMAPs; Extended Data Fig. 1b).
to the CMAP (which thalamic area is functionally connected to which
neocortical area). Thalamic effects on external-to-internal axis segregation. To further
confirm the above hypothesis, we quantified several network-level
Thalamocortical connectopic gradients. The two group-level CMAPs indices. First, we created a segregation index by calculating the dif-
(‘functional gradients of the thalamus’; number of maps chosen ference of NEOMAP values between the salience network and exter-
based on the variance explained; Supplementary Fig. 1) are shown for nally oriented areas (SegregationSAL-EXT) as well as internally oriented
infancy (29–44 weeks; Fig. 2a) and childhood/young adulthood (8–22 areas (SegregationSAL-INT) along five different age groups (Fig. 3a). As
years; Fig. 2b). CMAP1 shows a gradient spanning from the anterior/ expected, there was greater segregation between the salience network
medial-to-posterior/lateral ends of the thalamus. This pattern is rela- and both externally and internally oriented networks during childhood/
tively consistent across the two age groups (Fig. 2; top) and conveys an young adulthood in comparison to infancy. This suggests that the
approximated differentiation between low-level and high-order func- external–internal axis more prominently emerges during childhood/
tional networks according to the Yeo 7 network thalamic parcellation24 young adulthood. To corroborate this observation, we adapted two
(Supplementary Fig. 1). Additionally, this pattern shows significant cor- metrics that statistically estimate the degree of network segrega-
relations from the result of a recent study analyzing thalamic transcrip- tion (silhouette scores and network overlap) and results confirmed
tomic and structural connectivity25 (Supplementary Fig. 2). CMAP2 that functional networks in childhood-young adulthood are more
(Fig. 2, bottom) comprises a gradient from superior-to-inferior axis segregated compared to those in infancy (Extended Data Fig. 4 and
during infancy, and while the overall direction (superior-to-inferior) Supplementary Note ‘Quantitative analyses of network segregation’).
remains the same in childhood/young adulthood, the inferior part of Finally, compared to externally oriented networks that tend to
the gradient tends to diverge into both anterior and posterior regions be more regionally confined (visual and somatosensory networks),
in the latter age group. To test for robustness, we used an independent those for internal processes seem to recruit widely distributed areas
dataset (Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland sample (NKI-RS); n = 70 (34 across the cortex29. This differentiation may reflect distinct patterns
male), age range 6–19 years) and found similar CMAP patterns (corre- of underlying thalamic projections based on the relative density of
lation between HCPD and NKI-RS, r > 0.70 for both CMAPs; Extended ‘core’ and ‘matrix’ cells6,7. Parvalbumin-rich core cells, predominantly
Data Fig. 1a). located in sensory thalamic nuclei, project to specific areas of primary
It should be noted that the HCP datasets that we analyzed for sensory cortices, while calbindin-rich matrix cells, more common in
infancy were obtained during sleep, whereas those for childhood/ higher-order thalamic nuclei, project more diffusely across the cortex.

Nature Neuroscience

a Infancy (29–44 wks) b Childhood – young adult (8–22 yrs) c Network profiling

Z = 18 Z=7 Z = 11 Z = –1

CMAP values


CMAP values

Dorsal attention



1.0 1.0
0.8 NEOMAP 1 Frontoparietal
Default mode network
NEOMAP 1 0.6

NEOMAP values
NEOMAP values
0 0
Projection map –0.6 Projection map

Axis 1
–0.2 0.2 –1.0 –1.0 –0.5 0.5
Functional networks Functional networks


Z = 18 Z=7 Z = 11 Z = –1

CMAP values

CMAP values


Axis 2
1.0 1.0
0.8 NEOMAP 2
NEOMAP 2 0.6
NEOMAP values

NEOMAP values
0 0 Internal
–0.5 Projection map
Projection map
–1.0 –1.0
–0.5 0.5
–0.2 0.2 Functional networks Functional networks

Fig. 2 | Thalamic connectopic maps and its neocortical projection maps. extend to the highest value within 1.5 × IQR above the third quartile and to the
a,b, CMAP1 and 2 and NEOMAP1 and 2 are shown for infancy (a) and childhood/ lowest value within 1.5 × IQR below the first quartile. The IQR represents the range
young adulthood (b). Network profiles sorted out based on the Yeo-Krienan 7 between the 25th and 75th percentiles. c, A schematic of the external-to-internal
Network Atlas28 are shown in the box plots overlaid with jittered dots next to each axis division derived from the childhood/young adulthood NEOMAPs is depicted
NEOMAP (no. of vertices for VIS = 2,770, SOM = 3,784, DAN = 2,118, SAL = 2,250, along with the Yeo-Krienan 7 Network Atlas28 legend. VIS, visual network; SOM,
LIM = 1,437, FPN = 2,317 and DMN = 3,819). The box plots display the median somatosensory network; DAN, dorsal attention network; SAL, salience network;
(central line) and interquartile range (IQR; the extent of the box). Whiskers LIM, limbic network; FPN, frontoparietal network, DMN, default mode network.

Using partial least squares (PLS) analyses we found significant asso- between the salience–internal (t = 2.35, P = 0.02) and external–
ciation between the NEOMAPs and cyto-architecture-based thalamic internal (t = 2.63, P = 0.009) networks, as well as a marginal trend for
projections of core and matrix cells (r = 0.65, Pspin = 3.05 × 10−25). Moreo- the salience–external (t = 1.25, P = 0.21; Extended Data Fig. 6a–c) net-
ver, correlation between the latent constructs of the functional and works across development. Second, we applied a supervised learning
cytoarchitectural thalamic projections reveals an external-to-internal framework (fivefold cross-validation) to the same longitudinal data
axis with the salience network situated in the middle of the to elucidate the early influence of thalamocortical connectivity devel-
distribution (Fig. 3b). opment on the network differentiation in the neocortex during later
developmental stages. We found that the change in thalamocortical
Age-dependent changes in CMAPs and NEOMAPs. The thalamocor- NEOMAPs between baseline and follow-up can significantly predict the
tical CMAPs and NEOMAPs showed significant age effects (Extended functional segregation between internal and external networks within
Data Fig. 5 and Supplementary Note ‘Age-related differences in thalam- a ‘cortical’ gradient (mean average error = 1.91; median correlation
ocortical connectopic gradient and projection maps’ for statistical coefficient = 0.33, P = 0.005; Extended Data Fig. 6d).
details of following results). Specifically, in infancy, at each end of
the CMAPs, an overall expansion (more functional differentiation) Transcriptomic analyses of thalamocortical projection maps
occurred with age, given that positive gradient values in the anterior Thus far, we have shown that the thalamocortical functional connectiv-
regions show positive age effects while negative gradient values in the ity displays widespread neocortical projections with distinct patterns,
posterior parts of the thalamus show negative age effects, indicating reflecting a large-scale functional organization of cortical networks.
diverging age effects (PFDR < 0.05). A similar pattern is also depicted In brief, the infancy NEOMAP1 revealed a preliminary differentiation
in the NEOMAPs (PFDR < 0.05). In childhood/young adulthood, fairly between low-level sensory and high-order transmodal regions, whereas
consistent age effects are found, albeit weaker compared to that of the NEOMAPs of childhood/young adulthood collectively depicted a
infancy. Contrary to infancy which showed mainly a gradient expan- segregation between functional networks involved in externally versus
sion, the childhood/young adulthood group presented patches of age internally oriented processes, both anchored by the salience network.
effect across the CMAPs as well as NEOMAPs, indicating both expansion Compared to these, infancy NEOMAP2 (Fig. 2a, bottom) was not clear in
and convergence with age (PFDR < 0.05). A cross-sectional progressive terms of its biological implication; however, its graded expression along
change of the gradient value along the age is shown in the Supplemen- the dorsoventral axis resembles the characteristic areal patterning of
tary Video. the developing neocortex, which is typically driven by morphogens and
This age-dependent trend was also observed using the longitudinal transcription factors. To corroborate this observation, we examined its
data from NKI-RS. First, in the mixed-effects model (where we employed association with cortical gene expression, leveraging the Allen Human
age as a fixed effect and participant as a random effect), we examined Brain Atlas (AHBA) and the PLS analysis, an unsupervised multivari-
the segregation indices among the salience, external and internal ate correlation method30,31. To contextualize the multivariate genetic
networks. Our analysis revealed a significant increase in segregation association with respect to biological processes, we conducted a Gene

Nature Neuroscience

a Segregation index calculated for each age group b Relation with core-matrix thalamic projections
Infancy (29–44 wks)
External–internal axis 1.6 1.6


External NEOMAP 1 CALB map
0 0
–3 7–4
0 40 41 –44 7
–3 7–4
0 40 41 4
–4 wks
29 42 29 42 NEOMAP 2 PVALB map

3 3
Childhood – young adult (8–22 yrs) r = 0.65, External
20 VN
NEOMAP 1 NEOMAP 2 Pspin = 3.05 × 10–25
1.6 1.6 SN

NEOMAP scores


Internal LN
0 0 DMN
10 13 16 20 22 yrs 10 13 16 20 22 yrs Salience
8– 10– 13– 16– 20– 8– 10– 13– 16– 20– –20

SegregationSAL-EXT SegregationSAL-INT Internal

–0.1 CALB/PVALB scores 0.1

Fig. 3 | Thalamocortical influence on cortical network segregation. participants for each age group are as follows: infancy (29–37 weeks (w), n = 49;
a, The external–internal segregation is quantified and profiled along the age 37–40 w, n = 59; 40 w, n = 47; 41 w, n = 48; 42–44 w, n = 52) and childhood/young
subgroups. The differentiation between external and internal axes does not adult (8–10 years (y), n = 81; 10–13 y, n = 125; 13–16 y, n = 173; 16–20 y, n = 141;
clearly emerge until childhood/young adulthood periods. The first NEOMAP 20–22 y, n = 83). b, Association between childhood/young adulthood NEOMAPs
represents segregation of the salience network with externally oriented networks and core-matrix thalamic projections were assessed using two-tailed partial least
while the second NEOMAP shows segregation with the internally oriented squares (PLS) regression. Statistical significance was determined by comparing
networks. Box plots display the median (central line) and IQR (the extent of the empirical correlation of latent scores against a null distribution, generated
the box). Whiskers extend to the highest value within 1.5 × IQR above the third from the spatial permutation test (10,000 iterations) of PLS to control for spatial
quartile and to the lowest value within 1.5 × IQR below the first quartile. The autocorrelation (Pspin = 3.05 × 10−25). NEOMAP, neocortical projection map; SAL,
IQR represents the range between the 25th and 75th percentiles. The number of salience; EXT, external; INT, internal; CALB, calbindin; PVALB, parvalbumin.

Ontology enrichment analysis with ShinyGO v.0.77 (ref. 32). Finally, thalamus and cortex, significantly enriched from fetal through infancy
we performed a cell-type specific expression analysis (CSEA)33, using (FDR < 0.05; Fig. 4b).
the BrainSpan dataset to compare developmental expression profiles
across multiple developmental periods. Computational modeling analysis
The associations between gene expression and infancy NEOMAP2 Finally, to gain a mechanistic understanding of whether and how
revealed a single latent variable that was significant, after a spin test thalamocortical connectivity contributes to the development of cor-
preserving the original spatial autocorrelation (r = 0.65; Pspin < 0.001). tical functional organization, we utilized a recently proposed gen-
The latent variable explained 41.7% of the variance in NEOMAP2. The erative network modeling approach. This model uses defined rules or
post hoc loading analysis revealed a total of 813 strongly contributing constraints to probabilistically establish connections between nodes,
genes with both negative and positive loadings. Further gene enrich- generating simulated networks that mirror the essential characteristics
ment analysis revealed that the candidate negative and positive genes of real brain networks. Using this approach allows for direct compari-
were largely involved in different underlying biological processes. sons between simulated and empirical cortical networks, aiding the
Notably, multiple processes involved in the development of the cen- elucidation of the principles underlying cortical organization40. Our
tral nervous system (false discovery rate (FDR) = 0.0008), ranging main interests were to compare the relative effects of the thalamocorti-
from head/brain development (FDR = 0.002) to cell morphogenesis cal connectivity and gene expression in functional network generation.
involved in neuron differentiation (FDR = 0.008), were associated with For model comparison, we tested the effects of relevant spatial and
the negatively associated genes (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Table 1). topological features, as per previous studies41,42. Model performance
These results were replicated using other Gene Ontology enrichment was assessed based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) statistic that
tools, Enrichr34–36 and g:Profiler37 (Supplementary Fig. 5). To confirm quantified the difference between synthetic and empirical networks
the specificity of our findings, we employed a stringent null-brain-gene based on node degree, node clustering, node-betweenness and edge
model that generates null distributions based on random genes that length distribution41.
are over-expressed in brain tissues (n = 2,711 selected by qFDR < 0.05, In general, the models based on developmental factors (gene
in statistically comparing brain tissues and other body tissues)31. The expression and thalamocortical connectivity) performed better than
association between the genes related to developmental processes and the spatial and topological factors (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 7).
infancy NEOMAP2 was stronger than expected for randomly selected The thalamocortical connectivity rules particularly yielded the best
brain genes (β = 0.49, Pnull-brain-gene < 0.001). Meanwhile, the genes with fitting to the empirical data of childhood/young adulthood (mean
positive loadings belonged to various pathways related to transmem- KSthal = 0.09, KSgene = 0.16, KSspatial = 0.45; Fig. 5a). Contrarily, gene
brane transport processes (Supplementary Table 2). expression and thalamocortical connectivity rules showed similar per-
While the AHBA38 was used due to its extensive whole-brain-wide formance in infancy (KSthal = 0.20; KSgene = 0.19; KSspatial = 0.43; Fig. 5a).
spatial coverage, we must note that it is derived from six postmor- We further reconstructed individual adjacency matrices derived from
tem adult brains. Thus, given the potential variance in gene expres- the simulations and calculated group-level cortical functional gradi-
sion between infancy and adulthood, we incorporated data from the ents, network modularity and segregation index. Notably, the func-
BrainSpan atlas39, which encompasses a wider age span from eight tional gradients derived from the synthetic networks built according
post-conception weeks to 40 years, albeit less spatial coverage. Using to the thalamocortical connectivity rule generated remarkably similar
CSEA to examine the developmental expression profiles of these genes patterns of the canonical cortical gradients during childhood/young
across specific cell types, we found concentrated expression in the adulthood (Fig. 5b). Significantly higher network modularity was

Nature Neuroscience

a Chart of enriched GO terms b Developmental cell-specific enrichment analysis

Central nervous system development Amyg Cere Cortex Hipp Str Thalamus
Head development
Multicell. organismal response to stress
Brain development
Reg. of membrane potential Fetal
Cell morphogenesis in neuron differentiation No. of genes
Heterophilic cell–cell adhesion 10
Forebrain development 20

Cellular component morphogenesis 30

Trans-synaptic signaling 40
Cell–cell signaling
GABA signaling pathway Fold enrichment
Chemical synaptic transmission 2
Anterograde trans-synaptic signaling 4

Synaptic signaling 6

Ion transmembrane transport 8 Adolescence

Neuron projection morphogenesis 10

Ion transport 12 Young adult

Neuronal action potential
0.10 0.05 0
Cation transport

0 1 2 3 P values

Fig. 4 | Top enriched Gene Ontology terms indicating biological processes region and developmental period is determined using the Fisher’s exact test
showing significant association with the negatively enriched genes of with Benjamini–Hochberg correction. The specificity of transcript expression is
NEOMAP2 in infancy. a, Chart showing the enriched GO terms derived using assessed with a specificity index P value (PSI) across four thresholds (0.05, 0.01,
ShinyGO 0.77 (ref. 32). Fold enrichment is a measure of the degree to which 0.001 and 0.0001), where lower PSI values indicate those genes more specific to
a particular term is overrepresented in the genes of interest compared to a a particular combination between brain region and developmental period.
background set of genes. FDR indicates how likely the enrichment represents The size of the hexagons from outside to center correspond to the PSI thresholds
a false-positive finding. b, For the cell-type-specific expression analysis33, the (0.05, 0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001), respectively. Colors indicate the FDR-adjusted
overlap between our gene list and transcripts enriched in a particular brain P values.

found in the synthetic networks based on thalamocortical connectiv- thalamo-salience connections yield more decreased network segrega-
ity compared to the other rules during childhood/young adulthood tion and less clearly differentiated cortical gradients compared to the
(modularity Q = 0.53; Fig. 5c). Finally, corroborating our experimental null models (Extended Data Fig. 10).
finding, the thalamocortical model showed the largest segregation
index between the salience and externally oriented as well as the inter- Discussion
nally oriented networks during childhood/young adulthood (Fig. 5d). Large-scale brain networks undergo extensive changes in their func-
This was replicated across different network thresholds (Supplemen- tional specialization in terms of connectome profiles across develop-
tary Fig. 6), after controlling for potential circularity issues due to ment. In the current study, we demonstrated, both experimentally and
high resemblance between NEOMAPs and cortico-cortical gradients theoretically, an age-dependent role of the thalamus in associating
(Extended Data Fig. 8), as well as in an independent dataset (NKI-RS; multiple functional subsystems, with a special focus on externally and
Extended Data Fig. 9). internally oriented networks. We found that during infancy, the thala-
Next, to further pinpoint a direct effect of thalamocortical con- mus provides a functional scaffold for the hierarchical differentiation
nectivity on the functional organization across different ages, we between low-level and higher-order regions, while also interacting with
performed perturbation to thalamo-salience connectivity in a series cortical genes involved in developmental processes; however, once cor-
of growth models (an approach informing the network simulation with tical functional arrangement stabilizes into distinct networks, the thala-
age-dependent developmental pattern; Fig. 6a). Perturbations were mus contributes to a system-level segregation between externally and
applied to different developmental periods (8–12 years; 12–16 years; internally oriented systems. These results were substantiated through
16–22 years) or to all of them, then compared to a no-perturbation computational simulations of generative networks. Specifically, the
growth model. As expected, perturbations compromised the seg- thalamocortical connectivity constraints not only produced the most
regation of both internal and external axes, but notably, it affected realistic cortical networks, but also contributed to the segregation
the salience–internal axis more dramatically, suggesting a higher between the functional subsystems and yielded connectopic topologies
contribution of thalamocortical connectivity on the development that closely resemble the cortico-cortical gradients18. Furthermore,
of internal processing areas during youth (Fig. 6b). In particular, the perturbations to the thalamo-salience connectivity had distinct effects
perturbation had a profound impact at a later stage of development for the external-to-internal segregation and cortical gradients in dif-
(>12 years), when most higher-level cognitive functions involving the ferent developmental stages. Taken together, these results provide an
default mode network are actively developed43. These patterns were expanding perspective for the role of the thalamus in the manifestation
similarly observed in the simulated cortical gradients across differ- of large-scale functional networks in the developing brain.
ent developmental periods (Fig. 6c). Finally, a series of ‘null models’
validated the specificity of our findings (whether perturbations to Development of hierarchical functional brain networks
thalamo-salience connections have a more dramatic effect on network during infancy
segregation compared to perturbations to other [primary sensory or Previous work has established the effect of thalamus in the early
randomly-chosen] connections). Results show that perturbations to development of structural brain organization44. Indeed, the structural

Nature Neuroscience

a Model performance c Comparison of network modularity

Infancy Childhood – young adult Infancy Childhood – young adult
(29–44 wks) (8–22 yrs) (29–44 wks) (8–22 yrs)
1 1 Mean Mean
* * 0.7
* * 0.6 * 0.6 *


Modularity (Q)
0.5 0.5

0 0 0.4 * 0.4





0.3 0.3






0.2 0.2
b Cortical gradients extracted from simulated affinity matrices
0.1 0.1

0 0
Infancy Childhood – young adult ThalCort Gene Spatial ThalCort Gene Spatial
(29–44 wks) (8–22 yrs)

d Comparison of segregation index



Gradient 1 Gradient 1 Infancy Childhood – young adult

0.5 0.5
(29–44 wks) (8–22 yrs)


0.4 0.4

Gradient 2 Gradient 2 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1


Gradient 1 Gradient 1 0 0
0.5 0.5


0.4 0.4
Gradient 2 Gradient 2
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

Gradient 1 Gradient 1 0.1 0.1

0 0

ThalCort Gene Spatial

Gradient 2 Gradient 2 Min

Fig. 5 | Generative network modeling. a, Model performance is measured matrices of the synthetic networks are shown for each different wiring rule.
using KS statistics, where lower values imply greater similarity to empirical c, Comparison of network modularity, calculated from each synthetic network
data. Two-tailed t-tests, adjusted for multiple comparisons with Bonferroni based on different wiring rules, were analyzed using ANOVA (n = 603) with
correction at a significance threshold of P = 0.001, were employed to compare Bonferroni correction, resulting in a significant group difference for infancy
performance metrics. For infancy, significant differences were found for gene (F = 1,418.9, P = 1.2103 × 10−257) and childhood/young adulthood (F = 516.56,
versus spatial (t = −43.4, P = 2.2102 × 10−119) and thalcort versus spatial (t = −24.4, P = 3.8966 × 10−178). d, Segregation indices computed from the individual
P = 1.5961 × 10−68), at a sample size (n) of 255. There was no significant difference synthetic networks in infancy (n = 255) and childhood-adulthood (n = 603)
for gene versus thalcort wiring rules (t = −1.4972, P = 0.14). For childhood/young based on different wiring rules are shown with error bars indicating s.d. thalcort,
adulthood, significant group differences were found for all three contrasts: thalamocortical connectivity; gene, correlated gene expression; SAL, salience
thalcort versus gene (t = −52.6, P = 2.6144 × 10−227), thalcort versus spatial network; EXT, externally oriented networks; INT, internally oriented networks;
(t = −288.8, P = 0) and gene versus spatial (t = −249.5, P = 0), with Bonferroni w, weeks; y, years.
correction (n = 603). b, The first two cortical gradients extracted from the affinity

properties such as myelin and cortical thickness develop earliest in During the perinatal period, there is an upsurge of strengthened
the cortical regions that receive first-order thalamic relays45. Mean- connectivity between neurons, subsequently followed by a more
while, protracted maturation in the transmodal cortex, associated prolonged selective pruning process that continues on until young
with high-order thalamic relays, shows experience-dependent plas- adulthood50,51. In this initial stage, various cellular mechanisms such
ticity11,46. Here, we extend previous findings and reveal that the thala- as synaptogenesis, axonogenesis and dendritic arborization underlie
mus in the infant brain shows functional coupling with the neocortex the dynamic changes pertaining to postnatal surface expansion51–53. In
primarily anchored in sensorimotor and visual areas while those our study, infancy NEOMAP2 showed associations with genes enriched
related to presumably higher-order regions are still not fully special- for related processes such as axonogenesis, neuron differentiation
ized13,47. This delay in development may be because the formation of as well as cell projection morphogenesis and signaling. This is in line
higher-order functional networks premises an integration of distrib- with previous studies that support the critical role of thalamic axonal
uted regions across the cortex, which in turn requires the establishment projections in the formation and delineation of neocortical regions54,55.
of long-range connections and efficient synaptic pruning that occurs Alternatively, the tilted inferior–superior axis depicted in NEOMAP2
throughout childhood48,49. In addition, our findings are in line with the reflecting the thalamocortical connectopic pattern may be interpreted
established pattern of specialized connections between thalamus and in light of the Dual Origin theory56. This theory conceptualizes the
cortical regions. Infancy NEOMAP1 showed that low-level sensory corti- sequential progression of cortical differentiation as originating from
cal regions have high connectivity with the posterior/lateral thalamic the piriform cortex (paleocortex) and the hippocampus (archicor-
regions, such as the pulvinar, medial geniculate nucleus and ventropo- tex)56,57 and expanding to the sensorimotor and prefrontal cortical
sterolateral nucleus, which are known to project to visual, auditory and areas, which results similarly in the inferior–superior axis of NEOMAP2.
somatosensory regions, respectively6. On the other hand, the anterior
regions of the thalamus (for example, anterior, mediodorsal and ventral Decoupling of external-to-internal axis during childhood/
anterior nuclei), which have been linked to higher-order functions6, young adulthood
demonstrated strong connections with the prefrontal cortex and pos- A core aspect of cortical organization that underlies cognitive devel-
terior association regions. opment is captured in the organizing axis from sensory to association

Nature Neuroscience

a Perturbation of thalamo-salience connectivity in the growth model c Simulated cortical gradients

8–12 yrs 12–18 yrs 18–22 yrs
Perturb Perturb Perturb

Thalamus Thalamo-salience
connectivity rule
No perturbation

Iterative edge generation based on wiring rules Perturb: 8–12 yr

b Comparison of segregation indices


Perturb: 12–18 yr





ll g






Segregation index







3.4% 26.6%
0.2 Perturb: 18–22 yr

0.1 0.03


Salience - external Salience - internal Perturb: all groups –0.02

Fig. 6 | Perturbation of developmentally informed growth models. 8–12 years age group; (2) 12–16 years age group; (3) 16–22 years age group; and (4)
a, A schematic of the growth model based on thalamo-salience connectivity all age groups. b, The segregation indices (salience–external; salience–internal)
wiring rules that changed over the age span. In comparison to a non-perturbation were calculated for each growth model. The percentage indicates the amount
model, four models that perturbed the thalamo-salience connectivity in differing of difference compared to the non-perturbation model. c, Cortical gradients
developmental age groups were tested as follows: (1) perturbation applied to the extracted from the simulated affinity matrix of each growth model are shown.

functional areas. This principle encompasses a wide range of develop- cognitive processing, which the salience network is most capable of,
mental features related to the cortical organization of cyto-architecture, given its position in the middle of the ‘sensory–fugal’ axis67. In sum,
structural connectivity and functional connectivity58. Our study found thalamocortical projections encompassing these networks may engage
that this principle is summarized in the ‘two main axes’ of thalamic in the selection and gating of external inputs of high salience as a means
cortical function. NEOMAP1 ranges from salience network to other of allocating attentional resources and updating previous beliefs.
cortical networks involved in externally oriented processes such as
the dorsal attention and low-level sensory regions. These networks Implication of thalamocortical projections in the generative
are externally driven and phasic in nature, implying a selective atten- model for developing brain networks
tional process to specific sensory input59,60. In NEOMAP2, an internally Building upon the neuroimaging findings, we further confirmed that
oriented system (such as the default mode network), is situated at the thalamocortical connectivity is indeed a core mechanism for large-scale
other end of the salience network. This gradient may represent how functional organization, based on generative network modeling. In pre-
the thalamus contributes to shaping internal mental model building, vious studies, the synthetically generated networks have been shown
or generative models of the environment61. In fact, the retrosplenial to faithfully recapitulate major characteristics of network organiza-
cortex, a region closely associated with the default mode network, tion that are observed in the empirical data41,42. In our study as well,
shows strong connections with the anterior thalamic nuclei and hip- when network generation was guided by thalamocortical connectiv-
pocampus, which are regions that may coordinate to update existing ity, functional segregation of cortical networks naturally emerged,
mental representations62–64. and its patterns were strikingly similar with those from the real brain,
Of utmost importance, the salience network, a key component of which was not the case in the models informed by different wiring
both NEOMAPs, shows integrative connectivity across wider distances rules. Specifically, compared to the models based on spatial distance,
and diverse regions of the cortex, thus playing a critical role in facilitat- topological features or genetic correlations, the formation of a hier-
ing communication between multi-level systems65. It is largely responsi- archical brain network with meaningful functional segregation was
ble for selecting the most homeostatically relevant information among driven only by the thalamocortical connectivity model. This pertains
the complex sensory inputs from the external world to continuously to our modeling results from childhood/young adulthood and not
update our internal model66. This process entails the coordination of infancy, which confirms the diverging associations between CMAP
brain network dynamics between externally and internally oriented and NEOMAP between the two age groups. Using a growth model that

Nature Neuroscience

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Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. 2Autism Center, Child Mind
Institute, New York, NY, USA. 3Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg
University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. 4Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Donders Institute, Radboud University, Radboud, The Netherlands.
Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 6The Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, School
of Psychological Sciences and Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. 7Center for Integrative Developing Brain,
Child Mind Institute, New York, NY, USA. 8Department of Data Science, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea. 9Department of Biomedical Sciences and
Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 10Department of Bioengineering, University of California
at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 11Department of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 12Max Planck Institute
for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. 13Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7), Brain and Behavior, Forschungszentrum,
Juelich, Germany. 14Center for the Developing Brain, Child Mind Institute, New York, NY, USA. 15Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research,
Orangeburg, NY, USA. 16McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. 18Department of Intelligent Precision Healthcare Convergence,
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. 19Department of MetaBioHealth, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea.

Nature Neuroscience

Methods passive crosshair viewing condition for approximately 26 min in both

Data acquisition and preprocessing the AP/PA phase-encoding directions.
Infancy. We analyzed preprocessed neuroimaging data from the Details of the specific preprocessing procedures (HCP Pipelines
second release of the Developing Human Connectome Project v.3.22) can be found elsewhere19,20. In brief, for structural data, bias-field
(dHCP) neonatal data ( and gradient distortion correction, alignment between T1w and T2w
second-data-release/). Individuals with both structural and functional images and registration to MNI space, was followed by the typical Free-
data were included. A neuroradiologist provided a radiology score Surfer procedures including brain extraction, intensity normalization,
for all anatomical scans. A score of 3 (incidental findings with unlikely cortical parcellation and subcortical segmentation. For functional
clinical relevance but possible analytical relevance) or 5 (incidental data, after applying correction for gradient nonlinearity, motion,
findings with possible/likely relevance for both clinical and imaging fieldmap-based EPI distortion, boundary-based registration of EPI
analysis) were excluded from further analyses. After quality control and to T1w, non-linear (FNIRT) registration to MNI152 space and intensity
preprocessing, the final sample consisted of 195 healthy term infants normalization, the volumetric data were projected into standard gray-
(107 male, mean (s.d.) gestational age at birth = 39.9 (1.26) weeks, mean ordinate space (which includes cortical surface vertices and subcortical
(s.d.) age at scan = 41.0 (1.67) weeks) and 60 preterm infants (42 male, voxels) and then smoothed with a 2-mm FWHM Gaussian kernel. The
mean (s.d.) gestational age at birth = 32.6 (3.12) weeks, mean (s.d.) age first ten volumes were discarded, resulting in 1,902 volumes. As with
at scan = 35.5 (2.78) weeks). the dHCP data, FD was calculated and participants with a mean-FD that
MRIs were acquired on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner with a dedi- exceeded 0.4 mm were excluded from the final analyses.
cated neonatal imaging system and a neonatal 32-channel phased array To ensure replicability, we also analyzed independent,
head coil at the Evelina Neonatal Imaging Centre, St Thomas’ Hospital, cross-sectional and longitudinal pediatric/adolescence datasets from
London. All infants were scanned without sedation during natural sleep. the NKI-RS (n = 70; age range 6–19 years; mean ± s.d. age = 10.9 ± 2.9).
Structural images (T1w, T2w) were acquired with a 0.8-mm isotropic We selected participants without any previous diagnosis and who
resolution and a thickness of 1.6 mm, overlapped by 0.8 mm (T2w, TE/ had at least two time points of fMRI data. As this dataset did not meet
TR = 156 ms/12 s; T1w, TE/TR/TI = 8.7/4,795/1,740 ms). Resting-state the HCP Pipelines’ acquisition requirements (lacking T2w images
fMRI were acquired using multiband accelerated echo-planar imag- and/or fieldmaps), alternative processing methods were employed.
ing for approximately 15 min (TE/TR = 38 ms/392 ms, flip angle = 34°, First, we ran FreeSurfer’s recon_all81 and the ciftify_recon_all from the
spatial resolution = 2.15 mm isotropic, 2,300 volumes). ciftify toolbox82, which essentially mimics the HCP Anatomical pipe-
Details of the specific preprocessing procedures can be found lines. Next, fMRI data were preprocessed with fMRIprep83, followed
elsewhere21,22. In brief, structural images were motion-corrected, by ciftify_subject_fmri which generated outputs equivalent to those
reconstructed, bias-corrected, brain extracted for the segmentation of the HCP pipeline, specifically the CIFTI files (dtseries.nii) that were
procedure using the DrawEM algorithm ( utilized for further analyses. Written consent was obtained from all
DrawEM)78. Then, cortical surfaces were extracted, inflated, and pro- participants or a parent/legal guardian in the case of those under 18
jected to a sphere and aligned to the 40-week dHCP surface template years of age for all open-source datasets used in this study. All data
using Multimodal Surface Matching ( articles of the open-source datasets used in this study mention that
MSM_HOCR ref. 79,80). Minimal preprocessing of the resting-state written consent was obtained from all participants or a parent/legal
fMRI data included susceptibility field distortion correction, slice guardian in the case of those under 18 years of age23,84,85.
timing and motion correction, registration to both individual struc-
tural image and 40-week group template, temporal high-pass filtering Data analysis
(150 s high-pass cutoff) and independent component analysis denois- Connectopic gradient analysis. We estimated thalamocortical
ing. The first ten volumes were discarded in subsequent analyses to CMAPs, which topographically represent dominant modes of func-
achieve steady-state magnetization of the fMRI signal, resulting in tional connectivity change within the thalamus, based on the voxel-wise
2,290 volumes. We excluded participants with mean framewise dis- connectivity between each thalamic voxel and the rest of the neocor-
placement (FD) > 0.4 mm, which enables a tradeoff between sample tex. This procedure is described in detail elsewhere16. In brief, we can
size and data quality. extract the CMAP in largely two steps that consist of (1) constructing
a similarity matrix followed by (2) a dimensionality reduction pro-
Childhood/young adult. Minimally preprocessed neuroimaging data cess. First, we prepared two time-by-voxel matrices using the fMRI
of typically developing participants aged 8–21 years were downloaded timeseries data from the thalamus and neocortex. Before computing
from the Lifespan HCPD (release 2.0) at the National Institute of Mental the correlation between these two matrices, we performed a lossless
Health Data Archive (NDA)23. After quality control and preprocessing, dimensionality reduction in the latter due to its relatively large size,
the final sample consisted of 603 healthy participants (417 male, mean using singular value decomposition. Then we used the η2 coefficient
(s.d.) age = 14.8 (3.88) years). Participants were excluded for insufficient to quantify the similarity among the correlations between thalamic
English, premature birth, MRI contraindications or a lifetime history voxels and neocortex vertices. In the second step, we applied Laplacian
of serious medical conditions, endocrine disorders, head injury or eigenmaps to the resulting similarity matrix, which yielded the CMAPs
psychiatric/neurodevelopmental disorders. within the thalamus that represent the dominant modes of change in
Participants were scanned on a Siemens 3T Prisma (32-channel functional connectivity between the thalamus and neocortex16,86. We
head coil) using matched protocols across four sites (Harvard Uni- initially extracted the CMAPs at the group level for each dataset by
versity, University of California Los Angeles, University of Minne- using the group-averaged similarity matrix, to use as a template to
sota and Washington University in St. Louis) in the United States. align the individual CMAPs using the Procrustes alignment algorithm.
T1-weighted images were acquired using a 3D multi-echo MPRAGE NEOMAPs were calculated using the aligned CMAPs of each individual
sequence (TR = 2,500, TI = 1,000 ms, TE = 1.8/3.6/5.4/7.2 ms, flip ( To translate the CMAP pat-
angle = 8°, FOV = 256 × 240 × 166 mm, 320 × 300 matrix, 208 slices, terns within the thalamus onto the neocortex, we first obtained the
0.8 mm isotropic voxels). Resting-state fMRI data were acquired with similarity between the CMAP and thalamic activation pattern for each
a multiband gradient-recalled EPI sequence (TR = 800 ms, TE = 37 ms, TR (β). Next, using these β values we computed the dot product with the
flip angle = 52°, FOV = 208 mm, 104 × 90 matrix, 72 oblique axial slices, neocortex timeseries activation to yield an average of the neocortical
2-mm isotropic voxels, multiband acceleration factor of 8, 1,912 vol- fMRI maps across the TRs, weighted by the β values. In short, the NEO-
umes). A total of four fMRI scans were acquired in an eyes-open with MAPs were color-coded according to that of the thalamic voxel showing

Nature Neuroscience

the highest correlation (for example, red vertices in the NEOMAP are (ANTs98; Samples were assigned
most highly connected with the red voxels in the CMAP)87. The same to brain regions by minimizing the Euclidean distance between the MNI
analyses were conducted for the NKI-RS dataset and their results were coordinates of each sample and the nearest surface vertex. Samples
correlated with those from HCPD to test for replicability. where the Euclidean distance was more than 2 s.d. above the mean
CMAPs and NEOMAPs were statistically tested for significant age distance for all samples belonging to that donor were excluded. If a
effects, controlling for sex and mean-FD, using SurfStat, surface-based brain region was not assigned a sample from any donor based on the
linear models implemented in a MATLAB toolbox (http://www.math. above procedure, the tissue sample closest to the centroid of that par- and cel was identified independently for each donor. The average of these
ter/)88,89. To interpret these gradients, we profiled the CMAP and NEO- samples was taken across donors, weighted by the distance between
MAPs using the Yeo-Krienan 7 Network Atlas24,28. To visualize the change the parcel centroid and the sample, to obtain an estimate of the par-
in gradient values across age, we divided the participants into five age cellated expression values for the missing region. This procedure was
groups for each dataset. Our sample division followed the age ranges performed for nine regions that were not assigned tissue samples. All
representative of developmental stages reported in previous litera- tissue samples not assigned to a brain region in the provided atlas were
ture90–92, and also considered the distribution of participants for each discarded. Inter-subject variation was addressed by normalizing tissue
group. Additionally, we employed a fully data-driven infant-specific, sample expression values across genes using a robust sigmoid func-
functional parcellation27 to test the robustness of network profiling tion99 and rescaled to the unit interval. Gene expression values were
in infant data. then normalized across tissue samples using an identical procedure.
To measure the impact of thalamus on segregation between Samples assigned to the same brain region were averaged separately
functional networks we devised a segregation index as follows: for each donor and then across donors, yielding a regional expres-
SegregationSAL-EXT indicates an absolute value of the difference sion matrix with 200 rows (half of Schaefer 400 regions of interest),
between NEOMAP values of the salience network and networks com- corresponding to brain regions and 15,631 columns, corresponding
prising externally oriented functional processes such as the dorsal to the retained genes.
attention, visual and somatosensory networks. On the other hand,
SegregationSAL-INT quantifies the degree of isolation between the sali- PLS analysis. We used PLS analysis to investigate the correlation
ence and default mode networks. Next, we computed silhouette scores between the NEOMAPs and spatial pattern of gene expression derived
to quantitatively evaluate the variations in the overlap of internal, sali- from AHBA. PLS is an unsupervised multivariate statistical technique
ence and external networks across age. The silhouette score, ranging used to identify orthogonal sets of latent variables that maximize the
from −1 to 1, is a metric for evaluating the quality of clustering: a score covariance between the two datasets (in our case, gene expression val-
of 1 signifies clear distinction between clusters, 0 indicates no separa- ues and NEOMAPs). The general underlying model of PLS is as follows:
tion and −1 suggests misassigned clusters. We then correlated these
scores with participants’ ages to examine developmental patterns. X = TP + E
A positive correlation with age would suggest increasing segregation
within the targeted networks. Subsequently, we divided the sample T
Y = UQ + F
into three age groups (8–12, 12–18 and 18–22 years) and calculated the
network overlap between internally and externally oriented networks. where X is a 200 × 15,631 AHBA regional gene expression matrix and Y
Finally, we utilized a longitudinal subset from the NKI-RS data- is a 200-element vector representing the neocortical projection map
set to perform two distinct analyses. The first analysis involved a of interest. T and U are, respectively, the latent scores that are derived
mixed-effects model, where age was treated as a fixed effect and par- from the projections of X (200 × 1) and projections of Y (200 × 1), while
ticipant as a random effect to model the segregation indices of both P (15,631 × 1) and Q (1 × 1) are the eigenvectors indicating the loading
salience–external and salience–internal networks. Second, we aimed weights for each latent score. PLS finds the P and Q that maximize the
to estimate the influence of thalamocortical connectivity development covariance of U and T. The latent variables are obtained by applying
on network differentiation of the neocortex during later developmen- singular value decomposition on the data after it has been z-scored.
tal stages. Specifically, we investigated whether the difference of the To test whether the observed relationship between gene expres-
thalamocortical NEOMAPs between follow-up and baseline data can sion and NEOMAPs revealed by the PLS model was statistically sig-
predict the segregation index between internal and external networks nificant, we used an ensemble of randomized null brain phenotypes
within the ‘cortico-cortical’ gradients. For this, we applied linear regres- controlling for spatial autocorrelation (spatial brain phenotype
sion predictive analysis employing least squares and lasso regulariza- (SBP)-spatial models)30,31. The surrogate maps of spatially permuting
tion in a fivefold cross-validation. parcellated brain regions while conserving for spatial autocorrela-
tion were generated using the BrainSMASH Python toolbox (https://
Genetic analysis. Microarray gene expression. Regional microarray We compared the empirical
expression data were obtained from six postmortem brains (one correlation result between latent scores from real data to the null
female, ages 24.0–57.0, mean (s.d.) = 42.50 (13.38)) provided by the distributions of 10,000 correlations derived from applying PLS to
AHBA ( ref. 38). Data were processed with the spatially permuted datasets. The same test procedure was used
the abagen toolbox (v.0.1.3; to test for the significance of feature contribution of each gene to the
using the Schaefer 400-region surface-based atlas94; however, as only association between gene expression and NEOMAPs. Specifically, the
two of the brains in the AHBA sampled both hemispheres, we focused empirical loading value of each gene was statistically tested using the
our analysis on the left cortex. null distribution 10,000 loadings obtained for each gene. Genes with
First, microarray probes were reannotated using data provided positive loadings indicate upregulation whereas the negative loadings
by95; probes not matched to a valid Entrez ID were discarded. Next, represent a downregulation in relation to the neocortical projection
probes were filtered based on their expression intensity relative to map. Genes with both negative and positive weights that showed a
background noise96, yielding 31,569 probes. When multiple probes significance of Pspin < 0.05 were considered in the enrichment analysis.
indexed the expression of the same gene, we selected the probe with While the implementation of SBP-spatial models reduces false-positive
the most consistent pattern of regional variation across donors97. findings by correcting for spatial autocorrelation, we further assessed
The MNI coordinates of tissue samples were updated to those gener- the specificity of our genes of interest. Specifically, to assess if the
ated via non-linear registration using Advanced Normalization Tools effect is unique to the genes of interest we used the Gene Annotation

Nature Neuroscience

by Macroscale Brain-imaging Association MATLAB toolbox31. Among A total of seven tradeoff models derived from a combination of the
the null models proposed (null-random-gene, null-coexpressed-gene thalamocortical, genetic, spatial and topological constraints as param-
and null-brain-gene), we used the most stringent null-brain-gene eters were tested as follows: (1) spatial model; (2) spatial + thalamo-
model that generates null distributions based on random genes that cortical connectivity model; (3) thalamocortical connectivity model;
are over-expressed in brain tissues (n = 2,711 selected by q < 0.05, FDR (4) spatial + correlated gene expression model; (5) correlated gene
correction, one-sided two-sample t-test comparing brain tissues and expression model; (6) thalamocortical connectivity + correlated gene
other body tissues). expression model; and (7) a model based on a topological ‘matching’
Finally, by implementing a targeted gene approach, we examined rule with spatial constraints (Fig. 5 and Extended Data Fig. 7). For the
whether the NEOMAPs reflect distinct patterns of thalamic projections thalamocortical connectivity constraint, we used the similarity matrix
based on the relative density of ‘core’ and ‘matrix’ cells. Each subnucleus of the correlation between thalamus and cortex, derived from the
of the thalamus consists of a combination of excitatory neurons with dis- connectopic gradient analysis. To compute the correlated gene expres-
tinct cell types that project differentially to the neocortex7,100. On the one sion constraint, we calculated the Pearson correlation between 1,899
hand, granular-projecting ‘core’ cells are prevalent in sensory thalamic brain-specific genes108,109, using the AHBA transcriptomic data. While
nuclei and project to specific regions of the cortex such as low-level there are data available for the developing brain (BrainSpan atlas39),
primary sensory cortices. On the other hand, supragranular-projecting the spatial coverage is inadequate to fully estimate the correlated gene
‘matrix’ cells, which are typically dense in higher-order thalamic nuclei, expression across the whole brain. Oldham, et al. estimated both uncor-
project more diffusively across the cortex. Using the data provided by rected, raw correlated gene expression as well as those corrected for
the AHBA, we conducted a PLS analysis between the NEOMAPs and their intrinsic spatial autocorrelation, and found that the former shows
genetic expression of calcium-binding proteins, namely parvalbumin better performance, which motivated us to only use the uncorrected
and calbindin, which represent core and matrix cells, respectively. estimates of correlated gene expression41.
Genetic expression of parvalbumin and calbindin was derived from For the spatial parameter, we calculated the physical distance
thalamic nuclei using the abagen toolbox, based on the thalamic parcel- of a connection between brain regions using the Euclidean distance
lation derived from the Morel stereotactic atlas93,101. algorithm, based on the assumption that longer physical distances will
require more metabolic resources to form a connection, thus reflecting
Gene enrichment analyses. To characterize the biological processes of wiring cost110. The spatial factor imposes a distance-based constraint
the significant gene sets identified by PLS analysis, we used ShinyGO that forms a connection between nodes of shorter rather than longer
0.77 (ref. 32), a toolbox for testing the gene enrichment against Gene distances. As per previous studies41,42, synthetic networks formed based
Ontology Biological Processes (available at http://bioinformatics. on this rule did not show high resemblance to the empirical network To test the robustness of the results we also used because of the lack of central hub brain regions that facilitate con-
other Gene Ontology enrichment analysis toolboxes, Enrichr34–36 and nections between nodes of long-distance. Thus, following previous
g:Profiler37. The 15,631 genes retained from preprocessing the AHBA studies, we also included a topological factor that forms a connection
data were used as the background reference set. We explored the between nodes that share a certain topological feature41,42. The match-
biological processes with which the genes are significantly involved, ing index was included as the representative topological factor because
separately, based on their loading signs. Significant results are reported it showed the best performance among other topological factors in
after Benjamini–Hochberg (BH) FDR correction (q < 0.05). Finally, previous studies41,42. This rule estimates the similarity between a node’s
we fed the significant gene list into the cell-type specific expression neighborhood (whether it is connected to similar nodes) and forms a
analysis (CSEA) developmental expression tool (http://doughertylab. connection based on this overlap41,42., which utilizes the BrainSpan dataset (http:// We evaluated the model performance by comparing the synthetic for constructing developmental expression networks derived from the models to empirically extracted networks
profiles. The statistical significance of overlap between our candi- in terms of degree, clustering, betweenness, and edge length distribu-
date genes and cell-specific genes for each developmental stage was tions. For each measure, the distributions were compared using the KS
tested with Fisher’s exact test with BH multiple testing correction for statistic, a nonparametric test that quantifies the distance between
the number of cell types assayed; however, it should be noted that two distributions, where lower values imply greater similarity. For
the significant genes were extracted from the AHBA which consists conservative evaluation, we determined the performance of a given
of adult postmortem data, thus, the results shown with CSEA do not model based on the maximum KS statistic (corresponding to the least
directly reflect developmental processes, although many genes have accuracy). Next, a three-step multi-resolution optimization procedure
been found to be consistent across the lifespan and conserved during that sampled 10,000 combinations of different parameters was used
evolution102,103. Of the 550 genes, 476 genes existed in the brain region to obtain the best-fitting parameters for each model, which were used
and development expression dataset. to construct the synthetic networks for each individual, described in
detail elsewhere41,42.
Computational modeling analysis. Finally, we sought to confirm Next, we wanted to estimate how well the synthetic networks made
whether our neuroimaging findings (for example, functional effects from thalamocortical connectivity models reflect the functional seg-
of thalamocortical connectivity) do not merely describe phenom- regation between cortical networks as seen in the neuroimaging data
enological aspects of the developing brain but reflect an underly- analyses. The affinity matrices derived from the synthetic networks
ing mechanism. To this end, we employed an advanced simulation showing the best performance were analyzed in terms of modularity
approach, called ‘generative network modeling’. Using this tool, we network measure, as well as for constructing cortical gradients. The
were able to investigate the effects of thalamocortical, genetic, spatial Brain Connectivity Toolbox111 and the BrainSpace toolbox17 were used
and topological constraints by synthetically creating functional con- for these analyses, respectively. Notably, to avoid circularity in the
nectome topology within the neocortex. We used the cost-topology evaluation of thalamic contribution to cortical network formation,
tradeoff model, which has been widely implemented to study human measures such as cortical gradients and segregation index, which were
brain networks41,42,104–107 and adopted the analysis code made available not used for parameter estimation were employed. Following previous
by Oldham et al.41 ( work41,42,105–107, we modeled the binary topology of the network, with an
Model). We used the Schaefer 200 cortical parcellation and focused average connectome density threshold of 10%. To test the potential
only on the left cerebral hemisphere to match our genetic analysis and sensitivity of our results to the chosen threshold, we also conducted
also to reduce computational costs due to numerous model iterations. additional analyses with other thresholds of 5% and 15%. This analysis

Nature Neuroscience

verified that the observed patterns were not dependent on our ini- NKI-RS dataset can be downloaded from the International Neuroim-
tial threshold selection (Supplementary Fig. 6). Moreover, given the aging Data-Sharing Initiative database (
resemblance between the cortical projections of the thalamocorti- accessing-the-neuroimaging-data-releases). The sleep–wake com-
cal gradients (NEOMAP) and cortex-only gradients, we conducted a parison dataset is available from the NDAR database (https://nda.nih.
control analysis of removing the influence of both NEOMAPs from gov/; collection no. 2072). Regional microarray expression data were
the thalamocortical connectivity matrix, and used the residual data provided by the AHBA (
in generative network modeling (Extended Data Fig. 8). In addition, to and BrainSpan (
ensure the robustness and generalizability of our results, we performed We downloaded the Yeo-Krienan 7 Network Atlas and the Schaefer
two cross-validation analyses: (1) We used the thalamocortical rules atlas from
obtained from the HCPD dataset to predict the network properties of a stable_projects/brain_parcellation. The thalamic parcellation based on
second independent dataset (NKI-RS; Extended Data Fig. 9); (2) We ran the Morel stereotactic atlas was downloaded from Zenodo at https://
the generative network model in the two datasets separately, and then (ref. 112). Source data are provided with
examined the correlation between the simulated matrices derived from this paper.
the HCPD and NKI-RS datasets (see Supplementary Note ‘Sensitivity
analysis for generative network modeling’). Code availability
Finally, we tested a series of growth models based on perturba- The codes used in this study are publicly available. Preprocessing
tions to thalamo-salience connectivity in different developmental age codes for the dHCP data are available at
groups (childhood, 8–12 years; adolescence, 12–18 years; and young dhcp-structural-pipeline (structural data) and
adulthood, 18–22 years) to examine the underlying mechanism of uk/seanf/dhcp-neonatal-fmri-pipeline (functional data). Scripts to
how thalamocortical connectivity affects the functional organization align dHCP native surfaces to template space can be found at https://
across development. A total of four perturbation models were tested: The NKI-RS dataset
(1) perturbation applied to the 8–12 years age group; (2) 12–16 years was preprocessed using the ciftify toolbox from
age group; (3) 16–22 years age group; and (4) all age groups and com- edickie/ciftify. Connectopic mapping of resting-state functional data
pared to a non-perturbation growth model. Contrary to the previous was performed using The
analyses that evaluated the overall model performance across differ- ‘procrustes’ function in MATLAB was used for alignment between
ent biological, spatial and topological constraints, here, we used the individual and group-level gradients. Statistical testing of age effects
growth models ( was implemented using surface-based linear models in a MATLAB tool-
Model) to provide age-dependent developmental information of the box, SurfStat ( and https://
thalamocortical connectivity during network simulation. Perturba- The ‘silhouette’ function and
tions were made to the thalamo-salience connectivity by first identi- ‘inpolygon’ function in MATLAB was used to compute silhouette scores
fying the nodes within the salience network using the Yeo-Krienan 7 and network overlap, respectively. The ‘fitlme’ function in MATLAB was
network atlas and then randomly mixing its connections to preserve used for mixed-effects analysis, while the ‘fitrlinear’ function in MAT-
the overall amount of connectivity despite the disarranged connec- LAB was used for predictive modeling. Regional microarray expression
tivity patterns. Additionally, to investigate whether disruptions to data for the transcriptomic analysis were processed with the abagen
thalamo-salience connections result in more notable effects than toolbox (v.0.1.3; and for the
perturbations of other connections, we further tested our simulations spatial autocorrelation-preserving permutation tests, surrogate maps
with a set of ‘null models.’ These models included: (1) introducing were generated by spatially permuting parcellated brain regions using
perturbations to random nodes within the primary sensory regions the BrainSMASH Python toolbox (https://brainsmash.readthedocs.
particularly characterized for its well-known association with the io/en/latest/). Gene specificity was tested using the Gene Annotation
thalamus and showed strong connections with the thalamus during by Macroscale Brain-Imaging Association MATLAB toolbox (https://
infancy; and (2) creating disturbances in random nodes within cortical Gene enrich-
connections. Similar to perturbing thalamo-salience connectivity, ment analysis utilized ShinyGO 0.77 (http://bioinformatics.sdstate.
we identified nodes within the primary sensorimotor regions or ran- edu/go/) and a cell-type-specific expression analysis developmental
domly selected nodes across the whole network and then randomly expression tool (; v.1.1).
mixed their connections. Alternative tools including Enrichr (;
using version available after updated on 8 June 2023) and g:Profiler
Reporting summary (; v.e111_eg58_p18_30541362)
Further information on research design is available in the Nature were used for testing robustness. Generative network modeling was
Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article. implemented by adopting the analysis code made available at https:// For visualization of
Data availability NEOMAPs, including parcellation boundaries, the MATLAB codes are
The data used in this study are publicly available. The neuroimag- available at
ing data from dHCP are available at http://www.developingconnec- The following toolboxes were used for analyses of simulated data: Brain and preprocessed with connectivity toolbox ( and Brain-
available, recommended pipelines. Surface and volumetric neona- Space toolbox ( All code
tal atlas data used were downloaded from https://web.gin.g-node. adapted and generated for analyses and for creating figures are availa-
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92. Keshavan, M. S. et al. Development of the corpus callosum (S.O.), NIMH RO1 (R01MH115363 and 5R01MH133334; A.D.M.),
in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Life Sci. 70, National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
1909–1922 (2002). (NSERC Discovery-1304413; B.B.), the Canadian Institutes of Health
93. Markello, R. D. et al. Standardizing workflows in imaging Research (FDN-154298, PJT-174995 and PJT-191853; B.B.), SickKids
transcriptomics with the abagen toolbox. eLife 10, e72129 (2021). Foundation (NI17-039; B.B.), Azrieli Center for Autism Research
94. Schaefer, A. et al. Local-global parcellation of the human cerebral (ACAR-TACC; B.B.), BrainCanada (Future-Leaders, McConnell Brain
cortex from intrinsic functional connectivity MRI. Cereb. Cortex Imaging Centre Platform; B.B.), Healthy Brains and Healthy Lives,
28, 3095–3114 (2018). the Tier-2 Canada Research Chairs program (B.B.), as well as the
95. Arnatkeviciute, A., Fulcher, B. D. & Fornito, A. A practical guide Montreal Neurological Institute and its Centre of Excellence in
to linking brain-wide gene expression and neuroimaging data. Epilepsy (B.B.), National Institutes of Health grants RF1MH128696
Neuroimage 189, 353–367 (2019). (T.X.), U01DA055366 (W.G.) and the Institute for Information and
96. Quackenbush, J. Microarray data normalization and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation funded by the
transformation. Nat. Genet. 32, 496–501 (2002). Korea Government (MSIT) (2022–0–00448, RS-2022–00155915 and
97. Hawrylycz, M. et al. Canonical genetic signatures of the adult 2021–0–02068; B.Y.P.).
human brain. Nat. Neurosci. 18, 1832–1844 (2015).
98. Avants, B. B. et al. Advanced normalization tools (ANTS). Insight J. Author contributions
2, 1–35 (2009). S.P. conceived of the presented idea, performed all analyses and
99. Fulcher, B. D., Little, M. A. & Jones, N. S. Highly comparative took the lead in writing the manuscript. K.V.H. provided codes for
time-series analysis: the empirical structure of time series and the gradient mapping and discussed the findings. S.O. provided
their methods. J. R. Soc. Interface 10, 20130048 (2013). codes for the computational framework, data for comparison with
100. Jones, E. G. Viewpoint: the core and matrix of thalamic structural thalamic gradients and discussed the findings. H.C.
organization. Neuroscience 85, 331–345 (1998). contributed to visualization of figures and advised on analytic
101. Saranathan, M., Iglehart, C., Monti, M., Tourdias, T. & Rutt, B. processes. K.B. provided assistance with preprocessing the
In vivo high-resolution structural MRI-based atlas of human neuroimaging data and discussed the findings. B.P. provided
thalamic nuclei. Sci. Data 8, 275 (2021). suggestions on idea-building input and revision. P.T. provided
102. Fontana, L., Partridge, L. & Longo, V. D. Extending healthy life preprocessed neuroimaging data for the sleep–wake state
span—from yeast to humans. Science 328, 321–326 (2010). comparison data and critical feedback for revising the manuscript.

Nature Neuroscience

H.C. provided assistance with preprocessing the neuroimaging data Additional information
and revising the manuscript. W.G. provided critical feedback on the Extended data is available for this paper at
infant brain imaging analyses. T.X. provided critical feedback on the
neuroimaging gradients analyses. S.V. encouraged the investigation
of the core and matrix thalamic projections and advised on the Supplementary information The online version
implementation of the transcriptomic analyses. M.P.M. provided contains supplementary material available at
consultation on interpreting the results and revising the manuscript.
B.B. provided consultation on interpreting the results and advised on
the implementation of the transcriptomic analyses. A.D.M. provided Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
critical consultation on interpreting the results and revising the Seok-Jun Hong.
manuscript as well as the dataset for analysis of sleep–wake state
comparison. S.J.H. conceived of the presented idea, supervised the Peer review information Nature Neuroscience thanks Danyal Akarca,
project and provided funding. All authors provided critical feedback Monica Rosenberg, and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their
and contributed to the final manuscript. contribution to the peer review of this work.

Competing interests Reprints and permissions information is available at

The authors declare no competing interests.

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 1 | Replication of neuroimaging findings using the Nathan scatter plots showing significant correlation with those from HCPD dataset using
Kline Institute-Rockland Sample (NKI-RS). (a) Thalamic connectopic maps two-tailed Pearson’s correlation tests. The colorful scatter-plot in the bottom
(CMAP) derived from the NKI-RS dataset and scatter plots showing significant right corner illustrates the distribution within the NEOMAP space based on the
correlation with those from HCPD dataset using two-tailed Pearson’s correlation NKI-RS dataset.
tests. (b) Neocortical projection maps (NEOMAP) from the NKI-RS dataset and

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 2 | Associations between thalamic gradients obtained variability accounted for as a random effect (N = 29), revealed significant
from awake vs. sleep states collected in an independent sample. (a) Thalamic state-dependent variations in brain activity, surviving FDR correction (Q<0.05).
gradients are visualized at the group level for both awake and sleep states. Strong Regions outlined in white are indicative of elevated gradient values during sleep
correlations are found for both gradient 1 (r = 0.9860, p = 0) and gradient while areas marked in black signify heightened gradient values when awake. Box
2 (r = 0.9747, p = 0) using two-tailed Pearson’s correlation. (b) Correlation values plots display the median (central line) and interquartile range (IQR, the extent
between the awake and sleep state thalamic gradients for each individual are of the box). Whiskers extend to the highest value within 1.5 * IQR above the third
sorted from the lowest to highest value. Majority of the individuals show a quartile and to the lowest value within 1.5 * IQR below the first quartile. The IQR
correlation higher than 0.9 for both gradients. (c) Voxel-wise mixed-effects represents the range between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
analysis with state (sleep vs. wake) modeled as a fixed effect, with participant

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 3 | Reference coordinate system (‘NEOMAP space’) of (default mode/limbic networks) brain areas are at one end of the axis at each
the NEOMAP1 and 2 distributions. The two NEOMAPs from the childhood/ NEOMAP (the side bar graphs indicated by ➀, ➁), while the salience network is
young adult group serve each as the X and Y axis, respectively. To quantitatively commonly placed on the other end in both NEOMAPs (➂). This embedding of the
describe this space, the top and bottom 5% of the NEOMAP values at each axis salience network places itself at a ‘joint’ position that links the two other network
were evaluated for which pivotal functional networks comprise the gradient chains (that is, internal and external systems), represented by differently coded
of each NEOMAP. As shown, the external (visual/dorsal attention) and internal streamlines (dotted and solid lines, respectively).

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 4 | Quantitative analyses of functional network highlighting a decreasing overlap (=more functional differentiation) between
segregation across age. (a) The associations between silhouette scores and age external and internal networks across age groups. (c) Individual silhouette scores
were examined using two-tailed Pearson’s correlation. Significant correlations across the internally and externally oriented functional networks in two age
are reported across the networks: pertaining to external-internal in both datasets (dHCP vs. HCPD). A significant difference was found (two-tailed t = −19.8,
NEOMAPs (left; r = 0.26, p = 1.94 × 10−10), salience-external in NEOMAP1 (middle; p = 5.107 × 10−72) between the two age groups, with higher silhouette scores in the
r = 0.14, p = 6.72 × 10−4), and salience-internal in NEOMAP2 (right; r = 0.10, childhood/young adulthood group.
p = 0.01). (b) Differences in the NEOMAP space according to age groups,

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 5 | Age-related differences in (a) CMAPs and (b) NEOMAPs. number of participants for the 5 age groups are as follows: i) Infancy (<37 weeks
Significant age effects were found, controlling for sex and mean-FD, using (wks), n = 49; 37–40 wks, n = 59; 40 wks, n = 47; 41 wks, n = 48; 42–44 wks, n = 52);
surface-based linear models (that is, SurfStat). Regions that showed significant and ii) Childhood/Young adulthood (8–10 years (yrs), n = 81; 10–13 yrs, n = 125;
positive and negative aging effects at FDR-corrected p<0.05 were delineated 13–16 yrs, n = 173; 16–20 yrs, n = 141; 20–22 yrs, n = 83). Abbreviation, CMAP,
with black and white lines, respectively. Scatter plots illustrate the association thalamocortical connectopic map; NEOMAP, Neocortical projection map; mean-
between age and regions showing significant aging effects. The range and FD, mean framewise displacement.

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 6 | Results from a longitudinal analysis based on the the salience-external segregation index (t = 1.25, p = 0.21). (d) Results from a
Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample (n = 70). A mixed-effects model predictive analysis using linear regression with LASSO regularization, 5-fold
(age as a fixed effect and participant as a random effect) was applied to cross-validation, with least squares method as the learning algorithm, show that
probe the segregation indices of (a) salience-external, (b) salience-internal, changes in NEOMAPs between baseline and follow-up significantly predict the
and (c) external-internal networks. There was a significant age effect on segregation index between internal and external networks within the cortico-
the salience-internal segregation index (t = 2.35, p = 0.02) and the external- cortical gradients (mean average error = 1.91; median correlation coefficient,
internal segregation index (t = 2.63, p = 0.009), as well as a marginal trend for r = 0.33, p = 0.005). Error bands represent 95% confidence intervals.

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 7 | Model performance for all wiring rules. Model fitting performance for different wiring rules of generative network models for (a) infancy and
(b) childhood/young adulthood.

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 8 | Sensitivity analyses for testing potential circularity. matrix and used the residual information as a wiring rule in generative network
(a) The first cortico-cortical gradient displayed a significant correlation with modeling. The top panel (b. i) displays the simulated cortical gradients based
the second NEOMAP (r = 0.59, p = 3.15 × 10−38) and the first NEOMAP (r = −0.37, on the original thalamocortical connectivity rules, while the bottom panel (b. ii)
p = 2.37 × 10−14), using two-tailed Pearson’s correlation. These correlations shows the results after regressing out the NEOMAPs. A high correlation between
may indicate the possibility that the resemblance between the NEOMAPs and both sets of simulated results (r = 0.78, p = 1.70 × 10−21), using two-tailed Pearson’s
cortico-cortical gradients might influence our simulation results derived correlation, indicates that the potential effects of circularity on our findings are
from generative network modeling. (b) Results from a sensitivity analysis that minimal.
regressed out both NEOMAPs from the thalamocortical connectivity adjacency

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 9 | Cross-validation analysis of generative modeling using modularity, calculated from each synthetic network based on different wiring
the independent NKI-RS dataset. Generative modeling results from NKI-RS rules, were analyzed using ANOVA (N = 70) with Bonferroni correction, resulting
dataset using the predefined wiring rules derived from HCPD (a) Model fit and in a significant group difference (F = 31.04, p = 1.55 × 10−11). Segregation indices
network measures from the simulated data including (b) network modularity, computed from the individual synthetic networks based on different wiring rules
(c) cortical gradients and (d) segregation indices. Comparison of network are shown with error bars indicating standard deviation (N = 70).

Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 10 | Sensitivity assessment for perturbation analysis across all regions. Cortical gradients derived from simulated matrices after
using null models. Differences in the segregation index resulting from the perturbations to random nodes (c) within primary sensory regions and (d) across
perturbation to random nodes (a) within primary sensory regions and (b) all regions.

Nature Neuroscience
nature portfolio | reporting summary
Corresponding author(s): Seok-Jun Hong
Last updated by author(s): Apr 18, 2024

Reporting Summary
Nature Portfolio wishes to improve the reproducibility of the work that we publish. This form provides structure for consistency and transparency
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Only common tests should be described solely by name; describe more complex techniques in the Methods section.

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Our web collection on statistics for biologists contains articles on many of the points above.

Software and code

Policy information about availability of computer code
Data collection Open-source neuroimaging datasets from two cohorts of the Human Connectome Project (HCP), the developing HCP (dHCP) and
HCPDevelopment (HCPD), were used. A separate dataset from the Nathan Kline Institute - Rockland Sample (NKI-RS) was used for replication
dHCP: MR images were acquired on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner equipped with a dedicated neonatal imaging system and a neonatal 32
channel phased array head coil at the Evelina Neonatal Imaging Centre, St Thomas’ Hospital, London.
HCPD: Participants are scanned on Siemens 3T Prisma (whole-body scanner with 80mT/m gradient coil, slew rate of 200T/m/s; Siemens 32-
channel head coil; software version: E11C) using matched protocols across 4 sites (Harvard University, University of California – Los Angeles,
University of Minnesota, and Washington University in St. Louis) in the United States.
NKI-RS: Scanned using a 3.0T Siemens TIM Trio located at the Nathan Kline Institute, with a resting state sequence of a multiband imaging
protocol (T= 645 ms/3 mm isotropic voxels).
For more details on data collection, please refer to the following references:
- dHCP: Edwards, A. David, et al. "The developing human connectome project neonatal data release." Frontiers in neuroscience 16 (2022):
- HCPD: Somerville, L. H. et al. The Lifespan Human Connectome Project in Development: A large-scale study of brain connectivity
development in 5–21 year olds. Neuroimage 183, 456–468 (2018).
- NKI-RS: Nooner, K. B. et al. The NKI-Rockland Sample: A Model for Accelerating the Pace of Discovery Science in Psychiatry. Front. Neurosci.
April 2023

6, 152 (2012).

Data analysis The codes used in this study are publicly available. Preprocessing codes for the dHCP data are available at
structural-pipeline (structural data) and (functional data). Scripts to align dHCP
native surfaces to template space can be found at The NKI-RS dataset was

preprocessed using the ciftify toolbox from Connectopic mapping of resting-state functional data was
performed using The 'procrustes' function in MATLAB was used for alignment between individual and

nature portfolio | reporting summary

group level gradients. Statistical testing of age effects was implemented using surface-based linear models in a Matlab toolbox, SurfStat
(; The 'silhouette' function and ‘inpolygon’ function in
MATLAB was used to compute silhouette scores and network overlap, respectively. The 'fitlme' function in MATLAB was used for mixed
effects analysis while the 'fitrlinear' function in MATLAB was used for predictive modeling. Regional microarray expression data for the
transcriptomic analysis was processed with the abagen toolbox (version 0.1.3;, and for the spatial
autocorrelation-preserving permutation tests, surrogate maps were generated by spatially permuting parcellated brain regions using the
BrainSMASH python toolbox ( Gene specificity was tested using the Gene Annotation by
Macroscale Brain-Imaging Association Matlab toolbox ( Gene enrichment analysis
utilized ShinyGO 0.77 ( and a cell-type specific expression analysis developmental expression tool
(; version 1.1). Alternative tools including Enrichr (; using version
available after updated on June 8, 2023) and g:Profiler (; version e111_eg58_p18_30541362) were used for
testing robustness. Generative network modeling was implemented by adopting the analysis code made available at
StuartJO/GenerativeNetworkModel. For visualization of NEOMAPs including parcellation boundaries the matlab codes available at https:// The following toolboxes were used for analyses of simulated data: Brain connectivity toolbox
( and Brainspace toolbox (
All code generated for analyses and for creating figures are available at:
For manuscripts utilizing custom algorithms or software that are central to the research but not yet described in published literature, software must be made available to editors and
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- A description of any restrictions on data availability
- For clinical datasets or third party data, please ensure that the statement adheres to our policy

The data used in this study are publicly available. The neuroimaging data from dHCP is available at
data-release/ and preprocessed with available, recommended pipelines. Surface and volumetric neonatal atlas used were downloaded from https://web.gin.g- and,
respectively. The HCPD data can be downloaded from the NDA website at
20and%20Development. The minimally preprocessed structural and functional data from the public release HCP pipelines v3.22 (
University/HCPpipelines) that were released as a part of the Lifespan HCP-Development Release 2.0 were used. The NKI-RS dataset can be downloaded from the
International Neuroimaging Data-Sharing Initiative database ( The sleep/wake comparison
dataset is available from the NDAR database (; Collection # 2072). Regional microarray expression data were provided by the Allen Human Brain
Atlas ( and BrainSpan ( We downloaded the Yeo-Krienan 7
Network Atlas and the Schaefer atlas from

Research involving human participants, their data, or biological material

Policy information about studies with human participants or human data. See also policy information about sex, gender (identity/presentation),
and sexual orientation and race, ethnicity and racism.
Reporting on sex and gender This study reports on self-reported participant sex (as a biological attribute). For dHCP, 107 males and 88 females, for HCPD,
417 males and 186 females and for NKI-RS, 33 males and 37 females were included. Study findings apply to both male and
female sexes. Sex was considered as a potential covariate in all statistical analyses.

Reporting on race, ethnicity, or The dHCP dataset does not provide information on race, ethnicity, or other socially relevant groupings. The HCPD dataset
other socially relevant does report on race/ethnicity, however we did not use this information as a part of our analyses. We did not use any
groupings information related to race or ethnicity for the NKI-RS dataset.

Population characteristics dHCP: All anatomical scans were reviewed by a neuroradiologist who provided a radiology score. Scans with a score of 3
(incidental findings with unlikely clinical significance but possible analysis significance) or 5 (incidental findings with possible/
likely significance for both clinical and imaging analysis) were excluded from further analyses. After quality control and
preprocessing, the final sample consisted of 195 healthy term infants (107 male, mean [SD] gestational age at birth=39.9
[1.26] weeks, age at scan=41.0 [1.67] weeks) and 60 pre-term infants (42 male, gestational age at birth=32.6 [3.12] weeks, at
scan=35.5 [2.78] weeks).
HCPD: After quality control and preprocessing, the final sample consisted of 603 healthy participants (417 male, mean [SD]
age=14.8 [3.88] years). Participants were excluded for insufficient English, premature birth, MRI contraindications, or a
lifetime history of serious medical conditions, endocrine disorders, head injury, psychiatric/neurodevelopmental disorders.
NKI-RS: To ensure replicability, we utilized the cross-sectional and longitudinal pediatric data from an independent open-
source dataset, the Nathan Kline Institute / Rockland Sample (NKI-RS; n=71 (34 male); age range 6 - 19 years; mean [SD]
age=10.9±2.9). Initially, we selected participants without any prior diagnosis and who had at least two timepoints of fMRI
April 2023

Recruitment Various recruitment methods were employed to gather participants, including targeting related siblings for the HCP data,
which were not directly related to the objectives of the current study. However, our findings are not likely to be affected by
the recruitment approach used.

Ethics oversight All participants provided written informed consent statements before participation in the study. The dHCP data were

nature portfolio | reporting summary

reviewed and approved by United Kingdom Health Research Authority (Research Ethics Committee reference number: 14/
LO/1169). Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the participants’ legal guardian/next of kin.
The HCP data were acquired using protocols approved by the Washington University institutional review board. For the NKI-
RS, Institutional Review Board Approval was obtained at the Nathan Kline Institute (Phase I #226781 and Phase II #239708)
and at Montclair State University (Phase I #000983A and Phase II #000983B). All data articles of the open-source datasets
used in this study mention that written consent was obtained from all participants or a parent/legal guardian in the case of
those under 18 years of age. Information regarding the participant compensation is currently not available on the websites
and/or data papers.

Note that full information on the approval of the study protocol must also be provided in the manuscript.

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Life sciences Behavioural & social sciences Ecological, evolutionary & environmental sciences
For a reference copy of the document with all sections, see

Life sciences study design

All studies must disclose on these points even when the disclosure is negative.
Sample size We included all available data from the relevant datasets, after applying several exclusion criteria explained below.

Data exclusions The dHCP second release dataset consists of a developmental sample of n=558 (224 female). Among individuals with both structural and
functional MRI scans (n=461) individuals with a neuro-radiological score of 3 (incidental findings with unlikely clinical significance but possible
analysis significance) or 5 (incidental findings with possible/likely significance for both clinical and imaging analysis) were excluded (n=374).
The final sample consisted of a total of 255 infants (106 females), after the MRI scans finished preprocessing without errors, survived motion-
related quality control (mean framewise displacement [FD] < 0.4) as well as showed strong resemblance between the individual thalamic
gradient and group-level gradient.
The HCPD dataset consists of a total of n=652. Likewise, among individuals with both structural and functional MRI scans, those that survived
the preprocessing pipeline and motion-related quality control of Mean FD < 0.4 (n=615), as well as showed strong spatial correlation to the
group-level thalamic gradient were included resulting in a final sample of n=603 (327 females).
NKI-RS: NKI-RS: To ensure replicability, we utilized the cross-sectional and longitudinal pediatric data from an independent open-source
dataset, the Nathan Kline Institute / Rockland Sample (NKI-RS; n=71 (34 male); age range 6 - 19 years; mean [SD] age=10.9±2.9). We selected
participants without any prior diagnosis and who had at least two time-points of all imaging data modalities.

Replication The results were reproduced over several relevant biological and image-processing factors, including 1) an independent dataset (i.e., NKI-RS)
utilizing both cross-sectional and longitudinal samples, 2) global signal regression, 3) sleep-wake state dependency, 4) different gene
enrichment analysis tools.

Randomization As this study did not entail distinct experimental groups or conditions, randomization was not performed.

Blinding Each participant in the study underwent an identical study protocol, and there was no allocation to distinct experimental groups. Thus
blinding was unnecessary.

Reporting for specific materials, systems and methods

We require information from authors about some types of materials, experimental systems and methods used in many studies. Here, indicate whether each material,
system or method listed is relevant to your study. If you are not sure if a list item applies to your research, read the appropriate section before selecting a response.

Materials & experimental systems Methods

n/a Involved in the study n/a Involved in the study
Antibodies ChIP-seq
Eukaryotic cell lines Flow cytometry
Palaeontology and archaeology MRI-based neuroimaging
Animals and other organisms
Clinical data
Dual use research of concern
April 2023


nature portfolio | reporting summary
Seed stocks NA

Novel plant genotypes NA

Authentication NA

Magnetic resonance imaging

Experimental design
Design type Resting-state functional MRI

Design specifications NA

Behavioral performance measures NA

Imaging type(s) Resting-state functional MRI

Field strength 3 Tesla

Sequence & imaging parameters dHCP: High-resolution T2w and T1w structural images were acquired with 0.8 mm isotropic spatial resolution and
thickness of 1.6mm, overlapped by 0.8 mm (T2w: TE/TR=156 ms/12 s; T1w: TE/TR/TI=8.7/4795/1740 ms). Resting-state
fMRI data were acquired using multiband accelerated echo-planar imaging for approximately 15 minutes (TE/
TR=38ms/392ms, flip angle=34°, spatial resolution=2.15 mm isotropic, 2300 volumes). Single-band reference scans
were also collected with bandwidth matched readout and additional spin-echo EPI acquisitions with both AP/PA
HCPD: T1-weighted images were acquired using a 3D multi-echo MPRAGE sequence (TR=2500, TI=1000 ms,
TE=1.8/3.6/5.4/7.2 ms, flip angle=8°, FOV=256×240×166 mm, 320×300 matrix, 208 slices, 0.8 mm isotropic voxels).
Resting-state fMRI data were acquired with a multiband gradient-recalled (GRE) EPI sequence (TR=800 ms, TE=37 ms,
flip angle=52°, FOV=208 mm, 104×90 matrix, 72 oblique axial slices, 2 mm isotropic voxels, multiband acceleration
factor of 8, 1912 volumes).
NKI-RS: A 3.0-T Siemens MAGNETOM Trio-Tim scanner was used to collect resting state fMRI data using the following
imaging parameters: TR =645 ms, TE =30 ms, 40 slices, flip angle = 60° and voxel size = 3.0 × 3.0 × 3.0 mm.

Area of acquisition whole brain

Diffusion MRI Used Not used

Preprocessing software We refer the reader to the original articles (and related reporting summaries) for a detailed description: dHCP MRI
preprocessing - Makropoulos et al., 2018 (NIMG) & Fitzgibbon et al., 2020 (NIMG); and HCPD MRI preprocessing – Somerville
et al., 2018 (NIMG). A summary can be found in the article methods section.

Normalization We refer the reader to the original articles (and related reporting summaries) for a detailed description: dHCP MRI
preprocessing - Makropoulos et al., 2018 (NIMG) & Fitzgibbon et al., 2020 (NIMG); and HCPD MRI preprocessing – Somerville
et al., 2018 (NIMG). A summary can be found in the article methods section.

Normalization template We refer the reader to the original articles (and related reporting summaries) for a detailed description: dHCP MRI
preprocessing - Makropoulos et al., 2018 (NIMG) & Fitzgibbon et al., 2020 (NIMG); and HCPD MRI preprocessing – Somerville
et al., 2018 (NIMG). A summary can be found in the article methods section.

Noise and artifact removal We excluded participants with mean framewise displacement (FD) > 0.4 mm, which enables a trade-off between sample size
April 2023

and data quality.

Volume censoring The first 10 volumes were discarded to achieve steady-state magnetization of the fMRI signal

Statistical modeling & inference

nature portfolio | reporting summary

Model type and settings Neuroimaging analysis: We estimated thalamocortical connectopic maps, which represent dominant modes of functional
connectivity change within the thalamus, based on the voxel-wise connectivity between each thalamic voxel and the
neocortex, and its neocortical projection maps. This procedure is described in Haak et al., 2018 (NIMG).
Transcriptomic analysis: Partial least squares (PLS) analysis was used to investigate the correlation with gene expression
patterns. An ensemble of randomized null phenotypes controlling for spatial autocorrelation (SBP-spatial models) were used
to verify the statistical significance of these correlations. The surrogate maps of spatially permuting parcellated brain regions
while conserving for spatial autocorrelation were generated using the BrainSMASH python toolbox (https:// We further assessed the specificity of our genes of interest using the most stringent
null-brain-gene model that generates null distributions based on random genes that are over-expressed in brain tissues
(n=2,711 selected by q < 0.05, FDR correction, one-sided two-sample t-test comparing brain tissues and other body tissues)
via the Gene Annotation by Macroscale Brain-imaging Association Matlab toolbox. The significant gene sets were analyzed
for biological processes and cell-type specificity using ShinyGO and cell-type specific expression analysis (CSEA), respectively.
For the former, significant results are reported after Benjamin-Hochberg FDR correction (q<0.05). For the latter, statistical
significance of overlap between our candidate genes and cell-specific genes for each developmental stage was tested with
Fisher’s exact test with Benjamin-Hochberg multiple testing correction for the number of cell types assayed. Genes enriched
in a particular cell type were identified by specificity index p-value (pSI), where lower pSI values indicate more specific genes.
Computational modeling: Generative network modeling based on the cost-topology trade-off model was used to investigate
the effects of thalamocortical, genetic, spatial, and topological constraints by synthetically creating functional connectome
topology. Model performance was evaluated by comparing the synthetic networks derived from the models to empirically
extracted networks in terms of degree, clustering, betweenness, and edge length distributions. For each measure, the
distributions were compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, a non-parametric test that quantifies the distance
between two distributions, where lower values imply greater similarity. Detailed descriptions for generative network
modeling are in Oldham et al., 2022.

Effect(s) tested Neuroimaging analysis: These maps were statistically tested for significant aging effects at FDR-corrected p<0.05, controlling
for sex and mean FD, using surface-based linear models implemented in SurfStat.
Transcriptomic analysis: PLS analysis with an ensemble of randomized null phenotypes controlling for spatial autocorrelation
(SBP-spatial models) were used to verify the statistical significance of correlations with gene expression patterns.
Computational modeling: Model performance was evaluated by comparing the synthetic networks derived from the models
to empirically extracted networks in terms of degree, clustering, betweenness, and edge length distributions. For each
measure, the distributions were compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic.

Specify type of analysis: Whole brain ROI-based Both

Statistic type for inference Neuroimaging analysis: Voxelwise, massive univariate analysis with an FDR-corrected p<0.05
(See Eklund et al. 2016)

Correction Neuroimaging analysis: False discovery rate correction was used

Transcriptomic analysis: spin tests and Benjamin-Hochberg FDR correction was used
Computational modeling: Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and a conservative 3-step multi-resolution optimization procedure
that sampled 10,000 combinations of different parameters was used to obtain the best-fitting parameters.

Models & analysis

n/a Involved in the study
Functional and/or effective connectivity
Graph analysis
Multivariate modeling or predictive analysis

Functional and/or effective connectivity Neuroimaging analysis: Thalamocortical connectopic maps were calculated by conducting dimensionality
reduction on a similarity matrix which was derived from a Pearson correlation matrix between the functional
connectivity of thalamus and neocortex.

Graph analysis Computational modeling: To estimate how well the synthetic networks made from thalamocortical
connectivity models reflect the functional segregation between cortical networks as seen in the
neuroimaging data analyses, the affinity matrices derived from the synthetic networks showing best
performance were analyzed in terms of modularity network measure, which was derived using the Brain
Connectivity Toolbox.

Multivariate modeling and predictive analysis Two distinct analyses were performed on the longitudinal dataset. The first analysis involved a mixed effects
model, where we employed the 'fitlme' function in MATLAB to execute the mixed effects analysis. In the
model, age was treated as a fixed effect and participant as a random effect to model the segregation indices
of both salience-external and salience-internal networks. Secondly, we aimed to estimate the influence of
thalamocortical connectivity development on network differentiation of the neocortex during later
April 2023

developmental stages. For this, we applied a supervised learning framework using the 'fitrlinear' function in
MATLAB, with a 5-fold cross-validation, employing least squares and lasso regularization. Specifically, we
investigated whether the difference of the thalamocortical NEOMAPs between follow-up and baseline data
can predict the segregation index between internal and external networks within the ‘cortico-cortical’
gradients. The mean average error and median correlation coefficient were used for evaluating model fit.

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